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Disgaea Mafia

Lux Aeterna

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SlayerX is considered cleared because Balcerzak said he took his role and confirmed it with him. In addition, Excellen bandwagoned on Balcerzak for no reason, which he wouldn't do if they were on the same team.

That's how I see it, at least.

Thanks for clearing it up.

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Agreed. Should we lynch Obviam tomorrow?

There's still a chance that he's a perfectly normal townie now. I would try to get the remaining mafia guys first before trying to lynch Obviam again.

Also, Bal is still not clear. I'm not very suspicious of him right now, but do keep in mind that this game has two mafias. It is perfectly possible that Bal is one of the humans.

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What about you?

Also claiming silenced doesn't clear you and neither does being said to be innocent by someone who isn't necessarily cleared.

If I don't die tonight (fat chance) I can probably clear something up...

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What about you?

If you read through the topic - the last two lynches in particular - you will notice that I took my vote back when there was a tie, resulting in the lynch of Bizz, human godfather. If I was human, I certainly would have left my vote in place to force a tie.

And I led the lynch against Excellen, a celestian. I don't know about you, but the fact that I assisted the lynch of a member of both mafia parties should be sufficient proof that I'm not mafia. I'm probably not 100% clear, considering the possibility of bussing and such stuff, but honestly. I think are plenty of better targets to go after. You already know my role, and you can always investigate me if you feel that you need to.

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It has come to my attention that a certain other townie has been cleared "exponentially more than any of us, including myself" (to paraphrase what I said to someone earlier).

I don't want to make them a target so I won't blurt out their name but I am putting it out there for everyone to know that I am currently debating with myself over what to do with the information.

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Oh I also want to point out that Raymond's fluff is just that - fluff. You knew Bizz would have been lynched anyway because someone else was going to vote for her too.

Your reasons for changing your vote to her don't hold any water and on top of that saying that you got some mafia lynched and then parading it around just screams "I am totally town please keep me alive!" which is another way of saying "I'm actually mafia please believe I'm a townie!".

Of course I've been completely wrong about everything else all game so what the fuck ever.

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Oh I also want to point out that Raymond's fluff is just that - fluff. You knew Bizz would have been lynched anyway because someone else was going to vote for her too.

Really? I did not see anyone else vote for her. Had I not taken my vote back, the day phase would have ended in a tie.

Your reasons for changing your vote to her don't hold any water and on top of that saying that you got some mafia lynched and then parading it around just screams "I am totally town please keep me alive!" which is another way of saying "I'm actually mafia please believe I'm a townie!".

How does pointing out perfectly valid evidence upon your request make me mafia? Basically, it's completely irrelevant what I say because in the end, I'm "defending myself", and only mafia members defend themselves!! ...no, you're making no fucking sense whatsoever right now.

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Also claiming silenced doesn't clear you and neither does being said to be innocent by someone who isn't necessarily cleared.

I thought the mentioning of a prinny's ability being stolen, on the day 1 flavour cleared me. The fact that it was my power being stolen means I'm a prinny.

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Yeah I've told several people this already but I'VE BEEN DEAD so I sort of haven't been paying attention.

Okay, I don't see where we are sure it was you who had your role stolen. Didn't you get silenced? What are the odds all those people would be targeting you? This sort of proves Bal is the thief but where does it say that the thief is allied with the town?

Etna is definitely cleared though and is apparently sure of someone else being innocent who I apologize to for thinking they were super scummy. Unless they really are scum, in which case congrats on fooling us.

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Yeah I've told several people this already but I'VE BEEN DEAD so I sort of haven't been paying attention.

I may have been misinformed when I was told that you wanted to be an informed observer, but assuming I wasn't and he delivered my "I can't let you know just yet" message back to you, couldn't you have found that just a teeny bit suspicious? =P

Anyway, last post for now. I'll be gone from now on. Have fun everyone!

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I'm not quite sure what you're saying because your grammar seems to be all confusing and stuff. I've already told a lot of people what happened and stuff like how and why I was pretty sure I was going to be revived but didn't actually know and then lost interest in the game when nothing was happening etc. etc.

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[spoiler=crappy flavor]

Etna raised her lance to Millia.

"You're helping the humans out, aren't you?"

Before Millia had a chance to say anything, Etna stabbed her lance into her.

A healing staff fell over, with the name BK-201 engraved in it.

Vulcanus crept over slowly to an unsuspecting demon, he chanted a fair few words to them.

Then, Jennifer moved in, striking Vulcanus' head with her fist.

He fell to the ground, a slip of paper fell out of his pocket, reading the name WoMC.

Laharl walked down his throne room, intending to protect one of his friends, but suddenly Jennifer walked into the room.

He felt dizzy, and passed out. When he woke up, he found that his powers had disappeared.

BK-201 has died, he was Millia, town DOCTOR

WoMC has died, he was Vulcanus, Celestian Recruiter

Day Phase 4 starts

Edited by Shion Kaito
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Hang on Obivam was banging on about having Laharl claim to him and then Laharl loses his power, then we find out there's a mafia recruiter, that in conjuction with him being revived by the celestial guys. Is it just me or does anybody else find this a wee bit suspicious? Holding off on voting for now. WoMC being the recruiter has ballsed up everything because if he was trying to get a ML on Bal he saw from AG it wouldn't work so either he thought Bal was a human along with Frivolidad or I would assume he was trying to distance himself from Bal. If Bal is credible then he has cleared Slayer and Acey, (at least I think it was he who said Acey was clear). Going from process of elimination, assuming that Bal's logic is fine, Jennifer has to be RD or Raymond.

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