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(FE7) HHM draft tournament


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Woah, that was a LOT easier than anticipated. Should be smooth sailing from hereon out.

Chapter 29 11/134 Turns

I would have had 10, but Louise missed a 94 displayed hit on a valk... but I'm not complaining.

Marcus, Pent, and Louise headed up the middle, Hector, Dorcas, and Rath stayed behind to kill wyverns, and Canas, Lucius, Harken, and Fiora went the south route. Lucius had the restore staff, and both Lucius and Pent had a Physic staff, while Harken and Marcus carried around Elixer. The two Druids were taken out by BraveLance!Marcus and BraveSword! Harken. Fiora bought a lot of silvers and magic tomes, Pent's last tome broke on turn 10. Got the Warp staff. Louise was adept at taking out Valks, as was Marcus, as he was not doubled. Harken also 0HKO'd them with the Halberd, which saved some uses on the brave sword.

tl;dr version, Harken and Marcus equipped Javelins and Hand Axes and Raeped everything, and Harken, Fiora, and Canas teamed up on Linus for the bosskill.

Hector 20/01.00      39   17  22    15   5    13  10   A Axe D Sword
Marcus ??/20.00      41   23  25    21  15    12  16   S Lance A Sword A Axe
Sacrod 16/03.52      45   20  16    10  12     9   4   S Axe E Bow
Lucius 14/06.70      31   22  15    19   4     5  19   A Light A Staff
Canas  16/04.50      34   15  13    15   9    10  17   S Dark D Staff
Fiora  20/03.32      42   17  18    20   8    11  14   A Lance E Sword
Rath   15/01.71      36   15  13    14   6    12   6   A Bow E Sword
Louise ??/10.82      31   14  15    19  17    10  12   S Bow
Pent   ??/11.60      34   19  22    18  16    13  20   S Anima A Staff
Harken ??/13.37      45   24  22    20  12    16  13   B Sword A Axe

Chapter 30 4/138 Turns

Fielded Lucius and Hector.

Lucius moved forward, and rescued Hector. Hector killed the Knight. Lucius warped Hector over in the general vicinity of the chest nearest to Kaim. He moved forward, pure watered, and equipped a hand axe. He pwned the mages, then attacked Kaim with a Brave axe. He needed 1 out of 4 attacks to crit, (11% chance) and he needed Kaim to miss (69% chance). It happened, so he moved onto the space on turn 4.

I think you guys might have a tough time replicating this, because I have the two best Warp staff users, and I doubt Serra or Priscilla will have the nesscery magic to warp Hector near enough to the throne. And my Hector's skill was an important factor

Hector 20/01.00      40   17  22    15   6    13  10   A Axe D Sword
Marcus ??/20.00      41   23  25    21  15    12  16   S Lance A Sword A Axe
Sacrod 16/03.52      45   20  16    10  12     9   4   S Axe E Bow
Lucius 14/07.83      32   23  16    19   5     5  29   A Light A Staff
Canas  16/04.50      34   15  13    15   9    10  17   S Dark D Staff
Fiora  20/03.32      42   17  18    20   8    11  14   A Lance E Sword
Rath   15/01.71      36   15  13    14   6    12   6   A Bow E Sword
Louise ??/10.82      31   14  15    19  17    10  12   S Bow
Pent   ??/11.60      34   19  22    18  16    13  20   S Anima A Staff
Harken ??/13.37      45   24  22    20  12    16  13   B Sword A Axe

Edited by General_Horace
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It only really was, as almost everyone on my team minus Dorcas, Rath, and Hector (who weren't even threatened by the staves) had 20+ resistance with the barrier staves, so my only threat were the Luna druids, and they were taken out by either Pent and Louise (so they had no crit) or as previously stated, Brave Weapons. You could have some issues, as you only have one barrier staff user.

And you don't have anyone that comes close to Harken in offence either, and he soloed half the map.

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Right. Another issue is that I don't even have the Barrier staff. I'm still fiddling with different ways, maybe I'll somehow come up with a breakthrough. Or maybe I'll kill myself.

EDIT: Holy fucking shit, I honestly don't know if I'm going to be able to beat this level.

Edited by Chococoke
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If you give Marcus the speedwings, he will avoid being doubled by the 19 AS valkyries, that might help. Yeah, I got lucky enough (or Dorcas was just too useless) in Kinship's Bond, so he was able to raid the secret shop.

