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(FE9 & 10) FE Tellius Draft

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Hi Red Fox.

21: 9/126

Base: Nothing special is happening here anymore.

Map: Fuck this map. That is all.

I see you're not in a mood for discussing Without a King... Also, your thoughts for this map are my exact thoughts for Arcadia in FE6.

Edited by Metal King Slime
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Hi Red Fox.

I see you're not in a mood for discussing Without a King... Also, your thoughts for this map are my exact thoughts for Arcadia in FE6.

Did you want to discuss Without a King? Discussing it is at least much more pleasant than playing it.

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Did you want to discuss Without a King? Discussing it is at least much more pleasant than playing it.

I guess it's those darn Sleep staves that got to you? And you didn't have a staff user this time... I can't imagine trying to play any FE game without a healer at all...

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I can't imagine trying to play any FE game without a healer at all...

I had to go the first two chapters of FE4 without a healer in a draft. Which really sucked since that game doesn't even have Vulneraries.

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I guess it's those darn Sleep staves that got to you? And you didn't have a staff user this time... I can't imagine trying to play any FE game without a healer at all...

That wasn't even the worst of it this time. I only had to dodge a total of three. Marcia had to dodge two on turn 2 enemy phase without Pure Water and Ike had to dodge one on turn 4 enemy phase with +5 Res from Pure Water, which wasn't too bad. The rest of the team just went for the Energy Drop and could easily avoid any Sleeping. The biggest problems were keeping Ike and Marcia alive, no thanks to Tauroneo, and killing Ena in a reasonable amount of time so she wouldn't hit an Elixir on me. Ike was able to 4HKO and double with the Laguzslayer but the Hit was pretty unreliable so it wasn't unlikely for him to miss a crucial hit, like the kill or the Sol hit from Aether (seemed to happen nearly every time). I actually could have cleared it in 8 turns since turn 8 enemy phase was the first time he attacked Ena and with an Aether and no misses he'd kill, but no way was I going to reset twenty more times for that.

It didn't feel like my chances of success were too low as much as it felt like I kept getting unlucky. I made it to Ena often enough without a hitch, but then Ike would miss and/or suddenly decide he no longer wants to dodge enemies and all that time is wasted. His Hit chances weren't too reliable but weren't exactly low either, since the lowest I saw was high 60s and it went as high as the 80s. Add in randomly getting hit by Sleep/crit/everything and the frustration stacks up.

At least keeping Tauroneo out of combat wasn't an issue. Enemies would tend to prefer targeting Ike or Marcia over him. Any time he did get targeted I would have needed to reset for something else anyway.

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That wasn't even the worst of it this time. I only had to dodge a total of three. Marcia had to dodge two on turn 2 enemy phase without Pure Water and Ike had to dodge one on turn 4 enemy phase with +5 Res from Pure Water, which wasn't too bad. The rest of the team just went for the Energy Drop and could easily avoid any Sleeping. The biggest problems were keeping Ike and Marcia alive, no thanks to Tauroneo, and killing Ena in a reasonable amount of time so she wouldn't hit an Elixir on me. Ike was able to 4HKO and double with the Laguzslayer but the Hit was pretty unreliable so it wasn't unlikely for him to miss a crucial hit, like the kill or the Sol hit from Aether (seemed to happen nearly every time). I actually could have cleared it in 8 turns since turn 8 enemy phase was the first time he attacked Ena and with an Aether and no misses he'd kill, but no way was I going to reset twenty more times for that.

It didn't feel like my chances of success were too low as much as it felt like I kept getting unlucky. I made it to Ena often enough without a hitch, but then Ike would miss and/or suddenly decide he no longer wants to dodge enemies and all that time is wasted. His Hit chances weren't too reliable but weren't exactly low either, since the lowest I saw was high 60s and it went as high as the 80s. Add in randomly getting hit by Sleep/crit/everything and the frustration stacks up.

At least keeping Tauroneo out of combat wasn't an issue. Enemies would tend to prefer targeting Ike or Marcia over him. Any time he did get targeted I would have needed to reset for something else anyway.

So you hate it because you just seem to have bad luck with it... As for Ena, even ignoring the Elixir, she regains 10 HP each turn; that could easily set one back a turn or two.

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So I was looking over the logs and noticed a few things.


Turns: 6

According to Radiant Dragon:

Actually, this map can not be cleared in less than 7 turns, no matter what. The game requires you to see the scene with the Hawks first.

