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(FE9 & 10) FE Tellius Draft

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New day, new post. Hopefully, this won't take forever.

[spoiler=Chapters 11-13]Chapter 11 - 8/76

How in the bloody hell do you guys do this in 5-6 turns?!

This chapter is irritating. In the end, I left Zihark alive, because Mordy had better things to do with his time. Titania charged center, while Boyd went south. Ike sneaked in a few kills. The next map looks equally irritating.

Chapter 12 - 11/87

One stupid crow fled with 1 HP, then detransformed. ARGH!!!!

Otherwise, I got everything. I couldn't spread out, because Mist needed to be protected. Got Boyd to 19.57; promotion here I come!

Chapter 13 - 10/97

If I could've killed the NPCs, I would've. They kept getting in my way.

Mist was a target more often than not, but she had just enough Speed to not get doubled (and thus, survive). Mordy ran all over the place, while Boyd did his best to shoot down birds with his newfound bow.

Got my Occult and the Killer Bow as gravy.

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Yay! More progress!

[spoiler=Chapters 18-25]Chapter 18: (9/139)

Astrid, Titania and Ike run through the wall while Soren stays behind to deal with the wyrverns and reinforcements. Not much else to say besides Titania got the wrath from the chest.

Chapter 19: (3/142)

Forgoed the Knight Ring and had Astrid run up to kill the boss on turn three while staying out of Naesala's range.

Naesala! Join my party!! :sob:

Chapter 20: (5/147)

I love Soren.

Astrid and Titiania led the way around the mountain while Soren and Ike followed. Soren crit killed the boss, letting Astrid arrive 1 turn earlier.

Chapter 21: (12/159)

Astrid led the way to Ena while Ike and Soren followed and Titania went to get the energy drop. Eventually Astrid was able to kill the boss and Ike seized.

I know I could have done this better, but with the energy drop I can get either Haar or Lucia to cap strength, which makes the turn count a little more bareable.

Chapter 22: (1/160)

Again. I love Soren.

Soren walked up and adepted the boss with meteor. The End.

Chapter 23: (9+4/173)

Astrid, Titania and Ike started accross the bridge while Soren waited with Jill, keeping her out of danger while trying to get EXP himself. Once Haar came, Jill talked to him and promptly died during the next enemy phase (hence the plus 4). Haar and Soren took care of the other reinforcements in the east while Titania killed the boss and Ike (finally) seized. Another annoying recruitment done.

Chapter 24: (6/179)

Astrid and Titania run north then west to the arrive point while Ike, Soren, Haar, and Lucia stay behind, protecting Bastian and dodging arrows, especially in Haar's case.

Chapter 25: (9/188)

Astrid, Lucia, and Ike went left while Titania, Soren, and Haar went right. Without the full guard Haar really couldn't reach his full potential in this chapter and Lucia needed shade to even stay alive.

Name    Level  HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res | Support
Ike     20/11  52  23  9   24  25  15  19  13  | Soren-A Titania-B
Titania --/18  48  21  8   23  24  19  18  13  | Ike-B
Soren   20/15  46  3   29  27  26  14  7   28  | Ike-A
Astrid  20/20  43  25  11  26  27  19  19  14  |
Haar    --/16  50  24  8   22  19  12  22  10  |
Lucia   --/17  39  19  13  26  28  19  12  9   |

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Well, I've finished PoR in 172 turns. I have my work cut out for me beating Xander in RD, though.

[spoiler=Chapter 26-Endgame]Chapter 26 (4/159)

I forged a max might/hit Silver Axe for Titania, capped off Ike, Rhys and Mia, and BEXP Kieran, Janaff and Calill to 50 exp.

Rhys gets shoved forward by Calill, Mia and Janaff, then Rescues Kieran, who kills Bertram. Rhys also Rescues Ike so he can seize on turn 4 and repairs Rescue, breaking Hammerne. Otherwise, people just protected Rhys or engaged in self-betterment. Elincia didn't even move.