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If you give Marcus the speedwings, he will avoid being doubled by the 19 AS valkyries, that might help. Yeah, I got lucky enough (or Dorcas was just too useless) in Kinship's Bond, so he was able to raid the secret shop.

I don't even know how you managed to get the member card given your Matthew should've been at base speed. And I already used the speedwings, sadly. I just don't have enough ranged weaponry to handle the onslaught of magic that arrives with the 5 northwestern valks along with the constant Druid reinforcements... I'm thinking of maybe just going up the middle and then blockading myself in the mountain range. I just get too frustrated when I think I have a solid plan, and then it gets completely ruined. For example, my last run faltered because Marcus was on a fort and was hit by a 40 something hit flux, 40 something hit purge, and then killed by a fucking 33 DISPLAYED HIT Nosferatu. What kind of bullshit is that?

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I don't even know how you managed to get the member card given your Matthew should've been at base speed. And I already used the speedwings, sadly. I just don't have enough ranged weaponry to handle the onslaught of magic that arrives with the 5 northwestern valks along with the constant Druid reinforcements... I'm thinking of maybe just going up the middle and then blockading myself in the mountain range. I just get too frustrated when I think I have a solid plan, and then it gets completely ruined. For example, my last run faltered because Marcus was on a fort and was hit by a 40 something hit flux, 40 something hit purge, and then killed by a fucking 33 DISPLAYED HIT Nosferatu. What kind of bullshit is that?

If you are lucky, the member card thief, who usually has 12 speed, will have 11.

Yeah, I swear hitrates are lies in that level, and that level only.

You could consider bringing along meatshields (if you still have some) to take hits for your other units, to extend their survivability. They could also be sleep staff fodder, as in my run, Lucius was essentially useless in combat because Harken kept getting hit by sub 50% chance status staves, yet Canas dodged all 3 silence staves at ~70.

I don't think the shop sells Javelins/Hand Axes and the like, so you might be out of luck there. You didn't get Legault's barrier staff either? If you never took his items off, he should still have it (if you recruited him/didn't use it all)

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If you are lucky, the member card thief, who usually has 12 speed, will have 11.

Yeah, I swear hitrates are lies in that level, and that level only.

You could consider bringing along meatshields (if you still have some) to take hits for your other units, to extend their survivability. They could also be sleep staff fodder, as in my run, Lucius was essentially useless in combat because Harken kept getting hit by sub 50% chance status staves, yet Canas dodged all 3 silence staves at ~70.

I don't think the shop sells Javelins/Hand Axes and the like, so you might be out of luck there. You didn't get Legault's barrier staff either? If you never took his items off, he should still have it (if you recruited him/didn't use it all)

I wasn't able to break through the bottleneck in that chapter fast enough to get to Legault, so I don't have his staff. I'm probably gonna haul along some meat shields though, that should help a little bit.

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I realize it will take me a while. FE7 HHM is hard. BUT I WILL SURVIVE!

At the moment I am doing a casual HNM run, to ease my sanity level. And by casual, I mean I' m doing a mounted/Lords run, Arena-abuse to 20

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Can anyone clue me in on what causes the 5 valks in the northwest corner to start moving? Does it have something to do with those GOD FORSAKEN FUCKING DRUIDS THAT HAVE AT LEAST 97 HIT ON ME WITH THEIR FUCKING STAVES?

Those are by far my least favorite units of all time, and that is a fucking fact.

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The ones with staves will move if they can target an appropriate unit. They all move when you enter Vaida's reinforcement trigger range IIRC (as do the valks in the top right corner).

Edited by dondon151
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I'm SCARED of the Valkyries. 8[

I was originally scared of the Valkyries. They're pushovers compared to those female Druids flanking Linus.

Also, thanks dondon

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I'm probably gonna try on and off for the next 2 weeks or so until finals to beat this chapter, and if I can't nail it by the end of that I'm just going to throw in the towel. I really regret not getting any of the 4 brave weapons, though I suppose 2 I couldn't really use (Sword/Bow)

I'm trying to take this chapter in stages right now, as in Stage 1 is take care of the initial Valks that move toward you, Stage 2 is activating Vaida's reinforcements and PWNing them with Erk or someone, Stage 3 is killing the rest of the Valks blahblahblah I dont' even know why I try anymore, all of these things combined usually result in at least one person dead.

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Chapter 31 - 11/149 Turns

Defend chapter, a LOT tougher than its normal mode counterpart.

Pent got hit by all three berserk staves. :facepalm:

Got all the treasure thanks to the thieves. I'll try to finish my run tomorrow.