That map can't be cleared in 6 turns.

Ch.17-2: A better use for boots?

Turns: 4

Penalties: None

Notes: I was only a single square away arriving on turn 3. If only you could place where Jill started… oh well. The rest of the team started fighting the paladin swarm as it arrived, with Mak (warded) at the forefront. Generally he's turning into a pretty good warrior after eating a draco shield some time back. That was about it for that chapter.

@Bold: You can, in a way. You just have to set it up from 17-1. Their position in the unit list determines what spot they'll take, and this page can tell you where.

Chapter 14 - 4/101

I suck at low turn counts. Titania ran as far as she could, but didn't get a chance to attack the bandit dude on her turn, or this would be one less turn. . .anyway, went straight for the boss. Facepalm at Boyd who managed to whiff 2 74% chances to OHKO a mage.

For future reference, Steel forges are first forgeable here, and with a max MT Steel Axe forge, Titania should be able to cleanly ORKO the boss, allowing for an enemy phase clear on turn 3.

So you hate it because you just seem to have bad luck with it... As for Ena, even ignoring the Elixir, she regains 10 HP each turn; that could easily set one back a turn or two.

This time was just bad luck (and Ena). My last two times I didn't have Marcia to help me out and I was out the mercy of the Sleep staves much more often. Either way, Ena is still one of the most annoying bosses in the game, and this just happens to be in a long, winding map that has 3 Bishops with Sleep spread out, a few good chest items to be grabbed, and Tauroneo to be recruited in the boss room of all places. I didn't really need to recruit him, but his damage was too heavy to take.

Some of the reinforcements that show up are also painful.

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So I was looking over the logs and noticed a few things.

This time was just bad luck (and Ena). My last two times I didn't have Marcia to help me out and I was out the mercy of the Sleep staves much more often. Either way, Ena is still one of the most annoying bosses in the game, and this just happens to be in a long, winding map that has 3 Bishops with Sleep spread out, a few good chest items to be grabbed, and Tauroneo to be recruited in the boss room of all places. I didn't really need to recruit him, but his damage was too heavy to take.

Some of the reinforcements that show up are also painful.

Yeah... It doesn't help that two waves of reinforcements spawn behind you (one wave with a Killer Axe!Warrior; I think that one's triggered by crossing a certain spot on the map).

Edited by Metal King Slime
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Oh, thanks! I really need to learn how to forge better!

Back to banging my head against the wall!

It's one of those things you learn as you go along. Titania just needs 15 Str, +3 from base to do it.

Yeah... It doesn't help that two waves of reinforcements spawn behind you (one wave with a Killer Axe!Warrior; I think that one's triggered by crossing a certain spot of the map).

The real problem are the ones that come out of the stairs near the boss room. I already have enough to deal with over there, and two of them are ranged (A Sniper and a Halberdier with a Short Spear). Stupid game.

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The real problem are the ones that come out of the stairs near the boss room. I already have enough to deal with over there, and two of them are ranged (A Sniper and a Halberdier with a Short Spear). Stupid game.

Oh... It doesn't help that Javelins and Hand Axes have ass-bad accuracy in PoR.

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Glad to see everyone shaping up to be decent units (except Micaiah). Sothe's ridiculously blessed, but his caps aren't doing him any favors.

[spoiler=Chapter 7 - Endgame]Chapter 7 (13/196)

I gave Rhys two levels of BEXP, and Kyza got to .99. Ike got Celerity while Mia and Rhys got Adept.

I deployed Mordecai to recruit Zihark so I could promote Rhys at level 17. Ike stayed back to recruit Janaff, then moved south to get smacked by the Black Knight. Everyone else's job was to keep enemies away from Mordecai and Zihark.

Chapter 8 (7/204)

I give Mia the Storm Sword, and buy Rhys two more Ellights. BEXP Janaff to 30 for Tear, and the others (not Ike) to .99. Rhys gets Celerity and Daunt, Ike takes Adept and Corrosion and Janaff takes Wildheart.

Mia and Janaff go east while the others head south, Janaff and Kyza using Laguz Stones. The lava tiles helped since no one ORKO'd Generals otherwise without the Brave Sword or skill procs. Rhys gets to the southern force first and weakens it so the others can finish them off (except Kyza, who had untransformed; Janaff had Halfshifted). Mia ends it on turn 7 Enemy Phase by finishing the reinforcement Sages.

