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@Just call me AL

I read Ashes from the Past some time ago. It was incomplete at that time, so I stopped at the last update. Right now, I'm reading And So We Fight, a novelization of Hyrule Warriors.

If you could relive a historic decade of music, fashion, art and architecture from the 20th Century, which would it be. This, of course is under the assumption that we can carry over today's level of political correctness to that particular era.



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3 hours ago, Motendra said:

Might you permit that we become friends?

WELL then....You're quite the interesting fellow, aren't you? Suddenly your sig makes sense now

I suppose I can condone you deeming me as your friend, as long as you desist referring to me a "fellow" that is. Such a term is commonly exclusive to male denizens and needless to say, such a colloquial term is mildly vulgar!  Mind you, one ought to relinquish all delusions of me potentially being emotionally attached to another individual. Simply put, we can be as much as "friends" as I could possibly deem another as. Of course, if you are referring to "Fire Emblem Heroes", then you merely must notify me of what your username might be.

If I may ask, what is your most ideal occupation?

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Have you ever been fishing?

On 8/25/2017 at 11:14 PM, Rex Glacies said:

What makes Mystery of the Emblem your favorite Fire Emblem?

I like the simplicity of it. I also appreciate the large cast, as it leaves a great diversity of choices I can make when doing a playthrough.

Book 1 in particular is, IMO, one of the most replayable games in the series.

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What constitutes a friend to you? (was meant for Clarine, but sure I suppose)

2 hours ago, henrymidfields said:

I certainly do.

Any game franchise that lost your love you once had?

Pokemon once Gen V became a thing.

6 minutes ago, Clarine said:

I suppose I can condone you deeming me as your friend, as long as you desist referring to me a "fellow" that is. Such a term is commonly exclusive to male denizens and needless to say, such a colloquial term is mildly vulgar!  Mind you, one ought to relinquish all delusions of me potentially being emotionally attached to another individual. Simply put, we can be as much as "friends" as I could possibly deem another as. Of course, if you are referring to "Fire Emblem Heroes", then you merely must notify me of what your username might be.

If I may ask, what is your most ideal occupation?

Oh my word... You must forgive me for such a gauche breach in etiquette! And good heavens perish the thought! Perhaps the vulgarity of my "interests" might have illustrated a... different portrayal of my character,but I must assure you that this is no case of that. I will never claim to be a saint, but I could never tell a lie

I was not entirely speaking in referral to "Fire Emblem Heroes" but that works as well! You'll find that I always run Michalis

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What video games are you in the middle of right now, and if none, what game did you play most recently?

On 8/30/2017 at 1:18 AM, Clarine said:

And now, just what would you deem to be your most interesting characteristic or trait?


This requires a lot of thought.

Well, from my own perspective, I suppose it would be my unending pursuit of knowledge. I am always willing to learn new things, and often procrastinate simply by looking stuff up on Wikipedia, unfortunately. This information can range from historical topics to outer space to different climates and biomes across the world.

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3 minutes ago, Rex Glacies said:

What video games are you in the middle of right now, and if none, what game did you play most recently?

P4 DAN and Persona Q. I'm also player 2 in a Tales of Berseria playthrough.

Same question, except with books instead of video games.

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As I assume you are an anime fan, favorite anime?

13 minutes ago, Gemma said:

Same question, except with books instead of video games.

I am currently in the middle of a book called "Riders," which is about four 18-21-year-olds who "died" but came back to life and are granted the powers of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse and have to fight a group of demons. It's interesting, though it does have a few flaws. That would be it though - I usually only read one book at a time.

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10 hours ago, Motendra said:

Who's the best in ToX and why do you agree it to be Gaius?


If by part you mean story, then Jude.

I'm assuming you meant this Erston guy?
He has one of the best voices in videogames and I find most of his conversations amusing. Gameplaywise he's alright, not my favorite though.

Also my previous question was referred, if you prefer Xillia 1 or 2, but I know it wasn't quite obvious.

Videogame character with your most favorite voice?

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2 hours ago, Motendra said:

What constitutes a friend to you? (was meant for Clarine, but sure I suppose)

Oh my word... You must forgive me for such a gauche breach in etiquette! And good heavens perish the thought! Perhaps the vulgarity of my "interests" might have illustrated a... different portrayal of my character,but I must assure you that this is no case of that. I will never claim to be a saint, but I could never tell a lie

I was not entirely speaking in referral to "Fire Emblem Heroes" but that works as well! You'll find that I always run Michalis

Please, you ought to converse normally. I say, I am unspeakably tired of many attempting to mimic my speech style! If I am to say, I can condone seeing myself as such but when other individuals attempt, such sentences are dreadfully forced. That, of course, is due to the fact such just happens to be forced. To state this directly, you are not behooved to converse similar to me for my sake. But of course, I also do not expect anyone to direct anything towards me in a most informal manner.

Regarding your enquiry of what constitutes as a friend, I suppose I can deem those I condone conversing with to be my friend. That is until I grew tired of such an individual in which they would be no better than a common individual. I, for one, never grow emotionally attached to anyone so as such, one might even say I truly lack an authentic "friendship".

Very well, so I must ask, might I to be expecting a "friend request"? If one must know, I am using my mascot 5-Stars +1 Clarine but of course, I can also set my Brave Lance+ +1 Clive if such is desired.

3 hours ago, Robert of Normandy said:

Have you ever been fishing?

