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[OUTDATED] Fire Emblem: Dream of Five


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I feel like trying to grind away relentlessly on hacking or an animation over a compressed period like a break is a nasty recipe for burnout (especially animations, which are especially time consuming). You might at this point be better off with even as small as half hour-hour increments throughout a week. My personal experience with nose-to-the-grindstone-all-engines-go-forward hacking was definitely soul obliterating.

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From personal experience though, I work a lot better when I get a lot of shit done in a short time in one sitting. It was just I got too attached to certain characters in Jojo (cough points to av/sig set) and they diverted my attention significantly. Trying to break work up never really worked that well for me for some reasons. Plus since school started if I have energy to do work it's probably gonna be my homework. If I'm not doing homework I'm too burnt out from classes to move my ass out of bed over to the computer that I do photoshop on, unfortunately. 4 class-days do that to you.

It's the same with the Thyra animation. 2 weeks of nonstop spriting and I got it done fine, as I had no significant distractions when I made it. Though I guess I do enjoy animating backflips more than dragons.

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Maybe i'll put some influences in my future animations, I think, I'll just have to figure out a pose that'd make sense and doesn't feel ooc but still very much a pose

That'd be fucking awesome. I'm a jojo fan myself, so I can't completely blame you. Still I gotta give you the obligatory "get on that shit, son" cause I'd really love to play the finished product sometime before I die.

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From personal experience though, I work a lot better when I get a lot of shit done in a short time in one sitting. It was just I got too attached to certain characters in Jojo (cough points to av/sig set) and they diverted my attention significantly. Trying to break work up never really worked that well for me for some reasons. Plus since school started if I have energy to do work it's probably gonna be my homework. If I'm not doing homework I'm too burnt out from classes to move my ass out of bed over to the computer that I do photoshop on, unfortunately. 4 class-days do that to you.

It's the same with the Thyra animation. 2 weeks of nonstop spriting and I got it done fine, as I had no significant distractions when I made it. Though I guess I do enjoy animating backflips more than dragons.

Thyra has her own animation? For some reason I assumed she was also a wyvern rider.

Also I'm pretty sure I said it over in your art thread on FEU but if you get a chance, play the JoJo fighting game. It's phenomenally well drawn/sprited and animated, and it's ridiculously entertaining.

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I think Thyra is a revamped Lumi, going on what I've read. I do know she's of a unique class; a screenshot of her standing stance turned up earlier in the thread. Heavy looking armour and a massive sword balanced across the shoulders if memory serves me right. Class name: Cataphract or something.

Edited by Wayward Winds
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I think Thyra is a revamped Lumi, going on what I've read. I do know she's of a unique class; a screenshot of her standing stance turned up earlier in the thread. Heavy looking armour and a massive sword balanced across the shoulders if memory serves me right. Class name: Cataphract or something.

I thought Cataphract was what they DoF calls Great Knights, given that the word emerged as a designator for heavily armored cavalry in antiquity.

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Whoops! Cataphract got name dropped so many times back where her portrait & sprite were shown, I clearly jumped to the wrong conclusion. I remember thinking Cataphracts were middle eastern warriors who extended their use of chain mail to covering the horses as well.

The pictures of Thyra are back on page 193 by the way.

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Thyra is an "Einherjar" or something like that which makes no sense because as far as I'm aware she's alive and yes she has an awesome 60-frame custom animation which I have had the pleasure of seeing

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Also I'm pretty sure I said it over in your art thread on FEU but if you get a chance, play the JoJo fighting game. It's phenomenally well drawn/sprited and animated, and it's ridiculously entertaining.

If I can get hold of a ps3, I intend to play it sometime in my life. Unfortunately my current situation means i don't have a ps3 and lack access to one.

I've posted this in the thread before but I'll post this again: http://33.media.tumblr.com/bcd01717d649395c61e5399bf336e84d/tumblr_n48ycn9Vwc1rgeqp5o1_500.png

Most recent design speedpaint for Thyra. I might make some slight changes on the pauldron because I'm a shameless character designer who can't keep to one design ever but this is mostly what her final design will look like.

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I remember thinking Cataphracts were middle eastern warriors who extended their use of chain mail to covering the horses as well.

You're not off base, actually. Cataphracts are Hellenic in origin (Kataphraktoi), and they do cover their horses in mail - But the term both spread to the Middle East through Greek conquests (particularly in Iranian/Persian kingdoms) and was also concurrently applied to simultaneously emerging heavy cavalry units in nomadic peoples like the Daka, the Sarmatians, etc.

Thyra is an "Einherjar" or something like that which makes no sense because as far as I'm aware she's alive and yes she has an awesome 60-frame custom animation which I have had the pleasure of seeing

If that's a 60 frame basic attack, yikes.

Also Einherjar is literally rendered as 'The ones who fight alone', 'the lone fighters', or a number of similar terms to the effect. But yes, the specific term refers to resurrected dead warriors.

So translating literally makes it..make sense?

Long story short, Norse mythology. \m/


Edited by Siuloir
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Good hack, but palette too acidic. Had to customize view colors in "Gameboy Colors" :mellow:

Welcome to FE8 colors.

the critical is 63 frames

regular's 39

just opened ps to check

Preview gif?

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not sure if astra would want me leaking the entire gif so have one frame


though i actually need to update the sprites a bit since this runs off her old sprite and design but it'll be the same timing and movements so the same script can still be used and we can use this until i actually get off my lazy ass and do the new version

after renair, of course

edit: wow i did not know how fabric over muscles worked back then haha

Edited by Thor Odinson
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Well, "General Seth" is gonna have to elaborate on his statement further that way we don't get into a huge misunderstanding or at least have some clarity in what he is trying to point out.

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