Chapter 9 (5/209)

Kieran and Calill get Paragon, I buy the Adept, and Kieran gets 3 levels of BEXP.

Kieran and Calill rush towards the boss while Geoffrey stays out of the way and the Allies saved the houses. Calill Meteors the boss, then next turn Kieran hits him and Calill finishes him to end the chapter.

Chapter 10 (7/216)

I BEXP everyone that isn't Ike to .99 and buy Mia a new Wind Edge and Rhys a new Ellight.

Mia goes south by herself while Ike and Rhys go north, the laguz staying behind waiting for their guage to fill. The Royal Knights helped immensely by taking care of the stragglers so my units could focus on moving forward. Rhys and Kyza end up taking care of most of the north-eastern bulk, while Ike took care of the Dracoknights and Janaff picked off anything the others missed.

Chapter 11 (8/224)

I BEXP Kieran and Calill to level 20 and Crown them, then BEXP Kyza to level 30 for Roar. Then everyone gets to .99. I replace Ike and Mia's swords, and forge a max might/hit Steel Axe, Hand Axe, and a max might/+10 hit Fire tome (all received Sword cards). Janaff takes Savior and Wildheart.

A Sage and a Bishop prevented this from being 7 turns by blocking Janaff no matter where I put him. Anyway, Janaff Savior'd Ike and flew east, using Laguz Stones and Wildheart to stay transformed. Everyone else just follows along for experience/strike while Tibarn kills enemies seemingly randomly. Ike gets dropped in front of the boss and Seizes after unequipping Ragnell.

Chapter 12 (5/229)

I give Sothe a level of BEXP, capping his speed, and get Micaiah and Nolan to .99. Nolan gets Paragon, and Micaiah gets Wrath. I buy the Beastkiller.

Nolan runs down and kills practically everything. Micaiah Physics him and Sothe stays out of the way, since even with everything important capped he still can't ORKO many of the enemies. The Allies stay on Halt most of the battle, only going on Roam to kill some Falconknights.

Chapter 13 (3/232)

Nolan promotes at level 20, Sothe gets a level of BEXP, and Micaiah gets to level 11 with BEXP. Nolan takes Resolve and Pass, and I buy the Storm Sword, Short Axe and Physic.

Nolan jumps into the fray, gets into Resolve range, and then ORKO's Ike with the Brave Axe. Sothe gets to kill a Cat and Micaiah does nothing.

Endgame (5/237)

I sell the Silencer, then buy some Silver Blades and Poleaxes, and forge some Hand Axes and Steel Knives. Janaff gets Celerity, and I put most other important skills in the Convoy so any team can use them. Everyone gets BEXP to .99.

Rhys goes north with the Gallians and everyone else heads north-east. Ike gets put to sleep near the start and ends up tanking a General for the rest of the map. Kieran finds Rescue, and Kyza gets to S Strike.

Name    Level 	HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res | Support
Micaiah 20/11/--  30^ 12  28  22  15  32  09  30* | A Nolan
Sothe   --/15/--  40* 22* 08  26* 30* 26  20* 14  |
Calill  --/20/04  42  15  30  27  27  30* 17  25  |
Rhys    --/17/06  45^ 20  31  28  26^ 33  17  37^ | C Kyza
Ike 	--/20/01  54  29  07  32  32  18  28  11  | B Mia
Rafiel        13  32  01  06  01  07  32  03  13  | 
Nolan   20/20/02  51  31  10* 29  30  23  26^ 17  | A Micaiah
Mia 	--/18/08  49  28  10  33  37  24  25* 19  | B Ike
Kyza          32  68  18^ 05* 17  15* 22  15  06  | C Rhys
Kieran  --/20/05  52  30  14  28  28  23  29  20  | 
Janaff        33  60  17  02  21  17  32  13  08  | 

Right now, the teams look like:

Silver Army: Micaiah, Sothe, Calill, Rhys

Greil Army: Ike, Rafiel, Nolan, Mia, Kyza

Hawk Army: Kieran, Janaff

I'm worried I might have placed too many units in Ike's route, but I'm worried about Ike's chapters the most. I'm not too worried about Tibarn's chapters, but Micaiah's might be a problem with only Calill and Rhys as competent fighters (although Sothe might be able to handle the eastern Paladins in 4-P). Any suggestions?

