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I always thought forum specific games might be fun. Here's a crazy one I thought of:

A user edits a random post of theirs in any forum saying something like "You've won" and whoever finds it first is the winner.

Or even:

Scavenger hunt! A user finds and posts a random picture and whoever finds the original link first wins (original meaning not photobucket)

The quote one is a good idea, as well.

I also nominate those ideas

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If you have any ideas for gimmicks or games here, feel free to contribute.

Like for posts or other rewards.

This time, please stay on topic...

And before I post this, we will never have "mod for a day" as a prize.

why not? it'll be fun! :lol:

but getting back on topic, in another forum i'm involved, they had a really cool game. the mod put 2 riddles. the first riddle was a message, and the second riddle was where they where supposed to put the answer of the first riddle. the first six to get the riddles right passed to round 2 of the game, which was a "russian roulette" type of thing. there was a thread where only they could post, with a random number chosen by the mod. whoever had the post number in that thread that matched with the number chosen by the mod, that person would win. members couldn't double post and stuff.

it was pretty cool! and exciting!

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Maybe that could be an alternate prize or something.

Or maybe... +100 post for your postcount.

I already won that, I don't think I would want it again.

But my pickering aside, that's a good idea.

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1. I know a game on another forum I go to and it's called "The Count to Infinity," and they make a new thread every 30,000.

2. "1,000,000 Bottles of Beer on the Wall" and like what I said for number one, just make a new thread every 20,000-30,000.

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1. I know a game on another forum I go to and it's called "The Count to Infinity," and they make a new thread every 30,000.

2. "1,000,000 Bottles of Beer on the Wall" and like what I said for number one, just make a new thread every 20,000-30,000.

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Here's an actual idea:

What if we do a murder mystery thing?

Like let's get a list of people and then we pick someone to be the murderer while the others don't know who it is.

One of the mods writes a closed, pinned, description of the scene of the crime and such, leaving clues (extremely subtle) about who the murderer is. Every 3 hours or so, the mod puts in a new piece of evidence until there are 5 pieces. Whomever guesses who the murderer is within 24 hours with a decent explanation wins. If no one does, than the murderer wins.

We'd also have to make a chatroom dedicated to this, so we won't spam the forums.

You'd probably have to work out the kinks, but it's a good idea no?

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Yeah, I like that idea Lyle.

Thanks. I came up with it while me and my friend went to see Get smart. Something was wrong with it so everyone in the theater was waiting while looking at an empty screen.

After a while I just got up and said in a brittish accent: "Someone in this theater.....is a murderer."

Most of the people laughed. 10 minutes later, they got the movie working.

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