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Death Note Mafia - Post Game


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God this is going to be big

First, Role Priorities






Nothing confusing there


Special: 01, 05, 06, 08

03 - 01. Snike - Mikami Teru (KF)

13 - 02. Radiant Dragon - Kanzo Mogi (KIT)

19 - 03. JBCWK - Dwhite Gordon (Mafia)

16 - 04. Flint Echo - Halle Bullook (SPK)

04 - 05. Raymond - Kiyomi Takada (KF)

17 - 06. Strawman the SawmanShaman - Stephen Loud (SPK)

09 - 07. Excellen Browning - Aiber (U)

10 - 08. SlayerX - Wedy (U)

14 - 09. This Wheel of Colors - Hideki Ide (KIT)

01 - 18. Life - Light Yagami (!)

15 - 10. Frivolidad - Hirokazu Ukita (KIT)

06 - 19. ??? - Near (!)

08 - 20. Tables - Mello (!)

11 - 11. WeaponsofMassConstruction - Soichiro Yagami (KIT)

02 - 12. Haze - Misa Amane (KF)

07 - 13. Emerald Jealousy - Matsuda (XD)

18 - 14. eclipse - Anthony Carter (SPK)

12 - 15. Pariah - Shuichi Aizawa (KIT)

20 - 16. BK-201 - Kal Snydar (Mafia)

21 - 17. VanguardRaven - Andrew Millar (Mafia)

05 - 21. - Balcerzak - L (!)


01. Snike

02. Radiant Dragon


04. Flint Echo

05. Raymond

06. Strawman the SawmanShaman

07. Excellen Browning

08. SlayerX

09. This Wheel of Colors

10. Frivolidad

11. WeaponsofMassConstruction

12. Haze

13. Emerald Jealousy

14. eclipse

15. Pariah

16. BK-201

17. VanguardRaven

18. Life

19. ???

20. Tables

21. Balcerzak

Role PMs.

[spoiler=Light]You are Yagami Light/Kira.

You are a complete monster and win with the Death Note Bearers.

A Shinigami named Ryuk dropped a "Death Note" just outside of your school one day. In your boredom you happened upon it.

You've recognized that you have an incredible opportunity to act as a vigilante and bring about your own kind of justice to the world, and have killed several people with your Death Note...however, now there are those who disagree with your methods which would like you arrested...or worse.

To realize your utopian dream, you must defeat those who oppose you...which unfortunately seems to be most everyone!


- If Light is captured by the Kira Investigation Team (lynched without a Death Note in his possession) he learns the identities of the entire KIT, including Matsuda and L.

- If Light is lynched WITH the Death Note in his possession, he is eliminated and his Death Note is confiscated, no longer usable.

- If Light's Death Note is captured by Mello, Light will have 4 nights to guess who Mello is via PM to get it back or he will die. Light is immune to this if he is not holding the Death Note.

- Each night, Kira may either write a name in his notebook OR command Ryuk to identify the role of someone.

--Deaths specified in the notebook have no limitations regarding "thinking of the target's face" or "knowing their true name" like in the anime. This functionality is WYSIWYG to give Light a chance.

- If Kira does not have the notebook, he may still command Ryuk.

- Only when Light is holding the Death Note may he be lynched; otherwise, Light will be detained for 2 days (instead of 2 weeks!), unable to kill and only able to use Ryuk. If Light's team mate with the other Death Note is "caught" (lynched) while he is in this state he loses (assuming such a team mate exists at the time).

- When Kira writes a name in his notebook, he may specify the cause of death.

- If no cause is specified or if the actions described as the victim's are impossible/unfair ("so and so blurts out everything they know and then spontaneously combusts!" is not fair! ...or possible. Heh), the target will be reported as having died of a heart attack.

--Things which are possible are limited to what Kira actually knows or correctly guesses.

--For example, if Kira has to use dodgy wording to describe something vague which requires the player's perception to be possible - "[player] pastes all of the conversations they've had with other players and then dies" - then his request is invalid.

--However things like "[player] points the finger at [x] and then dies" (perhaps with a forged post the player must post) or "[player] checks [x] and posts their results, then dies" will work fine if for example [player] has a "checking" role.

--Another good rule of thumb - if the thing Kira requests, even with a threat of the player being god killed for not doing it, does not necessitate the integrity of the action (e.g. saying "post all your PMs" won't work because the host cannot ever be 100% sure all PMs are shared), the mind control will fail.

--As the host can (and should) be invited to PMs and therefore proven that a PM was sent, it is possible to for example use the Death Note to force a player to send a PM to another player.

- Kira's mind control may only last for the night round the victim is targeted on and the following day - after that, the target will die for sure.

- Victims who die of heart attacks due to failed mind control (not specified heart attacks; only those due to Death Note usage failure) will die that night and be reported dead the next day phase, guaranteed.

- Kira has the first 200 characters of any kill PMs he makes to specify a cause of death and the next 2000 characters to specify the details of the death (such as mind control constraints). If the cause of death doesn't fit, a heart attack will ensue. If the details don't fit, the time of death and flavor/mind control will fail.

--Please mark the difference between the cause of death specification and the detail specification.

--There is an exception to this limitation which is left to the player to determine through trial and error or reading the obscure rules mentioned below.

--Further rules in this regard (including the exception) can be found here: http://deathnote.wikia.com/wiki/The_Rules_of_Death_Note

--To reduce complications, only the sections VIII, X and XI mentioned at the above link will be considered.

--Modifications to the PM regarding Death Note usage must be PM'd within 6 minutes and 40 seconds, as noted at the link above.

- If Kira encounters Mikami Teru or Kiyomi Takada, he will recruit them. This is done by PM'ing the name of who to check (once per night).

- Once Mikami and Takada are both recruited, Light may decide once per night who will bear the second Death Note. Until then, only the first of the two recruited may hold a second Death Note, thereby doubling the killing power of the mafia.

- If Misa Amane joins Light, Light may temporarily give up his Death Note to her.

- If Misa is lynched and IS holding the Death Note, the lynch will succeed and the Death Note will be turned over to L or Near in that order, depending on who is alive. Light will have 4 nights to guess who has it via PM (once per night) to recover it or he will be caught and killed.

[spoiler=Misa]You are Misa Amane.

You are a bubbly model completely infatuated with Kira, the man who brought vengeance upon the person responsible for your parents' deaths.

You would do anything for him and intend to find him so that you can serve him unconditionally.


- Her win condition is to survive unless she is recruited

- However, she wants to join Kira! Kira finds her annoying and will not come to her, but if she correctly guesses who Light is in her nightly PM, she will join him.

- When Misa becomes a Death Note Bearer, she must wait until Kira gives her his notebook before she assumes his killing ability.

- Misa is stingy and may keep the Death Note if she desires. If she does not, she may request it to be returned to Kira.

- Misa may only cause heart attacks with her Death Note.

- If Misa is lynched and is not holding the Death Note, the lynch will fail if (and only if) she was on Light's team. However, when this happens, she will be captured by the Kira Investigation Team and become a permanent townie. The person playing as her will be subbed out for someone else or she will simply be killed if no sub can be obtained.

- If Misa is lynched and IS holding the Death Note, the lynch will succeed and the Death Note will be turned over to L or Near in that order, depending on who is alive.

- Misa has no power as a Death Note Bearer when not in possession of a Death Note unless the below occurs.

- If Misa is mafia and Mikami or Kiyomi are recruited, Misa may opt for the Shinigami eyes:

- Once in the game, if Rem is around (see previous note regarding Mikami and Kiyomi), Misa may sacrifice her lifespan (i.e. she will die in 4 more nights) to gain the Shinigami eyes. These will allow her to check roles. Should she die due to this while holding the Death Note, Kira will recover that Death Note.

--This inhibition to Misa's life remains even if she is captured and becomes a townie.

- If Misa obtains the role checking ability due to the above, she will be able to use it each night regardless of other actions.

[spoiler=Mikami]You are Mikami Teru.