Edited by Radiant Dragon
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Chapter 25

Heh, Finally a place where foot soldiers come in real handy, everyone stormed up, Zihark Took a pure water, tanith brings him up top, the two wipe out everything in sight even before the rest arrive. Geoffrey got two levels, which was nice. Not much to cover, Zihark adeptcritroflstomped gromell.

5 Turns

Chapter 26:

Cleared. =D Titania, Geoffrey & Tanith with Ike go forward, 2nd turn reinforce, distractions, free Bexp, Everyone just gains exp, Volke caps Str, not much going on, Tanith crit Renning with a nice forge, Ike seized.

4 Turns

Edited by Vicious Sal
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[spoiler=Part 1]1-P: 5 +3 (Edward)/8

Standard fare with Edward jumping in and Micaiah backing up.

Unit      	Level    HP 	Str 	Mag 	Skl 	Spd 	Lck 	Def 	Res  Support 	
Micaiah	   	2  	 15 	2 	8 	9 	8 	11 	2 	5    

1-1: 7 +3 (Nolan)/18

Nolan charged with Micaiah behind.

Unit      	Level    HP 	Str 	Mag 	Skl 	Spd 	Lck 	Def 	Res  Support 	
Micaiah	   	3  	 16 	2 	9 	9 	8 	12 	3 	6    

1-2: 7 +3 (Nolan)/28

Nolan walled until Sothe showed. Sothe cleared the path for Laura. Took an extra turn to get the Energy Drop and Thani.

Unit      	Level    HP 	Str 	Mag 	Skl 	Spd 	Lck 	Def 	Res  Support 	
Micaiah	   	4  	 17 	3 	10 	9 	8 	13 	4 	7    A Sothe
Sothe	   	1  	 35 	18 	4 	20 	20 	15 	14 	9    A Micaiah

1-3: 7/35

Went the west route so I could recruit Aran. Micaiah got the boss kill and Aran got a bit of experience. Kurth is helpful.

Unit      	Level    HP 	Str 	Mag 	Skl 	Spd 	Lck 	Def 	Res  Support 	
Micaiah	   	5  	 18 	3 	10 	9 	9 	14 	5 	8    A Sothe
Sothe	   	1  	 35 	18 	4 	20 	20 	15 	14 	9    A Micaiah
Aran		7	 24	10	0	12	10	6	11	2

1-4: 7/42

Base: Make some forges for Sothe and Aran. Do some BEXPing. Reassign skills. Sell Swords, Axes, and Bow.


Micaiah - Wrath

Sothe - Cancel

Aran - Shade

Map: Sho's strategy, modified a bit to get Aran some experience. Levels are looking really good right now.

Unit      	Level    HP 	Str 	Mag 	Skl 	Spd 	Lck 	Def 	Res  Support 	
Micaiah	   	6  	 19 	3 	11 	9 	10 	15 	5 	9    A Sothe
Sothe	   	4  	 36 	20 	5 	22 	22 	17 	15 	9    A Micaiah
Aran		9	 25	12	0	14	10	6	13	3

1-5: 6/48

Base: Nothing noteworthy.


Micaiah - Shade

Sothe - Cancel

Aran -

Map: Got the Master Seal and some kills until time ran out.

Unit      	Level    HP 	Str 	Mag 	Skl 	Spd 	Lck 	Def 	Res  Support 	
Micaiah	   	6  	 19 	3 	11 	9 	10 	15 	5 	9    A Sothe
Sothe	   	4  	 36 	20 	5 	22 	22 	17 	15 	9    A Micaiah
Aran		11	 25	13	0	16	12	7	15	3

1-6: 8 + 3/59

Base: Give Aran the Robe.


Micaiah - Resolve

Sothe - Cancel, Adept

Aran -


1 - Send Aran north and east, Sothe west. Aran is not looking so great right now, and Sothe has a tough time handling so much alone, but I manage.

2 - Gah. Didn't make an extra forge powerful enough and the remains of the last one are too low to be able to kill the boss in one round even with two Adepts. 3 turns was necessary. Aran Shoves Sothe twice, Tauroneo blocks enemies from Micaiah with Aran, who takes the attacks.

Unit      	Level    HP 	Str 	Mag 	Skl 	Spd 	Lck 	Def 	Res  Support 	
Micaiah	   	8  	 19 	3 	13 	10 	11 	17 	5 	11   A Sothe
Sothe	   	6  	 37 	21 	5 	22 	24 	17 	15 	9    A Micaiah
Aran		15	 34	16	0	18	13	7	19	5

1-7: 6/65

Base: Use the mountain of BEXP I just got to bring Aran to 20 and Seal him.


