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(FE9 & 10) FE Tellius Draft

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He's hit 13 times with 20% hit? Vicious Sal, you've got to be the unluckiest person in this draft.

Well, either that, or...

Normal ash hit, me hits, resolve mode activate, he hits lethally, miracle. I don't crit kill him when he's ragelike, and he kills me next turn. Miracle saves my ass, only to stab me in the back later. ;___;

I stopped playing for a sec though, since little pup needs attention more than ashnarb.

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Chapter 27:

I want resolve, and I want to run, Nasir won't be recruited here, he's not gamebreaking material for me, since tanith for the next levels. Tanith runs, volke follows, everyone follows, tanith, volke & neph/zihark go to resolve, rest just goes north, I had some spare door keys, was nice, Turn 4, Geoffrey & Titania killed Hafedd or w/e, tanith arrived. Or was it tanith killing & geoffey arriving? Don't really remember, anyway, I ran away, leaving mist to deal with the black knight. Ow yeah, I also didn't have any problems in the rear, since Tanith reinforce'd here for her last time, they took most southern enemies.

4 + 1 Turns

Chapter 28:

Tanith took Savior, since reinforce won't make much of a difference anymore, Ike took wrath & resolve, Tanith rushed, everyone gathered as much Exp as possible, with laguz weapons, tanith took out most of the enemies though. =/ Rolf Is a godsgift with double bow. (Yeah, I got it, while going for resolve, since the thief goes to the same room.) Double bow gave him reach, making room for Titania and Geoffrey, Neph and Zihark cleared what was left. Tanith Critted the dragon, I had a laguzslayer left, and Ike killed the boss. Didn't get scared of mister sleep staff, he always missed.

4/5 Turns, don't really remember


Standard 3 Turn, well, after Ashnard not killing me. I'm certain reinforce gave me the extra BExp to save my ass and get everyone to level 20.

Yay, Hooray, Fyeah. Finally I can put my beloved Radiant dawn Disc back where it belongs. =3

So yeah, Fyes.

Cutscene Inner lol moment:

Queen Elincia: I'm Nervous




Finally, it's time, my own Greil Mercenaries:

Unit		Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skll	Spd	Lck	Def	Res

Ike		20	60*	26*	10	27*	28*	18	24*	15

Nasir		N/A

Zihark		20	45	24*	7	29*	30*	18    18    6

Nephenee	20	53	25*	8	28*	26*	13	21	12

Volke		20	47	23*	2	30*	30*	18	16	8

Rolf		20	47	25*	7	30*	28*	16	17	10

Tanith		20	39	23*	15	26*	28*	21	17	15

Titania		20	50	22	8	26*	27*	20	18	14

Geoffrey	20	49	26*	11	22	27*	13	27*	13


Ike: Hp, Str, Skll, Spd, Def

Zihark: Str, Spd, Skll

Nephenee: Str, Skll, Spd

Volke: Str, Skll, Spd

Rolf: Str, skll, Spd

Tanith: Str, Skll, Spd

Titania: Skll, Spd

Geoffrey: Str, Spd, Def

Giffca: Str

Yes, I know, Giffca, I drafted Tibarn. Tibarn wouldn't max anything in that 1 Turn, And Besides, I didn't have the giffca Portrait yet. He wasn't used so, so what? 8D

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Total Turns Taken: [Por]



Nasir: Whew, you saved me from the Bk, and escaped a collapsing nados castle, and betrayed crimea, and gallia, and helped ena, and left goldoa out of disgust. Y'know, for a units I did not recruit, you did some marvelous things, you even got me a ship. And then sold it to stay with my merry band of ragtail mercenaries! =3

Tibarn: Yeah, sorry hawk king, I wanted Giffca's portrait to complete my gallery. =/

Geoffrey: 23 Kills

Geoffrey was really helpful, I needed an extra units with long move, and since he had paragon, he didn't cost any Bexp, I really liked his outcome, and he will save me so much trouble in Rd, in his levels, especially part three, Though part 2 will still be butthurt for my turncount. =/ He was really amazing in my opinion, those last chapters I really got help, and he was usable right away. Later I removed paragon, for better level ups. Last three levels or w/e. Really a worthy Pick.

Tanith: 48 Kills

Yeah, Quite a gap, rescuedropping was awsm, she capped str fast, good weapons, laguzslayer & laguz lance were very welcome. Reinforce was amazing, since it kept enemies occupied, and those falcoknight gathered so much BEXP, they were the sole reason that I could get everyone to level 20. Endgame 3turn. =D

Volke: 77 Kills

Volke, why do you return so late in Rd, first time I used him, de did not disappoint, once he got stiletto's he just stomped every kind of units, crits, lethality, armor bonus, amazing, and ofcourse he could open chests, I had plenty of money, he culd steal, he has finding bonus, and he is just amazing overall.

5: Rolf 85 Kills, Rolf, Started real slow, didn't do much, but later on, when he promoted, at level 20 (Everyone promoted at level 20, zihark & Neph got the seals, he missed out). He got amazing crit, and brave bow, later double bow, and always laguz bows, worked wonders. He could always open a path, and he steadily got better, he has a really hard start though. =/

4: Nephenee: 88 Kills, Nephenee, it's nephenee, she's just allround awsome, whatever lance she had, she's ORKO, even with a forged slim lance, smack on the crit bonus, and amile. =) Yes, nephenee is flat out amzing, and these transfers will help my part two & three problems. Yes, Nephenee Is just great!

3: Ike, 94 Kills, It's Ike, starts out sub-par, ends amazing, Gave him a speedwing early on, and in endgame a seraph robe. (If he capped Hp normally, Neph would get capped Hp ;_; ) It's Ike, and since I have no other Greil mercenaries till Rolf, he got a nice head start and rammed level 20 quite fast. Worthy free unit, absolutely.

2: Zihark: 102 Kills, Well, he was my first pick, and he doesn't disappoint, he's available soon in the DB, and with transfers, unbeatable. He isn't on spot 2 for no reason, he joins fast, he has good stats, and he dodges meteors like hell, so I didn't worry about magic, long range wasn't a problem for him. Zihark, most awsm Trueblade ever Imo.

1: Titania: 223 Kills. She's Titania, and I'm sorry i'll miss her most of Rd, since she'll help me in 3-1. She got a speed cap. =3 That'll shave of some turns in 3-1 i Hope. Titania, I salute you.

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Tanith: 48 Kills

Yeah, Quite a gap, rescuedropping was awsm, she capped str fast, good weapons, laguzslayer & laguz lance were very welcome. Reinforce was amazing, since it kept enemies occupied, and those falcoknight gathered so much BEXP, they were the sole reason that I could get everyone to level 20. Endgame 3turn. =D

(thinking to himself) People still believe Reinforce grants extra BEXP?

Ehhh... Are you sure any EXP the Pegs get is turned into BEXP, and not wasted like I think it is?

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Meh still think so. 8D

If It isn't so, then meh, it isn't.

Well, I hate to burst your bubble, but the whole thing about Reinforce resulting in more BEXP.... is false.

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Then I'm not allowed to use her for 3-1, I'll have to use someone else, It was impossible for me to use titania, and not get her to level 20, since she got to 20 somewhere along chapter 26. I did not give her stat boosters, should I hack her back to non transfer stats?

Also, Metal, It's my third runs of Por, (finally gallery complete =D) and I just assumed it worked like Rd. c-D Guess not in that case, It's not my problem, My units are level 20.

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Then I'm not allowed to use her for 3-1, I'll have to use someone else, It was impossible for me to use titania, and not get her to level 20, since she got to 20 somewhere along chapter 26. I did not give her stat boosters, should I hack her back to non transfer stats?

It would probably be easier just to get her killed in Endgame. That should prevent her from transferring, and let you use her in 3-1.

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You're a genius!

Why do I not think of that? -_-

*Restarts Por disc*


Titania was killed by the generals & halberdiers & sniper & warrior in Repatriation.

After Ashnard killed Ike two more times.

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Just realized that there's no Pelleas penalty for 4-2, so I edited it in (3 turns).

Now back to figuring out how to do that chapter without taking a Tibarn penalty... Janaff and Elincia's lack of (good) 2-range + bow weakness + gauge (in Janaff's case) are large impediments. Kieran not doubling Swordmasters and Valtome isn't helping, either.

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New plan: Nolan is going with Tibarn. I only hope I don't need him for 4-4.

[spoiler=Part 4 Prologue and Chapter 1]Part 4 - Prologue (4/241)

I sold Rexbolt, then bought two Shines and an Ellight. BEXP Rhys and Calill to .99, and Micaiah to level 20, capping Magic, Skill, Luck and Resistance. Then my last Speedwings capped her Speed. Micaiah took Skrimir's Resolve and the Miracle. Skrimir also put his Laguz Stone in the convoy, since I was out of them. Gotta love Skrimir.

Rhys goes north, Micaiah goes east, and Calill goes up the middle, over the river. Thickets, good natural evade, and skills keep my army (if you can call it that) alive. Sothe didn't do anything since he couldn't ORKO.

Chapter 1 (5/246)

I sold Rexcalibur, then BEXP Ike, and Mia to .99, and Kyza up a level. Ike takes Paragon in preparation for 4-4. Mia also gets Edward's Tempest Blade and Rafiel gets the Boots.