Chapter 27 (5/163)

I forged a max might/hit Hand Axe for Kieran, capped off Ike, Rhys, Mia, Kieran and Calill, and BEXP Janaff to 50 exp.

Titania, Mia and Janaff went north-west for Resolve while Ike and Kieran went north to Arrive, Rhys and Calill tagging along. Calill Meteor's the Sage when he blocked the northern-most door so Ike and Kieran can get through on turn 3. Turn 4, Titania grabs Resolve, Janaff grabs Bolganone, Ike Aether's Hafedd and Kieran Arrives.

Chapter 28 (5/168)

I forge another max might/hit Hand Axe, this time for Titania. Also capped off Ike, Mia and Calill and BEXP Rhys and Janaff to 50 exp. Kieran's at 19.82, so I let him level up naturally. Ike loses Aether for Resolve, Adept and Provoke, Kieran loses Gamble for Sol, and Calill gets an Arms Scroll and Bolganone. Titania also took the Brave Lance I kept forgetting to take off of Geoffrey. Janaff equiped the Knight Ring for the chapter.

Rhys gets shoved by Ena, Calill and Mia, and then Rescues Janaff. Ike moves west, uses Pure Water and Directs Tibarn to stand next to Rhys so he doesn't get surrounded by Laguz and die. Janaff Saviors Ike and flies into the trees. Then he drops Ike in the west and Rhys Rescues him back east so Ike can kill everything.

Endgame (4/172)

I sold a bunch of useless bands and items to finance a max might/hit/crit Thunder forge for Calill (that she didn't use) and an Elixir for everyone. I also BEXP Rhys to level 19, Mia and Calill to level 19 and a half.


1. Get Rhys, Mia and Calill to level 20.

2. Calill needs to use Bryce's Speedwings.

3. Defeat Ashnard.

Mia, Janaff and Ena shoved Rhys forward and he Rescues Ike. Ike kills the Bolting!Sage and moves into the northern area and Calill used Blizzard on a Tiger. Kieran and Titania moved to block the west and east entrances to the courtyard. Bryce dies on the Enemy Phase. Turn 2, Ike moves up to be in Ashnard's range and kills his first form on the Enemy Phase. Then he moves south so Calill can reach him and kills Ashnard on turn 4.

Rhys gets to level 20 spamming Physic and Mia gets to level 20 guarding the southern entrance to the courtyard. Calill kills a Tiger on turn 2 and a Sniper on turn 3, reaching level 20. Then she gets the Speedwings from Ike and uses it, capping Speed.

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Level  HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res | Support
20/20  59^ 26* 10  27* 28* 19  24* 16  | B Titania

Transfers: Str, Skl, Spd and Def

59 HP. Why Ike, why? The Boots allowed him to keep up with Titania and Kieran, so he only needed to be ferried when terrain got in the way.


Level  HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res | Support
--/19  49  21  08  24  25  19  18  14  | A Rhys, B Ike

Transfers: None.

Great as usual. I'm going to miss her in RD.


Level  HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res | Support
14/20  39  03  29* 22* 19  22  08  30* | A Titania, B Mia

Transfers: Mag, Skl, Res

Rescue made him invaluable in the later chapters. Physic was good to have in Endgame as well. He was a bit of a liability until he promoted though, and even then his speed was bad.


Level  HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res | Support
20/20  50^ 22* 11 29* 30* 21  15  11  | B Rhys

Transfers: Str, Skl, Spd

She was an extra pair of hands when I needed it early on, and continued to have good offense through the game. She needed a Secret Book to cap Skill, surprisingly.


Level  HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res | Support
20/20  50  26* 06  26* 27* 15  27* 11  | 

Transfers: Str, Skl, Spd, Def

He was a powerhouse from pretty much the moment he joined and continued to be one for the rest of the game. I'm hoping those transfers will let me avoid penalties in the CRK chapters.


Level  HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res | Support
  18  52  19  06  22  24  20  14  12  |

Transfers: None

His combat was sub-par, but flying utility saved a bunch of turns, so I can't complain. He'll be great in RD, though.


