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What are some of your biggest pet peeves?

I've been told I'm charismatic, but I'm not totally sure I buy it.

Well, you definitely come off that way on SF, especially with things like your Palutena and Mewtwo support for SSB4.

What would you describe yourself?

How'd I describe myself? I guess I'd say I'm quiet, awkward, weird, smart, hard-working, eager to improve myself, irritable, respectful, among other things.

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What are some of your biggest pet peeves?

Selfishness and public displays of affection. It especially gets weird with high school girls when they call each other sweetie. >_>

Edited by Athena
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What Final Fantasy games have you played?

Selfishness and public displays of affection. It especially gets weird with high school girls when they call each other sweetie. >_>

Yeah, I don't really get why straight girls (well, the ones I knew in high school were straight yet did that) like showing that much affection to each other.

Also, you forgot to ask me a question. Don't worry, I make that mistake myself quite a bit, responding to a question while forgetting to ask the above poster one.

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Do you like swords irl / do you own any? (I mean, what knight doesn't have a sword?)

@Randoman: 1, 2, 3, 4+remakes, 6, 12+spinoffs, tactics 1 and 2.

I don't own any myself (not any that aren't toys), however I practice fencing and I am actually pretty good at it, compared to other sports I try. I was number 1 in my fencing class one year, but I live in a small city so I wouldn't consider myself a fencing prodigy or anything.

Why did you join Serene's Forest?

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Are there any SF members that you'd want to be friends with that you aren't?

Are you watching any TV shows? (on cable, Netflix, etc.)

Well, I was on a Mr. Young watching rampage on youtube 1 or 2 weeks ago, but I finished watching all 3 seasons. Or at least, all of them that were posted on youtube. I really need a list of all the episodes so I know which ones I missed and so I can search them based on title rather than the order (the order being unreliable at times),

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What do you think of Athena's backstory, Doofina?

I'll put it in spoiler tags so I don't spoil it for people who still want to play.

Case 5 was insane, especially as Dual Destinies was the only Phoenix Wright game I've played. When everyone accused her of killing her mother, I literally wanted to get into my game and beat the tar out of Edgeworth. Especially the "I want to fix mommy" line. That literally sent shivers up my spine. The really bloody pictures, especially the one with Athena soaked in blood herself, were bonechilling. Once case 4 ended, I was going to go to bed (as it was 1am at the time). But with that transition accusing her of Clay's murder, I couldn't put the game down. When she started doubting herself that maybe she did kill her mom, I almost cried from it because I felt so bad for her. It was such a juxtaposition from her normal bouncy self.

Also, you forgot to ask me a question. Don't worry, I make that mistake myself quite a bit, responding to a question while forgetting to ask the above poster one.

Whoops. Well, I'll ask you two then.

What is your favorite Pokemon generation?

Who is your most wanted SSB4 newcomer?

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Are there any SF members that you want to be closer to or be better friends with?

What is your favorite Pokemon generation?

Who is your most wanted SSB4 newcomer?

Probably Gen 5 (I haven't played any Gen 6 games yet) since I really liked all the changes that made things more convenient like navigation hardly being HM heavy and TM's being infinite use (though it renders my Earthquake TM hoard in Gen 3 & 4 useless). I also really liked how many new Pokemon Gen 5 added and how the the amount of new Pokemon of each type were more balanced compared to the previous generations.

Well, if I had to pick only one SSB4 newcomer, it'd probably be Dillon from Dillon's Rolling Western. Despite never having played his games, I still think he's a really cool character. He's got a lot of potential for a unique moveset if they were make his attacks give him resources which let him create turrets on stage or upgrade his attack or defensive power. Yeah, it's a bit of an overpowered idea, but I'm sure they can balance him out by making him lose resources when he's hit or making the turrets rather fragile.

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(sorry if my posts may be confusing but Quotes don't work on my pc atm, I don't know why. Maybe some cookie problem?)


Yes I totally agree. That part was quite "strong" indeed. I love difficult situation like those where characters are torn apart by their feelings, and the player can totally sympathize with them. Those scenes are kind of cathartic indeed. Athena's story in particular was soooo sad.

I'm studying Psychology and there's this "voice psychology" course that I want to try so badly because of her, haha.

You're new to the series, then? You should probably try the other games of the series too. Trials and Tribulations probably is the best A.A. so far. Imo, at least.

