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Reason why you like nomads a lot?

Honestly, I am not completely sure. O_o They just look cool, and their caps are among the best. 30 speed, with most of them being fast enough to come close to reaching it? Mounted as well? Yes, please!

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How are you today?

Good, but tired. At between 1-3 this morning, I wrote part 1 of the Folgore Rangers origin story. And I was working on part 2 of the origins story for 2-3 hours. Just finished it now.

What's up?

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It just seemed...right. I've wanted to join for a long while, and I think we discussed it at FanFiction. I'm a huge FE fan, and this site was perfect to register at.

Reason you joined?

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Same reason as you. My friends at FFN were not on as often, and our board seemed to be dying. So I came here, because it's far more active here.

Least favorite FE character of all games you know of?

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Favourite member?!

You had to ask that!?

Well, let's see ... of all the people I've talked to, I get along with General Horace, Elieson, and deranger a lot. And Doku's funny too, but I don't talk to him as much. Honestly, I like all of my friends.

Closest SF friend?

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To Naglfar: Favourite Light/Dark magic tome besides Naglfar?

To crashman since I got ninja'd: Do you have any real life or online friends you can let off some steam to? It's probably one of the best general ways of dealing with stress. I'm willing to volunteer for that if you don't have anyone to talk to.

Favorite NES game?

It'd probably be Kirby's Adventure. One of the few NES games with saving, fun and versatile side scrolling action, lots of powers to choose from, plenty of minigames, an epic 8-bit soundtrack, what's not to like?

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To Naglfar: Favourite Light/Dark magic tome besides Naglfar?

I would say Gleipnir.

Did you know that when you hit the reply button, it will take the most recent version of the post even if you haven't refreshed the page?

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Have you had any contact with the Naglfar from GameFAQs? Or are you actually him and are just being silly?

To crashman since I got ninja'd: Do you have any real life or online friends you can let off some steam to? It's probably one of the best general ways of dealing with stress. I'm willing to volunteer for that if you don't have anyone to talk to.

I have some people to talk to, yes. Thank You though. :)

Favourite Yoshi colour?

I remember the black and white ones as being special in Yoshi's Story.

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Have you had any contact with the Naglfar from GameFAQs? Or are you actually him and are just being silly?

I might have, once, I think? Not enough to have formed any opinion of him, nor do I know anything about him. Why is that still my user title anyway? It's been like two and a half years for god's sake.

There are three gorgeous women, one white, one black, one asian. Which one do you play Mario Party with?

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