You are a criminal prosecutor because of a past you've had developing a sense of righteousness fervent to the point of lunacy.

You are aware of Kira's endeavours and wish to aid him yourself.

When you are in contact with Kira you intend to praise him as a god and eliminate his opposition and those who are unjust mercilessly.

Sakujo. Sakujo!


- His win condition is to survive unless he is recruited by Kira/Light Yagami.

- When he is recruited by Kira, he may be handed a second Death Note. This means the mafia may begin causing 2 kills per night.

- It is up to Kira to change who is holding the second Death Note.

- If a lynching against him occurs and he is holding a Death Note at the time, the second Death Note will be permanently captured and unusable.

- If a lynching against him occurs and he is not holding a Death Note, he will still be removed from the game as his "incarceration" will prevent him from working with Kira.

- He may only cause heart attacks when using the Death Note and only if it is actually in his possession (keeping in mind that Kira may forward it to someone else).

--No specifcation of any details; this is a simple direct night kill with no other twists.

[spoiler=Kiyomi]You are Kiyomi Takada.

You are a reporter with a reputation as being "Miss Refined".

As a reporter it is no surprise that the damage caused by Kira has become the primary story you cover.

Due to your rather untamed sense of justice however, you not only report the story, but wish to become a part of it.


- Her win condition is to survive unless she is recruited by Kira/Light Yagami.

- When she is recruited by Kira, she may be handed a second Death Note. This means the mafia may begin causing 2 kills per night.

- It is up to Kira to change who is holding the second Death Note.

- If a lynching against her occurs and she is holding a Death Note at the time, the second Death Note will be permanently captured and unusable.

- If a lynching against her occurs and she is not holding a Death Note, she will still be removed from the game as her "incarceration" will prevent her from working with Kira.

- She may only cause heart attacks when using the Death Note and only if it is actually in her possession (keeping in mind that Kira may forward it to someone else).

--No specifcation of any details; this is a simple direct night kill with no other twists.

[spoiler=L]You are L.

You are the enigma that anonymously commands the investigation of Kira. You win with The World.

Your past places you at Wammy's house, where other prodigies were raised who are the few who could compare to you in prowess as a detective.

You have odd habits regarding the placement of your hands, how you sit...how you move in general, and you appear to be a contortionist to an extent as well. You can fight well though you don't often get the chance to. You always appear to be sleepless with huge black circles around your eyes.

As "the world's top rated detective", you are the first real hope The World has against Kira.


- L knows who the members of the KIT are.

- L may use his powers of deduction to determine the "aura" of a player with a 95% chance of success once per night via PM. The exceptions are:

  • Kira, who will appear "blue" if L "succeeds" in checking his aura and ironically, "red" if L "fails" with the 5% chance he might
  • A certain member of The World, who will appear "red" 95% of the time or "blue" otherwise
  • Mello, who will appear "blue" 95% of the time or "green" otherwise
  • Mello's mafia, who will appear "red" 95% of the time or "green" otherwise

- L may anonymously break tie votes during day phase lynchings. He will do so by way of PM - he doesn't even have to choose the person he voted for! It does however have to be someone who was tied for the most votes against them.

- Only once in the game, L may call off a lynch. This is also done anonymously.

- L may, once a night, PM the name of someone he wants to try to recruit. If it is Mello, Mello will learn L's identity and the recruitment will fail.

[spoiler=Near]You are Near.

You will take over if L dies. You win with The World.

You are one of the prodigies of Wammy's house. As such you have incredible deductive reasoning skills as well as tremendous intuition.

However, you are also a little boy. Sort of a creepy one, too.


- Near starts as a vanilla townie. The remainder of his abilities will be revealed when certain conditions are met.

The rest of Near's role will be noted in a later part of this thread.

NOTE: Near's alliance checking worked 100% guaranteed, unlike L's which only worked 95% of the time. I'm not sure I ever explicitly stated that...

[spoiler=Matsuda]You are Touta Matsuda.

You win with The World.

You are not very brave and people do not hold you in very high regard as you are new to the Kira Investigation Team. It doesn't help that you love to be nosy and gossip.

You almost appear to support Kira, which makes others wary of you.

However the truth is you do not condone what Kira is doing at all and may even be the one who defeats him.


- Matsuda is a vanilla townie but will be aware of the Kira Investigation Team.[/color]

This role was supposed to mess with the KIT.

It sadly didn't get to, but there was a funny moment when the KIT suspected each other anyway based on what they had seen in the anime (and partially why everyone lynched This Wheel of Colors).

[spoiler=Mello]You are Mello.

You win if you survive.

You are one of the prodigies of Wammy's house, but chose not recognized as the successor of L - you have ventured off to defeat Kira your own way.

This apparently entails enlisting a mafia of men eager to use the Death Note for personal reasons. It is unclear whether you are selfish in this regard yourself, though it appears you may be a vehicle of justice whether you intend to be or not.

You eat chocolate in the coolest way ever and are the best. You automatically win the game as long as you don't forget to freeze your chocolate before eating it to get that satisfying "CRACK" sound.


- He may "have his mafia identify roles" of characters once per night via PM to the host requesting who to check.

- If two of the mafia members he commands die, Mello loses the previous ability. Mello knows who his mafia members are.

- Each night, Mello may also send a PM specifying who he wants to protect - if that player is targeted for a night kill, Mello will die instead. If this happens, Mello will win with The World.

- If Mello identifies Kira via PM (once per night; this may only be done mutually exclusively to his role checking ability), he will capture his Death Note and it will be up to Light to identify Mello within 4 nights on pain of death. If Mello succeeds even once he may not do this again.

[spoiler=Aiber]You are Aiber.

You are not allied with anyone. You win if you survive.

You are an expert conman. You are supposedly smooth with the ladies.


- Aiber's role is simply to survive unless certain conditions are met.

Aiber got recruited, but had been targeted by Kira already.

[spoiler=Wedy]You are Wedy.

You are not allied with anyone. You win if you survive.

You are smoking hot and are an expert thief. That's all there really is to say on the matter.


- Wedy's role is simply to survive unless certain conditions are met.

Wedy would have been able to be recruited by L but died super early. Derp.

[spoiler=Soichiro]You are Soichiro Yagami, a member of the Kira Investigation Team.

You win with The World.

You are Light Yagami's father and hate the idea that you must suspect your own son.

You look like a stereotypical detective and are all kinds of reckless.


- He knows who the other members of the Kira Investigation Team are.

[spoiler=Aizawa]You are Shuichi Aizawa, a member of the Kira Investigation Team.

You win with The World.

You care about your family to a point of almost failing to be a part of the investigation, but end up involved anyway.

You are a complete bad ass because you have a magnificent afro and are the best. You automatically win the game as long as you do not cut your hair.


- He knows who the other members of the Kira Investigation Team are.

[spoiler=Mogi]You are Kanzo Mogi, a member of the Kira Investigation Team.

You win with The World.

You apparently have an attraction to Misa. Sometimes it appears to be reciprocated!

However you are one of the most dedicated members of the Kira Investigation Team and as such don't have any time to do anything but chauffeur her around.


- He knows who the other members of the Kira Investigation Team are.

[spoiler=Ide]You are Hideki Ide, a member of the Kira Investigation Team.

You win with The World.

You are the member of the KIT which appears to trust Light Yagami the most. You really probably shouldn't have so much faith in the guy!


- He knows who the other members of the Kira Investigation Team are.

[spoiler=Ukita]You are Hirokazu Ukita, a member of the Kira Investigation Team.

You win with The World.

You are predictably emotional and "easy to understand". You also have an affinity for cigarettes, but not for staying alive.

You resemble a little boy, actually.


- He knows who the other members of the Kira Investigation Team are.

[spoiler=Halle]You are Halle Bullook.

You win with The World.

To your knowledge, an acquaintance of yours "close to you" was killed by Kira. You seek to avenge them through Kira's defeat.