Thank you fireemblemwod.net, for letting me know where the reinforcements come. I also deployed Nailah and Voulg as portable Torches. Anyway, Ike goes south then east, Nailah revealing the Bishops so he can kill them on the Player Phase. Mia goes west, and Volug lets her kill the Bishop there on the last turn. Kyza goes east to take on the generals there, Rafiel keeping him transformed.

These strategies are subject to change, in case I need to move more units around later on.

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Rhys with Resolve is ridiculous. The only problem is getting him there.

[spoiler=Chapters 2 and 3]Chapter 2 (7/253)

I forged two max might Light tomes (finally!), and a max might/+20 hit Silver Sword, and put them all in the convoy along with Rexflame. I BEXP Nolan, Kieran and Janaff to .99. Nolan gets Paragon and Celerity and Kieran gets Adept.

Nolan heads west up the north side and Kieran takes the south. Nolan ends up being the one to take care of the enemies around Valtome while Kieran heads north to take care of the Blizzard Sage that Nolan didn't have time to kill. Janaff stays in the east to kill the reinforcements.

Chapter 3 (7/260)

I stock up Micaiah, Calill and Rhys with tomes and everyone with Pure Water, and BEXP Sothe and Calill to .99 while Rhys gets 3 levels to increase his Speed since 26 AS doubles very little. Sothe gets Adept, Rhys gets Resolve and Calill gets Vantage and Cancel.

Micaiah solos the west, Calill takes care of the east, and Rhys and Sothe head down the middle. Rhys ends up Rescuing Sothe when he gets to Numida, since he could ORKO Bishops while Rhys could not (at least, not without Corona). The Black Knight takes care of a few stragglers that Rhys moved past, and Calill ends up getting the kill on Numida so Rhys could get the Laguz Gem (Sothe had to kill the Elsilence Bishop) and send it to the convoy, since I'll need it for 4-4.

I'm not looking forward to the next chapter, but at least 4-5 should be simple enough.

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I'm glad my team is all back together. Now it's time to see if whether or not Renning is actually useful for anything. I'm not holding my breath for Ena.

[spoiler=Chapters 4 and 5]Chapter 4 (9/269)

I give Ike and Kyza Pure Water, BEXP Ike and Kyza up a level and Mia to .99.

Mia takes the east, Ike goes up north towards Oliver, and Kyza takes the west (after using a Laguz Gem) before going to help Mia in the north-east with Rafiel's help. He sends the Laguz Gem to the convoy during the chapter so Janaff can use it in 4-5. Unfortunately, neither Mia or Kyza could handle the north-west with their lack of/limited 2-range, so I was forced to abuse Battle Saves so Ike could avoid the Sleep staff, which was somewhat tedious. I didn't bother with getting any treasure or recruiting Oliver (although I would've liked Fortify and Nosferatu...).

Chapter 5 (3/272)

Nolan gets a level of BEXP, and Janaff and Nolan get to .99. Janaff gets Celerity, Nolan takes Smite, and Kieran takes Paragon because he can.

Nolan Smites Janaff, and Janaff goes to kill Izuka, using a Laguz Gem and reaching S Strike. Takes an extra turn since Izuka doesn't want to suicide on the Enemy Phase, and I didn't have anyone to get a Laguz out of the way, and I needed my magic users in the desert.

Name    Level     HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res | Support
Ike 	--/20/20  65* 37* 10  40* 37* 27  32* 13  | A Mia
Micaiah 20/20/--  37^ 12  30* 23* 25* 40* 10  30* | A Nolan
Sothe   --/15/03  45  25  12  30  32  28  23  19  |
Nolan   20/20/17  57  36  10* 36* 35* 30* 30* 20* | A Micaiah
Kieran  --/20/16  60* 36* 15  33  31* 25  30* 23  | C Janaff
Calill  --/20/15  45  17  37  34* 32* 30* 20  31  | C Rhys
Rhys    --/17/16  50* 22  36* 30* 30* 35* 19  40* | C Calill
Mia 	--/18/17  50* 31* 12  39  40* 27  25* 23  | A Ike
Kyza          34  70  19  05* 18* 15* 23  16  06  |
Janaff        36  62  19* 02  22  17  33  14  08  | C Kieran
Rafiel        14  32  01  06  02  08  33  03  14  |

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I'm catching up to you, RD.

[spoiler=Part 3]3-P: 7/7

Base: Unequip everyone, give everything to Ike and Titania.


Ike - Vantage

Titania - Adept, Miracle

Map: Transfer Ike and Titania are beasts.

Unit      	Level    HP 	Str 	Mag 	Skl 	Spd 	Lck 	Def 	Res  Support 
Ike	   	12  	 50 	27 	2 	30 	25 	14 	24 	7   
Titania	   	17  	 37 	26 	10 	25 	24 	20 	20 	14   	

3-1: 7/14

Base: BEXP Titania 1 level and Ike a few to take advantage of the quick capping.


Ike - Vantage, Provoke

Titania - Adept, Miracle

Map: Now this was insane. It was one of those strategies very particular about movement and equipped weapons. I started off by killing a couple northern enemies and Cantoing Titania back to take a few Generals so I don't take penalties. Ike cleared them out after her while Titania went north east to kill enemies. Ike killed a few westerners and stuck around to handle reinforcements while Titania went around to the boss area. I luckily got the Torch, which ended up necessary so I could see the stationary Halberdier in the north from Titania's position, allowing her to kill him on player phase and move away to handle the rest of the enemies up there.

Down in Ike's area is where things pissed me off. No, it wasn't Ike's fault (though 1-2 range on him would have solved things), it was that damn Warrior. I figured that if I extinguished the nearby Torch he'd attack Ike, and Ike had a free turn to do that. But no. Even though Ike was in his range and no lit Torches were, he just decided to start heading toward another lit Torch. Fuck you for costing me a turn. As a result, the difference between 6 and 7 turns was a single enemy.

Unit      	Level    HP 	Str 	Mag 	Skl 	Spd 	Lck 	Def 	Res  Support 
Ike	   	16  	 50 	27 	2 	30 	29 	17 	26 	9   
Titania	   	19  	 39 	26 	10 	25 	25 	21 	20 	14   	

3-2: 2/16

Base: BEXP Titania to 20, Ike to 17, and Brom to 16. Buy a lot of stuff and make a lot of forges.


Ike - Vantage, Cancel

Titania - Miracle, Celerity

Brom - Provoke, Adept

Map: Titania with Celerity pretty much did this on her own. She got into the boss' range exactly on turn 2 and hit him with a crit by way of Tomahawk. Brom and Ike just did a little self-improvement.

Unit      	Level    HP 	Str 	Mag 	Skl 	Spd 	Lck 	Def 	Res  Support 
Ike	   	17  	 50 	27 	2 	30 	30 	18 	26 	10   
Titania	   	20  	 45 	26 	10 	25 	25 	22 	21 	15   	
Brom	   	16  	 45 	28 	5 	25 	22 	27 	30 	12   	

3-3: 8/24

Base: Promote Titania, BEXP the other two. Gatrie is my free unit.


Ike - Vantage, Cancel

Titania - Miracle, Celerity

Brom - Provoke, Adept

Map: Titania charged. This was annoying because so many enemies had 19 Spd, barely enough to avoid being doubled by Brom's 22 Spd. It didn't matter too much, though, because Brom's mobility kept him from fighting too often, and he could still double Sages. Gatrie stuck behind to get the two supplies down there and Blosson. Brom got the middle one and killed that Senator. Ike got the north-western one and the Master Crown after Titania cleared his path. Titania got the other two, as well as the boss kill. 8 turns was actually pretty easy here.

Unit      	Level    HP 	Str 	Mag 	Skl 	Spd 	Lck 	Def 	Res	Support 
Ike	   	18  	 50 	27 	3 	30 	30 	19 	26 	11	C Titania
Titania	   	2  	 50 	30 	14 	28 	28 	22 	25 	19	C Ike	
Brom	   	16  	 45 	28 	5 	25 	22 	27 	30 	12   	

3-4: 8/32

Base: Give Lyre the Energy Drop and two levels of BEXP. Promote Brom from 17 (he doesn't need more Mag, Luck, or Res).


Ike - Celerity, Provoke

Titania - Miracle, Vantage

Brom - Adept

Lyre - Wrath, Cancel

Map: Well this was annoying. That damned Longbow Sniper, I swear he's programmed to take a space that will get in your way (the 4 spaces in front of the Arrive area). In any case, everyone contributed here, even Lyre. Titania made things faster by getting rid of some enemies in the way, like the Sages on top of the cliff, as well as some enemies to the right before Ike and co. got too high. Brom took out some problem enemies in back. Lyre made a useful Shove to ensure a turn 8 boss kill (which she got, ironically), enabling Ranulf to take the free slot and finish things up. Ike, obviously, did most of the grunt work.

Unit      	Level    HP 	Str 	Mag 	Skl 	Spd 	Lck 	Def 	Res	Support 
Ike	   	19  	 50 	27 	4 	30 	30 	20 	26 	12	C Titania
Titania	   	2  	 50 	30 	14 	28 	28 	22 	25 	19	C Ike	
Brom	   	1  	 49 	30 	10 	27 	24 	28 	32 	17		
Lyre		20	 50	10	6	14	14	17	7	8	

3-5: 2/34

Base: Cap off Ike's level. That's pretty much it because this map is fast.


