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^I thought something was up with her breasts, but I couldn't quite put my finger on it. You know, aside from them being huge.

Oh well, Ima fix her boobs. (and the other stuff)

Also, there's this thing.


I drew this in like five minutes

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Her right arm (OPV) looks like an arm to a doll. There really isn't another way to put it XD. But other than that and what Dan said, I see no issues.

I think he's saying that the forearm's a little too thick. Other than that, nice sprite.

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I don't think that's what I meant. I meant that it looks like the arm pops right on and off.

I'd cut the shading near the shoulder and maybe make the should look alittle more er... natural. When I say that, i mean specifically here.


It curves too much when the shirt meets the arm, so I'd make the shirt extend to tthe right 2-3 pixels. (I'll go more in-depth if you don't understand XD)

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Nah that's okay, I understand. thanks for the comments, guys.

@April: Nope I just kinda made it up. I do a lot of original sprites so I developed my own style, though I guess you could say to some degree the shading and anti-aliasing

are fire emblem influenced since that's the first and only other kind of spriting that I do.

I don't think that's what I meant.

This made me laugh.gee_wiz_emoticon.gif

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The breasts are really cylindrical, like balloons, and the cleavage is at an off angle to the body.

Just noticed, the eyes are too low, so move them up a few pixels, and the ear is ridiculously small XD

Should go from the bottom of the nose to the top of the eyebrow, or just a little smaller than that.

Edited by seph1212
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@Dr.Sholes: Sorry, I'm gonna have to refuse that request. I do know about your project, though and I was considering doing a younger Brunya. If I do finish it you can use it so I'll keep you posted, but I make no promises.

@Joerachi: Yeah, I dunno. There's something about her face that bothers me; it's missing that mandatory Sigrun smexiness XD. I was thinking of redrawing the face from scratch. The rest I actually liked like the hair for example. As for the neck, that was probably me just being lazy again. I have a habit of forgetting to double-check my portrait before posting them and making sure they are completely finished. Glad you like it though.

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I think the problem with the Sigrun is that her nose and mouth are too far to the left (OPV) and it's giving her an elongated face. If you pulled them a few pixels back to the right, and pulled the cheek in a bit, it would look better.

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DAT SIGRUN!!!!! That is so nice. I dig it quite a bit. The update looks a bit better too. You have a nice style when it comes to hair. :D


Not bad but her head seems to look too far forward. Maybe bring the ears up a little too. They look a bit short and a bit too low on her head. I like it though!

Edited by Florina
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Your ultimate splice/custom competition entry looks like a lion. It'd be cool if he had lion-ish colors too haha. I like it.

On your other sprites you have an interesting style. Cliff and Robin are having some chin/jaw issues. The way Cliff's armor(breastplate) is turned according to the trim in the middle of it doesn't match with shoulders. It matches with his head but not his shoulders. I really like Gray, though the shading on his neck under his chin may be too triangular and rigid maybe. And lastly, this is more of a matter of opinion but Robin's design, especially his shirt, is very simple. As in its really not that interesting. I mean I guess it isn't really an issue but he really could just pass off as some random civilian. But maybe thats what you were going for?

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Your ultimate splice/custom competition entry looks like a lion. It'd be cool if he had lion-ish colors too haha. I like it.

That's the look I was going for.biggrin.gif

And lastly, this is more of a matter of opinion but Robin's design, especially his shirt, is very simple. As in its really not that interesting. I mean I guess it isn't really an issue but he really could just pass off as some random civilian. But maybe thats what you were going for?

I take it you've never played FE2. In FE2, Gray, Robin and Cliff are all villlagers (as in that's their class) so I was trying to go for simplicity. Though I didn't really want to make them look completely like villagers so I made them look like classes that I figured would suit them because villagers can promote to five different classes I think, which you can choose. Gray is a mercenary, Robin is an archer and Cliff is a cavalier/soldier. So yeah I was trying to make them look rather simple in design. Peronally I never liked Robin anyways so he gets shafted.

I'll get to work on your suggestions when I get a chance.

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