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I need some recommendations.

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I'll just recommend some of my favourites:

Raiden Fighters II (Arcade)

Darius Gaiden (Arcade)

DoDonPachi (Arcade)

Parodius (Arcade)

Breath of Fire III (PSX)

Chrono Trigger (SNES)

Shadowrun (SNES)

Deus Ex (PC)

Xenogears (PSX

Gradius (Arcade, first one)

Gynoug (Genesis/Megadrive)

Cho Aniki (PC Engine)

Final Fantasy IV (SNES)

Brigandine (PSX)

Edited by Nightmare
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My turn~!

Baten Kaitos (either one)

Anything with the words Pokemon Mystery Dungeon in it

Baroque (gameplay seems solid but I don't like post-apocalyptic stuff)


Tales of the Abyss (BTW, I'm Largo, nice to meet you)

. . .and just because I can. . .

Anything from the Etrian Odyssey series (III is my favorite)

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What console are these games for? If some of them are for Gamecube, PS2, Wii, PS3, etc. I guess I'll have to buy or rent them.

I could just download the rom and play it on the emulator if it's for older consoles (SNES, NES,etc.)

oh, and I already played Chrono Trigger and Final Fantasy IV. These two are the SNES games ever! and Gradius is a classic ^-^

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Edited my post to include the platforms.

I just recommended games that can be emulated easily, if you're open to doing that (and I assume you are, what with TearRing Saga and all).

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If you haven't already

Gradius 3 (SNES)

Contra 3 (SNES)

Dragon Quest 8 (PS2)

Golden Sun I & II (GBA)

Zelda Parallel Worlds (SNES, hack of Link To The Past).

Haven't played those listed game. I've heard good things about the Golden Sun series. so I'll give that a try.

Playing hacked roms can be fun sometimes. ^-^

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Here are some somewhat obscure suggestions fitting the genres you mentioned, that were really good imo.

-Sideshooter(like gradius)-UN Squadron (SNES)

-RPG-Suikoden 1-5 (psx-ps2)

-RPG-Xenosaga 1-3 (ps2) <-note: games have alot of cutscenes enough to say your playing a movie... otherwise great game.

-sideshooter-Vectorman 1-2(SegaG)

-RPG-Phantasy Star 1-4, and Portable 1-2(SegaMS, SegaG, and PSP)

-RPG-Tales of Anything (pick a console lol)

-RPG-Star Ocean 2(psx/psp)

-srpg-Shining Force 1-2(segaG)

I'm sure I have more but those should keep you busy enough. Most of those can be emulated without much hassle especially if you have a modded ps2. Enjoy.

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Could look into Minecraft, if building's your speed. I broke and bought Dawn of War 2: Retribution; it's better than dow2 vanilla by far. Fallout: New Vegas was quite good. Resident Evil 5 was superb on the PC. Go buy Recettear.

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Can anyone recommend a game or two for me to play? I mostly play RPG, Survival Horror, Adventure, Shoot'em up. sometimes First Person Shooter. Any game would do, as long as it's a good game.

Dead Space is a good survival horror/3rd person shooter, so I suggest that. (PS3/Xbox360)

Radiant Historia (DS)

Sands of Destruction (DS)

Glory of Heracles (DS)

Etrian Odyssey (1-3, DS)

Fire Emblem :D

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Left 4 Dead is a fantastic game, if you're looking for something on the PC. Ogre Battle: The March of the Black Queen and Bahamut Lagoon are two great SNES strategy games you might want a look at.

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Professor Layton, do it.

Now, now, I know you didn't mention puzzle games as something you're into, but I generally don't like puzzle games either. Layton is just that fantastic. I put it on my Christmas list on a whim, and I now have an obsessive-compulsive puzzle-solving disorder. The super-varied puzzles are great and the mystery stories are very engrossing. There are three NA games currently: the Curious Village, the Diabolical Box, and the Unwound Future; they can be played out of order, since they are only loosely connected.

-Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep [PSP] and/or Kingdom Hearts Re:coded [DS]... or the KH series in general

-Any Zelda you haven't already played

-Little King's Story [Wii]

-Dragon Quest IX [DS]

-Metroid Prime 1 & 3 (Metroid Prime Trilogy [Wii] might just be the best game deal ever - three spectacular games in one with improved controls)

-Metroid Zero Mission [GBA], Super Metroid [sNES], Metroid Fusion [GBA]

-Pokemon Soulsilver/Heartgold and Black/White [DS]

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I'll post a couple of each of the genre you listed:

Any of the Final Fantasies between 7-10. Earlier sequentially, the better.