Ike -

Titania - Miracle, Celerity

Brom - Adept

Lyre - Wrath, Cancel

Map: Titania is strong enough to ORKO with Tomahawk, so Adept is not needed. I take the first turn to get her some Sword WEXP and run in for the boss kill on turn 2. She even landed a crit, saving a Tomahawk use.

Unit      	Level    HP 	Str 	Mag 	Skl 	Spd 	Lck 	Def 	Res	Support 
Ike	   	20  	 50 	27 	5 	30 	30 	21 	26 	13	C Titania
Titania	   	3  	 50 	31 	14 	28 	29 	22 	25 	19	C Ike	
Brom	   	1  	 49 	30 	10 	27 	24 	28 	32 	17		
Lyre		20	 50	10	6	14	14	17	7	8	

3-6: 8/42

Base: Get some items and skills ready for transfer (like Pass and Savior, which should have gone with Ilyana back in 1-E).

Jill transfer: Brave Axe, Short Axe, Speedwing, Master Crown, Olivi Grass (3/8), Pass, Savior


Micaiah - Resolve

Sothe - Cancel, Paragon

Aran - Beastfoe

Map: Sothe and Micaiah went north, Aran east. The Allies helped for a few turns but I stopped them eventually because they were slowing me down. Strangely enough, even though I didn't consciously protect her, Micaiah never needed Resolve for anything she did. Black Knight got, like, two kills. Aran was getting pretty close to Lethe and Mordecai by the end.

Aran's levels kind of sucked, but at least Str, Skl, and Def are all capped. Useful for later.

Unit      	Level    HP 	Str 	Mag 	Skl 	Spd 	Lck 	Def 	Res	Support 	
Micaiah	   	2	 31 	7 	22 	16 	19 	24 	12 	22 	A Sothe
Sothe	   	16	 40 	22 	6 	26 	28 	25 	18 	14	A Micaiah
Aran		10	 42	26	3	26	21	11	25	12

3-7: 12/54

Base: Build Ike/Titania B. Forge a Javelin for use by Brom.


Ike - Smite

Titania - Cancel, Vantage

Brom - Celerity, Provoke

Lyre - Adept, Wrath

Haar - Shade

Map: Haar is here, obviously, to recruit Jill, which happened on turn 12. Until then I just got a bunch of kills and Lyre got some healthy Strike EXP (but not a whole lot because of how much she sucks). Brom had Celerity because he's not level capped like Ike and can actually travel the map unlike Titania. He mowed the way through, allowing Lyre to pick up some scraps. BK attacked Ike on the last enemy phase.

Unit      	Level    HP 	Str 	Mag 	Skl 	Spd 	Lck 	Def 	Res	Support 
Ike	   	20  	 50 	27 	5 	30 	30 	21 	26 	13	B Titania
Titania	   	4  	 51 	32 	14 	28 	30 	22 	25 	19	B Ike	
Brom	   	2  	 50 	30 	10 	28 	24 	29 	32 	17		
Lyre		21	 50	11	6	15	14	18	7	8	

3-8: 6/60

Base: Nothing of interest.


Ike - Cancel, Daunt

Titania - Celerity, Miracle

Brom - Pass, Provoke

Lyre - Adept, Wrath

Map: Titania: broken for two games in a row. Brom: not that bad if he can actually double stuff. Lyre: dammit, why are you so terrible? Get that Strike rank up already.

Unit      	Level    HP 	Str 	Mag 	Skl 	Spd 	Lck 	Def 	Res	Support 
Ike	   	20  	 50 	27 	5 	30 	30 	21 	26 	13	B Titania
Titania	   	5  	 52 	32 	14 	28 	31 	23 	25 	19	B Ike	
Brom	   	3  	 51 	30 	11 	29 	25 	30 	33 	18		
Lyre		21	 50	11	6	15	14	18	7	8	

3-9: 4/64

Base: BEXP Marcia a few levels so she can have Spd to double the boss, de-equip Geoffrey and get the Adept scroll.


Marcia - Paragon

Map: Hell yeah Marcia. Fast clear, no penalties, good levels. Seriously, I was worried about her Str and Def growths but she's rockin' them.

Unit      	Level    HP 	Str 	Mag 	Skl 	Spd 	Lck 	Def 	Res
Marcia	   	14  	 40 	24 	8 	21 	27 	16 	20 	17   

3-10: 6/70

Base: Build Brom/Lyre C. Forge some new weapons.


Ike - Cancel, Daunt

Titania - Celerity, Miracle

Brom - Pass, Provoke

Lyre - Adept, Wrath

Map: Titania rocked. Brom, Ike, and Lyre handled the few enemies in little south area while the hot red-haired axe woman cleaned up everything else. It took a bit of work to get everything down in 6, though, due to enemies that either don't move or run away. The Green units ended up finishing off the last enemy.

Unit      	Level    HP 	Str 	Mag 	Skl 	Spd 	Lck 	Def 	Res	Support 
Ike	   	20  	 50 	27 	5 	30 	30 	21 	26 	13	B Titania
Titania	   	7  	 54 	34 	15 	29 	33 	23 	25 	20	B Ike	
Brom	   	4  	 51 	31 	11 	30 	26 	30 	34 	18	C Lyre	
Lyre		22	 51	12	6	16	15	19	7	8	C Brom

3-11: 5/75

Base: BEXP Marcia and Sigrun to 20 for promotion. BEXP Lyre to 30 and give her a Satori Sign. Shit, it's been so long since I played on Normal I forgot about the mountains of BEXP you're tossed.


Ike - Shade

Titania - Pass, Miracle

Brom - Provoke, Paragon

Lyre - Adept, Wrath

Marcia - Celerity, Savior

Sigrun - Paragon, Cancel

Map: Rescue Ike with Marcia and head to the end. Dropped him on turn 4 in perfect range. Marcia used the Brave Lance for a boss kill so Ike could Seize. Titania tried to keep up and distracted a few enemies. Sigrun did some self-improvement. Lyre and Brom did next to nothing.

It seems that no matter which way across it they're going, Marcia Rescuing Ike will get him to Seize by turn 5!

Unit      	Level    HP 	Str 	Mag 	Skl 	Spd 	Lck 	Def 	Res	Support 
Ike	   	20  	 50 	27 	5 	30 	30 	21 	26 	13	B Titania
Titania	   	8  	 55 	34 	15 	30 	33 	23 	26 	20	B Ike	
Brom	   	4  	 51 	31 	11 	30 	26 	30 	34 	18	C Lyre	
Lyre		30	 55	15	6	20	20	23	9	10	C Brom
Marcia	   	3  	 46 	28 	13 	26 	31 	23 	25 	27	
Sigrun		2	 38	23	18	25	27	28	23	28	 

3-12: 6/81

Base: BEXP Aran and Crown him from 15 (all but Mag, Lck, and Res were capped). Give Sothe a bit as well. Buy some stuff.


Micaiah - Resolve

Sothe - Cancel, Adept

Aran - Paragon

Map: Kill. Aran did most of the work. Allies were set to Halt until turn 4.

Unit      	Level    HP 	Str 	Mag 	Skl 	Spd 	Lck 	Def 	Res	Support 	
Micaiah	   	3	 32 	7 	23 	17 	20 	25 	13 	23 	A Sothe
Sothe	   	17	 40 	22 	6 	26 	29 	25 	19 	15	A Micaiah
Aran		2	 49	29	7	29	29	16	28	18

3-13: 3/84

Base: Throw BEXP on Sothe, re-arrange skills.


Micaiah - Paragon

Sothe - Adept

Aran - Resolve, Cancel

Map: Send Aran and Sothe south. Sothe cleared the path so Aran could attack Ike on turn 3. Ike fought back on enemy phase, bringing Aran to Resolve range and giving him the extra muscle to take Ike down.

Unit      	Level    HP 	Str 	Mag 	Skl 	Spd 	Lck 	Def 	Res	Support 	
Micaiah	   	4	 32 	7 	24 	17 	20 	26 	13 	24 	A Sothe
Sothe	   	20	 40 	22 	9 	26 	30 	28 	20 	15	A Micaiah
Aran		3	 50	29	7	30	29	16	28	18

3-E: 5/89

Base: Forge a bunch of weapons to be ready for part 4.


Ike - Celerity

Titania - Miracle, Imbue

Brom - Provoke

Lyre - Adept, Wrath

Marcia - Paragon, Daunt

Sigrun - Paragon, Cancel

Map: Brom and Lyre head north, Ike and Titania head north east, and Sigrun and Marcia head east. The green units ended up finishing it on turn 5. Lyre got a lot of hits in but still hasn't reached S Strike. Damn Cat gauge sucks.

Unit      	Level    HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Support 
Ike	   	20  	 50 	27 	5 	30 	30 	21 	26 	13	A Titania
Titania	   	9  	 56 	34 	15 	31 	33 	24 	26 	21	A Ike	
Brom	   	4  	 51 	31 	11 	30 	26 	30 	34 	18	C Lyre	
Lyre		30	 55	15	6	20	20	23	9	10	C Brom
Marcia	   	4  	 47 	29 	14 	26 	31 	24 	25 	27	
Sigrun		3	 38	24	18	25	28	29	23	28	 

Part 3 total: 89

Overall total: 212

Part 4 setup:

Silver		Greil		Hawk

Micaiah*	Ike*		Marcia
Sothe*		Titania*	Brom
Skrimir*	Aran		Lyre
Sigrun*		Muarim*	

Edited by Red Fox of Fire
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[spoiler=Part 4]4-P: 5/5

Base: BEXP Skrimir three levels just cuz. Re-arrange skills. Remove Skrimir's Resolve and Nealuchi's Wrath.


