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Yes... Aside from that...

I feel like that 90% of the time; if worse... 24/7, always negative. Okay, I am negative all the time; not the fact I don't even care about myself anyways.

Most annoying FE boss?

Edited by King of Failures
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Bad luck loves to bite my ass often. It's annoying and it does always do the worst timing which embarrasses me in some moments hence FAIL.

Now, who is Yuyuko? O_o

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Do it the reversed way.... I forgot placing the wannabe bits before doing it... crap...

Joke Bit: I'd actually slap her with a dead fish over 9,000 times with an extra pipebomb in the face for her to blow up.

Bad Bit: I have a sadistic streak when depressed.

Now, most awkward TF2 moment?

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In the Saxton Hale mod, the bosses are only able to attack at melee range, yet due to server lag and the like, you often end up getting hit while at an otherwise safe distance away. This wouldn't be so bad except for the fact that's played in arena mode, meaning you don't respawn until the next round.

Also once while on a trade server I was pasting "LF somethingwfwgwe I don't remember" repeatedly, while also posting on the "Guess the favorite FE character" thread, and got a bit mixed up with the clipboard and accidentally said my post on the trade server. Oops. :sweatdrop:

Worst hack you've played?

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I recall playing a certain Pokemon hack which I can't remember.

It used some pretty disturbing lines such "BOOM! Headshot!" for Critical Hits and "It's not very effective, stupid!" for NE hits; which made me tore my scalp in rage.

Now, same question? Anyways I'll be sleeping in a bit and hopefully lash off my rage after I wake up by morning.

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Pretty much a large portion of SMW hacks that I've played.

Also, Good night.

What would you do if someone like Togie came here and tried to take Thany?

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I shall answer this before I sleep...

"Whack him with a dead fish; then shove his ass on a rocket launcher towards Hilda; literally blowing them up both in the process; works best if the rocket has Napalm and Nukes together!"

Okay, night-night!

Now, what is an El Jefe? I am very curious...

P.S Yuyuko makes TF2 interesting.

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