You are the prettiest character in the game/manga/anime/anything else Death Note related and are the best. You automatically win the game as long as you do not cut your hair.


- She is currently a vanilla townie until certain conditions are met.

[spoiler=Stephen]You are Stephen Loud.

You win with The World.

You are renowned for your attention to detail and less than scrupulous abilities which enable you to do your job well.

As such it should be no surprise that you are enlisted in the Kira investigation.


- He is currently a vanilla townie until certain conditions are met.

No one made any fake role PMs this game. I was disappointed.

[spoiler=Anthony]You are Anthony Carter.

You win with The World.

You have the potential to be Near's closest confidant, but at the moment you are unaware of what role you play in the Kira investigation.


- He is currently a vanilla townie until certain conditions are met.


[spoiler=Dwhite]You are Dwhite Gordon.

You win if you survive.

- He is commanded by Mello, who knows who he is.




[spoiler=Kal]You are Kal Snydar.

You win if you survive.

- He is commanded by Mello, who knows who he is.

[spoiler=Andrew]You are Andrew Millar.

You win if you survive.

- He is commanded by Mello, who knows who he is.

Putting the rest in other posts. This is getting too long *whew*.

Edited by Obviam
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[spoiler=Night 0][spoiler=Light]

(1:22:16 PM) Rafi: Well, I'm investigating Snike

(1:22:18 PM) Rafi: To recruit him

(1:22:43 PM) Alex: that's it?!

(1:23:02 PM) Rafi: I thought it's recruit OR kill

(1:23:07 PM) Alex: it's role check or kill

(1:23:15 PM) Alex: recruit is independent of that

(1:23:20 PM) Rafi: I want to recruit Snike

(1:23:25 PM) Alex: okay

(1:23:30 PM) Alex: but you still have role check, kill or idle

(1:23:44 PM) Rafi: Oh

(1:23:49 PM) Rafi: Kill Slayerx

(1:23:50 PM) Alex: come on be fancy

(1:23:52 PM) Alex: impress me

(1:23:53 PM) Rafi: Ok

(1:24:08 PM) Alex: man you're being really half hearted about this

(1:24:13 PM) Rafi: I'd like SlayerX to slice his stomach

(1:24:20 PM) Rafi: Take out his large intestine

(1:24:27 PM) Rafi: And hang himself with it

(1:24:35 PM) Alex: when

(1:24:36 PM) Alex: come on

(1:24:37 PM) Alex: details

(1:24:41 PM) Alex: this should really be in a PM

(1:24:42 PM) Rafi: Geez

(1:24:48 PM) Alex: there's a character limit you know

(1:24:54 PM) Rafi: I'd like him to do this immidiately after his first post

(1:24:57 PM) Rafi: And also

(1:24:57 PM) Alex: unless you do that one thing

(1:25:21 PM) Rafi: I'd like him to smear shit over his face and write on his stomach "I am an unlikable piece of shit"

(1:25:29 PM) Alex: just a note

(1:25:35 PM) Alex: if he doesn't post within the end of the day phase

(1:25:41 PM) Alex: he will die at the end of the day phase

(1:25:44 PM) Rafi: Sure

(1:25:46 PM) Alex: surely you knew this but I am reminding you

You contact Snike, sure that he is trying to get your attention.

As it turns out he was.

Snike, better known as Mikami Teru has been recruited as a member of the Death Note Bearers and has been given a second Death Note.

You note that SlayerX has yet to be affected by what you've written in the Death Note, possibly because he has yet to post.

Nothing unusual here. Snike made it pretty obvious he wanted people to contact him. Why else but because he wanted Kira to recruit him?

Also note: I thought about it a bit and it made no sense to kill SlayerX "immediately after his first post" if he hadn't even posted, so I had the mind control force him to post as well.


Night 0: Identify role of Radiant Dragon

Oh Tables~

Tables made me happy. He actually participated despite being hidden. He DID have an important role, so he kind of had to!


Is Psych/Wheel of Colors Mr. Kira-san? =3

..Never doing that again.

He might as well have been. He certainly appears to be getting a lot of townies killed at the time of this writing.


Kira has recognized your call to his attention and recruited you. You are now allied with the Death Note Bearers and win if they do. You have been given a second Death Note and learned that Kira's identity is the man you know as Survivor/Life Admiral, a hidden player.

Each night you may now PM the host specifying who you wish to kill with your Death Note.

lul recruited night 0

[spoiler=Kiyomi]Raymond wasn't able to do anything this night.


Oh, right. Regular voting has its own share of problems. :)

As it stands you are checking Snike and attempting to recruit JB. Do be sure to draw attention to whatever posts you make in this PM thread in which you change your mind.

You investigate Snike and determine that his aura is gray, indicating that he is a Kira fanatic if your powers of deduction were reliable.

You have failed to recruit JBCWK.

Unfortunately for Snike his little campaign to get recruited had some unintended consequences...

Fortunately for Snike, Psych made it obvious he was being talked to by L and Balcerzak's plan to leak this information to the KIT completely backfired.

[spoiler=Near]L was still alive at this time so Near could only sit around and watch.

That's 'k, Near is good at patiently analyzing things with ridiculous attention to detail.

I hope ??? makes an amazing Near but it's ??? so I'm not really worried about it.

As you can see I'm still keeping Near's identity a secret.

[spoiler=Night 1][spoiler=Light]

Send Ryu to check Raymond.

It was about this time the co-host finally agreed that Life is an incredible player. A "savant", I believe was the wording he used.

I was busy throwing a fit; I had originally misread his role check as a recruit attempt, which would have meant Life would have recruited his last team mate AND been allowed to make another kill in the process.

That would have been -amazing-.


For my reference:

So far, I know a few of us actually have info. We could all claim to RD if we need to, since Me, Bizz, Pariah, and Weapons have him confirmed cleared to us.

So checking Levity tonight.

At this point I have to wonder if Tables isn't absolutely sure of who the KIT is.

I'm currently wondering, as I type this, if he intends to pull a JBCWK and attempt to unite The World with The Underground...he certainly has the power for it!

Note: Life told me at one point that the player he was most scared of was Mello. I wasn't really surprised to learn that.

[spoiler=Misa]MISA'S DEAD DAMMIT.


Crap, you just made me realize how bad I really am at clarifying things.

The original intent of your role was to be a simple night kill. No specification of time of death or anything.


Just kill WoMC

So WoMC up and died, shortly after having been killed in another mafia game recently.

Poor guy! Psych's fault

[spoiler=Kiyomi]Kiyomi hasn't been recruited yet and was not able to do anything.


Check Excellen, Recruit Raymond

You investigate Excellen Browning and determine that his aura is green, indicating that he is a member of The Underground if your powers of deduction were reliable.

You have failed to recruit Raymond.

At this point I am hoping Balcerzak will chance attempting to recruit Excellen Browning, who after being subbed in has become Aiber, the only person left of the 2 that L can recruit.

[spoiler=Near]L was still alive at this time so Near could only sit around and watch.

lul copy/paste

[spoiler=Night 2][spoiler=Light]

Recruit Raymond.

Excellen suddenly walks to the bridge and looks over, down at the water. He climbs up onto the railing and considers jumping off. Then as he is standing there, a member of the town (either Bizz or Radiant Dragon) slowly walks up behind him, pulls out a switchblade and stabs him ninety-nine times before throwing him off the bridge to the water below.

Excellen must also actively advocate for a KIT lynch or else he will die (this is a threat). He will also die immediately if he mentions that he has been threatened to death to anyone in private or in the thread. In any case, Excellen dies right before the lynch takes effect meaning that he cannot be lynched and the person with the next amount of votes will be lynched.

One more thing. I'd like to transfer the 2nd Death Note from Snike to Raymond tonight.

I just want to ask you how much you've considered priority. Also you don't even have Raymond recruited yet.

Life began to be upset at Snike being targeted. Then he began to be upset that he couldn't do anything about it.



I'm not entirely sure Life's MO here is legal.

It's not; we're talking about it.

