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Mapping Voting

Chocolate Kitty


38 members have voted

  1. 1. Which Map is da bess?

    • [img]http://i132.photobucket.com/albums/q30/Feaw_2007/FeawMapContest3.png[/img] - Feaw
    • [img]http://i1106.photobucket.com/albums/h365/The13thshadow/MapCompetition4scrn.png?t=1297777776[/img] - 13th Shadow
    • [img]http://img826.imageshack.us/img826/9549/week4w.png[/img] - HoT
    • [img]http://img248.imageshack.us/img248/5071/contestbernscrn.png[/img] - Celice
    • [img]http://www.majhost.com/gallery/Neo-SL/Maps/competition_map_week_4.png[/img] - SL
    • [img]http://i165.photobucket.com/albums/u67/anouleth/tower2scrn.png[/img] - Anouleth
    • [img]http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y236/TacticKnight/SF%20Archive/LGMapCompRd4.png[/img] - LG

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I voted for SL, since I don't particularly understand why Feaw and LG have stairs leading into lakes.

So do Celice and SL. Well, SL's is more a pool, but still. I mean, it's in the tileset, and you can't even have water that's not a sea/lake or river in that tileset.

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So do Celice and SL. Well, SL's is more a pool, but still. I mean, it's in the tileset, and you can't even have water that's not a sea/lake or river in that tileset.

...So he does. I didn't even notice. SL's map is really good besides that, though. I just want to know why there would be stairs into water unless it's a swimming pool.

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Hard one to narrow down, with all of the great entries. But, while Celice's might not make a very long or interesting chapter, I do quite enjoy the map's design. And, it sparked my interest in doing this round, so I have to give a couple of points for that.

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I noticed that my map seems very scenic, but not so much geared towards gameplay--it feels more like an event map. Yet it does have some fun capabilities, like making it a defend chapter. I feel the same for your map: it's design looks fun, and there's a potential sense of haste starting on that corner and rushing down the strip.

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Apparently one does, considering Feaw's vote record. His maps are just as chaotic in their construction, only shaped with as many varied pieces as possible, and in their "dead-space," as many random structures as possible D:

One is only visually more eloquent than the other, and shiny likes to attract a lot of different people.

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....not sure what you're trying to say there. My maps are chaotic and have lots of variation, but what else? (english isnt my first language, and as well as I speak english, I can't decipher what you're exactly saying there)

As a native english speaker, I can't understand what he's trying to say either.

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I think what he is trying to say is something along the lines of "You over complicate your maps so they appear more attractive and more impressive, therefore people like them more." I'm probably wrong though.

Also, I voted for LG cause it would be cool to fight my up that massive temple.

Edited by Strawman the SawmanShaman
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Yeah but I don't get the first part. Is he comparing my maps to FE1's maps? Becuase if so, then what the hell, FE 1's maps (and FE 2), are horrible. And my "vote record", I'm assuming he means that I get a lot of votes, but then I don't get the "one" part at the beginning... @.@

Edited by Feaw
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I think Celice meant to say 13 rather than Feaw. If you look at Seph's post, then at Celice's, it seems like he's talking about 13's maps, since 13 has one single vote.

Edited by Krad
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