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Sony NGP: Successor to PSP

Don Draper

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Man, this gen blows!

I either have the choice between a clusterfuck of INNOVASHUN or a clusterfuck of GRAFFIX.

There are already far more games than I could possibly play in my life out there, I think I should stick to those for now.

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I'm liking what I'm seeing, at least significantly more than I did when the PSP originally launched. Well, the early software list doesn't really hype me too much, but, according to Joystiq, there are a ton of companies working on software so there's bound to be something out there that interests me.

Though, I'm feeling like Ike-Mike; I'm still catching up on PS2 games that I never had a chance to buy and I don't even have a PS3 or a PSP and those both have their own lists of stuff that I want for *them*, so I'm likely going to be holding off of buying one of these (and the 3DS as well, though that's because Paper Mario is the only thing I'm interested on it so far) until I can catch up on other stuff, both in purchasing and playing.

As for the 3DS vs. NGP, from a strictly worldwide sales perspective, I think the NGP will win out, simply because of the PSP's current momentum (mainly because of the multitude of Monster Hunter that it's been getting over the past year) and the fact that the 3DS doesn't really have a huge draw to consumers other than the casual market with all of its features. (Yes, it has a few "killer apps" in rehashes of OoT and SF64 but I doubt those will sell high volumes of systems alone since, you know, they've been around for forever.)

EDIT - Also, I kinda wish the acronym was the XGP instead of the NGP...

Edited by Lord Glenn
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My prediction, 3DS will still be the higher seller, but it won't be as big of a blowout as last gen. One big thing about this cool NCP thing is the price, exactly how much are all those features going to cost you?

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These are the same people that tried to justify $600 dollars for a PS3, and told people to get another job to buy one. I wouldn't get my hopes up for anything under $350.

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Man, this gen blows!

I either have the choice between a clusterfuck of INNOVASHUN or a clusterfuck of GRAFFIX.

There are already far more games than I could possibly play in my life out there, I think I should stick to those for now.

Tell me about it. I might make the same choice as you too. Never cared for PSP, but NGP is a different story with all those features. But I'm already committed to 3DS. What to do, what to do...

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