Micaiah - Resolve

Sothe - Adept, Savior

Aran - Paragon, Cancel

Map: Now Aran is looking great, especially with that Speed. One wishes he could dodge more, but he suddenly went from near-liability to main powerhouse. I like it.

Sothe Rescued Micaiah on turn 1 and moved behind Aran to the end. Recruited Muarim and co. on the final turn because Sothe didn't need to anything else. Aran killed the boss in two rounds so Micaiah could Seize.

Unit      	Level    HP 	Str 	Mag 	Skl 	Spd 	Lck 	Def 	Res  Support 	
Micaiah	   	9  	 19 	3 	13 	11 	11 	17 	5 	12   A Sothe
Sothe	   	6  	 37 	21 	5 	22 	24 	17 	15 	9    A Micaiah
Aran		3	 40	23	2	23	20	9	21	8
Muarim		19	 58	18	3	14	11	12	15	9

1-8: 6/71

Base: Not much other than skill switching and some BEXP.


Micaiah - Resolve

Sothe - Adept, Savior

Aran - Celerity, Cancel

Muarim - Paragon, Renewal

Map: Hahaha, no penalties. Aran went curved around from the north to the middle-west area, Muarim stayed in the south-middle area, and Sothe curved around from the north to the boss area. Micaiah had to take hits while healing until the last turn where Muarim Rescued her and finished off a Wyvern on enemy phase. Then Sothe got the last Wyvern and Aran finished off the Mage reinforcements.

Unit      	Level    HP 	Str 	Mag 	Skl 	Spd 	Lck 	Def 	Res  Support 	
Micaiah	   	11  	 20 	3 	15 	11 	12 	17 	5 	14   A Sothe
Sothe	   	7  	 37 	22 	5 	23 	24 	18 	16 	9    A Micaiah
Aran		4	 40	23	2	24	20	10	22	8
Muarim		19	 58	18	3	14	11	12	15	9

1-9: 6/77

Base: BEXP Micaiah a lot and give her boosters. Buy an Ellight.


Micaiah - Resolve

Map: Sent Micaiah west and BK north. I may have been able to do this faster but Micaiah got pretty good levels so I took it.

Unit      	Level    HP 	Str 	Mag 	Skl 	Spd 	Lck 	Def 	Res  Support 	
Micaiah	   	17  	 28 	4 	20 	13 	15 	20 	7 	20   A Sothe

1-E: 9/86

Base: BEXP Micaiah to 20. Forge some awesome weapons and prepare Ilyana.

Ilyana transfers: Energy Drop, Blue Gem, Fortune, Celerity, Brave Sword, Killing Edge, Hammer


Micaiah - Shade

Sothe - Savior, Pass

Aran - Cancel, Resolve

Muarim -

Map: I'm not a huge fan of this map. Luckily I had the Black Knight, though. The uphill battle consisted of mostly Aran and Sothe near the front with BK taking out some problems due to his low mobility, though BK actually killed Jarod. Also got the Speedwing.

Unit      	Level    HP 	Str 	Mag 	Skl 	Spd 	Lck 	Def 	Res  Support 	
Micaiah	   	1  	 31 	7 	21 	16 	18 	23 	11 	21   A Sothe
Sothe	   	8  	 38 	22 	5 	24 	24 	18 	16 	10   A Micaiah
Aran		5	 41	24	2	25	20	10	23	9
Muarim		19	 58	18	3	14	11	12	15	9

Part 1 total: 86

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Jeez, 86 turns? And you probably could have shaved off that penalty and a turn if you'd not ran out of forges D:

Is that good? And which penalty? I tried not to take penalties but barring a lot of crit and dodge luck with Micaiah it just wouldn't work. I have my work cut out for me if I want to beat Xander, though. I beat PoR in 17 turns less than him, but part 1 in 19 turns more than him.

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And I think you could have avoided the Tauroneo penalty... Unless that was an 8 in 1-6-1 and 3 in 1-6-2.

Yeah :P: . Though I guess that was kind of confusing since I formatted it the same way as a penalty except for a name.

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Actually, there should be a spot near the start where Micaiah should be safe from all of the enemies and the ballista. It should be possible to avoid penalties by sending Volug and Tauroneo west while Aran distracts the enemies. Unless Aran can't shove Sothe, but I believe he can...