Micaiah - Vantage, Resolve

Sothe - Adept, Cancel

Sigrun - Cancel, Adept

Skrimir - Renewal, Pass

Map: To think Micaiah was the most capable combat unit here. Skrimir? Gauge and no 1-2 range. Sigrun? Fairly poor durability and weak 1-2 range. Sothe? Same as Sigrun. Micaiah? Strong 1-2 range and dodges everything with Resolve. Go her.

This may be the first time in any FE game that all the units on my team have been forced. Sothe and Micaiah went east, but since Sothe was already level capped and Micaiah could kill better, he was mainly just there for support. And Micaiah's levels were overall awesome. Seriously, I always tend to get lucky with Micaiah's levels. Sigrun and Skrimir went north. Sigrun ended up needing to finish it off after the 1 range enemies were dead with combination of Spear and Storm Sword. She's getting really good Str, good enough Spd, and surprisingly less in Skl and Lck, at least as far as her growths go.

Unit      	Level    HP 	Str 	Mag 	Skl 	Spd 	Lck 	Def 	Res	Support 	
Micaiah	   	11	 36 	9 	30 	22 	25 	30 	14 	30 	A Sothe
Sothe	   	20	 40 	22 	9 	26 	30 	28 	20 	15	A Micaiah
Sigrun		9	 40	29	19	29	29	33	24	30	 
Skrimir		28	 69	20	3	15	16	25	18	9	

4-1: 7/12

Base: Use a little BEXP.


Ike - Paragon

Titania - Miracle, Imbue

Aran -

Map: Fucking hell. The difference between 5 and 7 was actually a single enemy. God, I hate it when that happens, and usually it's only for 1 turn. But due to the Horseslayer General choosing not to attack (and the lack of a Bishop in that area would have solved the issue, also), turn 6 came, and with it reinforcements on two different ends of the map that only Titania could get to, but only 1 at a time.

Unit      	Level    HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Support 
Ike	   	14  	 62 	37 	10 	40 	37 	24 	32 	19	A Titania
Titania	   	13  	 60 	34 	15 	32 	33 	27 	27 	22	A Ike	
Aran		7	 51	32	7	33	30	16	32	19

4-2: 9/21

Base: Forge some stuff to send back.


Brom - Provoke, Celerity

Lyre -

Marcia - Paragon, Daunt

Map: Marcia west, Brom and Lyre south, Lyre eventually heading back for reinforcements. Not to much to say other than a kill spree.

Unit      	Level    HP 	Str 	Mag 	Skl 	Spd 	Lck 	Def 	Res	Support 
Brom	   	9  	 54 	34 	11 	33 	28 	30 	36 	19	B Lyre	
Lyre(S)		33	 57	18	6	20	20	26	10	10	B Brom
Marcia	   	18  	 50 	32 	16 	33 	36 	32 	28 	32	

4-3: 8/29

Base: BEXP Micaiah and Skrimir a bit.


Micaiah - Vantage, Resolve

Sothe - Adept, Cancel

Sigrun - Cancel, Adept

Skrimir - Renewal, Smite

Map: Send Sigrun west, Micaiah east, Skrimir and Sothe south. Micaiah is still awesome with Resolve. Also got Stefan, but will not likely use the Sword anyway.

Unit      	Level    HP 	Str 	Mag 	Skl 	Spd 	Lck 	Def 	Res	Support 	
Micaiah	   	20	 40 	12 	30 	23 	25 	39 	15 	30 	A Sothe
Sothe	   	2	 44 	25 	13 	29 	32 	28 	22 	20	A Micaiah
Sigrun		13	 42	32	20	32	31	35	24	32	 
Skrimir		31	 72	22	3	17	16	25	21	9	

4-4: 9/38

Base: BEXP Muarim to 30.


Ike - Pass

Titania - Imbue

Aran - Paragon, Vantage

Muarim - Resolve

Map: Everyone went everywhere on this, it felt. I didn't open any chests, but I'm satisfied with my turns.

Unit      	Level    HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Support 
Ike	   	20  	 65 	37 	10 	40 	37 	29 	32 	21	A Titania
Titania	   	17  	 60 	34 	15 	35 	33 	29 	28 	23	A Ike	
Aran		13	 54	35	8	35	33	19	34	20
Muarim		30	 66	23	3	18	15	20	18	15

4-5: 2/40


Brom - Provoke, Beastfoe

Lyre - Paragon

Marcia - Celerity, Daunt

Map: Marcia flew to Izuka and Spear'd him.

Unit      	Level    HP 	Str 	Mag 	Skl 	Spd 	Lck 	Def 	Res	Support 
Brom	   	11  	 56 	35 	11 	34 	28 	30 	36 	20	B Lyre	
Lyre(S)		33	 57	18	6	20	20	26	10	10	B Brom
Marcia	   	20  	 50 	32 	16 	35 	36 	34 	28 	34	

4-E-1: 3/43

Base: Make forges, re-arrange skills, do everything.


Ike - Pass, Parity

Micaiah - Vantage, Resolve

Sothe - Adept, Cancel

Titania - Imbue

Marcia - Celerity, Daunt

Brom - Adept

Muarim - Resolve, Renewal

Aran - Paragon, Vantage

Lyre -

Sigrun - Cancel, Adept

Skrimir - Renewal, Smite

Giffca - Nihil, Imbue

Map: Hetzel and Sleep Bishop were down by turn 2, courtesy of Ike and Marcia. Everything went down pretty fast, everyone contributed.

Unit      	Level    HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Support 
Ike	   	20  	 65 	37 	10 	40 	37 	29 	32 	23	A Titania
Micaiah	   	1	 44 	17 	32 	25 	27 	39 	20 	32 	A Sothe
Sothe	   	3	 45 	26 	13 	30 	32 	29 	23 	20	A Micaiah
Titania	   	20  	 60 	34 	16 	35 	33 	30 	28 	26	A Ike	
Marcia	   	20  	 50 	32 	16 	35 	36 	34 	28 	34	
Brom	   	12  	 57 	36 	11 	34 	30 	30 	36 	21	A Lyre
Muarim		31	 67	23	3	18	15	21	19	15	C Aran
Aran		15	 55	35	8	35	33	20	34	22	C Muarim
Lyre(S)		34	 57	18	6	20	20	27	11	11	A Brom
Sigrun		20	 48	32	20	36	36	35	26	34	C Skrimir 
Skrimir(SS)	32	 73	23	3	18	16	25	21	9	C Sigrun
Giffca		36	 73	21	4	22	18	28	20	11

4-E-2: 1/44


Ike - Nihil

Micaiah - Vantage, Resolve

Sothe - Adept, Cancel

Titania - Parity

Marcia - Celerity, Daunt

Brom - Adept

Muarim - Resolve, Renewal

Aran - Paragon, Vantage

Lyre -

Sigrun - Cancel, Adept

Skrimir - Renewal, Smite

Giffca - Nihil, Imbue

Map: Ike attacks BK on first turn, others get the Wishblade, BK suicides.

Unit      	Level    HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Support 
Ike	   	20  	 65 	37 	10 	40 	37 	29 	32 	23	A Titania
Micaiah	   	1	 44 	17 	32 	25 	27 	39 	20 	32 	A Sothe
Sothe	   	4	 46 	27 	13 	30 	33 	30 	23 	21	A Micaiah
Titania	   	20  	 60 	34 	16 	35 	33 	30 	28 	26	A Ike	
Marcia	   	20  	 50 	32 	16 	35 	36 	34 	28 	34	
Brom	   	13  	 58 	37 	11 	35 	30 	30 	36 	21	A Lyre
Muarim		31	 67	23	3	18	15	21	19	15	C Aran
Aran		16	 56	35	8	35	33	21	34	23	C Muarim
Lyre(S)		34	 57	18	6	20	20	27	11	11	A Brom
Sigrun		20	 48	32	20	36	36	35	26	34	C Skrimir 
Skrimir(SS)	32	 73	23	3	18	16	25	21	9	C Sigrun
Giffca		36	 73	21	4	22	18	28	20	11

4-E-3: 2/46


Ike - Nihil

Micaiah - Vantage, Resolve

Sothe - Adept, Cancel

Titania - Pavise

Marcia - Celerity, Daunt

Brom - Adept

Muarim - Resolve, Renewal

Aran - Paragon, Vantage

Lyre -

Sigrun - Nihil

Skrimir - Renewal, Smite, Nihil

Giffca - Imbue, Parity, Pass

Blessed weapons: Ragnell, Urvan, Wishblade, Brave Axe, Rexaura, Baselard, Wyrmslayer, Tempest Blade, Silver Lance (forge), Purge.

Map: Boss rush. Giffca + Skrimir + Ike = dead Dheginsea.