(3:51:24 PM) Rafi: He's planning to jump

(3:52:07 PM) Rafi: And then a bus swerves into the railing, Excellen gets booted off the bridge and lands headfirst on a passing cruise ship

(3:52:28 PM) Alex: okay

(3:52:32 PM) Alex: there was a part in the show

(3:52:39 PM) Alex: where a guy gets hit by a bus

(3:52:40 PM) Rafi: On a martini glass that shoves glass straight into his brain

(3:52:47 PM) Alex: that was because he was mind controlled to move in front of it

(3:52:55 PM) Alex: so I GUESS that's okay.

(3:53:02 PM) Alex: but it's shaky, haha

(3:53:25 PM) Rafi: Basically

(3:53:41 PM) Rafi: Excellen dies from a martini glass to the brain

[spoiler=Mello]I'm suddenly not so happy with Tables anymore! He didn't do anything this phase!



Night 2

Send eclipse into the other world



I'm so sorryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy @_@

[spoiler=Kiyomi]Raymond can finally start doing stuff...the next night. Maybe.

At the moment he still can't.


Recruit Excellen

Investigate Eclipse

You have successfully recruited Excellen Browning, who turned out to be Aiber.

You have no need to investigate eclipse because she has died.

Just a bit late there, Balcerzak!

[spoiler=Night 3][spoiler=Light]

Transfer Death Note from Snike to Raymond.

Kill Pariah.

Pariah's head will suddenly explode. Just without warning. This will happen halfway through the day phase.

Before this, Pariah must place a vote on SSS and claim that he believes that SSS is the real Kira, not Snike. If asked about it, he must say that he has information proving it but he cannot reveal such info.

Nothing particularly out of the ordinary here.

Just Life being Life~


Checking Snike's Role

Oh damn.

Just kidding, we all saw this coming

NOTE: Parts in the role PM given to Mello this phase were snipped out due to implying abilities of another player's role.

[spoiler=Mikami]Mikami no longer has the Death Note at this time and was unable to do anything.

He would have killed Frivolidad.


If I receive the Death Note tonight, I'd like to kill Bizz (or Frivolidad, if you prefer to call her that).

Poor bizzu~


Investigate Strawman

You investigate Strawman the SawmanShaman and determine that his aura is blue, indicating that he is a member of The World if your powers of deduction were reliable.

Kind of useful I GUESS.

[spoiler=Night 4][spoiler=Light]

Kill VanguardRaven

Raven will castrate himself, stab his eyes out and then impale himself on a red-hot fire poker. This will happen right before the lynch (just like Excellen's death).

Raven MUST post this post and cannot post anything else or defend himself in private. He must post this as soon as possible too.

Wow. I'm stunned. Snike has been outted as a Kira follower on like Day 1 and you guys haven't lynched him YET? What have you guys been doing?

Well, I'm going to come clean since this game is basically over. I'm Light Yagami, also known as Kira. I've been sabotaging the town with my kills and watching you guys just kill each other off. It's quite funny, to be honest.

Anyway, we basically have the votes at this point in the game. My vote is worth two votes (part of my role) and with my followers, we control the lynch (4 votes for us and 2 against us). Since it's only a matter of time that we kill the final World members, it's essentially Game Over.

That being said, ##vote: Flint Echo. Good game, guys.

Brilliant. He still hasn't used the role to force information out of anyone in addition to his other antics like I hoped, but this is good stuff.


Well, this is going swimmingly. Not many targets left.

Advance orders: Checking Flint tonight

Someone finally notices Halle~

Who will probably die soon. Dammit. >:{


Oh wait there's still L and Near~

...for now...

If Mello here turns on the town they'll DEFINITELY be screwed.

[spoiler=Mikami]Still can't do anything for now.


I would like to kill BK-201 tonight.

Finally a member of The Underground gets hit again.


Investigate AstraLunaSol

You investigate AstraLunaSol and determine that his aura is orange, indicating that he is not even playing the game if your powers of deduction were reliable.

This actually happened.

[spoiler=Night 5][spoiler=Light]...He didn't do anything.

What the hell? Did something come up and he's busy? This is...weird.

[spoiler=Mello]Also didn't do anything.


[spoiler=Mikami]Snike sent in his action in advance to kill Flint Echo knowing that he wouldn't be around during the phase and that he might not even receive the Death Note to be able to use it.

Ironically those on his team who COULD do something were the opposite of diligent like Snike was and didn't do anything at all.

This, despite that they had been running the show and avidly playing the game all prior.





Investigate Gaius Frakkin' Baltar

You investigate Gaius Frakkin' Baltar and determine that his aura is blue, indicating that he is a member of The World if your powers of deduction were reliable.


[spoiler=Night 6][spoiler=Light]Nothing.






[spoiler=Kiyomi]Snike said the same thing, but it didn't matter because Life wasn't around to even switch who had the Death Note if he wanted to:

For the time being: I would like to try to kill Balcerzak tonight.

Please don't end the night phase early, though; I'll change my action if Life tells me what he wants me to do.

Sorry L ;_;


Investigate General Spoon

Recruit Gaius Frakkin' Baltar

So close ;_;

Too bad he's dead :x

[spoiler=Near]Near's actions will finally start being relevant now.

Except Near is the only person left on his team ;_;

Due to the death of L you now have the following abilities:

- You may use your powers of deduction to determine the "aura" of a player with a 100% chance of success

- You may anonymously break tie votes during day phase lynchings. Do so by way of PM - you don't even have to choose for someone you voted for, though it does have to be someone who has the most votes on them.

- L has used his lynch prevention ability, so you may not use it. Otherwise you would have had that ability too.

- You are now aware of the members of the SPK (Special Provision for Kira), members of The World who are allied with you:

Flint Echo

Strawman the SawmanShaman


Unfortunately for you they're all dead, so this information is kind of useless. :/

[spoiler=Night 7][spoiler=Kiyomi]This is the only action I'm documenting because it's the only one that ended up mattering.

Raymond killed JB and ended the game.

Edited by Obviam
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[spoiler=20110216.1630]This is when the game began. The confusion that settled in was delicious.

The first death didn't even occur until page 3 of the thread with the maximum posts per page setting!

[spoiler=20110218.1630]Day 1 began at this time.

Notably...no one had died yet. >:}

[spoiler=20110218.2042]SlayerX posted at this time, sealing his fate. This is when he actually died, but I was asleep, so I posted the following at 20110219.0331, about 13 hours before the phase ended and about 7 hours late:

Wedy wasn't usually one for public appearances but despite, here she was strolling about in the sunlight in clothes fit for colder weather.

Suddenly, she pulled a knife she often kept concealed on her person and began uncontrollably gouging her own stomach.

Everyone stared at her in complete shock.

Why was she doing this?! She couldn't stand the pain but was compelled to endure it anyway - her actions had become completely involuntary!

She dug the knife well in and uncovered her large intestine, which pulsed horrendously as she slung it over a nearby light pole.

She proceeded to forge the intestine into a noose, smearing the matter which leaked from it over her face in the process.

When she had finally finished hanging herself, she used the last of her strength to write "I am an unlikable piece of shit" on her stomach with the mixture of her fluids which she had liberated.



has committed suicide. She was SlayerX. He won if he survived.

Edit: Pretend this happened 7 hours ago. I was asleep so I couldn't post it then.

Needless to say everyone was pleasantly surprised - they weren't pleasantly surprised, I mean; rather, I was pleased to see how surprised they were. :D

[spoiler=20110219.1629]Just before his death, Haze posted these infamous last words:

Dear Mr. Kira-san, the following people claimed to be Masons/members of the Kira Investigation Team:

The Wheel of Colors


Weapons of Mass Construction

Radiant Dragon


The legitimacey of these claims is questionable, but have fun, and I do hope I have been useful.


PS. Psych is a dumbass.

They were what he learned from what This Wheel of Colors had said in the chat, which he had also said in the game thread, though no one seemed to notice it there or catch on to the fact that he had outed L, which surprised me since it was pretty obvious that was what This Wheel of Colors had just done.

