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[OUTDATED] Fire Emblem: Dream of Five


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*shuffles awkwardly to the side*

still, looking forward to seeing some updated stuff in the art department. maybe we'll even see an update on the main game itself soon as well

still keep soldiering on and all that.

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astra leveled up in mug spriting... AGAIN!?


pf i wish

it's like 40-90% lumi doing the work (proportioning, sketching, or sometimes outright doing mugs) then i finish and fix some things

It's a team effort


*shuffles awkwardly to the side*

still, looking forward to seeing some updated stuff in the art department. maybe we'll even see an update on the main game itself soon as well

still keep soldiering on and all that.


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  • 2 weeks later...

I've played this hack several times over, and love the difficulty thus far. I expect to this will be a Fire Emblem where the player has to defeat 20/20 generics by the end. Super excited. I have just one question/suggestion. I have no nightmare experience but I find that by the end of the hack I have several lv.20 up promoted characters that I hate wasting experience on. Is it possible to make enemies drop promotion items, but if you don't defeat them by X number of turns, the enemy will use it? I'm not entirely sure this is even possible, but would be an incredible feature to reward the fastest and most efficient players. Either way, loving the work you guys are doing!

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That sounds interesting, but I don't think that's possible with the given GBA AI without some custom ASMery and I'm not sure how (relatively, within the context of general ASM stuff) easy or hard ASMing AI even is. There's really not that many AI options to play with native to GBA Rom itself, unfortunately.

of course that's just gba though, if you catch my drift ;)

Glad you like the hack!

Edited by Thor Odinson
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Yeah, I kinda figured it wS impossible given how sketchy AI is about even using healing items on itself. Besides the fact that I'm pretty sure each enemy is coded in beforehand. The only way I saw it as being possible would be similar to when FE changes later bosses for one dimensional lackeys. Such as in FE 6 where Zephiel is on the throne in Ch.3 and changes places with some uninteresting grunt. Thanks for the honest opinion/answer though!

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Yeah, ngl we talked it over in the dev team and actually really liked your idea. Shame GBA is so limiting.

But you know, once we move away from the rom itself, it could be a thing.

Edited by Thor Odinson
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Wow, that's an honor in and of itself. Thanks for the consideration! One more thing, I'm sure the team has a custom world map planned for the finished project, but have you considered straight porting a world map from say.. FE8? Just as a temporary placeholder. Not that it's anything more than eye candy- just wondering :)

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I mean, its not impossible, is it?

You can just have an unpromoted unit, maybe do a FAWI/WU and a sound effect and then load a character ID but the same actual character with a different inventory, just as a different class. You can set a condition to go along with their death quote ID. Or a turn event that checks if a boss died yet.

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I'll prolly let Astra handle that then. Since I'm a pure programmer (but more like art team for this project lol) and don't know the details of event code, I was thinking in terms of actual programming.

but seriously someone read the whitetext Im here leaving hints of things to come like crazy wwwwer |D

like, it's mostly because i can totally program things in once we're just, off the rom altogether

Edited by Thor Odinson
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omo this is still alive what

i remember downloading this like three years ago i kind of assumed it died out with the rest of that era's hacks what what what

my little astralumisol is all grown up. :')

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Greetings, long time fire emblem fan here, new to the site. Im completely familliar with roms and patching, but this is my first hack download. can anyone give me a quick run-thru on how to (i guess activate or patch) the hack, and which version of fe7 (us or europe, jap) to download

-Thanks, HDA, (formally of Fire Emblem sanctuary of strategy....)

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I have all that almost done, but the program finds the rom, but wont find the patch, y'know what i mean? i click apply a patch-file to patch:works rom goes in, Ups to patch: cant find the patch (in that computer popup thingy) -HDA

did you unzip the compressed file
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