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Fire Emblem in Super Smash Bros. Brawl


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It says Fire Emblem: Monshou no Nazo AKA FE3 o__o

I would say it's kind to argue with that, besides it even has a picture. XD

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Elicina: "Uhh, *enters and attacks 4 times with Amiti* is that ok? I don't know, I'm not actually used to fighting...or ruling a country...heck, I lack self-confidence in general *runs away*"

Ike: "Right, well then, time for me to keep killing everyone!"

besides, they already have a Pegasus Knight AT, so why would they need another one that was basically the same thing...or would she heal you as well?

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Well, there could be different types of attacks still. Didn't Sakurai comment about distinguishing Samurai Goroh(?) and Lyn's sword strokes?

Updated with FE music from "Combat Preparation". FE1's translated name makes my eyes burn, and it's amusing how they're not using the localised names (yet?) for three the tracks :S

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If this is to be trusted, it would appear that Ike is not the only Fire Emblem representative. There is also this clearer image. Of course, news such as this cannot be entirely confirmed as the game's Japanese release is tomorrow but, if anybody has an interest, feel free to judge the validity of these images. I will try to find more credible sources.

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If this is to be trusted, it would appear that Ike is not the only Fire Emblem representative. There is also this clearer image. Of course, news such as this cannot be entirely confirmed until the game's Japanese release tomorrow but, for anybody who has an interest, feel free to judge the validity of these images. I will try to find more credible sources.

Psst... not to be mean or anything but there's a link in the first thread marked under ?????? to a leaked video with him, and there's also the same video in the Brawl thread in the General board. We also know 34 characters that are gonna be playable.

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Ah, I very quickly scanned the last page (page seventeen) of that thread for any mention of Marth but I saw nothing at first glance. My mistake.

we used spoiler tags, just like this one...and it was on page 16

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I don't see the point of using spoiler tags on a TOPIC that is already marked to be full of spoilers.

at the time, the SSBB thread was NOT marked spoilers...this forum is not currently marked spoilers...but yes, spoiler tags are obsolete now in the SSBB thread...

hope that was a sufficient response

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yeah seriously, the japanese will be revealing it all to us in a matter of hours

and ill be waiting!

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I'd rather it if it were Roy to be in Brawl, instead of Marth. But I guess the inclusion of Marth goes well with the Fire Emblem DS that's currently being made. Remake Sword of Seals for the DS and release that internationally, I'd personally be more happy with that than a remake of the first Fire Emblem.

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I'd rather have them remake the FIRST game as I probably will never play it because it's so dated. However, if they remake the first one they're likely to remake the others as well.

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