No, I have not. Such is simply due to my sheltered life and as such, my father or mother rarely permitted me to partake in similar "outdoor activities". Of course, I never truly was interested in fishing.

And just what video game genres are you especially fond of?

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3 minutes ago, Aya Shameimaru said:

same question

I am most fond of real-time strategy, platformer, role-playing and platformer video games. Of course, a lady such as myself would be willing to play most genres of video games. If I may add, I am also mildly fond of some types of puzzle video games. As curious as it may be, I can also play "third-person shooters" most excellently!

If an individual such as yourself could live in any fictional video game world, where might it be?

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How well do you take flattery?

7 hours ago, Gemma said:

Urban Legend in Limbo

favorite milkshake flavor?

Birthday cake

4 hours ago, Clarine said:

Please, you ought to converse normally. I say, I am unspeakably tired of many attempting to mimic my speech style! If I am to say, I can condone seeing myself as such but when other individuals attempt, such sentences are dreadfully forced. That, of course, is due to the fact such just happens to be forced. To state this directly, you are not behooved to converse similar to me for my sake. But of course, I also do not expect anyone to direct anything towards me in a most informal manner.

Regarding your enquiry of what constitutes as a friend, I suppose I can deem those I condone conversing with to be my friend. That is until I grew tired of such an individual in which they would be no better than a common individual. I, for one, never grow emotionally attached to anyone so as such, one might even say I truly lack an authentic "friendship".

Very well, so I must ask, might I to be expecting a "friend request"? If one must know, I am using my mascot 5-Stars +1 Clarine but of course, I can also set my Brave Lance+ +1 Clive if such is desired.

Haha, I was wondering when you were going to notice. Imitation is the highest form of flattery, won't you agree, oh goddess of high society?

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9 hours ago, Clarine said:

If I may ask, what is your most ideal occupation?

It would be good if I can do some academic work in addition to my current job, which is being the resident architect / design manager for a construction company specialising in heritage conservation. I love writing and thinking about architectural history.

On a related note, my graduation paper was about the restoration work on historical Tokyo Central Station, which was greatly influenced by British styles from the late-19th and early-20th Centuries. In fact, the architectural scene, the railroad engineering, and the navy were all established with the aid of British advisers during the Meiji era.

Do you know any member here through real-life?

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On 8/29/2017 at 7:42 PM, Slade said:

Which FE character resembles you the best, character-wise?

I would have to say Hardin (Fire Emblem I/III/XI/XII). I have observed that his character (both pre- and post-corruption) is similar to mine.

What team are you on in the Voting Gauntlet?

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3 hours ago, Gemma said:

Would you say that you follow your greatest convictions?

At least in terms of architectural tastes and professions, yes.

Have you read Blah the Prussian's Alternate History of the Twentieth Century?


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@Ottokar: Sorry, I don't have a link to that one...

There are probably several, but Martin Luther King comes to mind first. Having to learn about his struggles when I was in elementary school in the US (through assignments and schoolwork), he was very inspirational, and made me more aware of just how diverse our world is. This awareness would simply not happen if my family didn't move to the US, as Japan was then, and still is comparatively monocultural.
Or in terms of music, I love Leonard Bernstein, as he had a comparatively unique artistic sense of making fine classical music from jazz and rock n' roll music. Duke Ellington is also another favourite, as he similarly elevated jazz to a respected art form.
In terms of architecture, I love how Auguste Perret from France retains the classical elegance of his buildings, albeit in much simplified forms. On the other hand, Kingo Tatsuno, the first generation of Japanese architects have (and had) many buildings that Japan could really be proud of.

Which country are you from? And what attractions would be good for a history study in your country?

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In the sense of ethnicity: Bangladesh. For historical study I would recommend the old town of Dhaka, the ruins of Sonargaon, and the various independence monuments throughout the country. Furthermore I would consult with a Bengali about the political situation in Bangladesh before going there, as the country is riven by various religious, sociopolitical, and ideological divides that stem from the Independence War in 1971, and an understanding of this complex situation would help you understand certain things that might happen while you are there. Furthermore, there are some times when the country is politically unstable enough that no-one but a person who has lived in Bangladesh and knows what's going on should go there.

In the sense of citizenship: Canada. Here I recommend the Parliament, the old town of Quebec, the various national museums, and monuments such as Vimy Ridge (which is actually an extraterritorial Canadian property) and the War Memorials. If you want a taste of First Nations culture, I would go to a tourist bureau and ask for "First Nations/Aboriginal attractions."

I repeat your question.

Edited by Ottokar
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13 hours ago, Motendra said:

How well do you take flattery?

Haha, I was wondering when you were going to notice. Imitation is the highest form of flattery, won't you agree, oh goddess of high society?

I, for one, can take flattery most excellently! Of course, one such as myself simply cannot condone an individual coaxing me with such a thing for their own ulterior motive.
My, referring to me as a goddess is... most flattering to say the least. Very well, you have my gratitude.

Mind you, I truly cannot agree to such a statement, for I believe the highest form of flattery towards an individual is "loyalty". In fact, I have come to believe that imitation just happens to commonly be a manifestation of envy or a lack of originality. Would you not simply agree?

What might you consider to be your most peculiar passion?

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7 hours ago, Ottokar said:


What team are you on in the Voting Gauntlet?

I stopped playing Heroes, but by the looks of it... I would be on team Lyn.


Can you rule the world and still finish all your homework?

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