Hector 20/05.88      43   19  22    17   7    15  11   S Axe D Sword
Marcus ??/20.00      41   23  25    21  15    12  16   S Lance A Sword A Axe
Sacrod 16/06.41      48   22  16    10  14    11   4   S Axe E Bow
Lucius 14/09.03      33   24  17    20   5     5  21   A Light S Staff
Canas  16/04.71      34   15  13    15   9    10  17   S Dark D Staff
Fiora  20/05.21      43   18  19    22   8    13  15   S Lance E Sword
Rath   15/03.67      38   16  15    14   6    13   6   S Bow E Sword
Louise ??/13.03      32   15  15    21  19    10  14   S Bow
Pent   ??/13.11      35   19  23    19  17    13  21   S Anima A Staff
Harken ??/14.30      46   24  22    20  12    16  14   A Sword A Axe

Edited by General_Horace
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Chapter 31x Free/149

Used the arena, bought Silvers, 1-2 Range weapons, and killers.

Hector 20/06.30      44   20  23    18   7    15  11   S Axe D Sword
Marcus ??/20.00      41   23  25    21  15    12  16   S Lance A Sword A Axe
Sacrod 16/06.41      48   22  16    10  14    11   4   S Axe E Bow
Lucius 14/09.08      33   24  17    20   5     5  21   A Light S Staff
Canas  16/05.13      35   15  13    16   9    11  18   S Dark D Staff
Fiora  20/05.98      43   18  19    22   8    13  15   S Lance E Sword
Rath   15/04.07      39   16  15    14   6    13   6   S Bow E Sword
Louise ??/13.46      32   15  15    21  19    10  14   S Bow
Pent   ??/13.39      35   19  23    19  17    13  21   S Anima A Staff
Harken ??/14.30      46   24  22    20  12    16  14   A Sword S Axe

Chapter 32 7/156 Turns

Rescued then warped Harken ahead to kill wyverns, everyone moved ahead, warped Marcus across to Limstella, he quadrupled her with a Brave Lance, then finished on the next turn after she fired a Bolting at Harken. Warped Hector across, then seized. Recruited Renault for his staff on the 7th turn with Fiora. Hammerned the warp staff, rescue staff, and Brave Sword.

One more chapter... makes mental note to give out body ring and two dragonshields

Hector 20/06.77      44   20  23    18   7    15  11   S Axe D Sword
Marcus ??/20.00      41   23  25    21  15    12  16   S Lance A Sword A Axe
Sacrod 16/06.48      48   22  16    10  14    11   4   S Axe E Bow
Lucius 14/10.32      33   24  18    20   6     5  22   A Light S Staff
Canas  16/05.24      35   15  13    16   9    11  18   S Dark D Staff
Fiora  20/08.25      46   19  22    24   8    14  17   S Lance E Sword
Rath   15/04.58      39   16  15    14   6    13   6   S Bow E Sword
Louise ??/13.51      32   15  15    21  19    10  14   S Bow
Pent   ??/15.05      36   19  23    19  19    14  21   S Anima A Staff
Harken ??/16.19      48   25  22    20  13    16  14   A Sword S Axe

Final Chapter - 7+1/164 Turns

I'll detail what happened as best as I remember. I should type these while I actually do the chapters. Fed Marcus and Hector Dracoshields, Athos a Body Ring.

Turn 1

Lucius used the unlock staff on Darin's room door, and Harken parked himself in the chokepoint with a killer axe equipped. Pent rescued Lucius. Rath opened Brendan's room with a Door key, and Marcus stepped in front of him with a Silver Sword equipped. Moved everyone else out of Uhai's range, and he doubled and killed all my units. :facepalm:

On the enemy phase, Harken double crit Darin (not out of the question, he has an S in axes). Marcus dodged a shot from Brendan, and hit back once. Uhai and his buds moved out of their room.

Turn 2

On turn two, Athos started moving towards Kenneth's room, and put Uhai to sleep. Fiora and Hector killed Uhai's sniper buddies, and Lucius opened Ursula's door. Pent, Marcus, and Rath killed Brendan, and Canas finised Darin, while Harken one rounded the other general.

Lucius was not crit by Ursula (Iron Rune), and did some crappy damage back, and hit Jerme for some reasonable damage. Athos nearly died (brought to 3 HP), but killed the Druid and Sage. Rath hit the warrior with a killer bow crit, and was hit in return.