Level  HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res | Support
--/20  39  12  30* 25  28* 19  13  22  | 

Transfers: Mag, Spd

This is the third time I've drafted Calill, and while she's no Pent, she's still great. Plus, she's the best Sage in RD, in my opinion.


Level  HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res | Support
  10  52  20  09  17  15  14  23  21  |

Transfers: None

She performed some shoving and rescuing utility, so she wasn't a total waste. Plus, Blood Tide in RD.

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This is the third time I've drafted Calill, and while she's no Pent, she's still great. Plus, she's the best Sage in RD, in my opinion.

I agree with you. Both on her being the best Sage in RD, and that she's still great in PoR.

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Ch.15: Jill's Two Turn

Turns: 2

Penalties: None

Notes: This was Jill's finest hour. She used the laguz lance, along with the laguz band to limit damage. She managed to defeat Maurim, if only barely, thanks to a bit of good luck. She avoided the two tigers beside Maurim's attacks allowing her to survive. I shoved Ilyana as far north as possible (Lethe + Ike + Gatrie) allowed her to reach the correct point on turn 2. Finally Mak managed to fight off a cat! Using a max MT, high hit, reduced weight sword he defeated a kitty letting him reach 50 EXP so I could increase his level for next time.

Ch.16: So much treasure, so little time…

Turns: 8

Penalties: None

Notes: In order to recruit Danved, I had to choose a 'kid' to bring with me. In order to make this easier on myself, I picked Tormod since he had the highest movement and could be kept safe easier than anyone else. Danved required an extra turn in order to recruit, which was annoying. I managed to get the full guard and draco shield thanks to two chest keys on Mak and Lethe respectively. Titania killed the boss using dual sol. Oh and Mak gained 3 levels over the course of this chapter, all equipped with the knight's ward. Ilyana promoted after this chapter with a seal.

Ch.17-1: A quick finish

Turns: 3

Penalties: None

Notes: I only had to deal with a single group of reinforcements on this chapter. I had Gatrie take care of the southern reinforcements. Mak, Ike and Ilyana went west to deal with the axe users. Lethe, Titania and Jill took care of the eastern side. Once turn one was complete, I sent Titania and Jill northward while Lethe took on whatever was left over. The last turn consisted of Gatrie eliminating the enemies by 1HKOing them using his forge. Jill promoted during this chapter, resulting in her finally making use of handaxes.

Ch.17-2: A better use for boots?

Turns: 4

Penalties: None

Notes: I was only a single square away arriving on turn 3. If only you could place where Jill started… oh well. The rest of the team started fighting the paladin swarm as it arrived, with Mak (warded) at the forefront. Generally he's turning into a pretty good warrior after eating a draco shield some time back. That was about it for that chapter.

Ch.17-3: The chapter that never ends

Turns: 10

Penalties: None

Notes: I really wish that if I killed everything this chapter would end. By the end of turn 3, there was only a pair of healers left alive. Pure water Jill with a handaxe took care of the first group of enemies in the swamp. Gatrie, Mak and Ilyana worked at the western side of the map. Titania, Lethe and Davden took out the coming enemies from the south. Within a couple of turns, no one was alive resulting in turns 5 onward being two units in each spawning location killing everything that foolishly showed up.

Ch.17-4: Why fliers are overpowered in PoR

Turns: 2

Penalties: None

Notes: I only have a single complaint here, I missed out on adapt. After a bit of thinking, I'm pretty sure that -1 turn is better than whatever Davden or Gatrie could do with it. On the first move Jill moved next to the meteor mage and used pure water. Next she moved diagonally from Oliver with her handaxe equipped. She attacked, but thanks to Oliver's draining effect he didn't die on player phase. It wasn't until enemy phase he finally eliminated himself. Oh and Mak promoted finally since I sent him mostly down there alone to deal with the initial enemy swarm.

Ch.18: The wall rush.

