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Disgaea Mafia

Lux Aeterna

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Nah, I bet they'd rather talk in PMs.

Oh right we can... I was totally doing this with um... oh gee make up something quick!.... IET, yes of course, i was definately talking to IET about the game, of course you guys know since you are mods and i invited you guys :sweatdrop:....

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Just want to point out I'm not for random lynches. Used to be, but now I see it's pointless.

The right thing to do if you were going to vote for anyone, SLAYER, would have been to vote for Balcerzak, WoMC or even myself. Wait, I think Bizz is playing too...if she's actually active this time she could be a dangerous opponent just like the other 3 of us. If I missed anyone I apologize, but yeah...randomly voting for Strawman was tactless.

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Like I said in TotA Mafia, I'm against randomly voting to lynch the smart people just because they might be dangerous as mafia (and because it's not in my best interests). Usually, it's the smart people who make the game interesting, and if they always get lynched first there's no longer any incentive for them to play.

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Like I said in TotA Mafia, I'm against randomly voting to lynch the smart people just because they might be dangerous as mafia (and because it's not in my best interests). Usually, it's the smart people who make the game interesting, and if they always get lynched first there's no longer any incentive for them to play.

This, if there is anything i'm against is killing smart people early in games. They make the game better, make wall of text, make conversation, make up stuff, confuse people and such. Besides, voting for someone random in Day 0 after most votes last page were "no lynch" is not going to be game breaking.

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I did vote for Balcerzak. It was a complete shot in the dark and you may not like my choice of who to vote for, but it's not like he's the only interesting player here and it certainly would have opened up some discussion.

All you no lynch voters are boring or mafia. Mafia gets to kill either way, what do they care about lynching?

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I was talking about this game, where we don't learn anything about the player except their alignment when they die.

Did they get mafia or town?

Who pushed for it?

If town, perhaps that person (the one who pushed) is Mafia, best get them checked/vigged.

If mafia, Perhaps that person is town, best doc/watch/track/check them if possible just to make sure its no bussing/dies from mafia.

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Did they get mafia or town?

Who pushed for it?

If town, perhaps that person (the one who pushed) is Mafia, best get them checked/vigged.

If mafia, Perhaps that person is town, best doc/watch/track/check them if possible just to make sure its no bussing/dies from mafia.

This. A lot. Also, the logic that "we have no info" is dumb when you get to day 2, somebody dies, and you still have no info that you couldn't have gotten from lynching.

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Did they get mafia or town?

Who pushed for it?

If town, perhaps that person (the one who pushed) is Mafia, best get them checked/vigged.

If mafia, Perhaps that person is town, best doc/watch/track/check them if possible just to make sure its no bussing/dies from mafia.

I'm not trying to say we shouldn't lynch anyone we're not 100% sure is Mafia. I just need a reason to lynch someone, and that doesn't happen with first day random lynches.

I agree with everything Slayer said above, but none of that matters on a random early lynch. Let's assume we all followed Weapons' suggestion to lynch Raymond just because:

- Most likely, Raymond was a townie (simple probability).

- Weapons. Does this make him Mafia? Of course not.

- While I suppose it's always nice to know Weapons' role (Assassin's Guild), are we really going to vig kill him just for that?

- Sure, Weapons is probably (almost certainly, really. It makes little sense to bus this early) town in this case, but how likely is it that we randomly lynch a mafia on day one? Also, if the Mafia knows the Doctor's on Weapons, they have free reign to kill however they want.

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- Most likely, Raymond was a townie (simple probability).

- Weapons. Does this make him Mafia? Of course not. Not really but adds suspicion onto him

- While I suppose it's always nice to know Weapons' role (Assassin's Guild), are we really going to vig kill him just for that? If the vig must kill every night, this will allow him to make a somewhat educated guess rather than kill someone at random.

- Sure, Weapons is probably (almost certainly, really. It makes little sense to bus this early) town in this case, but how likely is it that we randomly lynch a mafia on day one? Also, if the Mafia knows the Doctor's on Weapons, they have free reign to kill however they want. Randomly lynching a mafia, eventhough it has a really small chance of happening if there is no bussing, would allows to know a townie. Very useful, and mafia would most likely go for him, we can always play wifom with this however, (doctor be on him, maf go for someone else, but maf knows town would think like this so they target womc anyway.) Thats why i didn't say doc only, watcher is also there, as well as tracker. And bussing this early can be seen as A) unecessary or B)pretty smart, you wouldn't expect maf to bus day 0 so town would assume he'd be a trustable person, with whom everyone with information will most likely go to.

Edited by SlayerX
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I'm not trying to say we shouldn't lynch anyone we're not 100% sure is Mafia. I just need a reason to lynch someone, and that doesn't happen with first day random lynches.

1. How are second day random lynches different, then?

2. Random wagon =/= random lynch. Often times, there's a wagon based on something small which leads to tells on players before the wagoned player flips, and the game develops from there.

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Not really but adds suspicion onto him Weapons always pushes for early lynches, whether he's town or mafia. How does that make him suspicious?

If the vig must kill every night, this will allow him to make a somewhat educated guess rather than kill someone at random. What kind of Vigilante must kill every night? Besides, if I were the Vigilante I would be shooting at the people who jumped on the bandwagon first.

Randomly lynching a mafia, eventhough it has a really small chance of happening if there is no bussing, would allows to know a townie. In my opinion, this chance is small enough that I don't want to bother.

Very useful, and mafia would most likely go for him, we can always play wifom with this however, (doctor be on him, maf go for someone else, but maf knows town would think like this so they target womc anyway.) Thats why i didn't say doc only, watcher is also there, as well as tracker. I dislike arguing wifom scenarios (wifom is pretty useful and interesting, though).

And bussing this early can be seen as A) unecessary or B)pretty smart, you wouldn't expect maf to bus day 0 so town would assume he'd be a trustable person, with whom everyone with information will most likely go to. Remember, the Mafia needs to equal/outnumber the town to win. Sacrificing someone who's under no suspicion just to try and clear someone else (despite the fact that that person (Weapons in this example) would probably be investigated anyway) is a horrible idea.

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1. How are second day random lynches different, then?

2. Random wagon =/= random lynch. Often times, there's a wagon based on something small which leads to tells on players before the wagoned player flips, and the game develops from there.

1. Why are we lynching people randomly?

2. I agree with this. Too many people bandwagon a No Lynch vote on day one for it to matter though, regardless of how hard someone pushes for a lynch. Generally, it's easier to get people to agree to a lynch after the first day.

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What happens on day 2 that can't happen on day 1 to make a lynch not random?

More discussion, since on day one people tend to just say "No Lynch" and stay silent. Besides, I'm not against lynching someone on day 1. I just don't want to lynch someone without a reason (which is what tends to happen with day 1 lynches).

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