Unit      	Level    HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Support 
Ike	   	20  	 65 	37 	10 	40 	37 	29 	32 	23	A Titania
Micaiah	   	2	 44 	18 	34 	26 	27 	39 	20 	33 	A Sothe
Sothe	   	5	 46 	27 	13 	31 	36 	31 	23 	21	A Micaiah
Titania	   	20  	 60 	34 	16 	35 	33 	30 	28 	26	A Ike	
Marcia	   	20  	 50 	32 	16 	35 	36 	34 	28 	34	C Giffca
Brom	   	13  	 58 	37 	11 	35 	30 	30 	36 	21	A Lyre
Muarim		31	 67	23	3	18	15	21	19	15	B Aran
Aran		16	 56	35	8	35	33	21	34	23	B Muarim
Lyre(S)		34	 57	18	6	20	20	27	11	11	A Brom
Sigrun		20	 48	32	20	36	36	35	26	34	B Skrimir 
Skrimir(SS)	36	 77	24	3	20	17	26	23	10	B Sigrun
Giffca		39	 76	24	4	22	20	28	20	12	C Marcia

4-E-4: 2/48


Ike - Nihil

Micaiah - Vantage, Resolve

Sothe - Adept, Cancel

Titania - Pavise

Marcia - Nihil

Brom - Celerity

Muarim - Resolve, Renewal

Aran - Paragon, Vantage

Lyre -

Sigrun - Nihil

Skrimir - Renewal, Smite, Nihil

Giffca - Imbue, Parity, Pass

Map: Boss rush again. After clearing the Spirits Giffca ORKOd Sephiran.

Unit      	Level    HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Support 
Ike	   	20  	 65 	37 	10 	40 	37 	29 	32 	23	A Titania
Micaiah	   	2	 44 	18 	34 	26 	27 	39 	20 	33 	A Sothe
Sothe	   	6	 46 	28 	13 	32 	36 	32 	23 	21	A Micaiah
Titania	   	20  	 60 	34 	16 	35 	33 	30 	28 	26	A Ike	
Marcia	   	20  	 50 	32 	16 	35 	36 	34 	28 	34	C Giffca
Brom	   	13  	 58 	37 	11 	35 	30 	30 	36 	21	A Lyre
Muarim		31	 67	23	3	18	15	21	19	15	B Aran
Aran		16	 56	35	8	35	33	21	34	23	B Muarim
Lyre(S)		34	 57	18	6	20	20	27	11	11	A Brom
Sigrun		20	 48	32	20	36	36	35	26	34	B Skrimir 
Skrimir(SS)	36	 77	24	3	20	17	26	23	10	B Sigrun
Giffca		39	 76	24	4	22	20	28	20	12	C Marcia

4-E-5: 4/52

Base: BEXP Sothe as much as possible


Ike - Nihil

Micaiah - Vantage, Resolve

Sothe - Cancel, Parity

Titania - Pavise

Marcia - Celerity

Brom - Adept

Muarim - Resolve, Renewal

Aran - Vantage, Adept

Lyre - Nihil

Sigrun - Adept

Skrimir - Renewal, Smite, Nihil

Giffca - Imbue, Pass, Nihil

Map: Skrimir had Rexaura so Lehran could help on turn 1. And thank God for him, that staff kept us alive. Main Aura fighters were Giffca, Ike, Skrimir, Lyre, and Sothe, but everyone pitched in quite a bit to get this done. Even Micaiah finished off an Aura with Purge once.

Unit      	Level    HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Support 
Ike	   	20  	 65 	37 	10 	40 	37 	29 	32 	23	A Titania
Micaiah	   	3	 44 	19 	35 	27 	27 	40 	21 	34 	A Sothe
Sothe	   	16	 50 	28 	18 	38 	40 	35 	26 	25	A Micaiah
Titania	   	20  	 60 	34 	16 	35 	33 	30 	28 	26	A Ike	
Marcia	   	20  	 50 	32 	16 	35 	36 	34 	28 	34	B Giffca
Brom	   	14  	 59 	37 	12 	35 	30 	30 	36 	22	A Lyre
Muarim		32	 68	23	3	18	15	22	20	15	A Aran
Aran		17	 57	35	8	35	33	22	34	24	A Muarim
Lyre(S)		35	 58	18	6	20	20	28	11	12	A Brom
Sigrun		20	 48	32	20	36	36	35	26	34	A Skrimir 
Skrimir(SS)	37	 78	24	3	21	17	27	23	10	A Sigrun
Giffca		40	 77	24	4	23	20	28	21	12	B Marcia

Part 4 total: 52

Overall total: 264

PoR total: 161

RD total: 264

Final total: 425 turns.

[spoiler=Kill totals and character analysis]Kill totals:

PoR - 605 total, 27.7 KPC

RD - 1,065 total, 28.03 KPC

1,670 total kills


PoR - 123 (4.1 KPC, ~20.5%, 3rd)

Pretty standard stuff here. He's a bit lacking early on but is helpful by virtue of existing. Later on he becomes an offensive beast and necessary for more than one successful clear. If only Resolve was around for longer.

RD - 149 (10.64 KPC, ~14%, 2nd)

1-2 range lack aside, this is some of the best combat potential ever. Then he gets Ragnell. The successful clear of many later maps relied on his combat capabilities.

272 total kills. 2nd overall


PoR - 242 (~8.34 KPC, 40%, 1st)

Broken as always. Marcia took over by the time she promoted but Titania was always #2 in overall combat and utility, and her help early on is irreplaceable.

RD - 216 (~15.43 KPC, ~20.3%, 1st)

1st in both games. Titania takes shit from no one. Plenty of part 3 clears were shortened only because of her. Never did she slow down.

458 total kills. 1st overall


PoR - 126 (6 KPC, ~21%, 2nd)

One reason PoR is a joke in terms of difficulty. 9 Move flight with Canto cuts off a lot of turns in this game, and her stats are nothing to laugh at, either. Playing this game isn't as frustrating when you have her or Jill. Marcia is better for magic, especially Sleep, but Jill is better for power and tanking in general.

RD - 88 (~9.8 KPC, ~8.3%)

The MVP of the draft as a whole (considering Titania was only drafted for RD). A top unit all the time. She cut penalties where I was expecting to take them (2-E and 3-9) and was always on top of the game in combat with flight to boot. Highly valuable, would draft again.

214 total kills. 3rd overall.


PoR - 55 (~3.06 KPC, ~9%, 4th)

He was much better in this run than previous ones due to a few factors. One, a very small team. I needed everyone I could get. Two, the BEXP rules. This allowed him to get promoted in a reasonably fast timeframe, arguably faster than a no-restrictions setting because I would be spending BEXP on others too much (though that would likely just be better). After getting enough leveling with the Knight Ward his combat was actually not too bad.

RD - 98 (6.125 KPC, ~9.2%, 5th)

A valuable unit. His biggest contribution was his 3 part 2 maps, and even if oly for there he's a worthy draft, but he continued to be helpful later on when his mobility and Spd cap allowed him to. I might not hate you anymore.

153 total. 4th overall.


PoR - 44 (~3.2 KPC, ~7%, 5th)

I really like the Tigers in this game. Their ability to Shove/Smite all your flying units is essential for some low turn clears, and Muarim has the added benefit of being good in combat even with the Demi Band equipped. Mordecai might have been a bit better for coming earlier and already having Smite (as well as being more helpful in RD, most likely), but that aside, Muarim is a great choice, and the combat superiority on this team was quite nice to have.

RD - 33 (6.6 KPC, ~3.1%)

Another valuable choice. He made 1-8 and 1-E much less painful and due to massive amounts of BEXP in NM was still very helpful at 4-4 and 4-E. He never reached even S Strike, but 56 atk is still pretty good. I'm not sure if I prefer him to Mordecai, but considering I had Brom for part 2 and 3 help, Muarim was probably better for the team. Keep being awesome.

77 total kills


PoR - 15 (3 KPC, ~2.5%)

Much like Brom, he was mostly helpful by virtue of existing. His durability is pretty crappy (Muarim support seemed to help a lot, though) and his offense is kind of average. But at least he was there for me. I don't know if he actually saved any turns, but he helped reliability, which is always nice.

RD - 0

Got himself turned to stone. What the hell, man?


RD - 70 (~4.12 KPC, ~6.6%)

Usefulness for her was hit or miss. She was great when using Resolve and probably was a necessity for some of my quicker clears, but other times she was mostly deadweight. Surprisingly enough, she rarely healed. She was mostly a combat unit for me. And part 4, the place where she's supposed to be at her worst, was her shining moment. Interesting.


PoR - 0

His Knife payed for half of a useful weapon.

RD - 137 (~9.79 KPC, ~12.9%, 3rd)

I love this guy, I don't care what anyone else says. He's the best overall part 1 unit and still good for the rest of the game, at least in NM, and even moreso in drafts. His ability to double Auras naturally was pretty helpful in 4-E-5.

5th overall.


RD - 125 (~9.62 KPC, ~11.7%, 4th)

I'm still not sure what I think of Aran. He was helpful, of course, but mostly by virtue of existing where others couldn't. His Spd was often an issue and his durability even felt lacking at times despite his monstrous Def. Maybe I'm just being picky, though. He was helpful all the way through, at least, especially in parts 1 and 3.


