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[OUTDATED] Fire Emblem: Dream of Five


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I didn't really care for Seymour either. Seems kinda whack that his personal weapon is not better than an Iron Sword. Yeah, ranged healing, sure, but the damage he does is pretty low, so it won't be helping much, and that's if he can even land the hit in the first place.

Edited by Elliot Gale
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Alright, finished 10A. Thoughts going here.

1. Yay for everyone that I fought giving EXP~!

2. Found Enjolras' tome by accident.

2a. The tome's range is listed as --.

3. Enjolras seems to auto-support someone named Melisande, even though she hasn't been introduced.


5. If Furet can double (which he should, if he has the 7A Speedwings), then this map is way easier.

6. If I get something for all green units surviving, I didn't see it.

7. Lia hit level 20 on this map.

EDIT: Next up, reloading a save state so I can go to Onduris!

Edited by Clipseykitty
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OK, so after looking at chapter 8A I pussied out and booted up my Onduris savestate. I like these maps much better =/

Chapter 7B: 6 turns

Chapter 8B: 5 turns

<Astra> Don't try to directly head left, there will be a trap

Yeah, fuck that, I dropped Furetchen on a mountain turn 1 and triggered the trap, and he all but annihilated the enemy wyvern riders. He needs 18 str and 12 spd to ORKO all of them with a Hand Axe - mine had only 17 str and left all of them with 2 HP, which probably cost me a turn. Furetchen averages almost 18 str and 12 spd at --/5 anyway.

Juan and Ilanice basically did all the work in these maps while everyone else bumrushed the bulk of the enemies for EXP.


Name      Lv.Ex HP  Str Skl Spd Luk Def Res
Renair     5.73  23   8  12  12   7   6   3
Furetchen  5.79  40  17  11  12   6  10   5
Kolbane    8.93  27  11  13  12   6   8   3
Ilanice    9.98  26   9  10  16  13   5   9
Amelia     9.53  24  12   8  11   5   6  10
Chester    3.45  21   6   9  12   9   5   2
Crowe      8.47  26  12   9  13   3   6   1
Lia        7.82  21   9   8   9   8   3  10
Lumi       6.70  25   9  11  14   4   7   3
Gabriel    9.03  26  12   9   9   9   5  11
Juan       9.46  30  13   8  11   6  12   2
Seymour    9.88  26  10  13  12   7   9   3

Anyone want to tell me ahead of time what surprises are in chapter 9B? Does the boss move? I know what's in the houses already.

Edited by dondon151
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I didn't really care for Seymour either. Seems kinda whack that his personal weapon is not better than an Iron Sword. Yeah, ranged healing, sure, but the damage he does is pretty low, so it won't be helping much, and that's if he can even land the hit in the first place.

I agree. Like seriously, I don't think a Prf weapon should be worse than an iron weapon. I personally would rather have it so that there's no ranged healing but have the stats of the weapon increase, 'cause I find that would be much better. I didn't even find a chance to even use the ranged healing.

But yeah, I finished through Chapter 10B. I went to the Onduris route for a couple reasons:

-They say Seymour sucks and Astra is awesome, so I figured, I would first train Seymour up during the Onduris route, then later when everyone regroups I assume Astra will join, still being awesome, but at least Seymour won't suck as bad

-I heard that the amount of trolling is worse in the Musain route, so I didn't really want to deal with that

-I believe in one video, I saw an extra cleric on Chapter 9B's teaser, so I decided to go that way because I needed a new healer 'cause Lia was close to level capping

Here are my characters:


Like I said before, his Prf weapon sucks, so it was hard to train him. I gave him the Fire Sword 'cause it didn't suck and it would help him out. I benched him for just Chapter 10B because it seemed a bit hard and there wasn't enough slots to bring him. Still, he's okay, just wish he could be better considering he's a lord, but he doesn't seem to suck as much as I had heard from others


Renair is kind of interesting. She doesn't really suck, but she is really outclassed by a lot of units. Though still a great lord, she can usually double most enemies, considering she has 19 speed.