Turns: 9

Penalties: None

Notes: Having Reyson was actually a lot of fun on this map. He used a laguz stone first thing, and then stayed with the main group chanting a mix between Jill and Mak (canto helps), Ilyana my only healer and whoever else was nearby. I managed to get wrath (which goes on Ike for the final chapter) and killed the boss on turn 6. Getting to the untransformed ravens was a bit difficult, but nothing two turns with Jill couldn't handle. Lastly I left Titania to deal with the spawning cavs.

Character Information

Name    Level  HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res | Support   | 	Skill  	|

Ike 	20/03  40  19  06  20  22  15^ 16  09  |Titania B  |--------------- |

Titania --/13  44  19  06  20  19  16  15  11  |Ike B      |   	So   	|

Gatrie  20/06  47  24  02  17  14^ 08  24  06  |---------- |--------------- |

Ilyana  20/05  40^ 06  23^ 20  17  13  06  23  |---------- |Vantage, Cancel |

Lethe   --/10  43  25^ 04  19  21  19  16  11  |Jill B 	|--------------- |

Jill    20/10  50  20  06  25  21  12^ 18  08  |Lethe B    |--------------- |

Makalov 20/03  41  18  04  14  22  10  19^ 07  |-----------|Tempest, Counter|

Devdan  --/08  39  16  08  16  15  18  12^ 10  |-----------| 	Serenity   |

Reyson  --/04  22  01  10  12  15  15  02^ 21  |-----------|Canto, Blessing | 

Edited by NTNP
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I'm going at a snail's pace. My apologies.

[spoiler=Chapter 14-15]Chapter 14 - 4/101

I suck at low turn counts. Titania ran as far as she could, but didn't get a chance to attack the bandit dude on her turn, or this would be one less turn. . .anyway, went straight for the boss. Facepalm at Boyd who managed to whiff 2 74% chances to OHKO a mage.

Chapter 15 - 11/112

The longest part was Boyd running back and forth trying to keep Ike alive. Ike didn't quite have the oomph to cleanly KO stuff and I forgot the Laguzslayer in storage. Titania didn't do much of anything, and I got Stefan, Physic, and Boots. This is why I don't want to restart, even though I could probably shave a few turns off.

Now that I've got everyone that's not a cute blue cat or an old dude on steroids, here's my team stats. Boyd has been holding on to the Archer Band for as long as he could, Ike's mostly been leveling with the Fighter Band, and Titania went from Thief to Knight Ward. Mordy's usually holding the Beorcguard, but if I get a map full of laguz, he gets the Thief Band (and I haven't been BEXPing him, because I keep forgetting to). Mist has been hanging on to the Mage Band, but now that Super Sneakers is here, she's on Wyvern Band, and Tormod has the Mage Band. Stefan gets whatever's left (probably Paladin Band).

Name        Level  HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res    Item
Ike         16.50  38* 12    4   14   16   11   11    5     Fighter Band
Mist         9.50  20   4    9    6   10   10    3   10     Wyvern Band
Titania     11.23  42  17    6   19   20   16   15   11     Knight Ward
Mordecai     6.50  47  17    2   11   10   12   14    4     Beorcguard
Boyd         6.00  50  22    1   20   19   11   12    6     Archer Band
Stefan       8.50  Base everything                          Paladin Band
Tormod      10.00  21   2   12   10   10    9    4   10     Mage Band

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I'm working on this (I'm no Slacker D=< ), but I'm really trying to get good turncounts, and I don't know anything about Por. =/ Atm it on a break because of exams etc, but I'm at chapter 14 atm. :) And updating it one one ridiculous post when done with por.

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Done with POR :) Finished in 213 turns

So I'm probably not gonna win, I knew that when I started drafting people. My goal is just to finish, and after almost rage-quitting many many times because of some chapters-that-shall-not-be-named, I'm half-way done. And with the people I had, I don't think my turn count is all THAT bad...

1.Titania - 288 kills

2.Ike - 131 kills

3.Astrid - 136 kills

4.Soren - 120 kills

5.Haar - 39 kills

6.Lucia - 23 kills

7.Naesala - 0 kills

[spoiler=Chapter26-Endgame]Chapter 26: (5/193)

Haar uses rescues Ike and runs to the boss with Titania and Astrid. Soren and Lucia protect Elincia. Astris kills the boss and Ike seizes.