RD - 39 (4.875 KPC, ~3.7%)

You suck, but at least in an NM draft you can become mildly capable eventually. Even with Str and Spd capped she still wasn't that good because of a terrible gauge and lack of 1-2 range, not to mention a hard time building Strike. She was worth the investment at least, and helped at the end with her high Spd. Would not want to draft again, though.


RD - 61 (12.2 KCP, ~5.7%)

Your growths are so awful. I guess I got a bit lucky, though, because she did get Str and Spd capped eventually and was usually capable. The early promotion really helped. It was nice to have her, especially in the desert.


RD - 46 (~15.33 KPC, ~4.3%)

I always love using Skrimir. He's just so good at killing everything, and he never dies. And he's in Micaiah's team, too, the one who needs the most help. And then he's still awesome at Endgame because of his massive power.


RD - 3 (3 KPC, ~0.3%)

Only 3 kills? That seems weird, but I guess it makes sense. He did nothing in 4-E-2, weakened Dheg in 3, killed Sephiran, and then weakened Auras, so I guess he got two kills in 4-E-1. Looking back I guess that actually makes sense since enemies were mostly targeting others. He was still really helpful, though. His high damage output may not have killed, but it definitely crippled.

Black Knight

RD - ?

Essential for 1-9. Nice to have on 1-E. Barely existed in 3-6. Oh well.


RD - 0 (0 KPC, 0%)

He weakened some Auras and healed our team. Small, but very helpful indeed.

Edited by Red Fox of Fire
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Done already, Red Fox? Damn that's fast.

Even Micaiah finished off an Aura with Purge once.

How? Didn't you bless Rexaura?

Down in Ike's area is where things pissed me off. No, it wasn't Ike's fault (though 1-2 range on him would have solved things), it was that damn Warrior. I figured that if I extinguished the nearby Torch he'd attack Ike, and Ike had a free turn to do that. But no. Even though Ike was in his range and no lit Torches were, he just decided to start heading toward another lit Torch. Fuck you for costing me a turn.

You're cussing out a Warrior reinforcement, right?

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Done already, Red Fox? Damn that's fast

Thank you

How? Didn't you bless Rexaura?

Sanaki also blessed Purge. Looks like I forgot to mention that.

You're cussing out a Warrior reinforcement, right?


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Thank you

Sanaki also blessed Purge. Looks like I forgot to mention that.


You're welcome.

Oh... Forgot about that possibility.

Figures... I once saw it happen where he snuffed out a Torch, which left me to wonder "What's up with this?".

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  • 3 weeks later...

Finally found a chance to finish Endgame without anyone important dying (well, Ena was kind of important, but she hadn't killed anyone, and I wanted to see how many kills everyone had gotten).


Nolan gets Pass and Celerity, Micaiah and Rhys keep Resolve and Miracle and Mia, Janaff and Sothe keep Adept and Cancel (Sothe had Disarm instead). I distribute my other skills around to the rest of the team. I forge some Silver Axes, buy the Wyrmslayer and take everything (except Prf weapons) off of the undrafted units. I bring Elincia and Sigrun into the Tower to bless Wyrmslayers.

Part One (4/276)

First turn, Nolan takes out Hetzel while Ike clears a path for Kieran to kill the other Sleep Bishop (I'm not resetting for Sleep to miss again). Second turn, Ike weakens Lekain so Micaiah can finish him with Purge. After that, it was just a matter of cleaning up the Bishops, Sages and Generals on Cover tiles while keeping Rafiel safe.

Part Two (1/277)

Give Ike Nihil, and BEXP Nolan, Mia, Kyza and Calill up a level.

Kyza stands on the Cover tile a couple tiles north of Levail to try and get some Strike exp while everyone else just stays near the start and Ike charges the Black Knight with a Hammer.

Part Three (2/279)


Micaiah - Purge

Sothe - Peshkatz (He has SS Knives, but I don't have Baselard.)

Nolan - Brave Axe

Kieran - Urvan

Calill - Rexflame

Rhys - Rexaura

Mia - Alondite

Renning - Silver Axe (+5 might/+45 hit. I didn't get Vague Katti either.)

Sanaki - Meteor

Elincia and Sigrun - Wyrmslayers

Ike and Mia took the blessed Wyrmslayers, Calill took Meteor and Mia also took Calill's Nihil. Rafiel took Celerity. I gave 2 levels of BEXP to Renning, and one to Nolan.

Rushed forward on the first turn, taking care of the Dragons near the northern stairs. Then Nolan, Ike and Mia took out Dheginsea with some help from Ena and cover tiles (Mia being OHKO'd by Dheginsea even with max HP/Def is not right), with Rafiel on standby in case of a miss. Micaiah repaired Rescue after Rhys used it to get Ena close enough to help.

Part Four (2/281)

Janaff gets Smite, Ena gets Celerity and Kieran took Nasir's Nihil. Distributed BEXP for a level to Renning, Mia, Micaiah, Janaff and Kyza.

First turn, people move into position and take care of the Spirits they can. Ike, Nolan and Kieran use Pure Water. On the second turn, Ike, Kieran and Nolan team up on Sephiran with Ena and Rafiel's help after (almost) everyone lends a hand killing his guards.

Part Five (3/284)

I got Janaff to level 40 with BEXP and gave him Parity. I also give some BEXP to Micaiah and Sothe. Rhys uses an Arms Scroll to SS Staves while Elincia gets Stillness and Rexaura.

I deploy Elincia to trade Lehran Rexaura on the first turn and give Rhys the Ashera Staff on the second turn. Lehran, Janaff and Calill with A Rhys did exactly 90 damage to Cover Auras, which was nice. First turn, Janaff and Kyza use a Laguz Gem, Janaff getting Vigor'd with Ike, Kieran and Renning. Sothe and Rhys then rescue-drop Rafiel onto a Cover tile, Nolan uses Pure Water and everyone else contributes to killing off three of the Auras. Second turn, Kyza uses Pure Water before getting Vigor'd with Lehran, Janaff and Calill so they can take out two more Cover Auras, while Sothe and Micaiah combine on a Spirit and everyone else helps get rid of the last Wardwood Auras. Ena unfortunately dies to Ashera's 'target Gareth' attack. It's a simple matter to take out the last Aura before finishing off Ashera on turn 3.

Name    Level     HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res | Support
Ike 	--/20/20  65* 37* 10  40* 37* 27  32* 13  | A Mia
Micaiah 20/20/07  43^ 18  38  29  27^ 40* 16  37  | A Nolan
Sothe   --/15/06  46  27  12  33  34  31  23  20  | B Kyza
Ena           23  60  10  16  13  11  19  13  17  | 
Nolan   20/20/20  60  39  10* 36* 35* 30* 30* 20* | A Micaiah
Kieran  --/20/20  60* 36* 16  35* 31* 28  30* 24* | A Janaff
Calill  --/20/19  48  18  38* 34* 32* 30* 21  35  | A Rhys
Rhys    --/17/18  50* 24  36* 30* 30* 35* 20  40* | A Calill
Mia 	--/18/20  50* 31* 14  40* 40* 30  25* 26* | A Ike
Kyza          39  75* 23* 05* 18* 15* 26  18  07  | B Sothe
Janaff        40  65* 19* 04  23* 19  35* 16* 08  | A Kieran
Renning --/--/20  58  34* 18  34* 30  24  30* 23  | B Rafiel
Rafiel        16  33  01  07  02  08  34  05  15  | B Renning

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172 + 284 = 456 turns total. Didn't quite beat Xander, due to the penalties I had to take in chapters like 1-8, 3-1 and most of Part 2. And Red Fox beat us both by quite a margin.

The Main Characters:

Ike 171 + 172 = 343 kills (1st overall)

Ike was as he always is. Capping most of his stats pretty quickly, he made Part 3 and his Part 4 chapters possible. His accuracy in 4-E-5 could've been better (screw Biorhythm), though. The fact that he got one more kill in RD than PoR kind of surprised me.

Titania 248 + 11 = 259 kills (3rd overall)

She got more kills in PoR alone than most of my units got in both games, unsurprisingly. She ended up being necessary in 3-1 due to my lack of good 2 range at the time.

Micaiah 65 kills

She ended up being a little more useful than I expected in Part 1, threw Physic around in Part 3, and ironically shined in the Part 4 rout chapters, due to her capped Luck and Resolve making her nigh unhitable. She ended up being little more than a staff-bot in the Tower, though.

Sothe 111 kills

He was great until 3-6, but after that his horrible Strength cap prevented him from ORKOing without Adept (which I had sent to the GMs). He still managed to find use in 4-3 by getting the Laguz Gem and killing the Bishops no one else could handle, and saving Rafiel in 4-E-5.

Nolan 182 kills (5th overall)

Like Titania, Nolan was so essential that he managed to be in the Top 5 despite only appearing in RD. He was able to handle pretty much anything I threw at him all game and never slowed down, continuing to be one of my best units all the way into 4-E, and even had the best offense on my team against Ashera thanks to the Brave Axe (although Lehran was better against Cover Auras).

Kieran 105 + 84 = 189 kills (4th overall)

He was essential for the CRK chapters, and was great after as well. His Speed was never really an issue once I sent Nolan with Tibarn, since I didn't have Nasir anyway.

Calill 32 + 75 = 107 kills

Her not being able to kill Ludveck was disappointing, but she was very valuable for her great 1-2 range offense (and being a Sage, for the Desert), and did good damage to the Cover Auras. I don't think I ever used her to heal, interestingly.