I say Lumi is a really good unit. I got an A support with her and Kolbane, so they make a great duo. Her strength stat is pretty good for a myrmidon IMO. And since she can hit fast, accurately, and hard, she definitely makes a great unit. Plus, once she promotes, she'll have an added critical bonus which will allow to cut through almost anything along with her support bonuses.


I only had Lienn for 1 chapter, and she only gained 1 level, but she was able to gain defense and resistance IIRC, so that's good. Too bad her base HP is really low, but I'm sure she'll increase it over time.


Lia is awesome. The only thing she really lacks is defense, which is not too much of a problem. She was able to level cap pretty easily, considering there were so many people to heal. I think she capped around Chapter 8B.


Kolbane is another great unit. Utilizing his A support with Lumi, he can do so much more. Bascally just a great tank with the power to double and hit hard. He mainly lacks resistance though, but again, that's not too much of a problem.


I am so glad I got Karen. Basically like I said, Lia had gotten to level 20, so I really wanted another healer. She seems to have good growths too, which I am liking. I just wish I could get a Light tome, so that she can use it to protect herself and do damage.


Kanus is awesome. Has solid base stats, and has wonderful growths where they should be. I'm glad that his constitution doesn't suck, so he doesn't get too many speed penalties.


Juan, like most others, is awesome as well. With his Prf weapon, he does a great job with killing mercenaries and what not. He has a huge amount of defense, so that almost no swordsman can actually damage him at all. Great unit overall.


I'm so glad that she can use swords. It made it so much easier to kill brigands and axemen during the early chapters. She was able to completely kill Nikita, so she gained a few stats and got to level 15. I'd say she's almost as good as Kolbane, considering she has similar stats and she is more of a resistance tank.


Most people say Gabriel sucks, but I think he's a decent unit. If it weren't for his speed, he could probably wreck almost anything. He's a really good counter for soldiers and some axemen.


Furetchen is pretty good. He definitely helps out a bunch weakening units. His base stats are good, but his growths seem pretty terrible, but I guess it's because he's a Jeigan. He also has a B support with Renair, which really helps him quite a bit.


Crowe is arguably my best unit I have so far. His far ranged abilities along with his strength, skill, and speed can easily kill or weaken enemies to the point that someone else can just finish the job up. His B support with Chester really helps him out as well.


Most people don't like using thieves as combat units, but for me, I love using thieves as combat units. Chester in my case is pretty much better all of my other swordsmen, especially during the early chapters. I once gave him the Lancereaver and he was able to kill almost all the lance units such as cavaliers and what not. Then it broke, so I gave him the armorslayer mainly to use a more powerful weapon because Lumi and Kolbane both had the steel swords. Lumi once told me that you guys would like it if I were to be able to get Chester to level 15, which I did, you guys would like the save file so that you can do the promoted battle palette. If this is true, then I can definitely send over the save file via PM.


Like Lienn, I got him for 1 chapter so far. However, I can tell that he'll be a pretty good unit, and maybe even end up like Dart in FE7, so I think he'll be a great unit later on. I'm also glad that I got another axe unit that's unpromoted.


Amelia is like a magical version of Crowe. She basically has high Magic, Skill, and Speed, and can dish out a lot of damage if not kill most enemies. Not a lot supports I found her though, I could only get one with Furetchen at C.

Overall, great game so far. The only I would really complain about is the huge amount of ambush spawning. Ambush spawning is good, it's just that when there's too much it could probably it seems to take away from the game a bit. But that's just me. Anyways, I probably won't do the Musain, just 'cause I'd rather watch Cam's playthrough on it. Hope the hack gets better over time.