This Wheel of Colors had said what he had because Balcerzak told him to vote for Snike based on Balcerzak's night results, causing This Wheel of Colors to draw attention to himself with the vote that, while mild, made him feel he needed to "clear" himself...which apparently entailed blurting out the names of his closest allies.

[spoiler=20110219.1630]The following marked the end of the Day 1 phase and the beginning of the Night 1 phase.


Finalized vote tally:

Haze (3) - JBCWK, Snike, This Wheel of Colors

Balcerzak (1) - Raymond

Mariobro (1) - SlayerX

Strawman the SawmanShaman (1) - Strawman the SawmanShaman

This Wheel of Colors (1) - Haze

Results in a bit.

As usual, JBCWK made the game more interesting by saying some attention grabbing things. Things he didn't particularly like the reaction to! A lot of vote shifting occurred by Excellen Browning when This Wheel of Colors spoke up, claiming all kinds of things and trying to pin Snike.

Yet, in Snike's attempt to defend himself, despair turned to torment Haze, ensuring his death in the last moments he had a chance to sway the others, who did not budge.

They grabbed Haze's adorable person and began to pummel it into oblivion.

Haze turned out to be Misa Amane;


he won if he survived.

It is now Night 1. Day 2 begins 1630 GMT 0 on the 20th.

Shame...I really wanted to see what Kira and Misa were capable of together.

[spoiler=20110220.0441]Life sent this to Raymond after getting his role check results.

Raymond. Don't do anything stupid today. Just stay alive, keep suspicion off of you and I'll recruit you tonight (I'm Light).



All I can say is "awesome.png".

[spoiler=20110220.1632]As you can see, I was a little distracted (IIRC I was reading something Life said somewhere) and ended the phase 2 minutes late. OOPS, oh well.

This marked the ending of the Night 1 phase and the beginning of the Day 2 phase:


Soichiro Yagami had been up all night sweating over the Kira case.

He tired himself out worrying and finally fell asleep, sure that there was nothing he could do anyway - he might as well put it at the back of his mind for now.

EXCEPT THEN Soichiro woke up in the middle of his sleep, cringing from a heart attack.

"AUGH, the pain" he yellscreamed as his life quit being a thing that existed.

Soichiro's cute little daughter Sayu came into the bedroom just in time to mourn her father's recent spontaneous death.

Soichiro Yagami


has died of a heart attack. He was WeaponsofMassConstruction. He won with The World.

In case it wasn't obvious, rainbow text means you don't get to know anything about the character's true aura or whether they have one.

It is now Day 2. Night 2 begins at 1630 GMT 0 on the 21st.


[spoiler=20110221.1142]Eclipse got REALLY GOOD at this all of a sudden.

I've done some calculations based on the numbers given in the opening statement. I have come to the conclusion that there's either a LOT of hidden players or there's several underground claiming vanilla townie.

If you want to poke around, start with Snike, Raymond, and Strawman, in that order. Snike immediately claimed vanilla townie, and by my calculations, that's impossible. I didn't really poke into Raymond, but he seemed to understand his role PM well. I got to talk to Strawman a little more, and half the time, it was about Eliwood as a chick. . . :sweatdrop:

Haven't talked to BK, Emerald Jealousy, or Raven. The last one seemed to be avoiding the mafia talks in chat today. . .

If I've done my numbers right. . .

 1 (Kira)
+ 3 (Kira Fan Club)
+ 1 (L)
+ 1 (Near)
+ 5 (KIT)
+ 6 (Underground)

That means I somehow fall outside of this group as a vanilla townie (and a stupidly minor character). . .or Psych royally fucked up that KIT list. Actually, assume the latter.

I suspect whoever Kira is has the ability to read PMs (it fits with the story).

[spoiler=20110221.1630]The end of the Day 2 phase and beginning of the Night 2 phase was realized through a tumultuous lynch of This Wheel of Colors.


This Wheel of Colors (5) - Excellen Browning, Frivolidad, eclipse, This Wheel of Colors, BK-201

This Wheel of Colors did his best to irritate everyone, at which point an uncontested vote to have him lynch resulted.

This Wheel of Colors was mercilessly massacred. He was Hideki Ide


and won with The World.

It is now Night 2. Day 3 begins at 1630 GMT 0 on the 22nd.

People were NOT happy about him leaking the information he did and were happy to get rid of him.

Except for JBCWK, the one person who truly seemed to both recognize and advocate awareness of the fact that The Underground and The World should be working together, and that lynching one of their own was not a good way to go about that.


Can I assume you're one of L or Near? Also, I doubt someone as important as Kira is hidden.

This is Radiant Dragon's response to eclipse in the conversation they were having...where eclipse made it obvious she didn't like an idea she had about the game.

Said idea was also not very subtle though I am not sure she explicitly stated what it was; she seems to be sure that Kira is able to read others' PMs, which is not exactly correct (though somewhat possible), but she also believes that all of the important players are hidden.

Which happens to actually be true.

She is apparently not very happy about that.

Oh god, this post game report is going to piss her off...





Uh, what makes you think Snike is anything? I'm still imagining him as Dist.

A message from eclipse to the substitute, Emerald Jealousy.

It looks pretty obvious Emerald is joking about Snike in the thread, but seeing him guess he was Kira which isn't all that far from his actual role was slightly amusing.


The beginning of the Day 3 phase wasn't so pleasant for the town.


Anthony Carter did his best to help The World recuperate from Kira's seemingly unstoppable attack.

He appeared to be doing well in his investigation until he suddenly suffered a heart attack.

Anthony Carter


has died of a heart attack. He was eclipse and won with The World.

It is now Day 3. Night 3 begins at 1630 GMT 0 on the 23rd.

It wasn't so pleasant for me either

It looks like the already crippled town is about as defiant of Kira as a handful of breadcrumbs about now.


Check Snike tonight.

Also I completely missed my other role ability. But since the town aren't gonna win anyway...

Can I send PMs to players e.g. my Mafia? Can I actually post or things, if I decide I want to blow my cover?

So close. :/

[spoiler=20110223.1630]The Day 3 phase ended terribly.

Excellen continued to refuse to do his part to follow the stipulations of Kira's mind control despite that they had been clearly outlined in several PMs to him, along with several warnings of the consequences of adhering to the new rules given to him.

As you may note from Light's Night 2 action, Excellen was SUPPOSED to pick someone from the list of people This Wheel of Colors posted, vote for one of them and then do his best to convince others to vote for that player with him.

At first he started to do this, but then when Life spoke to him about it, despite that Life's night action specifically stated that Excellen couldn't tell anyone about his identity, Excellen decided to ignore what the co-host and I BOTH said about it being illegal for him to do that (which Life had said as well), he decided to go and muck up the game for everyone on his team (keep in mind Balcerzak had just recruited him to The Wolrd).

The result was THIS monster:


This update will take a while no matter what I do so I'm going to take my sweet time. I suggest you find something to waste time doing while you wait.

Excellen Browning Dead (5) - Excellen Browning, Pariah, VanguardRaven, Strawman the SawmanShaman, Raymond

Emerald Jealousy - Snike

Snike - Radiant Dragon

Aiber was feeling depressed lately, despite finally getting a chance to use his skills for justice.

Perhaps he was upset at how disparaging the battle with Kira was.

In any case, there he was standing at the edge of a bridge, ready to jump...before he could change his mind, a bus swerved near him and forced him over the edge.

Aiber fell to an interesting death; he had planted his face in a martini glass - a glass which had sat on the table of the guests of the boat cruise he so rudely interrupted with his gruesome death.



has died of a martini glass to the brain. He was Excellen Browning, and he won with The World.

Kanzo Mogi


has been randomly selected to be GODKILLED due to Excellen Browning not following the rules given to him privately by the host. He was Radiant Dragon and won with The World.