Rhys 38 + 98 = 136 kills

He got 5th in both games, but was only 6th overall. Still, it's amusing to see Rhys in the Top 5 when I had never used him before this draft. He was kind of disappointing in Part 3, due to his bad speed until I was able to Crown him, and even then he failed to ORKO Generals (and other magic users) due to not being able to forge Light tomes. Despite this, he was still invaluable as another unit and greatly helped in Part 4. I only needed Rescue twice, but being able to use the Ashera Staff was extremely useful, so Lehran could fight.

Mia 123 + 149 = 272 kills (2nd overall)

She was constantly close to 3HKOing (except Generals and magic users, obviously), but good proc rates kept her useful, if somewhat unreliable. She shined in the Tower though, thanks to a Wyrmslayer for 4-E-3 and Alondite giving her good 2 ranged might, increasing flexibility.

Kyza 66 kills

He got an Energy Drop and a Speedwings, but still needed some BEXP levels for Strength. The Laguz Gem really helped gauge issues in the high density Part 4 rout maps, although his low Resistance had to be worked around in the last two maps. He only attacked Ashera once; the rest of the time he just distracted the Spirits.

Janaff 28 + 49 + 77 kills

His offense was either good or great once he got S Strike, but gauge really limits how much action non-Royal Laguz can see. Still, being my only flier made him invaluable in 3-11 and 4-5, and he put Parity to good use against Auras, despite ending up just unable to double them.

Rafiel 0 kills

His 4-way Vigor wasn't necessary until the Tower, due to the low amount of units I had. He was still a crucial part of my plans in every chapter he was in though, and shaved a bunch of turns in the Tower.

Renning 11 kills

He exceeded my (somewhat meager) expectations, due to Hammer and Wyrmslayer access, and even had good offense against Auras with a maxed Silver Axe forge. Wish he could've been around longer, though.

Ena 0 + 0 = 0 kills

Yeah, I didn't draft her expecting her to kill stuff. In PoR, she was just a shove-bot with good durability and in RD she simply provided Red Tide bonuses (which was crucial for taking out Auras) and made sure I didn't take a penalty against Ashera. Worth the pick in my opinion, although Vika might have been a better choice.

Lehran 0 kills

Unlike Ena, Lehran's offense was crucial to finishing 4-E-5 quickly - he just never dealt the finishing blow to anything. A great unit to have in what may be the toughest Endgame map I have played.

The Supporting Cast:

Edward 3 kills

He made 1-P possible, although I tried to feed as many kills to Micaiah as possible.

Tormod 12 kills

I really hate 1-8. Thankfully Tormod was able to ORKO everything with a Fire forge, and even had great move due to Celerity.

Elincia 10 kills

MVP of the undrafted units, saving Leanne, killing Ludveck, blessing a Wyrmslayer and performing crucial item shuffling in 4-E-5. I also considered using her in 4-2, until I decided that sending Nolan with Tibarn was necessary.

Nephenee 3 kills

I'm not a big fan of 2-1, either. She ended up getting the boss kill, even though Brom did most of the work.

Brom 1 kill

Brom Disarming the boss saved a turn in 2-1, although I wish I had thought to recruit Heather for Pass.

Lucia 7 kills

She was slightly better than Nealuchi, but that's not saying much. No gauge and the Wind Edge helped quite a bit, though.

Nealuchi 8 kills

Wrath + more avoid than most enemy's hit = fun times. No sight whatsoever when transformed was annoying, though.

Gatrie 2 + 4 = 6 kills

Helped a bit as an NPC in PoR, and helped burn stuff in 3-3. And I didn't even need to take a penalty for him, unlike the rest of The Supporting Cast.

Honorable Mentions:

Geoffrey 1 + 2 = 3 kills

He didn't really contribute anything. He's just here because he got a few kills as an NPC.

Tauroneo, Zihark and Jill 5 + 5 + 4 = 14 total kills

They were able to take care of themselves, thankfully. I'm looking at you, Jill.

Muarim 1 kill

See Geoffrey, since I doubt the Mage he killed would've done anything significant to hinder my plans if it had been allowed to live.

Skrimir 4 kills

Thank you for not being an idiot in 3-P. He was also useful in 3-E, since I just managed to kill the required amount in 5 turns. Also provided the Resolve Micaiah needed to be useful in Part 4, and the Laguz Stone Janaff needed for 4-2, since he had run out. Keep up the good work, Skrimir.

Tibarn 4 kills

He helped clear a path for Janaff in 3-11, and also contributed to the clear of 3-E. Good stuff.

Sanaki and Sigrun 0 + 0 = 0 total kills

They blessed a Meteor and a Wyrmslayer, respectively. In retrospect, blessing a forged Light would've been a better idea, since I never used the Meteor after it was blessed.

Edited by Radiant Dragon
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Update: I finally got around to picking up batteries, so my Wiimote works again. . .but I'm in the middle of a hellish week. . .

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  • 1 month later...

Well, I don't know if anyone is still watching this.... but progress nonetheless!!

[spoiler=Part 2]Part Two Prologue: (8/108)

Elincia rescues Leanne and fends off attacks until Haar comes and helps her kill things. Unfortunatly it wasn't many things, or the boss, so not much exp went around.

2-1: (7+6/121)

Nephenee and Brom penalties.

They went around south, mainly getting damaged more than actually killing things. Brom attacks the boss on turn 6 and again on turn 7 and then Nephenee wrath-crit-kills him.

2-2: (6+3/130)

Nealuchi penalty.

Lucia goes north while Nealuchi goes east. On turn 2 Nealuchi transforms and owns everything thanks to wrath and the 5 HP that the enemies left him with. On turn 4 Lucia and Nealuchi stand in front of the 2 generals blocking the arrive point, and thanks to their inability to critical when I shout at them to do so, Lucia arrives on turn 6.

2-3: (6+4/140)

Geoffrey penalty.

He pretty much solo'd the whole map. He lead the way straight down the map Astrid followed while being protected by the ally units, getting kills where she could. Geoffrey broke down the door, killed the boss, and siezed.

Part Two Endgame: (2/142)

Leanne sang for Haar, so he was able to kill the thunder-mage on turn one. He kills tons of people on the enemy phase, and kills Ludveck on turn two.

[spoiler=Part 3]Part Three Prologue: (9/151)


3-1: (8+5/164)

Titania Penalty

Soren went north, through the little opening in the wall, and thank goodness to his capped Mag, Skl, Spd, and Res (and the thickets) he was able to be a dodge tank and pwn everyone up there. Ike went east and opened a path for the non-drafted units to go before reinforcements came; he then doubled back and killed said reinforcements. Titania went northeast and fought her way north, double back for the seraph robe, costing me one more turn.

3-2: (3/167)

Fairly easy. Haar (with celerity) rushes towards the boss, getting in his range on turn 2. Luckily, he levels up and gets speed, allowing him to double the boss so I don't have to rely on a killer axe crit. Ike and Soren just stayed by the starting area and killed what came.


Used Gatrie as my free unit; he stayed around the exit adn got the two supply piles around there. Ike and Soren worked together the but a path to the middle supply pile. Haar flew up to the north, burn those three supply piles, killed the boss, and got the master crown.

3-4: (8/182)

Soren uses master crown and Haar promotes with bonus experience and recieves savior.

Haar rescues Ranulf and flies up to the arrive squares, killing stuff along the way while Ike and Soren take their sweet time climbing up ledges.

3-5: (2/184)

Haar rushes down to kill the boss while Soren takes out as many generals and paladins as he can and Ike sits on the defend square like a good boy.

3-6: (10/194)

Micaiah and Sothe go to the east, thanks to shade she is able to survive. Volug and BK go north. Fiona stays on the little island.

3-7: (12/206)

Ike ran down to the BK, killing stuff along the way. Haar flew down to kill things around Jill so he could recruit her while Soren cleared out the northwest so she could fly away up there to aviod getting attacked. Ranulf just stood in the corner.

3-8: (8/214)

Soren heads straight south, Haar takes the east, and Ike goes in between. Soren and Ike fall behind while Haar flies down to the boss and his posse, but they soon catch up and deal the final blow to a few of the leftovers.

3-9: (6/220)

Astrid gets BEXP to level 15 then crowned and given an arm schroll. She cuts a path up with a steel greatlance and thanks to a few lucky crits with the killer bow (cause she can't double the boss), we end on turn 6.

3-10: (7/227)

7 turns because enemies are stupid and refuse to move.

Haar flies up to the boss and kills people up there and some along the way, but most of them go to the CRK who actually do an okay job killing them. Ike and Soren go straight east, then try to go help Haar, but the jobs already done by then,

3-11: (5/232)

Haar, still with savior, rescues Ike and runs to the sieze point. Astrid and Soren protect Leanne, but not much else.

3-12: (8/242)

Micaiah, Sothe, and Fiona form a barrier at the choke point and Volug goes down with the allied units to kill stuff.

3-13: (7+5/255)

Tauroneo recieves BEXP and gets crowned. He rushes down to Ike and after waiting like 4 turns for the biorythms to set themselves right, he Luna-ed him.

Part 3 Endgame: (5/230)

Ike, Soren, Haar, and Astrid run up the middle of the field, killing most of the eighty units, although the other units held their own very well.


