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[OUTDATED] Fire Emblem: Dream of Five


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Well considering I parked several units with 2 range weapons on that one spot where they are attackable, and he didn't move to attack, what else can I do? Maybe if I had a warp staff or something...

And when you say Master seal, I assume you mean the bladed crest the mageknight has?

Edited by Randombobman
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I assume you have to walk on a spot to pick it up. Like the desert looting.

And a question...

How the hell am I supposed to beat 10B?

The man required to survive partnered with the dancer has just a small force of "other" pirates who does not have much stats for surviving considering the enemy forces whacking on them are mainly myrms and mercs on land and dracoriders in sky mostly armed with short spears and spears. Not to mention they get more air reinforcements on the turn "Others" pirates are nearly wiped out...

I'm not sure how to approach this without abandoning the lone chest for a while that has a wyvern riders per turn (no idea the end turn for this) spawning in the next room (considering the stair spawn a thief sometime later) and I can't afford to take my sexy beefy male dracorider away from my little merchant tent while leveling up my new femme fatale dracorider for a bit along with my male soldier (I prefers Seren from A path :[ I'm such a womanizer. )

(funny to mention she get a special dialogue about her tent changing yet it stays the same. If it was supposed to class change to a wagon, then we have a problem here.)

And I can't have the man required to survive simply go Sword Slayer Kill-mode Roll-out without pokey stick of baby rattle killing him, or going crit happy on the opposite and have all of these double edged trigger happy gentlemen twoing him in.

Boy. This is quite a rant from me for a chapter O_O

(Though I hate chapter 11A more if that's the "Escape" chapter from the jail scene. Since i almost have no weapons or rather... ranged weapons to use for everyone.)

Edited by Ubel Engel
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I assume you have to walk on a spot to pick it up. Like the desert looting.

And a question...

How the hell am I supposed to beat 10B?

With swords, not words.

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With strategy

Get people to the other side of the map faster

No horse riders. (Lia doesn't counts since she'll die without blockers for those three range archers and spawning riders.)

Just three fliers.

One squishy as fck.

One new.

One just beefy without real speed.

Yeah, I can do it!

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They can carry other people you know just throw them over and go about business as usual

Rescue is a thing

alternatively kill things faster

alternatively use terrain pirates can walk on water etc


also please don't censor your swears either type the full word out or use an alternative god I hate it when people do that

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They can carry other people you know just throw them over and go about business as usual

Rescue is a thing

alternatively kill things faster

alternatively use terrain pirates can walk on water etc


also please don't censor your swears either type the full word out or use an alternative god I hate it when people do that

Hard to jump ship when the only way to get into water is the boarders. And sad thing? Dracoriders can double him since his speed and skill are reduced from carrying in princess style an innocent young girl practically naked...

I'm renown for having multiple strategies, this map just completely screws my typical simple strategies to the point where I might have to sacrifice one of my unit just to finish this chapter, and I don't want to use Garath either... Without his Great Bow (the thing broke at Crossroad.) , he's pretty much useless to level new units now. (He's nothing more than a soaker now)

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bait dracoriders with someone who can't counter but has durability to take their hits

Kill them



Chapter's perfectly doable just strategy harder

I also don't know who to replace with the new healer in order to do this.

(Only have Lia for main heal. The male one is crap)

I supposes I could switch out the mr.axe for her. Doesn't feels like he's doing much with only enough speed to not get 2'd

Edited by Ubel Engel
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Word. (for the finals I means, not the argument you made against me D:)

I supposes I'll analyze the rush and have someone else take the role to defend the merchant tent... I don't know who. Someone with lance preferably since myrmidon and soldier spawns there. I'll use the soldier from last chapter for this... assuming myrmidon don't double him.

I suppose I could place the three fliers on top three spaces, excluding a space to kill the lone myrmidon near the tent at start and away from the mercerncies gate guardians

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10B? I'm stuck on 9B right now.(and 10A thanks to a certain Bolting user that kills Adrian in one hit)

As for the tent, there should be a super reward for someone who manages to beat every chapter with the tent intact. Because it just isn't worth it.

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