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(FE7) HHM draft tournament


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Well, I want Wall Ace

And Isadora put on my unit list.

[Raven] says

dont forget to add isadora to 13ths list lol

soul1112 soul1112 says

I'm not being lazy just forgetful


EDIT: Closest thing to Ewan

Miranda. (FE5)

Canas for Horie.

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Thank you so much, dude. I really thought others were going to screw me there. ;~;

Alright, it's official. We begin!

Edited by Soul
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Thank you so much, dude. I really thought others were going to screw me there. ;~;

Alright, it's official. We begin!

You're going to +6 turns for her?

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Chapter 13 7/19 Turns

Marcus raped the south, hit Guy with a Javelin so he would run towards Matthew, and use a vulnerary, and be recruited for his sword. Hector and Dorcas ran along the north side, hitting the few things that came their way. Dorcas sold Eliwood's rapier and bought 3 javelins.

Hector    6.55     24  10    6    7    5    9    1   B Axe
Marcus    2.91     32  15   15   11    8   10    9   A Lance A Sword B Axe
Dorcas    4.73     31   8    8    7    3    3    0   C Axe

Edited by General_Horace
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Maybe I should make 31x free. :awesome:

Part of the reason I didn't join this is because certain gaidens weren't free. There's that one, and also 13x (early Merlinus for stuff like Ch 14 shops and Ch 15 chests), 17x (Canas, Secret Book for free 4k, first Lancereaver for a while, Devil Axe, Sleep staff, general hoards of experience if you can take the heat), 19x (Lolol Silver Card), 28x (much help for whoever drafts Nino, Fell Contract, Speedwings), and of course, 31x (lol shopping). 19xx is impossible without LHM and doesn't have anything too valuable, 23x would probably have to be nulled because any team could have problems getting there (much less clearing it), and 32x is mostly an experience mine without much else to it.

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Well, alright. I'll make then free as long as you we don't go above 20 turns in the Gaidens.

I didn't make them mandatory or free because I thought early chapters (13x & 19x) were going to be too short on funds and equipment to handle it.

Hopefully this new change will be fair. What does everyone else think?


Edited by Soul
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Well, alright. I'll make then free as long as you we don't go above 20 turns in the Gaidens.

I didn't make them mandatory or free because I thought early chapters (13x & 19x) were going to be too short on funds and equipment to handle it.

Hopefully this new change will be fair. What does everyone else think?

Like in the RD one, it's too late for this. At first I wondered why Canas was such a late pick, then I remembered the gaiden rule. Without it, he definitely would have been picked sooner. I'd say it's probably okay to make 31x free, but you should stick to what you've got otherwise, especially since drafting is done.

Not to mention that if gaidens were free, I'd have joined. I saw this topic right when it was posted so it's not like I missed it.

EDIT: It's ironic your problem with 13x and 19x are being short on funds seeing as they are both a big part of overall game funds (13x has free 5k, 19x has Silver Card and Ashera Icon).

Edited by Red Fox of Fire
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Yeah, you're right. It would also be pretty bad if people took twice as much turns to complete 19x to kill Kishuna's reinforcements for insane CEXP.

Maybe certain chapters like 28x and 31x should be free?

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Yeah, you're right. It would also be pretty bad if people took twice as much turns to complete 19x to kill Kishuna's reinforcements for insane CEXP.

Maybe certain chapters like 28x and 31x should be free?

I'm not in this, so if the other drafters agree you can do it, this is just my view on things: I actually take back what I said about 31x being free. These are the rules people took into account when drafting and changing them affects who people want to draft. You start making a couple free, and it just makes it unfair for others, particularly whoever drafted Canas and possibly Matthew as well (since he can actually handle 19x if you draft him). Thieves were also drafted under the impression they couldn't promote until the end of 31 at the soonest, and probably not even then because of the likely lack of a Silver Card and sufficient funds.

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I'm waiting for the others. :(

Chapter 11

I used that strategy Horie used in the SOYO 2 draft and had Hector and Matthew go from the top to the bottom. Matthew got to steal the Red Gem. Hector critikilled Wire on player phase. :newyears:

Unit      Level HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Hector    3.21  20  9   6   7   3   8   0

7 turns.

Chapter 12

Hector solo'd the Nothern side, and was later assisted by Eliwood and Bartre. Marcus got some enemies to the South, some roaming peggies, and 2RKO'd the boss with an iron sword. I didn't want to waste the Silver lance's uses jusy yet.

Unit      Level HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Hector    5.36  22 11   8   8   3   9   0
Eliw00t   1.47  18  5   5   7   7   5   0
Marcus    1.49  31 15  15  11   8  10   8
Barf-tray 3.81  30 10   5   4   5   5   1

5 turns.

Chapter 13

Here in this map, I had Marcus go up the North and then down to the other side of the map while carrying Hector. He dropped him in a forest. Eliwood and Bartre made quite a duo killing enemies to the South.

Unit      Level HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Hector    7.05  24 13   9  10   4   9   0
Eliw00t   3.04  19  7   6   8   7   7   0
Marcus    1.99  31 15  15  11   8  10   8
Barf-tray 5.51  31 10   7   6   6   6   2

6 turns.

Chapter 14

Bartre handled the East side. Hector and Eliwood handled the Nothern-West side. Marcus killed everything else.

Hector and Eliwood scored a C support together.

Unit      Level HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Hector    7.49  24 13   9  10   4   9   0    C Eliw00t
Eliw00t   4.01  19  7   7   9   7   7   0    C Hector
Marcus    3.37  33 15  16  13   9  10   9
Barf-tray 6.94  32 10   8   7   7   6   3

8 turns.