Name    Level     HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res | Supports
Micaiah 20/05     33  10   24   21   16   28   14   25  | Sothe-A
Sothe   --/14     40  22   7    26   24   24   15   14  | Micaiah-A
Leanne  05        25  0    3    1    6    27   2    11  |
Ike     --/20/01  54  29   7    32   32   16   28   15  | Soren-A
Soren   --/16/5   46  19   30   28   25   18   16   28  | Ike-A
Volug   23        57  16   2    14   17   21   10   6   |
Lucia  --/14      38  18   10   27   29   19   14   15  |
Fiona  19/10      39  12   11   15   24   16   20   17  |
Astrid 15/8       49  25   14   25   26   31   18   28  |
Haar   --/20/9    56  33   8    32   29   25   32   16  |


Silver Army: Micaiah, Sothe, Leanne, Naesala, Sanaki

Greil Army: Ike, Soren, Volug

Hawk Army: Lucia, Haar, Fiona, Astrid

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I don't even care about the horrible turn counts cause I finally finished a draft!!

[spoiler=Part 4]Part 4 Prologue: (5/234)

Micaiah gets BEXP to level 20 as well as resolve and Sanaki gets a forged firetome that she can double with. Naesala leads the way north, with Sanaki following, while Micaiah heads east. Eventually all the two range forces Naesala to leave and help Micaiah while Sanaki takes his place. Leanne helps where she can but basically just stays out of the way. Sothe just keeps his weak ass out of the way.

4-1: (10/243)

Ike goes south, Soren goes east, and Volug goes west. I officially hate: sandbags, fog of war, and reinforcements showing up out of no where.

4-2: (8/251)

Lucia goes west, Astrid and Fiona go south, and Haar goes southwest-ish. After killing the enemies in the south, Astrid heads west to help Haar while Fiona stays to deal with any reinforcements (still hate the popping up out of no where!). Tibarn rescues Pellas and flies with Elincia to the northern thicket clump to wait the battle out.

4-3: (11/262)

Micaiah went east and then south, thanks to resolve and thani she was able to ORKO almost everything. Naesala went southeast, but he had to be placed carefully because of all the bows and crossbows; luckily the BK arrived to help him. Sanaki (with resolve) went south and then east, taking out everything in her path. Leanne and Sothe both stayed behind due to fragile-ness and weakness respectively.

4-4: (19+9/290)

Maurim penalty because I couldn't get him out of the way, so I figured I might as well use him... then he ended up dying on me. He went east with Soren, then up the ledges. Ike climbed the middle ledge and takes the stairs directly towards Oliver; Volug follows him after clearing out the area directly above the starting point. Needless to say, turns caught up with me and before I knew it it is turn 10 and reinforcements started flooding in, which led to the demise of Vika and Tormod. My main problems were that Volug had to worry about 2-range and his gauge, Soren couldn't double to save his life, and Ike couldn't be everywhere.

4-5: (2/292)

Haar flew up and hand-axed Izuka in the face while Astrid, Fiona, and Lucia killed some of the feral ones to protect Tibarn and Elincia.

Part 4 Endgame: (14/307)

Part 1: (5/297)

Leanne helps Haar and Fiona (with pass) kill the sleep stave dudes are turn one. Then Ike, Sanaki, Micaiah, and Lucia head north. Soren and Volug clean up the east side with no problems thanks to a little help from Fiona. Astrid and Naesala take the west but because of Naesala's lack of two range Astrid has to handle most of it; she was joined by Fiona (who was running everywhere thanks to pass) who killed the last unit. Haar had the hammer, so he made quick work of the generals on the cover tiles.

Part 2: (1/298)

Ike attacked the Black Knight with a Hammer, killing him on the enemy phase. Micaiah, Naesala, Haar, Soren, and Fiona worked together to get the wishblade while everyone else tried to get as much exp as possible before the chapter ended.

Part 3: (2/301)

On turn one everyone rushes forward; thanks to Leanne, Sanaki ends in front and with resolve gets everything out of the way for turn two. Ike, Naesala and Sanaki work together to bring the dragon king down while everyone else just tried to get exp again (or in Micaiah's case: heals Ike, or in Leanne's case: sings for Ike)

Part 4: (2/303)

Pretty much the same turn one as last time, everyone runs forward. On turn two the fire spirits get out of the way and Naesala, Haar, and Volug bring down Sephrian.

Part 5: (4/307)

Attacked the Auras. Killed Ashera. Gareth died.

[spoiler=Thoughts on Characters]


Level    HP  STR  MAG  SKL  SPD  LCK  DEF  RES  | Support
--/20/20 65  37   8    40   35   21   32   16   | Soren-A

Kills: 131+204=335

Awesome. I probably overused him because he had more kills than Haar... but still. His durability and two-ranged Ragnell definitely made me dependent on him and his ability to completely clear out an area.


Level    HP  STR  MAG  SKL  SPD  LCK  DEF  RES  | Support
--/16/17 48  22   40   34   28   21   19   35   | Ike-A

Kills: 107+120=227

He was very helpful when he was able to dodge attacks and occasionally he could double, but I kept comparing him to Sanaki and Micaiah (who both had resolve) so that affected my thoughts on him during the playthrough. He was pretty good support for Ike and they worked well together.


Level    HP  STR  MAG  SKL  SPD  LCK  DEF  RES  | Support
--/20/20 60  38   9    38   32   30   38   19   | Astrid-A

Kills: 39+179=218

So we all know that Haar is amazing in RD, and even though I probably didn't use him to his full potential he didn't disappoint. Flying and 11 range (because he had celerity for most of the game) was invaluable to finishing chapters like 2-E.


Level    HP  STR  MAG  SKL  SPD  LCK  DEF  RES  | Support
15/20/20 50  28   18   30   32   35   22   30   | Haar-A

Kills: 136+54=190

I expected her to be not as good as in PoR, but not this bad... She was a liability most of the time and Fiona quickly became better than her.


Level   HP  STR  MAG  SKL  SPD  LCK  DEF  RES  | Support
--/14/3 44  25   12   30   28   25   18   19   | Micaiah-A

Kills: 114

Great in Part 1, Okay in Part 3, the biggest disappointment of Part 4. He got me through part 1, but after than he was just a waste of time because of low strength.


Level  HP  STR  MAG  SKL  SPD  LCK  DEF  RES  | Support
35     69  17   2    23   18   33   11   7    | Fiona-A

Kills: 98

Even through laquz gauge pisses me off like none other and he didn't have two range, he was awesome. I could depend on him to take down nearly everything I set in his path and might have even been better than Sothe in part one.


Level    HP  STR  MAG  SKL  SPD  LCK  DEF  RES  | Support
20/20/6  46  18   37   28   25   40   22   36   | Sothe-A

Kills: 86

She was hard to use before I could give her resolve, and then getting her into resolve was hard sometimes too. Once she did get it though she was able to clear out areas relatively easy, although she wasn't that useful in the last few battles of part 4 endgame.


Level    HP  STR  MAG  SKL  SPD  LCK  DEF  RES  | Support
--/14/13 50  28   19   40   40   25   20   26   | Leanne-C 

Kills: 37+23=60

If I had had the BEXP, then she could have been better, but she wasn't available that often and when she was other people needed it. She was able to be some help in part 4 endgame because of a blessed wyrmslayer and alondite.


Level  HP  STR  MAG  SKL  SPD  LCK  DEF  RES  | Support
35     68  20   7    22   24   26   15   18   | Sanaki-A

Kills: 0+56=56

As a laquz royal, I knew he would be good, and he din't really let me down, except in situations that involved bows. His support with Sanaki allowed her to live with 1-HP and deal with dragons, so he definitely had multiple uses.


Level  HP  STR  MAG  SKL  SPD  LCK  DEF  RES  | Support
20     45  10   46   33   32   40   13   40   | Naesala-A


I was pleasantly surprised at how good she was! With Resolve she was able to kill everything in her path and she quickly got enough strength to use both Cymbeline and Arcthunder. She was one of my favorite units, right until the end.


Level    HP  STR  MAG  SKL  SPD  LCK  DEF  RES  | Support
19/17/20 55  32   19   33   34   35   28   27   | Volug-A

Kills: 37

She was awful through most of the game, but in part 4 she started to get better. While she wasn't my best unit, with a blessed Wishblade she was able to help kill dragons and auras. With pass she was able to get nearly anywhere on a map and help with anything that was needed.


Level  HP  STR  MAG  SKL  SPD  LCK  DEF  RES  | Support
31     82  22   5    10   7    20   21   9    | None

Kills: 1

Blood tide help for what little time I had it, but his bad resistance had no chance against Ashera's magic-based attacks.


Level  HP  STR  MAG  SKL  SPD  LCK  DEF  RES  | Support
16     33   0   6    6    9    33   3    16   | Lucia-C

Kills: 0

Singing was useful throughout the entire game, especially during part 4 endgame, when I did't have to worry about Leanne dying.


Level  HP  STR  MAG  SKL  SPD  LCK  DEF  RES  | Support
20     50  11   40   40   40   40   23   40   | None

Kills: 0

The Ashera Staff = Beyond Useful. I also gave him Micaiah's blessed light tome (cause she wasn't doing much with it) but he never got the chance to use it.

PoR= 213

RD= 307


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