With Excellen Browning's death having passed, The World had to decide on the next person to lynch. No one had suggested anyone other than Emerald Jealousy and Snike, so the members of The World flipped a coin - Tails. You lose, Emerald.

Emerald Jealousy was Matsuda;


he won with The World.

It is now Night 3. Day 4 begins 1630 GMT 0 on the 24th.

I am very



As you can see, Life's little plan to mess the lynch up by having the person being voted for the most die just prior to the phase end worked - but barely. Snike ALMOST bit the bullet here, affirming the validity of Life's fear that he needed Snike's Death Note to be moved to the hands of Raymond ASAP.


(8:08:41 AM) Alex: go ahead and tell me so I can log how wrong you are for post game

(8:08:49 AM) JBCWK: ok

(8:08:58 AM) JBCWK: L, frmo what Psych's posts hinted

(8:09:08 AM) JBCWK: Is probably Balcerzak

(8:09:12 AM) JBCWK: If not, Bizz

(8:09:22 AM) JBCWK: Flint Echo is Light, I think

(8:09:27 AM) JBCWK: No one can be as retarded as him

(8:09:36 AM) JBCWK: And as for Mello, I get this weird feeling it's Psych

(8:09:38 AM) JBCWK: erp

(8:09:39 AM) JBCWK: *Snike

(8:10:09 AM) Alex: are there any others


(8:10:37 AM) Alex: also you must not really feel too strongly about these hunches because IIRC you aren't talking to them :D

(8:10:38 AM) JBCWK: the guy with the afro isn't dead yet

(8:10:43 AM) JBCWK: I am going to

(8:10:47 AM) JBCWK: I do not want to PM bal

(8:10:53 AM) JBCWK: because I know the response I will receive

(8:10:58 AM) Alex: what response is that

(8:11:08 AM) JBCWK: "What are you talking about I'm not even playing"

(8:11:25 AM) Alex: heh

(8:12:51 AM) JBCWK: I'm going to be pissed

(8:13:04 AM) JBCWK: if L, Light and Mello are all not on the player list

(8:13:08 AM) Alex: oh fuck

(8:13:16 AM) Alex: I need to look at a certain time stamp

(8:13:17 AM) JBCWK: did I ge tTHAT right


[spoiler=20110224.1430]The beginning of the Day 4 phase:


Hirokazu Ukita wasn't too ecstatic lately.

His allies had been falling left and right, often due to quarreling amongst themselves.

Just when he thought things couldn't get any worse, he was stricken with a heart attack.

Hirokazu Ukita


has died of a heart attack. He was Frivolidad and won with The World.

It is now Day 4. Night 4 begins at 1430 GMT 0 on the 25th.

More townie rape. Oh man.

This was the first shift in phases due to the grace period rules agreed upon in the game thread. Phases are now 2 hours earlier.

Those rules, for reference:

- Once all night actions are in, if none are changed within 2 hours, the phase ends.

- The phase ends when it would have ended if that time occurs first.

- The grace period resets each time an action is updated in the middle of it.

[spoiler=20110225.0230]Pariah's death.

Shuichi Aizawa was busy looking completely bad ass when suddenly an explosion the EXACT same shape as his kick ass afro and head replaced his head.



and his head was suddenly gone.

No warning. No dramatic lead up.

No time for nearby admirers to evade the bloody projected mess.


Shuichi Aizawa's


head just fucking EXPLODED out of NOWHERE holy shit. He was Pariah and won with The World.

Oh no~


(9:14:32 PM) Rafi: So great

(9:14:33 PM) Alex: for all you know they don't even have an incentive to

(9:14:40 PM) Rafi: Now I gotta do something I don't want to do

(9:14:47 PM) Rafi: Search for hidden players

(9:14:48 PM) Alex: let me just say this

(9:14:54 PM) Rafi: Because fucking L hasn't been found yet

(9:14:57 PM) Alex: you didn't actually see the spread sheet because that would have made you unable to play

(9:15:07 PM) Alex: that means I had to balance the game on my own

(9:15:08 PM) Alex: however

(9:15:09 PM) Rafi: Good point

(9:15:12 PM) Alex: I had mori's help

(9:15:21 PM) Alex: and we had been working on this game for a couple of YEARS by now I think

(9:15:28 PM) Alex: so it should still be pretty balanced

(9:15:30 PM) Alex: maybe

(9:15:40 PM) Rafi: Bet you didn't expect me mindfucking everyone

(9:15:48 PM) Alex: you seem to be completely dominating which is kind of uncharacteristic of an unbalanced game

(9:15:53 PM) Alex: and that's all there really is to say on the matter

(9:16:00 PM) Alex: oh no that was part of the balance

(9:16:06 PM) Alex: if you had done any less the game would have been boring and short

(9:16:18 PM) Alex: in fact

(9:16:21 PM) Alex: I'm a bit disappointed

(9:16:27 PM) Alex: you haven't even been using your role to its full potential

(9:16:42 PM) Alex: or even to a fraction of it

(9:16:50 PM) Alex: when the game is over I might show you what I mean

(9:16:58 PM) Rafi: Well, you know, Haze died

(9:17:11 PM) Alex: ah I was talking about the ability you have without haze

(9:17:15 PM) Rafi: I don't need to use it to its full potential

(9:17:18 PM) Alex: but yes it is a shame haze is nice and dead

(9:17:20 PM) Rafi: Oh

(9:17:23 PM) Alex: well you'd better hope!

(9:17:33 PM) Rafi: You mean Ryuk?

(9:17:38 PM) Alex: also, fucking L?

(9:17:42 PM) Alex: why can't you just look for regular L

(9:17:43 PM) Rafi: Well kills need to flow in nice and early

(9:17:46 PM) Alex: why does it have to be fucking L?

(9:17:56 PM) Rafi: Because he's fucking L

(9:18:04 PM) Alex: @_@

(9:18:11 PM) Alex: no I don't mean ryuk

(9:18:15 PM) Alex: I mean your mind control

(9:18:20 PM) Alex: you are so bad at mind control

(9:18:22 PM) Alex: honestly

(9:18:34 PM) Alex: you're hitting par for the course

(9:18:36 PM) Rafi: Oh

(9:18:39 PM) Alex: MAYBE birdies

(9:18:40 PM) Rafi: Well here's the thing

(9:18:42 PM) Alex: hit a few eagles with it

(9:18:42 PM) Rafi: Huh

(9:18:45 PM) Rafi: Actually

(9:18:46 PM) Alex: see if you don't win the game instantly

(9:18:52 PM) Rafi: I know what I'm going to do

(9:19:13 PM) Alex: you could probably write something so extravagant that it becomes the equivalent of a hole in one

(9:19:17 PM) Rafi: I'm going to have the next victim find info for me

(9:19:30 PM) Rafi: I haven't done that yet

(9:19:32 PM) Alex: that said

(9:19:36 PM) Alex: I balanced the game

(9:19:39 PM) Alex: with, in mind

(9:19:44 PM) Alex: that you can do shit that is completely broken

(9:19:57 PM) Rafi: So?

(9:20:03 PM) Rafi: I'm not going to ask for full role PMs

(9:20:04 PM) Alex: so don't be surprised if for some reason your ace isn't high

(9:20:11 PM) Rafi: But i think hidden players exist

(9:20:20 PM) Alex: well I would hope you do

(9:20:22 PM) Alex: you're one of them

(9:20:32 PM) Rafi: I mean

(9:20:35 PM) ***Alex adjusts his tie

(9:20:38 PM) Rafi: L, Near and Mello

(9:20:39 PM) Alex: oh wait I'm a shinigami

(9:20:42 PM) ***Alex eats an apple

(9:20:45 PM) ***Alex talks with his mouth full

(9:20:53 PM) Alex: so you fink you got fis fit down, eh?

(9:21:08 PM) Alex: /CHOMP

(9:21:23 PM) Alex: well let me fell you somefing, rife

(9:21:37 PM) Alex: YOU RON'T KNOW JAGG FIT!

