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[OUTDATED] Fire Emblem: Dream of Five


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oh look i spoke too soon

I dig the head and thicker tail. Looks more saurian.

inb4 OAM data overflow

One of the most hateful phrases in the English language.\

As an aside, will we see any mechanical changes to previous chapters and the like in this patch? Because, honestly, it feels like a good portion of the routesplit chapters could use a unilateral 33% or so reduction in reinforcements to prevent them from dipping into tedium. 11B is particularly egregious in this regard.

Edited by Siuloir
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Currently, I'm hacking up various internal organs. Once I can sit down and not go into a coughing spasm, we'll see.

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One of the most hateful phrases in the English language.\

As an aside, will we see any mechanical changes to previous chapters and the like in this patch? Because, honestly, it feels like a good portion of the routesplit chapters could use a unilateral 33% or so reduction in reinforcements to prevent them from dipping into tedium. 11B is particularly egregious in this regard.

there are ways around it, and if needed we'll just blur/cut frames

patch has been edited for less reinforcements in constant waves in favor for reinforcements kinda in groups, so that you're not just walled for 4 turns if you can't kill them all.

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there are ways around it, and if needed we'll just blur/cut frames

patch has been edited for less reinforcements in constant waves in favor for reinforcements kinda in groups, so that you're not just walled for 4 turns if you can't kill them all.

unless you guys go super crazy i doubt it'll be an issue... I managed to fit this entire animation into a FEditor package without cutting many frames.

(Note that I didn't have permission and it was terribly scripted and thus I never used it for anything and it isn't around anymore in case anyone's wondering)


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Awesome, I don't think anything I've put down exceeds that in size yet.

I don't think I have anything that's going to exceed that in size in the regular or the critical and definitely lol dodge going over

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yes there will be other songs

doubt it will go back, because it would cut off other tracks in the songs

if there are secondary objectives, they will be added to the very last versions of the game, not now

there are ranks already

there are already personal weapons, garath has the greatbow until someone can become a sniper

some maps have been changed already, though the majority will not be changed from what they are already

you are /more/ enemies? there are already a ton


not yet

~45 chapters


just the one, musain/onduris

tons of them already


If I'm reading this correctly, this means that the next release will be 45 chapters? Or is that the total for the hack when it's completed. Also, the spreadsheet in the first post that is supposed to show the character's growth rates isn't coming up.

Edited by steroidz
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That's the total counting route splits and such

the next patch will have~ 20 not counting route splits/per single playthrough and probably closer to 27-30 with the splits? I'm too lazy to actually count the chapters

Edited by Thor Odinson
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Hey, I'm a newcomer to the forums. Actually, it was this rom that inspired me to create an account, I found Dream of Five through a youtube video, and wanted to leave some feedback and the like. I like the game overall, its flows well, and the maps are fairly good so far(Though I've only reached chapter 4-5). I would say better then many of the maps in Shadow Dragon, and (Especially) Awakening which were pretty generic. I especially liked the choice in music, though the use of Guile's theme as an ending song did raise eyebrows.

I'm not sure if this has been brought up in the past 215 pages of dialogue, but one major mistake I have seen so far is the supports between Amelia and Ilianice. Strangely when one supports the two of them, a support conversation between two, yet to be recruited characters plays instead. It was a support conversation that was about one male reading on the battlefield and the other constantly rebuking them. The male that was reading states something along the lines of "The pursuit of knowledge is its own reward" If that rings any bells.

If you need any extra hands on the final stretch of this project, I'll be glad to help somewhat(Not very much sorry) with writing/commenting on the stories/supports or editing/commenting on dialogue. However, that is the extent I can do, as I am fairly bad at computer work like sprites. I'll also be slogging my way through the story, so if I spot any errors like the one above, I'll be sure to make a note of it. (Don't worry, I need no place in the credits)

Either way, no matter how this plays out, I'll be watching and supporting Dream of Five and abusing OP, OP Kolbane for terrible terrible damage, as that mercenary was blessed by the RNG gods in my current play through. (Who gets fourteen speed, twelve strength, and eleven defense that early on in the game?)

Good luck on your endeavors.

Edited by GenericMercenary
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Kolbane's offensive growths hover around the 50s and has the best defensive growth out of non-armor foot units so if you can get those early coinflips in, he rocks.

The support thing is not a problem. We have simply not input a majority of the supports into the game and they don't always use the support slots of the character one of them replaces, so it's just some original FE7 support with the portraits swapped. Before the final release the supports will be in properly, but for now just ignore the text and enjoy the bonuses.

We have a pretty solid team right now, but we appreciate your offer to help nevertheless. We're glad you're enjoying the hack, though!

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Mmm... I assumed it was a mistake because when I supported Kolbane and Renair, a conversation showed up, and the same happened with Chester and Crowe. Well, I'm glad to hear it wasn't a problem. I wonder if any projects need someone like a writer/editor? Is there any set recruitment thread in this forum or the like? If there isn't then should I make one?

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I don't think there's any recruitment threads, but I assume it wouldn't hurt to make one.

Yeah those supports show up correctly because we actually inputed text and stuff there. Supports are about 5% written at the moment since it's not a huge priority.

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Just a note that I forgot to bring up before(or maybe I did); but in order to actually have supports activate, the characters present in both supports must be "fresh". Meaning that you'll need to restart your file in order to reap the benifits of support convos and bonus'.

I ran into this problem in FE6A, thought I might share it.

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Oh the bonuses are there and already set. It's just for the majority of the characters, we didn't replace old FE7 text yet from their assigned support slots.

The system is in place, just missing some formatted text we haven't written yet.

That being said if you want to read the convos once they're, yeah you'll have to restart. I don't remember if FE7 has a support library or not.

Edited by Thor Odinson
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Ah cool. Theoretically since the slots are set and we're just replacing text in those slots, if you don't want to restart you can probably view the supports in the support library once they're in.

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I thought the support library was only accessible after you've finished the game. Or can you make that available earlier?

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That's the total counting route splits and such

the next patch will have~ 20 not counting route splits/per single playthrough and probably closer to 27-30 with the splits? I'm too lazy to actually count the chapters

Maybe that will be out for FEE3?

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Oh the bonuses are there and already set. It's just for the majority of the characters, we didn't replace old FE7 text yet from their assigned support slots.

The system is in place, just missing some formatted text we haven't written yet.

That being said if you want to read the convos once they're, yeah you'll have to restart. I don't remember if FE7 has a support library or not.

Oh okay, that's good; and yeah it has a library.

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