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[OUTDATED] Fire Emblem: Dream of Five


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Isn't Garath the equality of Seth in term of importance and opness? So one can't really argue that Garath is the main character... But then again, he causes a game over if he dies anyway.

According to Astra and Lumi, Garath is good until you're half-way the routes.

Edited by PixelmanFE
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He's more like FE6Marcus who's slightly better at killing things but lacks a horse

Strength and speed are his most likely to increase stats though growthswise, hp aside. They're not spectacular but he should probably get at least some if you've been using him.

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This ROM hack is amazing :) Thank you for the hard work you put into this.

Got a bug report, when Amelia has her C support conversation with Ilanice it gets... messed up. I had them support on Chapter 3 and I saw 2 entirely different characters that I'd never seen before talking.. One called himself "Canas" which is even stranger :P

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My Kolbane has 12 Strength at level 6 Mercenary. Is that normal?

2 points over average according to the spreadsheet. Kolbane is almost always incredibly strong in my experience.

Unrelated side note - Dream of Five is my probably my favorite hack in terms of the artistic style of the characters.

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As far as I'm aware, the archer sucks I think you only need the pegasus one and the wyvern dude to go that direction. I think wyvern can tank it pretty well. If I remember right, there's a point where archer can't move if you go on a tile. The house has to be visited by a certain person.

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Just give Juan a Potion and position him to box off the ballistician the turn after you enter his range. And you shouldn't even need the Potion on that turn: the myrmidon can barely damage him and the archer is helpless. The map design gives you plenty of time to make the detour too.

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As far as I'm aware, the archer sucks I think you only need the pegasus one and the wyvern dude to go that direction. I think wyvern can tank it pretty well. If I remember right, there's a point where archer can't move if you go on a tile. The house has to be visited by a certain person.

Anyone will work, no one is mentioned explicitly during the house conversation.

Just give Juan a Potion and position him to box off the ballistician the turn after you enter his range. And you shouldn't even need the Potion on that turn: the myrmidon can barely damage him and the archer is helpless. The map design gives you plenty of time to make the detour too.

Do that.

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Anyone will work, no one is mentioned explicitly during the house conversation.

Last time I played this which was few months ago, I recalls having to need a certain person to just get the item specially for him. Other couldn't get it.

I don't know if he changed it to be anyone since then, but that's what I know.

Edited by Fateborn
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Questions about next patch version:

1) New custom musics that will replace older ones? I'd really love the "Final Map" enemy theme from Thracia 776 for the more obscure maps (the one with the ominous "chore-like" synth)
2) Return to the DOF 3.0 menu sounds effects? (taken from Path of Radiance)
3) New secondary obiects for all of some of the maps?
4) What about ranks for people that want to go ranked?
5) Personal weapons for the mainstay characters? (if Garath is a main character, does he get a bow\axe that gives him bonuses while he wields them, to counter his sucky growhts?)
6) Redesing of maps?
7) More enemies on maps to give an harder time, considering that they are going to be unbuffed?
8) Arena available in some gaiden chapters?

9) Supports complete?

10) Size of the Hack?
11) Implement of skills maybe (if you can do that to weapons or so)?
12) How many alternative routes?

13) What about hidden items?
14) Any hidden character a la "Noah" from The Last Promise?

:=) :D :0

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As far as I'm aware, the archer sucks I think you only need the pegasus one and the wyvern dude to go that direction. I think wyvern can tank it pretty well. If I remember right, there's a point where archer can't move if you go on a tile. The house has to be visited by a certain person.

It would probably be easier if Juan didn't get HP-only stat gains for 3 levels straight.

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Things I can answer:

- Supports: we've written some, but don't count on them being anywhere close to complete.

- Onduris/Musain split is the only route split.

- There's plenty of hidden items. There's plenty of hidden items in V4, too.

- Skills are very improbable. We don't have /that/ good of an asm programmer on board, so unless Cam decides to figure it out and do it for free, it's likely not happening. I'd rather program this entire thing from scratch with a language I'm actually comfortable with than deal with hacking asm.

- Size of hack is around 40some total chapters taking into account the route split. so ~30something per playthrough.

- Arena is probably not gonna be a thing. We took it out of chapter 6 and I doubt we'd want another one in.

Everything else I'll leave up to Astra to see if he wants to answer them

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Questions about next patch version:

1) New custom musics that will replace older ones? I'd really love the "Final Map" enemy theme from Thracia 776 for the more obscure maps (the one with the ominous "chore-like" synth)

2) Return to the DOF 3.0 menu sounds effects? (taken from Path of Radiance)

3) New secondary obiects for all of some of the maps?

4) What about ranks for people that want to go ranked?

5) Personal weapons for the mainstay characters? (if Garath is a main character, does he get a bow\axe that gives him bonuses while he wields them, to counter his sucky growhts?)

6) Redesing of maps?

7) More enemies on maps to give an harder time, considering that they are going to be unbuffed?

8) Arena available in some gaiden chapters?

9) Supports complete?

10) Size of the Hack?

11) Implement of skills maybe (if you can do that to weapons or so)?

12) How many alternative routes?

13) What about hidden items?

14) Any hidden character a la "Noah" from The Last Promise?

:=) :D :0

yes there will be other songs

doubt it will go back, because it would cut off other tracks in the songs

if there are secondary objectives, they will be added to the very last versions of the game, not now

there are ranks already

there are already personal weapons, garath has the greatbow until someone can become a sniper

some maps have been changed already, though the majority will not be changed from what they are already

you are /more/ enemies? there are already a ton


not yet

~45 chapters


just the one, musain/onduris

tons of them already


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  • 1 month later...

No. Multi-weapon users don't need even more of an advantage over monoweapon users already.

No actual progress update, but I decided to slack off work a bit and speed sketchpainted a character who will be introduced in the upcoming patch. Some of you probably already know her. Some of you probably also know about my problem of redesigning her outfit every couple of months as well. I hope this is the last.


[tumblr post for your like/reblogging needs]

Edited by Thor Odinson
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I really dig this design. It reminds me of something vaguely Valkyrie Profile-esque, perhaps? Suikoden. Either way, the pauldrons and the quilting on the breastplate in particular stand out.

Push that patch out the door folks. I just finished replaying the Onduris route, and have a stupidly beloved-of-the-RNG Seymour to drive ever onward. (Regrettably, he cannot be slotted in beside the equally fantastic Enjo from my opposite route save...)

Edited by Siuloir
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I've never played Valkyrie Profile, but I do have inspirations from both Thor and Sif in the recent Thor movies. Norse stuff I guess?

Patch work will be a thing again once summer break starts. Unfortunately, school is still a thing at the moment.

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