(9:22:05 PM) Alex: HAHAHAHURKOUGHfuck.

(9:22:17 PM) Alex: Ahem

(9:22:22 PM) Alex: humans are so...interesting.

(9:26:06 PM) Alex: you got strawman to post a role claim in the thread apparently

(9:26:12 PM) Alex: obviously I can't confirm or deny its accuracy

(9:26:16 PM) Alex: but it's amusing that it happened~




Strawman the SawmanShaman (3) - Snike, Pariah, JBCWK

Flint Echo (2) - VanguardRaven, Strawman the SawmanShaman

Strawman the SawmanShaman was Stephen Loud


just like he said he was. You lynched him anyway. He won with The World.

It is now Night 4. Day 5 begins at 1430 GMT 0 on the 26th.

Pariah's death didn't cause anyone to vote for Strawman any more than they already had been prior, despite that Pariah died just after voting for Strawman.

Strawman role claimed afterward and then voted for Flint, which wasn't enough to save him. No one took their votes off of him after his claim - it completely failed, haha!

[spoiler=20110226.0242]THIS was an interesting end to the Night 4 phase:


Another heart attack has occurred. Is it the all god damn American food or something?!

Kal Snydar

[no picture :/]

has died of a heart attack. He was BK-201 and won by surviving.

This Wheel of Colors couldn't keep his damn mouth shut in the chat and let slip that AstraLunaSol was a member of the KIT.

As such,



has been selected to be GODKILLED due to This Wheel of Colors not following the rules. He was himself and wasn't even in the game.

Lux Aeterna

[no picture :/]

has been selected to be GODKILLED as well, for the same reason as AstraLunaSol, who I mistakenly godkilled instead of Lux because it seemed more fun and I got distracted. He was also himself and also wasn't even in the game either.

It is now Day 5. Night 5 begins at 0230 GMT 0 on the 27th.




I don't remember why I godkilled ASL on accident instead of Lux, but it was funny!

[spoiler=20110226.0325]Life contacted JB in a poorly recorded conversation I will have to loosely paraphrase here.

First, Life asked JB if JB would betray someone and mess up an opportunity to win just to get a dangerous player killed.

JB said he would rather just win and Life claimed that he was Kira, which I later told him would be hilarious if it led to his downfall. He insisted that it wouldn't.

JB told the truth that he didn't know who the other members of The Underground were, frustrated that Mello (whom I finally prodded about the situation, as it seemed he had missed who his underlings were in his role PM) hadn't contacted him yet, when Life asked who the other members were so that he could avoid targeting them (incidentally he had targeted Raven the night before and therefore already had, haha~).

Life explained how his logic screen had helped him meet with Snike and how he had manipulated all of the events that had transpired in the game thus far and JB unsurprisngly flipped his shit over the magnitude of it all the whole time.

(This means I've done my job as the host~)

JB joked about how "funny it would be if [he] was a vig" and asked Life some more things about whether he had successfully contacted the other Kira Fanatic and seemed to be prying about Life's condition in general, at which point Life told him to quit asking so many questions and the conversation ended.


I just want to point this out because I don't know how well you read your role PM.

You DO realize that




are all your minions, right? BK's dead now but you know who the other players are and that they are members of The Underground with you.

Yes, I know. This made Vanguard's post quite interesting to me. I'm not sure what you're implying about this... I'll have to give the thread another look.

Well to my knowledge you haven't spoken to your minions at all.

I asked if I could, and you mentioned it was up to me if I wanted to risk it... considering what else has gone on in the game, and the fact I win just by surviving, I considered one of them might have some kind of 'find and usurp your leader' objective or something. So I saw no reason to break the status Quo.

I win by surviving <_<. That's enough disincentive to take risks, I'm afraid.

Mello, who we knows as "Tables", on why he hadn't contacted the people listed as being his minions in his role PM the entire game.


Use the once-per-game Cancel Lynch ability.

(8:26:21 PM) Hextator: oh god

(8:26:41 PM) Hextator: I forgot you had that

(8:26:45 PM) Hextator: I am laughing so hard right now




Balcerzak (2) - JBCWK, Snike

Flint Echo (2) - VanguardRaven, Raymond

Snike (1) - Flint Echo

By the powers vested in...someone, the lynch has been called off.

Andrew Millar had been laying somewhat low as Kira's attacks continued to devastate The World.

That was okay for him; he didn't much care about The World anyway outside of wanting to control it.

Unfortunately for Andrew, his secret battle with impotence finally began to eat at his mind.

In a fit of rage at his own incompetence, Andrew began to viciously castrate himself.

Before he could stop himself to ask himself why he was doing such a terrible thing to his own body, he was forced to succumb to the insatiable urge to grab the poker near his lit fireplace and, instead of stoking the fire and enjoying his evening further, heat and impale himself with it.

Andrew Millar

[no picture :/]

has committed suicide. He was VanguardRaven and he won if he survived.

It just wasn't No one's day. Everyone hated the guy.

No one

[no picture :/]

was lynched. They were themselves and don't actually exist because they aren't anyone.

It is now Night 5. Day 6 begins at 0230 GMT 0 on the 28th.




Thank you, Ballerzak.

That was incredible~


Sorry I'm late. If I hadn't been masturbating in the shower I'd have made it in time D:




It is now Day 6. Night 6 begins at 0230 GMT 0 on the...1st. Oops[/size][/b]

Gat damn inactivity.

From Kira's side of the game, no less!





Fuck I'm late again


Flint Echo (2) - Raymond, Snike

Raymond (1) - Flint Echo

Raymond and Snike have been GODKILLED for...

just kidding.

Man, I wish I could though, because

Flint Echo has been lynched and was Halle Bullook,


the hottest chick in the anime/manga/game who won with The World.

Apparently her hair was ripped out during the lynching. You monsters.

It is now Night 6. Day 7 begins at 0230 GMT 0 on the 2nd.




Crap, not this again!



has died of a heart attack, not all that unlike in the anime. He was Balcerzak aka "Ballerzak", a hidden player, and won with The World.

It is now Day 7. Night 7 begins at 0230 GMT 0 on the 3rd.

Finally a hidden player died. Took you guys long enough.

Why did it have to be L and at the worst possible time for The World? ;_;


totally playing duke nukem now

can't update

short story is anouleth was lynched and wasn't even playing, it's now night 7 etc.



SORRY I was playing duke nukem

the town lost and the game is over

I'll update this shit later while everyone is at school because school is for losers~



Edited by Obviam
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Okay GO

Oh also

Death Note Bearer MVP:

Life Admiral, duh

The World MVP:

Balcerzak actually tried to do stuff. This Wheel of Colors screwed him over. >:{

eclipse figured a lot of stuff out the other players didn't. I'd say she's tied for MVP but I can't really tell because she was killed off so early. In fact she might have even done better because apparently she was recognized as a threat. I think?

The Underground MVP:

JBCWK, easily. He was always trying to meddle and have things go his way instead of sitting by idly and letting his hidden status cover for him like a certain other player did.

Death Note Mafia Game MVP:

Life Admiral still. Sure, he had a ridiculous role, but he used it well in addition to getting Snike recruited with his logic screen gimmick (ironically the only time it even was "used").

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So there you have it. Before people start spamming me with questions:

Why I did what I did. I believe the original message/command to me was to try and get a KIT lynched. I can't be certain of that any more because that exact PM has been edited once or twice. Since I also got recruited by L on the same day, I assumed I was KIT. So basically I thought "Oh well, I'm gonna die regardless, why not try to get myself *hur hur hur* lynched so none of my KIT homies die?" In reality I had to try to get one of the people on Psych's list of KIT killed. And I misunderstood that at first and when I did understand it, it was too late to avert. (Also Life didn't specify it in his command if you wanna be picky about it)

Also Life very soon came to me on MSN and went boasting about how he was Kira and shit, which pissed me off and I countered by starting to troll him. I just had to hint at him in the game thread to ruin the game.

