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Return of The Emblem Chapter Two: The Trail


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250 miles from Europa...

Veil and about 9 pirates were left. The 10 men were taking a rest from their eternally long journey. Veil looked at the pirates. They are exceptionally clumsy riders... I guess its time to move on. "Let's move." He set out at a quick pace, letting the others catch up every 15 minutes or so. Soon they were at a river.

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Shadrak looked up at Chelsea with a raised eyebrow, he wasn't expecting company, but hey, sometimes you get it anyway. "You may call me Shadrak." He told her simply, looking back to his tome with a small huff.

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To Synthia’s displeasure, she was soon discovered in the back and was asked to help carry the merchant’s goods. It wasn’t as bad as it could’ve been, with Gytha’s help and the lighter items they bought Synthia didn’t mind helping as much as she thought she would’ve. When they were finished and about to ride back she declined Raquel’s offer, instead opting to sit in the wagon again. On the way back she dozed off leaning on the crate of new tomes.

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Veronika looked over the new weapons Raquel had bought. The slim blades looked somewhat appealing, but she decided to hold off from buying anything in the wagon for the moment.

"So, are we leaving now?" she asked Raquel, scanning the nearby area for bandits of some sort, as they seemed to trail this group with great frequency. She did not see any and chose to look up into the clouds instead. The only thing of interest she noted was a grey pegasus flying rapidly through the air with a rider on its back.

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While Raquel sat in a chair and downed a large cup of water, she listened to Veronika's inquiry. They were already behind the schedule Raquel wanted to be on, so she supposed it was about time to begin heading out. Sitting down the now empty cup, she began "Yeah we're leaving. I'll be out in a minute. Make sure everyone's accounted for, at the wagon, and ready to go." Uuuuuuugh I'm so tired, but it's not even quite noon yet. I've got a whole day of driving ahead of me. Well that's just great.

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Eriya watched the group from a fair distance away. She'd followed Raquel and her wagon to the markets and been spying on them ever since she'd pretended to have left them. She'd bought a rather large coat+hood at the market herself so that she wouldn't be recognized even if she was seen by a member of the group.

It wasn't going to be hard following the group, she could see the wagon even if not the individuals around it. And there was hardly any chances of her being noticed in this crowd. Her plan was perfect, for as long as she had this cloak and wall of people, there was no way they'd notice her.

Assuring herself that she was perfectly safe, she looked up at the sun frowning as she noted that the healer was late. According to memory that staff wielding foreigner should have met up with her by now.

Damn foreigners, always late, probably too brainless to keep track of time

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Nanahm hung out inside the inn until departure time, which looked to be pretty soon. He wondered about checking in with his employer at some point, but maybe when things had calmed down a bit. Perhaps when they were on the road, he'd do just that...

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Shadrak looked up at Raquel and Veronika as they talked in the inn. "I'll fallow you two out when it's time to go." He said to them calmly before returning to his reading, carefully letting the magic flow through him, darkening the already dark corner even further.

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While Raquel was away, John had stayed by the inn, with Gil more specifically. After the trip to the market, he didn't felt he had something else to do while waiting for departure, so he just stood there, making sure Gil wouldn't attract trouble. He had, however, too much thinking time...

'I wonder when we'll be ever leaving Ursium...' He thought. 'I ended up coming back inland than leaving the country, go figure. Ah well, I was in no hurry in getting back east anyway. I'd say, the more I spent away from home the better...' At this he noticed the wagon was getting back.

'Ah, we'll be leaving soon I guess. Better get ready.'

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Shadrak suddenly looked up from his Tome and practically slammed it on the table as he pulled out his other book and looked over some of the information in it. I almost forgot to ask about this, that would of been bad, this is the only other lead we have have. "Lady Raquel." Shadrak began, standing and walking up to her, briskly sweeping up his Flux tome from off the table and into his robe in one swift motion. "What do you know of the story 'The Fall of Lillith?'" He asked, his tone serious, almost angry, his expression much the same. This might help me validate her story... but it could just be a coincidence that she has what everyone seems to think is the emblem.

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"The fall of Lilith?" Raquel began standing up. What's this about? "I only know the basic story, and that's just from memory. Lilith fought in the Legendary Rebellion alongside and against other legends and eventually rose up to the heavens to challenge the God of Wrath himself to a battle. She lost of course and fell to the earth." she said with her finger on her chin trying to recall as much as she could. "You know I always wanted to see her sword for myself. They say it can pretty much cut through other swords with no problem ... but it's too heavy or something." she added.

