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Unconventional Strategies


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In preparation for a debate with Red, I booted up a new HHM file. As I was playing along, I tested and re-tested some novel approaches to complete maps, and it got me thinking: why not try to compile them in a single topic? Perhaps there aren't enough out there to justify something like this, but I at least wanted to give it a shot.

Chapter 11: Guaranteed 6-Turn Completion (with a good level up!) [Ranked/Efficiency]

From what I understand, most people take the southern route on both ranked and efficiency playthroughs. This is because, due to the way RNs are set up on a fresh file, a few timely RN burns will give Hector some lucky dodges and blows and allow him to reach Wire by turn six. However, the same is possible of the western route, and it isn't hindered by the poor level-up Hector gets from the south. Proceed along the west route as usual, but when Matthew opens the door, have Hector burn two RNs before proceeding and equip the hand axe. He'll dodge both the soldier and the archer, which will allow him to defeat Wire; the level-up gains are HP, strength, speed, and luck. Very nice!

Chapter 13: Crossing the Rubicon [Efficiency]

There are a number of ways to complete this chapter on an efficiency playthrough, but dondon's five-turn completion had Marcus take the south and the rest of the group take the west. It is also possible, however, to complete all chapter objectives (visit both villages, shop around, recruit Guy) via a unique path with Hector. On turn 1, have him place himself two squares away from the southern river tile: have Dorcas rescue him, then have Lowen re-rescue him and drop him off on the river. Next, have Oswin rescue Lowen. This is essential, as the following turn, Oswin will give Lowen to Hector. Marcus proceeds to destroy the south, and Dorcas, Oswin, Eliwood, and Rebecca tackle the western village. There are a couple quirks to the strategy one needs to adhere to- put Eliwood in the way of the PK on turn one to maximize Hector movement, for example, or not immediately dropping off Lowen when you have the chance- but this is the general framework.

Chapter 14: Marcus Charges the North [Ranked]

Everyone and their mother uses Marcus to secure the southern village (and Priscilla) on this chapter, but I'm not sure that's the optimal way. If he goes north and visits the village, he'll have himself a nice iron blade. He can weaken the mercenary for an easy kill with Erk, but more interesting is how this can lead to a quick and painless Erik kill: placing Marcus on the forest tile, he leaves Erik with 3 HP after a double with the iron blade (at base level), and Erk at base with thunder does three damage to him. This means that Erk can essentially get a free ~130 experience, and it helps ease the burden of the group charging the center. Upon killing Erik, of course, have Marcus rescue Erk and flee- you don't want too consume too much experience with Marcus!

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Chapter 11: Guaranteed 6-Turn Completion (with a good level up!) [Ranked/Efficiency]

From what I understand, most people take the southern route on both ranked and efficiency playthroughs.

Most people actually take the west route, doing just about what you wrote. Just a heads-up. Hector will almost definitely die going south or will not be able to get 6 turns without significant (and I mean, TAS-level significant) RNG abuse.

I personally never send Marcus to Priscilla's village in chapter 14, because it's just not feasible to get her while completing the map in 5 turns. Probably a more common strategy is just sending him straight up the middle up the map.

Edited by dondon151
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Most people actually take the west route, doing just about what you wrote. Just a heads-up. Hector will almost definitely die going south or will not be able to get 6 turns without significant (and I mean, TAS-level significant) RNG abuse.

I personally never send Marcus to Priscilla's village in chapter 14, because it's just not feasible to get her while completing the map in 5 turns. Probably a more common strategy is just sending him straight up the middle up the map.

I don't know if you noticed the [Ranked] tag, but just as a heads up, I would never endorse that strategy on an Efficiency playthrough.

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Oh, right, I did miss that on chapter 14, but my point about chapter 11 on efficiency still stands.

As a side note, I would personally recommend never actively recruiting Priscilla on any sort of run. It's easier just to remove the brigands and complete the chapter normally.

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Chapter 14: Marcus Charges the North [Ranked]

Everyone and their mother uses Marcus to secure the southern village (and Priscilla) on this chapter, but I'm not sure that's the optimal way. If he goes north and visits the village, he'll have himself a nice iron blade. He can weaken the mercenary for an easy kill with Erk, but more interesting is how this can lead to a quick and painless Erik kill: placing Marcus on the forest tile, he leaves Erik with 3 HP after a double with the iron blade (at base level), and Erk at base with thunder does three damage to him. This means that Erk can essentially get a free ~130 experience, and it helps ease the burden of the group charging the center. Upon killing Erik, of course, have Marcus rescue Erk and flee- you don't want too consume too much experience with Marcus!

Erik has a Lance, correct? It's a Silver Lance or Horseslayer, don't remember what HHM gives him, but either way, an Iron Blade has 8 MT against Erik and WTD while an Iron Axe has 9 MT and WTA. Especially if it's a Horseslayer, wouldn't the Iron Axe be a better choice? He'd still leave Erik with 1 HP to let Erk kill. Although I don't know how this would effect that Myrmidon (not Mercenary).

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Erik has a Lance, correct? It's a Silver Lance or Horseslayer, don't remember what HHM gives him, but either way, an Iron Blade has 8 MT against Erik and WTD while an Iron Axe has 9 MT and WTA. Especially if it's a Horseslayer, wouldn't the Iron Axe be a better choice? He'd still leave Erik with 1 HP to let Erk kill. Although I don't know how this would effect that Myrmidon (not Mercenary).

Horseslayer on EHM and ENM I believe, while Silver Lance for HNM and HHM. Unless my memory is foggy.

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You are both wrong :3. Erik only has a horsekiller lance on Hard Mode(either Eli or Hector). I know this because Erik had a silver lance when I was doing Chapter 14 on my Hector Mode run(which is practically deceased because I do not like writing down dialogue. That and it's not HHM.)

Edited by DA125
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