Turn 3

Canas finished the Warrior, Athos finished Kenneth. A bunch of units gang raped Uhai, Pent rescued Marcus, who finised Ursula with a Brave Lance. Lucius blocked Jerme, and hit him. (Lucius took no damage).

Lucius hit Jerme again, (he's still not dead, Lucius only had Shine).

Turn 4

Rath opened the door to Linus and Lloyd. Fiora rescued him, and everyone ran out of their range. Harken started heading towards Nergal. (Still not in sight)

Hector and Linus exchanged Tomahawk shots on the enemy phase. That's it really.

Turn 5

Athos kicked Linus's ass with Luna. (By placing Hector where he was, Linus and Lloyd's support was not in effect.) Canas crit Lloyd, some other dudes chipped at him, and Louise eventually finished with Rienfleche. Harken brave sworded one of Nergal's Cronies, Marcus was warped and brave lanced the other.

Marcus countered Nergal with his brave lance (16 damage total).

Turn 6

Warped Canas, who Luna crit Nergal. Harken Brave sworded Nergal, and Hector finished with Armads.


I know it was actually 7 turns, I must have missed a turn of doing nothing, because Rath was out of range of the door or something.

The Dragon went like this, Fiora and Marcus rescued the fail Lords, Rath stole Athos's Fortify, and Athos critted the dragon with Luna. Lucius and Pent fortified. Athos finished the dragon on the enemy phase.

Character analysis to come.

Even with Nils dead, there were not enough deployment slots for Dorcas in the final chapter. Not a huge loss.

I'm factoring stat boosters into the blessings.


Blessings: +1 HP, -1 Str, +7 Skl, +1 Spd, -3 Lck, -6 Def, +1 Res

Comments: Generally, he didn't hit hard enough to 0HKO, didn't have enough speed to double, and was mediocre durability wise. When you have to give HECTOR a dragonshield, you're doing it wrong. Kind of disappointing, but Hector is still Hector. WTF at his skill.


Blessings: +3 HP, +3 Mag, +2 Skl, +3 Spd, +1 Lck, +/-0 Def, +3 Res

Comments: The Afa's drops paid off here. I couldn't get him to surpass Dorcas in levels to get the easier PFoD, but his staff useage was invaluable. Also, having both him and Pent screwed over the rest of the drafting pool when it came to warping.


Blessings: +1 HP, = Mag, -1 Skl, +1 Spd, -1 Lck, +1 Def, +3 Res

Comments: Luna is highly overrated. When I needed it to crit, it didn't (except against the dragon). Canas was actually kind of a liability on the team. His resistance blessing helped a bit. I suppose he would be better on a team with fewer magic users.


Blessings: - 1 HP, +2 Str, = Skl, + 1 Spd, -3 Lck, +2 Def, -2 Res.

Comments: Nescessary flyer, and she was pretty good too. Needed a robe for survivability, but there wasn't much contention for it. Too bad she can't carry promoted Hector around.


Blessings: +3 HP, +1 Str, +1 Skl, -1 Spd, -2 Lck, +2 Def, -2 Res

Comments: He was cool when he first joined with the brave bow, then his stats sucked. After promotion, he got a few wicked level ups, but it was too late. He never had to rescue promoted Hector.


Blessings: -2 HP, = Str, -2 Skl, +1 Spd, +1 Lck, -1 Def, +1 Res

Comments: A very underrated character IMO. With her support with Pent, she was near impossible to hit, and had enough speed to hit back hard twice with Silver. Still, a bow locked unit is a bow locked unit.


Blessings: -2 HP, -2 Mag, +1 Skl, -1 Spd, +1 Lck, +1 Def, +2 Res

Comments: Unbelieveably awesome, and was as durable as Hector with his Louise support. Utility, Combat, everything was top notch. Despite his join time, I believe he is a strong contender for the first pick of any draft.


Blessings: = HP, = Str, -2 Skl, -1 Spd, = Lck, = Def, +2 Res

Comments: Unbelievable combat, and didn't cost me any turns to recruit. Were I to get the other PFoD, this might be different, but in HHM, he definately is going to save you some turns.


Blessings: +1 HP, +4 Str, = Skl, +1 Spd, +4 Lck, +1 Def, -1 Res

Comments: Earlygame filler, lategame fodder.


Blessings: -2 HP, +3 Str, +1 Skl, +6 Spd, = Lck, = Def, +2 Res

Comments: God. If he were not obscenely blessed, there is no doubt I would have lost some turns.

Edited by General_Horace
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