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So, she knows little more than we do. Perhaps I can divulge a little more info if I dug in a little "Well, how would you feel if I told you that the Fire Emblem might be involved in that story?" Shadrak asked raquel, his demeanor changing to something a little less interogation, and a little more, scholarly questioning. now remember, keep calm, be professional, people don't trudt you if you're to over bearing. He thought to himself calmly as he openned up his note book again and began to scribble down a few notes.

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"Hmm. What do you mean by that exactly? Do you mean it was the reason for the fight, or something else?" She asked curiously. "If that were the case I'd ask you what you know." she added. I'm probably going to ask him that anyway. The Fire Emblem may be legendary and all but from where I'm standing it's absolutely useless ... though ... our enemies seem to think otherwise.

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I think she's catching on... she might be telling the truth about this after all. "Not over it, but let's just a say a minor god like Lilith would need some sort of edge to even hope to defeat a major god." He explained, still scribbling notes into his journal as he spoke. "Now, I would love to play a round of info swap with you, but as I said earlier, I'd rather have it in some where secluded, with only your most trusted guards, and I mean trusted secrets, not trusted your life. I have no reason to assault you." Something tells me she's not going to believe about this last bit, but it's worth throwing out, I need to confirm if she's telling the truth or not, this could be the greatest lead of my life is it is...

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"I ... I'd consider it, but not yet. I need to have someone else look at this first." she reiterated. "If you're not going to tell me what you know until then, I guess I'll have to wait, but ... in the meantime, you're just going to have to prove we can actually trust you. You might not be working with those people but I've never met anyone besides you and them that was so interested in the fire emblem itself." she added giving him a concerned look. I can't shake this feeling that this thing I'm holding is real. The fire emblem. It sure doesn't seem like it. I honestly just want this thing to be nothing special but at all but ... what if it's a piece of the real thing? What if it's so important that I have to actually defend it with my life? I'm not sure I'm ready to go that far. Why is something strange like this worth killing for?)

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Shadrak nodded with understanding. "Well, all I can tell you now is that my intentions are not to harm you over this. I am a scholar who has dedicated his life to the Emblem. People seem to think that whatever you have is indeed The Emblem, so I am of course intrigued, and I would like to know more. I would love to tell you everything, but not exactly public info yet..." He said, scribbling down the last few notes before storing the book in somewhere in his robe.

I wonder if she really thinks her trinket is the emblem or not? She seems fairly uncertain, and scared... confused, I guess I can't blame her considering what's happenned... "I promise that I will not bring you harm, and will strive to protect you and you're object until you can have your important person look it over, and I'm permitted to know more." He calmly promised, offering his hand to be shaken as he gave her a serious, but still gentle, almost apalogetic expression. "I know what it's like to be hunted..." He said under his breath. and it's not pleasant, I hope she can avoid a similar fate that I have been condemned too...

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She slowly reached out to shake his hand not wanting to seem rude or nervous. "Okay then. I'm glad you understand, and ... thanks." she said before giving the inn's front door a glance. It was definitely time to get moving, long day of arduous driving ahead or not. "We should go." she said concluding the conversation and making her way to the door.

Meanwhile outside, Amon was crouched down balancing on his toes examining both horses from the front. He'd never seen a pitch black horse before so it was interesting to him. The other he identified as a Rexian bred horse and was simply curious as to where it came from. Sanctuary wasn't known for trading much and so that led him to believe this brown Rexian was from one of the other settlements. The ones Aisha had abandoned.

Of course Raquel noticed him on her way out of the inn and stopped by the brown one. "You like horses or something?" she asked leaning over a bit.

"The only things that still run faster than I do." he said smiling but not hinting at anything Raquel could figure out just yet.

"Well this is Sandrock," she began patting the brown one on the head to indicate him, "and this is Riley." she said pointing over to the black one, who shot Raquel a glance. She was doing that thing again where she summoned them while they were already present. The pitch black mare felt that was getting old and wasn't sure why she did that around new humans every so often.

"Well they're very beautiful. Thank you for introducing us. But, I guess it's time to go and I should get up on the wagon with the others now." he said.

"There's a little room for people in the back. Everything that's left is locked up in crates so Chip's not going to shoot anyone just for being back there now. But I'd suggest being careful. Chip knows what kinds of sounds shouldn't be made while I'm not back there and if someone opens up a crate ... yeah just don't do that, please." she explained.