Chapter 15

I don't like Defend chapters very much. But I managed well, with Marcus handling the enemies to the South and East side. He also took out the boss and his mooks. Bartre handled Knights and Loldiers. Then him and Eliwood killed a horde of Fighters and some Nomads. Hector stood in the throne as a guardian dog.

Unit      Level HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Hector    8.09  25 14  10  11   5   9   0    C Eliw00t
Eliw00t   6.00  21  9   8  11   7   7   1    C Hector
Marcus    4.54  34 16  17  14   9  11  10
Barf-tray 8.34  34 12   8   8   7   7   4

7 turns.

Chapter 16

This chapter would've been quite annoying if I didn't allow meatshielding or rescuing between undrafted characters.

On the bright side: :Florina:

Eliwood and Bartre fixed kills for Florina and scorted her to the South. There she would buy weapons. Marcus ferried Hector and dropped him at the chokepoint where the little house is, close to the mountains. Marcus took out the enemies in the way and ferried Hector to a forest to keep him safe. Marcus 1RKO'd the boss with a Silver axe and Hector seized.

Unit      Level HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Hector    9.03  26 14  10  12   5  10   0
Eliw00t   6.87  21  9   8  11   7   7   1
Marcus    5.02  35 16  17  14  10  11  10
Barf-tray 8.90  34 12   8   8   7   7   4
Florina   4.34  19  7   9  10   9   4   6

6 turns.

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17x should be free

I'm fine with 31x being free.

Also, update

Chapter 14 - 6/25 Turns

Marcus raped everything in his path, Dorcas stayed back to take on the pegs and soldiers and knight, while Hector went south and took out the cavs and pirates and bought an iron axe, and 2 iron lances. Marcus got two good level ups.

Hector   7.07   25   11   6    7    5    9    2   B Axe
Marcus   4.31   33   17  16   13    8   11   10   S Lance A Sword B Axe
Dorcas   7.02   33   11  11    7    5    3    0   C Axe

Chapter 15 - 7/32 Turns

Marcus blitzed through the enemy to the south, and picked up the dracoshield off the boss. Dorcas killed some stuff down south, then retreated to the throne when his HP dipped below 20 and tanked out the fighters. Unarmed Oswin somehow held the north door without dying, but was brought to 2 HP. Hector pulled out his Wolf Beil occasionally, on the nomads. Matt looted the treasure.

Hector   7.79   25   11   6    7    5    9    2   B Axe
Marcus   5.17   34   17  16   13    8   11   11   S Lance A Sword B Axe
Dorcas   8.34   34   12  12    7    6    3    1   B Axe

Edited by General_Horace
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I'm fine with 31x free also...

But I do wonder why 28x isn't free.

Chapter 11: 8 turns.

Hector/Matthew go west from start, Hector gains a single point of Str. Missed the Red Gem, sadly.

Edited by 13thshadow
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17x can be free to the person who gets the lowest turncount.

The person with the lowest turncount will get +0 on their turncount.

Everyone else who gets higher will gain turns depending on how many more turns they took on 17x.

So, if the lowest turn was 5, the person who did it in 8 will gain +3 on their turns.


Edited by VanguardRaven
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17x can be free to the person who gets the lowest turncount.

The person with the lowest turncount will get +0 on their turncount.

Everyone else who gets higher will gain turns depending on how many more turns they took on 17x.

So, if the lowest turn was 5, the person who did it in 8 will gain +3 on their turns.


Dude...I have Florina.

Anyway, thanks guys. :awesome:

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Thoughts on my team before I continue

HECK YEAH!: As usual, gain Speed, Skill, and Resist ASAP.

Teh Purple One: Don't run out of gas at 15 like you have before

Matvey: Str and Speed until Legs joins.

Legs: HHM Bonus+Awesome Hair. Just grow some stats.

Angel: Late, but awesome

Wall Ace: Woot. A Wall

Nino: Don't screw me over

Kain: Woot. I love Kain. Or Sain. Whichever you want to call him.

The Explorer: Please work out well... I might need 3 Paladins... One for each weapon.

Overall: 5 Axes, 1 Anima Mage, 4 Lances, 7 Swords, no Bows, no Light, No Dark, No Staff until Nino Promotes... Let's rocket.

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Dude...I have Florina.

Anyway, thanks guys. :awesome:

Theoretically, I could use Florina and just have her wait in front of Fargus. This ends the chapter, without using the talk command.

Even though I drafted Canas, I believe he would have gone a LOT higher if we had known 17x were going to be free. But I'm fine with Raven's idea.

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Yes, but not breaking any rules in the process, theoretically.

But you created this draft, so it's your decision, not mine.

You should have just not mentioned it and used it as a loophole. :awesome: I do that often enough.

Yeah, you guys are right. It would be unfair for me to change it just because it goes to my favor.

So assuming we goes with Raven's idea...that would mean 17x is free for everyone, considering they can get the exact same turncount with Florina alone. Although I would like hear Raven's reasoning behind that idea.

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Team Analysis:

Pent - A pretty cool guy. Awesome combat, Physic, Warp, Rescue staves.

Fiora - Fliers are always cool. I always seem to get good luck with Fiora as well, so that always helps.

Harken - Lategame bosskiller. Dual Braves are very awesome. Pretty much picks up the torch Marcus drops when it comes to bosskilling.

Lucius - Another staff user. Duribility is balls, but he should be able to at least use rescue, and Warp in the later chapters. Some Rescue/Warp chains with Pent should work to my advantage.

Dorcas - Please don't suck as much as you did in my last draft.

Rath - You can carry Hector around and have high move. Once you promote, your combat isn't terrible either.

Louise - Cool support with my bro Pent.

Canas - Get magic so you can kill the dragon with Luna.

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