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Actually dondon, there's a 4 turn strategy for Chapter 8A that only had Renair enter combat once, providing that Lia, Juan, or Renair have a Pure Water with them. My Juan was slightly more durable than yours, but you should be able to pull it off yourself. You might not be so lucky with Chapter 9, though: I found it to be a little bit hairy keeping Lumi and Gabriel alive. And the boss is pretty tough: I ended up RNG abusing Renair to proc Speed so she could double him.

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I agree. Like seriously, I don't think a Prf weapon should be worse than an iron weapon.

Remind me how a Resire Sword is worse than Iron again.

But yeah, I finished through Chapter 10B. I went to the Onduris route for a couple reasons:

-They say Seymour sucks and Astra is awesome, so I figured, I would first train Seymour up during the Onduris route, then later when everyone regroups I assume Astra will join, still being awesome, but at least Seymour won't suck as bad

Actually, the other will probably be auto-levelled or something. If we can get that to work reliably, anyway.

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Remind me how a Resire Sword is worse than Iron again.

Alright, maybe it's not worse than an iron sword, but most Prf weapons I see are usually better than the standard Iron weapons in more than one aspect.

Actually, the other will probably be auto-levelled or something. If we can get that to work reliably, anyway.

That's good to know I guess. Though if you want definite stats you could just replace some generic enemy you aren't using and put in the increased stats from there.

Edited by ThatKittyDownTheStreet
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That's good to know I guess. Though if you want definite stats you could just replace some generic enemy you aren't using and put in the increased stats from there.

This was an issue since there would be grayed out units in the support viewer which just looks bad. It was addressed in pages earlier which, IIRC the general consensus as getting auto level to work(without skewing stats) or ASM hacking.

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Alright, finished 10A. Thoughts going here.

1. Yay for everyone that I fought giving EXP~!

2. Found Enjolras' tome by accident.

2a. The tome's range is listed as --.

3. Enjolras seems to auto-support someone named Melisande, even though she hasn't been introduced.


5. If Furet can double (which he should, if he has the 7A Speedwings), then this map is way easier.

6. If I get something for all green units surviving, I didn't see it.

7. Lia hit level 20 on this map.

EDIT: Next up, reloading a save state so I can go to Onduris!

@ 6: You don't. They basically exist as free meatshield.

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Anyone want to tell me ahead of time what surprises are in chapter 9B? Does the boss move? I know what's in the houses already.

Nah the boss just sits there and doesn't even have 1-2 range.

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9B's opening rush is annoying except there's one placement of Furet on turn 1 that makes it a cakewalk.

Beyond that, it's IMO one of the easier chapters.

That was one of the more irritating chapters, for several reasons (mainly, because that arrangement against a sword-heavy teams sucks).

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On turn 1, before the fog kicks in, place Furetchen in range of all three cavaliers equipped with Iron axe. Should he have 12 speed or above, he will ORKO them all. If not, then at least weaken enough that someone else can finish next turn.

Then I end up shooting every wyvern with Crowe. Kolbane with Fire Sword that you get in 8B is also really good against wyverns since it targets mag. 3HKO, though, but it weakens the one up top enough that himself or another unit can finish off on turn 2 without much hassle.

Edited by Luminescent Kitty
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So I'm guessing Furet moved there and they came out.

Furet went to shoot at the ballista, and then they appeared!

EDIT: 9B involved heavy Lancereaver abuse, but I was able to finish it (somehow). Gabriel in a forest is surprisingly hard to hit.

Edited by Clipseykitty
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Furet went to shoot at the ballista, and then they appeared!

EDIT: 9B involved heavy Lancereaver abuse, but I was able to finish it (somehow). Gabriel in a forest is surprisingly hard to hit.

Did you go over it the cheap way or through the entire chapter?

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I see. I wanted to get rid of the stupid ballista so that I could give Ilanice a clear shot at the boss. I found that if I hugged the left side, I could avoid it, too.

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Well, if you get someone to just hit the boss once and then rescue them back, then you're free to clear out the ballista.

I recommend using Amelia to do it since she takes negligible damage from two-range magic sword.

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