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Low Level Challenge

General Horace

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And finally at level six, Wil has at last achieved...base stats you'd expect of a first-level cavalier. Except first-level cavaliers don't usually have six constitution.

...Good luck.

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Closest I've been able to get on chapter 18 is 9/11 turns, then the Pegs rape me. Eliwood and Hector are the only units that can survive two rounds of combat against the Mercs, and Lucius is 0RKO'd by steel lance pegs if they proc strength. Bartre can't hit anything other that the Pegs, and thankfully, he doubles the weighed down ones. And Matthew is absolutely useless in combat unless he's using a lancereaver against a Peg.

Any suggestions anyone can think of?

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Unless you don't deploy anyone else (which I don't know if you would allow), I got nothing. If you could, I'd have Hector solo the map with Hand Axes while sitting on the Armory. And getting moderately lucky. Other than that, I can't really think of any way to solve this dilemma.

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As VanguardRaven said, gunning for the boss does end the chapter immediately, but you do have to watch out for that Luna and hopefully steal the Speedwings from Zoldam. Hope that a non-Matthew sword user with the Killing Edge doubles!

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Anyhow, I have not had the time to try since, but I figured I would answer some questions.

Mist, if I leave Hector on the armoury, the mercs will ignore him and precede to slaughter the rest of my units.

Pegs are a constant spawn on this map, including the 6 that start on the map. Again, if I move Hector away from one of the chokepoints, whoever fills his spot dies. Therefore he can't rush the boss. Not that he would make it, he gets raped by the shaman.

And yes, it is a Guiding Ring, which I would like very much, but Matthew has no chance of making it to Zoldam alive without Florina, and then Florina has no chance of making it there either.

I'll give it another shot in a while and see how it goes.

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I might show a video at how badly my units get brutalized when I try that.

I was going to say, I'm pretty sure given your units, that is impossible. The combo of pegs + mercs + shamans pretty much mean death for at least 1 unit, per turn. Would need a lot of luck to dodge many, many attacks.

EDIT: You should post a video though, it would be funny.

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I beat Chapter 18. I waited it out.

I am so pumped to say that I have 13 units deployed next chapter, maybe one will be good and not named Hector.

Video to come.

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Actaully, not really. Hector blocked one chokepoint, and Eliwood blocked the other, and he like, 5RKO'd the Mercs. Lucius got some decent exp though I think.

EDIT: Chapter 19 Units: Hector, Serra, Priscilla, Lucius, Florina, Raven, Lyn, Wil, Rebecca, Sain, Lowen, Dorcas, Dart (Turn 1), Fiora (Turn 3)

Unit       Level    HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res  Wep Lvl                Supports
Hector     17.26    33  14   12   11    6   15    3   A Axe                  C Eliwood
Matthew     7.70    23   5    7   14    6    5    3   C Sword
Eliwood     8.39    25   8    9   11    9    8    1   B Sword                C Hector  
Marcus      3.18*   32  15   16   11    9   10   10   A Lance A Sword B Axe
Rebecca     6.55    20   6    6   11    6    5    3   C Bow
Lowen       6.58    26   7    5    8    5    9    1   D Lance D Sword
Dorcas      6.99    32   9    7    7    5    4    0   C Axe
Bartre      7.61    34  10    8    6    6    7    1   C Axe
Oswin      11.23    29  13   10    6    4   15    3   B Lance
Serra       7.21    19   2    6   13   11    2    7   B Staves
Guy         7.66    29   8   15   16    6    7    1   C Swords
Erk         7.35    20   6    8   12    3    2    5   C Anima
Priscilla   7.01    18   9    8   10    9    4    8   B Staves
Lyn         7.40    20   7   10   13    6    3    2   C swords               C Florina
Florina     6.50    19   7   10   11    9    5    5   D Lances               C Lyn
Wil         6.96    23   7    6    6    7    7    1   D Bow
Kent        8.19    26   9    9   10    6    7    3   D Lance D Sword
Sain        6.48    23  10    7    8    6    8    1   D Lance D Sword
Raven       7.02    30  11   15   16    3    6    2   C Sword
Lucius      6.27    19  10    8   11    3    1    8   D Light
Canas       8.91    Base

Video is up at the top of page.

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I'll go through possible times of death:

0:18 Eliwood dodging two shaman. I would imagine the hitrates were around 40, as he had his Hector support in action on the turn.

0:57 If both these shaman hit (Roughly 55% Displayed hit) Hector is dead.

2:45 If this peg proc's defence, Florina can't one round, and it causes massive issues.

4:15 If Florina doesn't dodge here, she or a healer or Lucius is dead. 63 displayed hit.

But really, other than that, not too bad.

I don't mean to make myself sound good, but it required some strategic placing of units as well. That was the tougher part. And Hector dying due to killing too many shaman in a row with a hand axe.

EDIT: First attempt at Chapter 19 resuslts in this.