Chapter 27: (8/201)

Titania runs up the left side while everyone else goes up the middle, with Astrid leading the way. Astrid opens the both doors and kills almost everything. Titania gets Resolve on turn 6, the only reason it didn't end on turn six was because Haar's speed sucks eggs and he couldn't double the boss, instead he made Astrid do everything.

As for the second part, Ike sees the Burger King and runs for his level 13 life.

Chapter 28: (8/209)

Haar rescues Ike and drops him by the edge of the northern forest on turn 3. Everyone else kills the enemys in the east while Ike (with wrath and resolve) and Tibarn own everything by the tower.

Endgame: (4/213)

I didn't want to bother trying to not get Ena attacked, so Haar rescued her. Everyone ran up the middle to go hold choke points so Ike could focus on pressing forward and getting to Ashnard. Ashnard attacked Ike, who crit-killed him, then he transformed and Ike crit-killed him again. Also, called Naesala, who did nothing.

[spoiler=Thoughts on Characters]


Level  HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res | Supports
20/20  59^ 26  10  27  28  19  24  16  | Soren-A Titania-B

Transfers: Str, Skl, Spd, Def

Ike, affectionately called Mr. President. He started off okay, as another unit to distract enemies from Soren. He started getting worse in during mid-game, mainly because of his movement and kinda low strength. After promotion, he was awesome but the low movement was still a problem. After he got Ragnell, I didn't care about his low move anymore, he was amazing, as he always is.


Level  HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res | Supports
--/20 50  22  8   25  26  19  18  14  | Ike-B

Transfers: None

She was awesome, as always. She started off the best, and only really started to slow down... well, she never really did slow down for me. In the end she was still probably my best well rounded unit, except for Ike.


Level  HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res | Supports
20/20  49^ 3   30^ 28  28^ 16  7   28  | Ike-A

Transfers: Mag, Skl, Spd, Res

He started off as the biggest liability ever, but once he started gaining levels he quickly became my dodge-tank. Pretty much anyone he attacked ended up dead, the only problem was getting him to the enemy.


Level  HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res | Supports
20/20  43  25^ 11  26  27  19  19  14  | None

Transfers: Str, Skl, Spd

It was a relief to finally get another unit, and Astrid did not disappoint. Thanks to paragon I didn't have to waste a lot of time training her, and after she got to 20/20 she got Sol, which made her even more BA. I really gonna miss this usefulness in RD...


Level  HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res | Supports
--/20  53  26  8   25  20  13  24  11  | None

Transfers: None

Well.... this is so far the most disappointing first pick, ever. I know he will be invaluable in RD, but he was the cause of so many restarts and so much heartbreak. With savior he was able to do a lot of good maneuvers with Ike and Ena in the end, but I'm looking forward to so much more in RD.


Level  HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res | Supports
--/20  41  21^ 14  28^ 30^ 20  13  11  | None

Transfers: Spd

Besides being disappointed that she didn't cap strength and/or skill, theres not really much to say. I didn't expect much of her, but she was a pretty good unit to pair with Soren so they could watch each others backs. I hope she'll be just as surprisingly useful in RD... but she probably won't.


Level  HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res | Supports

Transfers: None

OMG, best unit ever! He helped me so much!!

Well, I didn't expect much from him, which is what I got. At least he'll be able to do more in RD

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I'm pretty sure Nolan can't do this alone in 5 turns because A. He doesn't have Wrath, which is needed to OHKO, and B. He doesn't double.

And? What if Edward can double? It's not like he's 1RKO'ing everything other than the only Archer. =/

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Titania just got killed three restarts in a row because she activated counter.

In chapter 7

Ouch. I hate it when your character's good offense leads to their death.

By the way, is anyone going to answer my previous question?

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It wasn't actually her great offense by herself, I planned it, she'd break a Weapon and be kept alive blahblahblah, She attacks, Then she gets attacked, counters for 3 damage or something, kills the enemy, and get's another enemy incoming. >_>

And that happened three times in a row.