Breath of Fire III/IV. Rich storyline, interesting characters and recurring themes, and if you play the rest of the series, a kind of neat meta-story that is fun to debate with the ten other people that have played these games. Check them out, they're worth it. I'm now going to go start a new game and power through them, thanks me.

Lunar: Eternal Blue. This game's like ten times better than Silver Star Story, and even though you should play that first to get a few events in this game, it's not completely necessary and this one's still fun as hell. Bit more generic on the characterization side, though. I'd take this one a bit lighter than the others, nostalgia's pretty powerful with the Lunar games.

Legend of Dragoon. Lots of DRAMA. And TWISTS. Oooh. Aah. But mostly it's pretty cool because your characters can change into armored flying badasses with super powers. The plot's neat and anime-y, the music's solid, and the graphics are good. Were good. For their time. Try it out.

Actraiser. This one's kinda cool, you basically play as a god that goes through side-scrolling levels fighting, but after you win each level, you go to a bird's eye view of a huge island where you have to manage believers' livelihood, letting you level up and get stronger for bigger baddies and harder levels. It's pretty fun, I'd recommend trying it out. I think I remember the sequel sucking because it wasn't the same as the first, though.

Chrono Cross. I don't care what anyone says, I love this game like a goddamn child. It has a rich and deliciously confusing plot, ridiculously diverse characters, almost all of them with a personal accent represented the best I've seen in any videogame relying on text. There's so much color to this game your eyes will bleed with orgasm, and the soundtrack. Dear God don't get me started on how amazing this game's soundtrack is. Play this game and like it. Or be like everyone else and hate it while I go cry in a corner because you people don't like what I like.

I could seriously ramble on about RPGs, especially JRPGs, for literal hours. I think you should check these ones out before going for other titles, though.

I don't generally play Survival Horror. I mean, I don't go looking for them to play. I know about classics like Clocktower, Fatal Frame, and Eternal Darkness, and I've wanted to play them badly for years, but I never got around to trying them out. I mean, I can make recommendations here, but they're titles you've probably played by now. Resident Evil, Amnesia, etc.

I'd totally give you some recommendations for Adventure, Shmups, and FPS, but it's like three o'clock.

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Actraiser. This one's kinda cool, you basically play as a god that goes through side-scrolling levels fighting, but after you win each level, you go to a bird's eye view of a huge island where you have to manage believers' livelihood, letting you level up and get stronger for bigger baddies and harder levels. It's pretty fun, I'd recommend trying it out. I think I remember the sequel sucking because it wasn't the same as the first, though.

Actually, you play as the God and battle Satan. Seriously. That makes the game so much more appealing.

But yeah, I second ActRaiser. Besides being a really good game with an amazing soundtrack (one of Koshiro's best works), I'm also kind of a sucker for good vs. evil stories and objective morality and all that, so I really love the subtle messages it has. It's basically an allegory, which makes it surprising that it was released in the West at all, even though it censors God to "Master" and Satan to "Tanzra" but the allegory is still obvious.

And about the sequel, it's usually overlooked because of how unrelentingly difficult it is at some points, but it really gets better once you get used to it, and once you can see beyond the difficulty, it's an absolutely stellar game, with magnificent platforming and some very nice concepts. The music isn't as good as the first game, but the graphics are very, very gorgeous. It also has a much darker tone than the previous game.

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Though you know, I think I remember it suggesting that, like, you as God were evil or something. I could have sworn there was some eerie music while the angel talks to you at one point that intimates that you're totally not a good guy, even though you were doing lots of good somehow. I don't know. >__>

And I liked the LOOK of Actraiser, but from what I could tell it was a straight platformer, so I wasn't very interested.

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Though you know, I think I remember it suggesting that, like, you as God were evil or something. I could have sworn there was some eerie music while the angel talks to you at one point that intimates that you're totally not a good guy, even though you were doing lots of good somehow. I don't know. >__>

Nothing like that in either game as far as I can remember. >_>

And I liked the LOOK of Actraiser, but from what I could tell it was a straight platformer, so I wasn't very interested.

Go play it anyway. It's a straight platformer, but the stages are genius. Genius, I tell you!

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Nothing like that in either game as far as I can remember. >_>

Maybe I'm just inherently distrustful of little cherubs flying around and worshiping me, or something.

Go play it anyway. It's a straight platformer, but the stages are genius. Genius, I tell you!

[ ] Meh

[ ] Not meh

[X] No Country For Old Meh

Maybe I'll try it. Maybe. MAYBE.

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