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  • 1 month later...

**Uses phoenix down on topic**

Anyway, just completed chapter 19, nothing too impressive, but it is finally over.

Unit       Level    HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res  Wep Lvl                Supports
Hector     18.64    34  14   12   12    6   15    3   A Axe                  C Eliwood
Matthew     7.70    23   5    7   14    6    5    3   C Sword
Eliwood     8.39    25   8    9   11    9    8    1   B Sword                C Hector  
Marcus      3.18*   32  15   16   11    9   10   10   A Lance A Sword B Axe
Rebecca     7.63    21   7    6   12    6    6    3   C Bow
Lowen       7.61    28   7    5    8    6   10    1   D Lance D Sword
Dorcas      8.50    34  11    8    7    6    5    0   C Axe
Bartre      7.61    34  10    8    6    6    7    1   C Axe
Oswin      11.23    29  13   10    6    4   15    3   B Lance
Serra       8.02    19   2    6   14   11    2    7   B Staves
Guy         7.66    29   8   15   16    6    7    1   C Swords
Erk         7.35    20   6    8   12    3    2    5   C Anima
Priscilla   7.82    18   9    8   10    9    4    8   B Staves
Lyn         8.24    21   7   10   13    7    3    3   C swords               C Florina
Florina     7.32    19   8   10   12    9    5    6   D Lances               C Lyn
Wil         7.70    24   8    7    6    8    7    1   D Bow
Kent        8.19    26   9    9   10    6    7    3   D Lance D Sword
Sain        8.00    25  12    7   10    7    8    2   D Lance D Sword
Raven       9.82    32  13   16   16    3    7    2   B Sword
Lucius      6.77    19  10    8   11    3    1    8   D Light
Canas       8.91    Base
Fiora       7.77    Base
Dart        9.52    34  13    8    9    3    6    1   B Axe

Video to come. Next chapter units: Hector, Florina, Lucius, Erk, Bartre, Matthew, Rebecca, Lowen.

Killing the boss is going to be very sketchy.



Ignore the savestate at the end, it actually didn't matter, as Hector WHO WASN'T SUPPOSED TO CRIT UHAI critted Uhai, and stole exp from Raven and/or Sain. I fully didn't expect this run to work out, which explains the sketchy strategy.

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Chapter 19x was completed in 11 Turns. Why must I rely on Hector landing sub 50% chance hits to kill bosses? :facepalm:

Anyway, pre video analysis, Lucius and Erk got some crits which helped a ton, and the boss kill was complete garbage, but i'll take it anyhow. Lucius was the MVP of this chapter.

Unit       Level    HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res  Wep Lvl                Supports
Hector     19.90    35  15   13   13    7   16    3   A Axe                  C Eliwood
Matthew    10.88    26   7    8   15    8    5    4   B Sword
Eliwood     8.39    25   8    9   11    9    8    1   B Sword                C Hector  
Marcus      3.18*   32  15   16   11    9   10   10   A Lance A Sword B Axe
Rebecca     8.90    21   7    6   13    6    6    3   C Bow
Lowen       8.51    29   8    5    8    7   11    2   C Lance D Sword
Dorcas      8.50    34  11    8    7    6    5    0   C Axe
Bartre      8.87    35  11    8    6    6    8    1   C Axe
Oswin      11.23    29  13   10    6    4   15    3   B Lance
Serra       8.02    19   2    6   14   11    2    7   B Staves
Guy         7.66    29   8   15   16    6    7    1   C Swords
Erk         8.31    21   6    8   13    3    3    5   C Anima
Priscilla   7.82    18   9    8   10    9    4    8   B Staves
Lyn         8.24    21   7   10   13    7    3    3   C swords               C Florina
Florina     8.44    21   8   10   13    9    6    6   C Lances               C Lyn
Wil         7.70    24   8    7    6    8    7    1   D Bow
Kent        8.19    26   9    9   10    6    7    3   D Lance D Sword
Sain        8.00    25  12    7   10    7    8    2   D Lance D Sword
Raven       9.82    32  13   16   16    3    7    2   B Sword
Lucius      8.54    19  12    9   11    3    1    9   C Light
Canas       8.91    Base
Fiora       7.77    Base
Dart        9.52    34  13    8    9    3    6    1   B Axe

Next Chapter Units: Hector, Lyn (forced), Eliwood (forced), Guy, Wil :facepalm:, Fiora, Priscilla, Sain, Serra, Kent, Erk, Florina.

I don't think this chapter will be too bad.

Here's 19x:


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  • 2 months later...

Dude update this shit. This inspired me to do my own Low Level Challenge on FE6 HM, so I want to see yours progress too.

I got to Kinship's Bond, with two archers, two healers, Lucius, and some other units that couldn't take a hit whatsoever. (Lucy was OHKO'd by everything on the map, except mages) I just didn't have the units to be able to pull it off. I may restart sometime with LHM beforehand.

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