"Iiiii think I'll just ride on the roof for now ... if that's alright with you." he replied.

"Suit yourself. Is everybody else ready to go?" she asked loudly enough so that all present could at least tell she was addressing the party.

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Damian nodded. "Where do ye need me to ride?" He had this impeding sense of danger, but couldn't tell why.

-Meanwhile, 200 Miles from Europa...-

Veil and the pirates had reached a small fork in the river. The pirates immediately started to try and find a ship. Fools... Veil sat and watched, waiting for a ship to arrive so he and the pirates could go ship hijacking.

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"Aye, Raquel," Gytha replied from where she was on the roof. There really wasn't anything else to say. She had been ready for a while, having paid the innkeeper and her dufflebag was in the wagon with everything else. Maw was atop the wagon, full and content.

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''Ready and waiting!'' John called out. He was already on top of Gil, who had finally gotten up, and was ready for departure.

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Listening to Shadrak and Raquel's conversation about the emblem....she wanted to be a part of this conversation as well.....but she felt sort of... "Out of place".... just like in the village.

"After all, who wants to be acquianted with an odd Troubador who isn't even gentle or softspoken, but loud, annoying, obnoxious......Gee, I have a lot of things that don't really match my job description."- Chelsea thought, then sighed sadly. She exited the inn, and approached Raquel's wagon, wherever it was parked at, and found Nesha standing on all fours, waiting patiently for his master to arrive. When she was close enough, she stroked his golden mane, slowly but softly, and she hummed a small tune.(OOC: Think the Gladrar from Path of Radiance) This was better for her, being alone like this, but she wasn't lieing when she wanted to tag along with the group. It was just.....she was less sociable than other people tend to think. But alone, humming this tune was something Chelsea would keep a secret for a very long time.

Thankfully this was done in only a short amount of time, 5 minutes at best, before she hopped on Nesha and when Raquel called for everyone, she smiled a goofy smile.

"Present!! Hey Boss where are we going today?"- Chelsea asked, curious about the group's next destination.

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Eriya jumped up from where she'd been sitting, noticing that the ready was getting ready to move.

Damn foreign deliveries she cursed looking around and not seeing any man that fit the description she was looking for.

This is why, I asked them to deliver it with directly to me, not go through all this undercover rubbish. We're better then these fools in every aspect, why can't we just march in here and tell them to cooperate?

Sighing to herself, giving up on the letter she looked over, wagon was already moving.

"Screw the letter, not my fault I didn't get it" she hissed to no one in particular before getting up and following the mobile wagon.

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People seemed prepared to leave, which Veronika figured was for the best. No use lingering about town and letting people pick up their trail, although they seemed to run into groups of people after the Emblem on the road anyway.

Looking behind her, she saw the crowds begin to thin, though a heavily armored cloaked figure seemed to be following them. Perhaps I'm just being paranoid. Still... She nudged Amon in the ribs, since he was near her on top of the roof. "Do you see that cloaked figure following us? It doesn't look to be the same as the robed ones who attacked us back in Sergio Port, but it's still rather suspicious. Why cloak yourself if you have nothing to hide?" she asked Amon.

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They left the in a bit behind schedule but Raquel was looking to make good time and warned people in advance that she was going to be going a bit faster than normal once they were a good distance away from the city. Meanwhile Amon just relaxed and kept his eyes on the road leading onward until Veronika got his attention. It took him a moment to spot the person Veronika was referring to, but once she did ... "Our enemies are usually around in numbers. This could be something else entirely." he commented. "Should we do something about them, or just continue to glance back every now and then?" he asked her.

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Shadrak had of course kept pace with the group. He was choosing to stay a little behind everyone as he walked swiftly, his cloak flowing behind him in an almost artificial manner. Something told them it would be a long trip, and, short of Raquel it seemed, no one trusted him. He was ok with this, they were being cautious, weary, waiting for anything. This meant that an enemy ambush would be less effective than the ambusher might hope, but at their pace it still would of been catastrophic. I wonder if there is a mole in the group... he though to himself as he walked. I haven't had a chance to familiarize myself with much anyone, so it could be that there has been some reasons to suspect an undercover agent to be placed among them. He brushed these thoughts out of his mind, as he slowed down when he thought heavily, shaking his head to clear his mind he quickened his pace again to regain the ground he had lost with the group dureing his musings.

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