In hindsight, my stupidity was royal. And I apologize to Obviam for all the insults I've slung at him.

That is all

Edited by Excellen Browning
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Shame...I really wanted to see what Kira and Misa were capable of together.

Maybe next time. From the sounds of it Life would have been a fun teammate.

Unfortunately the only way for me to join Kira was by random guessing each night, I'd decided that if I failed to guess two more times(which I would have, after all, he was unlisted), I'd go to Life's logic screen to bounce ideas off of him(matter of pride more than anything). However with JB's OMGUS and Snike redirecting I was getting lynched anyway, so I just piled pressure on Psych in the chat(who I'd seen had a loose tongue from "hurr Bal told me to do this Bal told me to do that"). I regret forgetting to put Bal in my last words more than actually dying.

Though I have to mention that there was a typo in my original role pm that basically made me unlynchable. I had planned on coming back at the end and suddenly announcing that I was alive because my role had given me lynch immunity, but Obviam had to notice it and fix it like a huge jerk.

Oh well, fun game to watch unfold. Snike's Kira betrayal had me going there.

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By the time I'm done with you, you WILL be!

Thanks for not dilly-dallying with the post game. It's interesting. . .

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Psych, don't ever play Mafia again. Ever.

I actually thought Life might have been Kira after Slayer's death and the "I'm an unlikable piece of shit" part, but I thought Kira wasn't hidden for some reason and I assumed that Life wouldn't offer to be a logic screen in a game he was actually playing. Of course, I'm sure that's what he intended.

Makes me wonder if the logic screen thing started solely so he could use it for this game...

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A thing to note: Psych outed me D1, and when Weapons died, he was cleared and I was confirmed 'mafia'. That was a really really dumb move on part of the town. I mean, I managed to live through the entire game. That should not be happening.

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A thing to note: Psych outed me D1, and when Weapons died, he was cleared and I was confirmed 'mafia'. That was a really really dumb move on part of the town. I mean, I managed to live through the entire game. That should not be happening.

Psych also said you were Kira, and Near, and Mello.

It's not surprising that only the KIT took it seriously, and not the SPK and Underground.

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Yes, I am very disappointed with the town and now you all see why Life left SF. I made this game after I died in the Smogon game we were both in because I thought it might give him an incentive to come back. I had also hoped my performance in TotA would inspire him to stick around too but I guess not.

With what Psych did I'm surprised he's even bothering to join Spoon's game, although I think Spoon said he wouldn't be letting Psych in? He really shouldn't.

Also, Life has been doing his logic screen thing for a while. He definitely didn't start doing it after I told him about the game idea. I only got the idea for him to be a hidden player partway into our Smogon game, well after he had the idea for Disgaea - he was legitimately trying to make people play better.

The fact that he was able to improvise and use it to recruit Snike and potentially be joined by Haze was just another example of why Life is Life and the rest of SF bores him.

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A thing to note: Psych outed me D1, and when Weapons died, he was cleared and I was confirmed 'mafia'. That was a really really dumb move on part of the town. I mean, I managed to live through the entire game. That should not be happening.

D2, everyone bandwagoned on Psych. D3, everyone bandwagoned on Excellen. After that, the town simply didn't seem to have the votes to overtake the lynch unless the hidden players outed themselves. So you can thank the stupidity of Psych and Excellen for your survival.

With what Psych did I'm surprised he's even bothering to join Spoon's game, although I think Spoon said he wouldn't be letting Psych in? He really shouldn't.

Also, Life has been doing his logic screen thing for a while. He definitely didn't start doing it after I told him about the game idea. I only got the idea for him to be a hidden player partway into our Smogon game, well after he had the idea for Disgaea - he was legitimately trying to make people play better.

He's letting Psych play? Damn.

Ah. That makes sense, although it wouldn't surprise me if he had came up with an idea like that.

Edited by Radiant Dragon
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<3 Logic screens

snike1: Hello
Rafi: What's up?
snike1: Not much.
snike1: I came asking for advice
snike1: with regards to Death Note
Rafi: Sure
Rafi: What's up?
snike1: Just trying to figure out what to do, as I'm in a peculiar position
Rafi: Sure
Rafi: You pull Light or something?
snike1: Mikami
snike1: so, I'm an independent until recruited
snike1: which basically means
Rafi: Well
snike1: I can't claim
Rafi: Today's your lucky day
Rafi: Guess who's Light?
Rafi: <<<
snike1: ...
snike1: WHAT.
Rafi: Dead serious
snike1: Oh wow
Rafi: Note that I didn't sign up
Rafi: Xeld came up to me with an idea
snike1: Obviam is a magnificent Bastard
Rafi: He wanted to make me a secret wolf
Rafi: Now what this means
Rafi: Is that you have to keep silent
Rafi: And I also need to find two other people asap
snike1: Makes some sense.
Rafi: Remember
Rafi: To everyone else
Rafi: I'm not playing
snike1: Alright.
Rafi: Want a copy of my role PM?
snike1: sure. We can trade them, right?
Rafi: Of course
Rafi: I need yours in return
Rafi: So that I know what you can do
Rafi: That being said, I hope you don't mind if I run the strategy show
Rafi: Since I'm "the logic screen"
snike1: Yeah, last time, I sort of bombed
Rafi: AKA I'm legit mind fucking this game
Rafi: I'm not playing in Disgaea though
snike1: so, via PM, or here?
Rafi: There I'm actually being a logic screen
Rafi: I'm forwarding it to you
snike1: I'm watching it
snike1: Disgaea*
Rafi: Sent
Rafi: Basically
Rafi: We're doubling the killing power
Rafi: That being said, we need to find Mello
snike1: We hit him, we win, basically
snike1: Has anyone else talked to you?
Rafi: Nope
Rafi: You're the first
snike1: wow.
Rafi: Basically, this works like Death Note itself
Rafi: I'll give you guys orders from the shadows
Rafi: You can talk to others yourself
Rafi: But don't kill yourself
snike1: we'll do the messy work
snike1: yep
Rafi: I'm basically safe
Rafi: I can get lynched
Rafi: Also, if you get lynched, don't leak my name
snike1: No problem
Rafi: If I survive, we win
snike1: That's what I thought.
Rafi: The reason I say "I" is because I'm hidden
snike1: Slayer's a townie 
Rafi: Really?
Rafi: Well, he's the town's first casualty
snike1: That's what he's saying on chess
Rafi: I'd like to know what Psych is
snike1: something crazt
snike1: crazy*
Rafi: I want to know what Psych is
Rafi: I'd rather get rid of the dumb players first
snike1: Makes sense.
Rafi: Can you get what WoMC is?
snike1: I'll try talking to them
Rafi: I don't want to be wasting my kill every night by inspecting
snike1: noted
Rafi: I can only find out stuff from people who talk to me
Rafi: I can't go up to them
snike1: That makes sense.
snike1: I'll go start looking aroudn
snike1: around*
snike1: also
snike1: has anyone else talked to you?
Rafi: Not yet
Rafi: Talk to me tomorrow
snike1: k

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With what Psych did I'm surprised he's even bothering to join Spoon's game, although I think Spoon said he wouldn't be letting Psych in? He really shouldn't.

He isn't signing up for my game, unless I didn't see his post (this is a distinct possibility). If he does, he isn't getting in anyways.

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With what Psych did I'm surprised he's even bothering to join Spoon's game, although I think Spoon said he wouldn't be letting Psych in? He really shouldn't.

When did I join his game? >_> Even I don't remember that.

Honestly, I probably did a 50/50 on whether what I did was good or bad. For one, Underground could have outrageously easily joined The World. JB even thought so. And the shit with Snike, I mean, It's not my fault you didn't lynch him.

I didn't even think to conclude Bal was playing, so outing him was more an accident since I thought he was pulling something on me.

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How would he be pulling anything on anyone if he wasn't playing

That said with hidden players plenty of non-playing members of the forum could have made fake lynch votes to mess with either faction. I kind of wish they had...

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