@Knight (answer to his question): I joined because I wanted to share my hack with others, mainly. Then the thing evolved and now I'm here because I feel comfortable around here. There are plenty of nice people who share my same love for FE and similar games.

Question for Randoman: Will you cosplay Marth again?

Edited by Alfred Kamon
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Are there any SF members that you'd want to be friends with that you aren't?

I wish I could be more familiar with some of the older members on the site, as well as the mods. Pretty much everyone who frequents this thread as well.

Why do you hate Pegasus Knights?

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Probably Zelda, although occasionally I get bored of one series if I play it too much and then I need to play something else to satisfy me, even with Zelda. I also like Metroid, Pokemon, the first MGS and a bunch of other games across many genres, I'm quite flexible that way.

Where's your profile pic from?

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If you were to cosplay as a character (let's say it's a gaming/anime convention), who would you cosplay as?

Question for Randoman: Will you cosplay Marth again?

Maybe. I'm tempted to skip out on this year's anime convention in my city since my job is quite exhausting and as fun as the anime convention is, it wears me out quite a lot. Though if there's ever a Halloween party I'm going to and there's no strict theme, you can bet I'd be dressing up as Marth.

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Are there any SF members that you want to be closer to or be better friends with?

No one really specific. But in general, I would like to get a bit closer with the Mafia and ROM Hacking community, as I do have interests in both.

For Randoman, what kind of job do you do?

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So what are you doing regarding your education? (Eg: are you in college, university, or high school and what degree or career are you planning to pursue?)

For Randoman, what kind of job do you do?

Packing up cabinet doors and drawers in cardboard boxes and sorting them out onto the proper carts. It's hardly related to the degree I got from college (Building/CAD Design, which is basically making building blueprints on computers), but at least it's close to where I live and it's a full time job (though the 4:00 PM-12:30 AM shift slot is inconvenient in many ways).

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I'm in University right now, in my first year of a BA in History. Ideally, I'll end up as a high school educator.

Woah those hours suck. :/. That's way too much physical labor for me (lazy).

Is Marth your favorite FE character (I'm guessing so because you cosplay him)? If so, why? If not, who is and why?

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SInce we're on the topic of my Marth cosplay, what do you think of it? Did I get the pretty boy look down well?

Woah those hours suck. :/. That's way too much physical labor for me (lazy).

Is Marth your favorite FE character (I'm guessing so because you cosplay him)? If so, why? If not, who is and why?

Yeah, the hours are bad. Not only has it thrown my sleep patterns out of whack, but I basically have no social life on weekdays since I can't hang out with friends/family since they're busy with school/work when I'm not and I'm busy with work when they're not. The physical labour is hardly that bad, actually. My workplace strictly enforces carrying one box at a time and asking for help if a load is too heavy. Though for the first few weeks of the job, I woke up with sore arms from work.

Yep, Marth is my favourite FE character. When I was first unlocking him in Melee, I thought to myself, "Wow, that guy looks cool." I mained him Melee and when it said he's from Fire Emblem, I decided to try out the game he was from, and the rest is history (Fun fact: I thought Monshou no Nazo was the very first Fire Emblem game at the time, since I didn't think Fire Emblem was NES level old). Besides being really cool looking, being fully clad in blue (my favourite colour), and being a really fancy looking bishounen prince, I like his personality and how he's constantly conflicted between sentiment and duty, how he strives to be a good leader despite his naivity and how reluctant he is to risk/compromise the lives of others, and the way he gets flustered at times (like at Sheeda, Tiki, and Xane who's transformed as Tiki) is quite funny and amusing. I know a lot of those traits are quite similar with other lords, but since Marth is the first FE lord that I was familiar with, I guess a part of it is nostalgia. Even without the nostalgia, I still think he's a lot more human, naive, and easily flustered compared to all the other lords and I like that since it makes him seem more real and relatable.

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Have you played any Dragon Quest games?

Favorite Pokemon generation?

Probably Gen 5 (I haven't played any Gen 6 games yet) since I really liked all the changes that made things more convenient like navigation hardly being HM heavy and TM's being infinite use (though it renders my Earthquake TM hoard in Gen 3 & 4 useless). I also really liked how many new Pokemon Gen 5 added and how the the amount of new Pokemon of each type were more balanced compared to the previous generations.

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