And after that two more times, though not in a row.

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Ouch. I hate it when your character's good offense leads to their death.

By the way, is anyone going to answer my previous question?

Sorry can't help you with 1-4. Ask Sho maybe? 1-8...I don't know what you mean for this one, is there some well known strategy?

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Well like I said, I kind of memorized those, so I can't tell you. Also, you said 1-8, not 1-9. For 1-4 you'll need to ask Sho for his picture since I don't have it anymore, and for 1-9 here is what I've found to help you:

happy with that?

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Whoops, sorry about the 1-8/1-9 mix up. I remember reading a strategy Oval provided once, but I couldn't find it again. Thank you for showing me the video.

I also remember seeing a picture of the 1-4 strategy, but I can't find that again either... I'll have to ask Sho about that, I suppose. Although, if you've memorized it, perhaps you could tell me what you remember?

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BEXP in Part one is pitiful. At least my units are getting decent level ups.

Part 1 - Prologue (5+3/8) Edward penalty

I tried to feed the kills to Micaiah where I could. My first attempt of this chapter, Edward dodged all of Pugo's attacks, never getting into Wrath range...

Chapter 1 (6/14)

Nolan moves north blocking chokepoints, Micaiah sneaking in kills while trying to stay alive. Nolan killed Isaiya after Micaiah weakened him, and he used the Dracoshield before Micaiah escaped. I didn't get the Hand Axe, unfortunately.

Chapter 2 (6/20)

Nolan and Micaiah went east before going around to end up in the middle of the map. Laura waited until the coast was clear in the middle and Sothe had cleared a path in the north before going toward the Arrive square. I wasn't able to get Thani, but at least I got the Energy Drop.

Chapter 3 (7/27)

The Archers cost me a turn. Everyone went east, with Kurth(naga) distracting the western enemies. Nolan opens the door and Sothe takes out most of the enemies. Turn 6, after Sothe dispatches the Armor and Archer that moved onto the space in front of the Escape point, Nolan stood there to allow Sothe to kill the Iron Longbow!Archer next turn, allowing Micaiah and the undrafted units Escape.

Chapter 4 (7/34)

I sold Fortune and practically every weapon that wasn't an Axe or a Knife, and bought an Iron Axe, the Hand Axe, a Bronze Knife and the Beastkiller. I also forged a max might/+10 hit Iron Axe and a max might/hit Iron Knife. BEXP Nolan to 12.99 and gave him Cancel just because. Micaiah also got Wrath because why not.

Sothe went west, getting Beastfoe and the 3000 gold while Nolan and Micaiah went east. Sothe had no problems on his end, except needing to use a Vulnerary on turn 4. Nolan however, needed to proc some Strength and Speed points on his level ups as well as his C support with Micaiah in order to ORKO a Tiger and the eastern boss (while it was untransformed). Micaiah got 3 attacks in with Wrath active, and didn't critical on any of them. She did get the Master Seal though, so I can forgive her.

Chapter 5 (6/40)

I forged a max might Light tome and BEXP Micaiah to 7.71.

Sothe and Nolan moved north on turn one, then Sothe went back south to steal the Master Seal. Nolan went up the middle for the boss while Micaiah grabbed exp where she could and the NPCs fended for themselves.

Name    Level    HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res | Support
Micaiah 08/--/-- 17  05  14  11  09  16  03  10  | C Nolan
Sothe   --/03/-- 35  20  04  21  21  16  16  10  |
Nolan   17/--/-- 33  17  00  14  15  11  15^ 07  | C Micaiah

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I am unfortunately going to have to drop out of this, as I cannot find my copy of FE9. Someone may replace me if they like.

Your team looks pretty epic. I would replace you if I was allowed to.

Edited by Xander
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I am unfortunately going to have to drop out of this, as I cannot find my copy of FE9. Someone may replace me if they like.

I will if no one else does before I finish my other FE9 draft. Dunno when that will be, though.

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