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Super ironic. Doku cursed her because she was the reason Horace beat him in the FE4 1st generation draft. And now, Shin always drafts her. That's right, Horace is the reason Shin drafts Sylvia!

How's FRDCT going?

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I used to really like Sumia, but...I don't know why, but I don't really care for her. I think Donny and Krom are cool, though. Olivia, too.

What do you think of FE11?

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Zzzz ... seriously ... I can't bring myself to replay it like other FEs.

Reason you now dislike Sumia?

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I guess now that we know more about her character, she just seems like some typical anime girl. I don't really like that in a FE character.

Why have you disliked Sumia?

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I've been a bit sour since her description first went up. "is a klutz and as such feels as if she isn't up to the task. Has the mysterious ability to understand the feelings of animals." Being a klutz is fine. Feeling that you aren't up to the task, especially if said task is something as serious as preventing war, is not something I want to hear of a character. Giving someone the "ability to understand feelings of animals" is Sparklypoo. Micaiah, I can understand because of her powers and heritage. As far as we know, Sumia is just an ordinary girl with no noteworthy special abilities or heritage. So why?

Reasons that make you dislike a character?

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The same reason as you, I guess.

Favorite non-Sylvia FE4 character.

Fin, and I like him better than Sylvia, actually.

It better be Fin!

In fact, he should be above Sylvia on your list.

Happy Refa?

Anyways, favorite FE5 character other than Fin?

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Haha, I probably wouldn't be mad at anyone you picked.

Although I would snicker if it was Arden. JUST A LITTLE.

Carrion. I dunno why, maybe it's after someone was like HE'S PROTO-SETH and I was like I SEE YOU BRO.

Favourite holy weapon?

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Because in Chapter 1 you see Eltshan kicking ass with it, and he's kind of a bro, so you're like


Then all of your hopes are crushed in Chapter 3 (concidentially the same chapter you get GAEBORG 2.0) and you're like NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO (also you know how good it is if he ever stabby stabbbies you with it).

But then Chapter 7! You get a Social Knight and what's that he's holding? YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS

Favourite FE map theme, gogogogo....





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Most hated chapter in an FE game?

Reason why you joined SF?

To have a rematch against someone I battled against in FE11's random opponent WiFi battle. Seriously.

Edited by Zak defender of...
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Eltshan isn't my favourite FE boss!

...Wait, actually I have no clue hold on.

OK, he's up there.

I'll go with Orson!

Favourite non FE game series, roll with it.

So far:


Reason why you joined SF?

Hey, we share the same favourite FE4 map.

To get help with drafting thanks to this draft Toothache hosted on another swank forumssss.

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