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[OUTDATED] Fire Emblem: Dream of Five


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[1:03:03 AM] shadowofchaos (Rey): FREAK YES

[1:03:05 AM] shadowofchaos (Rey): I FOUND IT

[1:03:34 AM] shadowofchaos (Rey): Range narrowed down to BDCD30 - BDCE60

[1:03:41 AM] shadowofchaos (Rey): Something THERE is screwing up Dan's promotions

[1:06:48 AM] shadowofchaos (Rey): you are FREAKING kidding me

[1:06:56 AM] shadowofchaos (Rey): BDCE2C

[1:07:14 AM] shadowofchaos (Rey): change that 0x1F

[1:07:16 AM] shadowofchaos (Rey): into a 0x03

[1:07:20 AM] shadowofchaos (Rey): and it fixes the damn promotion screen

[1:07:24 AM] shadowofchaos (Rey): Dan I'm gonna freaking kill you


[1:08:03 AM] shadowofchaos (Rey): SON OF A--

Seriously what the HELL did you even do at that offset?

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now that rey has given me an offset...

08004B84 B530     push    {r4,r5,r14}
08004B86 1C04     mov     r4,r0
08004B88 6820     ldr     r0,[r4]
08004B8A 2800     cmp     r0,#0x0
@ I have yet to log any of this stuff, I only found the routine by setting a read-break on the
@ problem area.
08004B8C D01B     beq     #0x8004BC6
08004B8E 1C20     mov     r0,r4
08004B90 3028     add     r0,#0x28
08004B92 7800     ldrb    r0,[r0]
08004B94 2800     cmp     r0,#0x0
08004B96 D116     bne     #0x8004BC6
08004B98 68E0     ldr     r0,[r4,#0xC]
08004B9A 2800     cmp     r0,#0x0
08004B9C D113     bne     #0x8004BC6
@ At this offset, there is a table.
08004B9E 4D01     ldr     r5,=#0x8B858A4
08004BA0 E005     b       #0x8004BAE
08004BA2 0000     lsl     r0,r0,#0x0
08004BA4 58A4     ldr     r4,[r4,r2]
08004BA6 08B8     lsr     r0,r7,#0x2
08004BA8 6820     ldr     r0,[r4]
08004BAA 2800     cmp     r0,#0x0
08004BAC D00B     beq     #0x8004BC6
08004BAE 6860     ldr     r0,[r4,#0x4]
08004BB0 2100     mov     r1,#0x0
@ Read break on 0x08BDCE2C found here
08004BB2 5E40     ldsh    r0,[r0,r1]
@ Following through...
08004BB4 0080     lsl     r0,r0,#0x2	@ r0 *= 4 - the size of a pointer. The 0x1F is an entry in an array!
@ Aha.
08004BB6 1940     add     r0,r0,r5
@ Right here, because of the fucked up variable, you end up loading a wrong value.
@ 0x1F is past the limits of the array.
08004BB8 6801     ldr     r1,[r0]
08004BBA 1C20     mov     r0,r4
@ When 0x1F is loaded, you get a pointer to some random empty space.
@ When 0x03 is loaded, you get an actual nice pointer fed into this parameter.
@ I assume this is a graphics routine of some sort.
08004BBC F0BBF848 bl      #0x80BFC50
08004BC0 0600     lsl     r0,r0,#0x18
08004BC2 2800     cmp     r0,#0x0
08004BC4 D1F0     bne     #0x8004BA8
08004BC6 BC30     pop     {r4,r5}
08004BC8 BC01     pop     {r0}
08004BCA 4700     bx      r0

i have no idea how you ended up editing it by accident but i see what went wrong


after some experimentation by changing that value:

0x01 and 0x04 make the fadeout after promotion stupidly slow.

0x05 and 0x07 make it stall upon fadeout.

I think it might be a function table? I dunno mang.

Edited by Camtech
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i have no idea how you ended up editing it by accident but i see what went wrong


after some experimentation by changing that value:

0x01 and 0x04 make the fadeout after promotion stupidly slow.

0x05 and 0x07 make it stall upon fadeout.

I think it might be a function table? I dunno mang.

It's the same type of routine that the Pegasus Triangle attack uses. I messed with the pointers in the array, and it screws up EVERYTHING immediately on ANY screen. It might be the graphics display array or something.

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Hey, who maps for you guys? I was under the impression that a pro mapper was your mapper but looking at these maps lately, I think it's pretty clear that's not the case. Can't you get FEAW or even Celice or someone to revamp your maps, considering the exceeding popularity this game has?

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Hey, who maps for you guys? I was under the impression that a pro mapper was your mapper but looking at these maps lately, I think it's pretty clear that's not the case. Can't you get FEAW or even Celice or someone to revamp your maps, considering the exceeding popularity this game has?

Dancer_A/Kitty of Time/Eric and Feaw mainly map for us.

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I think Feaw did Chapter 3 and Chapter 7 Onduris Route.

I never paid enough attention to the peak formations to see if he did any other maps. I just don't find peaks that interesting, okay?

Edited by Anouleth
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Dancer_A/Kitty of Time/Eric and Feaw mainly map for us.

Well, looking at just the map in your siggie, that's... kinda ugly. Are they not as good as I thought or are you making these maps for function over style? I just don't understand how two of the best mappers out there, who continuously win or tie in mapping contests, can make tile spammy straight-river maps that even I could improve.

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I think Feaw did Chapter 3 and Chapter 7 Onduris Route.

That was actually me and eric respectively.

Feaw's done uuuuh

9B 10B are the only ones I can remember off the top of my head.

He's edited several others though.

@Klok: That map is made by neither of them. Which explains it.

Edited by AstraLunaSol
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All my rage here.


I made that chapter 6 revamp yeah. I've only made a few maps for DoF (Chapter 3 isn't one of them).

Lemme see... I remade chapter 2, 6, and I made chapter 9B, 10B (the port chapter where you fight Nikita), A10 (the prison chapter everyone loves) and A11 (not playable yet).

And another map that's not in the game yet.

But yeah, I'm all for revamping more maps, Dan (and you know that).

Also, fyi, Klok, I dislike being called FEAW, as opposed to Feaw. So please remember that =).

Edited by Fawful
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That generic armourknight portrait on the left screen is really nice looking. Are there going to be any other generic class portraits during the cutscenes?

Edited by Ryan7556
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That generic armourknight portrait on the left screen is really nice looking. Are there going to be any other generic class portraits during the cutscenes?

Yes, there will be.

That is one cool looking generic soldier, also I see you're using MK404 armor knight battle sprite, also did you make the map armor knights?

Yeah, a person in our group made the map sprite, though it does still need a bit of fixing.

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