Edit: Oh. I assumed that was a 5 for 1-6-1 and 3 for 1-6-2, plus a Tauroneo penalty. Now that I think about, Tauroneo isn't a 3 turn penalty anyway...

Edited by Radiant Dragon
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Actually, there should be a spot near the start where Micaiah should be safe from all of the enemies and the ballista. It should be possible to avoid penalties by sending Volug and Tauroneo west while Aran distracts the enemies. Unless Aran can't shove Sothe, but I believe he can...

Aran can Shove Sothe. And I didn't take a penalty. I let Micaiah get hit by the ballistae once, but that was to get her into Resolve range, though I never used that. Tauroneo just stood by the bridge so enemies couldn't get to Micaiah, but since he was equipped with a Javelin and any enemy that could attack him could attack Aran or Sothe, he was never targeted.

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Aran can Shove Sothe. And I didn't take a penalty. I let Micaiah get hit by the ballistae once, but that was to get her into Resolve range, though I never used that. Tauroneo just stood by the bridge so enemies couldn't get to Micaiah, but since he was equipped with a Javelin and any enemy that could attack him could attack Aran or Sothe, he was never targeted.

Yeah, I realize that now. I made the same mistake as Paperblade.

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The person who didn't actually do the drafting is one of the furthest?

[spoiler=Part 2]2-P: 8/8

Elincia was my free unit. Only the boss was not killed.

Unit      	Level    HP 	Str 	Mag 	Skl 	Spd 	Lck 	Def 	Res  Support 	
Marcia	   	5  	 34 	18 	6 	19 	22 	12 	16 	15   

2-1: 5 +3 (Nephenee)/16

Break through the center. Only got the Steel Axe. No Heather. Brom kills Yeardley for an awesome level.

Unit      	Level    HP 	Str 	Mag 	Skl 	Spd 	Lck 	Def 	Res  Support 	
Brom	   	3  	 42 	22 	4 	20 	19 	14 	23 	10   

2-2: 6 +4 (Lucia)/26

Headed up north and then east. Got a few lucky crits, though not sure how many mattered. Brom got the boss kill and Lucia Arrived. I'm liking Brom's levels.

Unit      	Level    HP 	Str 	Mag 	Skl 	Spd 	Lck 	Def 	Res  Support 	
Brom	   	4  	 43 	23 	4 	20 	19 	15 	24 	10   

2-3: 5 +4 (Geoffrey)/35

Base: Equip only Marcia and Geoffrey.

Map: I tried to do this without Geoffrey, but it was too much of a hassle, so I took the penalty. Marcia got me the Speedwing and sent it back.

Unit      	Level    HP 	Str 	Mag 	Skl 	Spd 	Lck 	Def 	Res  Support 	
Marcia	   	7  	 36 	20 	7 	19 	23 	14 	16 	15   

2-E: 2/37

Base: Give Brom 11 levels of BEXP, capping most of his stats.

Map: Hell yeah, that really is two turns with just Marcia and Brom, no penalties. BEXP'd Brom can double Ludveck, so give him the Hammer. Marcia Rescues Brom and the enemies must move in a way that they do not block Marcia. This may be easy, or the lucky Ally crit may have been the reason this worked. Oh well. Marcia dropped Brom in the sweet spot on turn 2 and moved away. She actually ate a Thunder crit but Ludveck went down first. Unfortunately no Energy Drop, but I doubt it would be worth the turns.

Unit      	Level    HP 	Str 	Mag 	Skl 	Spd 	Lck 	Def 	Res  Support 
Marcia	   	7  	 36 	20 	7 	19 	23 	14 	16 	15   
Brom	   	15  	 45 	28 	4 	25 	22 	26 	30 	11   	

Part 2 total: 37

Overall total: 123

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I'm currently at endgame, everyone at level 20, some nice Transfers, only thing is, Ashnard refuses to not hit Ike, when he has 20 % displayed hit. =/ Ike even has miracle, Ashnard killed ike 13 times already. >____>

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I'm currently at endgame, everyone at level 20, some nice Transfers, only thing is, Ashnard refuses to not hit Ike, when he has 20 % displayed hit. =/ Ike even has miracle, Ashnard killed ike 13 times already. >____>

He's hit 13 times with 20% hit? Vicious Sal, you've got to be the unluckiest person in this draft.

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