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Who Gets What?

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So, title implies, who does better with what weapon? Specifically unique ones.

I.E. Seth does better with Aud. for XYZ Reasons.

No, he does better with Vidofnir for ABC Reasons.

I choose Vidofnir personally.

A response can be opinionated or factual, so long as it's pointed out.

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So, title implies, who does better with what weapon? Specifically unique ones.

I.E. Seth does better with Aud. for XYZ Reasons.

No, he does better with Vidofnir for ABC Reasons.

I choose Vidofnir personally.

A response can be opinionated or factual, so long as it's pointed out.

Go with S lances for better accuracy 1-2 range and more critical :)

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Those weapons generally ORKO everything, so the minor differences between them don't matter. It's more important what weapon type is most convenient throughout the game to use (and therefore, to S rank). For Seth or any other mounted unit, that's lances, so they can fight over Vidofnir. Pretty much all the primary axe users are equally slow, so they can all function well with Garm. You'll usually only have one bow user, if not zero, so that's Nidhogg for you. Same for swords and all those magic types.

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Usually so. Those minor differences CAN make a bit of a difference though. Vido.'s +5 Def saved Seth's ass in my Eirika Seth solo while DEFENDIN TEH POPE playing chapter 19. That also means Eirika has an extra Audhulma to use.

Edited by Joerachi
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Joshua gets Audhulma, Cormag or Amelia gets Vidofnir (in terms of countries it'd be Tana), Ross gets Garm (country=Duessel), Neimi gets Nidhogg (Country=Innes), Artur gets Ivaldi (though i also give him Aura, country=L'Arachel, though I make her a Mage Knight), Lute gets Excalibur (country=Ewan or Saleh as closest, as Caer Pelyn lies on the border of Jehanna), Knoll gets Gleipnir (I make Ewan a druid with S in anima), and L'Arachel gets Latona.

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Joshua almost always gets Audhulma in my game, usually with A Natasha/B Gerik for a bit of an Attack/Crit boost. He usually either caps or does very well with Strength, and will almost always cap Skill, so he's quite powerful. Not to mention the avoid boost he gets from max Speed and that support.

Vidofnir usually goes to my strongest Falconknight, which tends to be Vanessa because of her supports and the fact she's been promoted longer. However, I have given it to Cormag and Franz before with wonderful results.

Excalibur ALWAYS goes to Lute. No question.

Ivaldi has been passed around between Artur and Natasha, usually going to the latter because Latona goes to Moulder or L'Arachel. She usually supports Joshua, Franz, or Cormag so she gets an attack boost from an A/B combo of the three men. Artur doesn't see much face time anymore unless he's going to support Lute.

Latona goes to Natasha if she's not going to use Ivaldi, but usually goes to L'Arachel otherwise.

Garm usually goes to Duessel just because he's the main axe user who, you know, gets used. Garcia and Ross barely get fielded in my game, so by default Duessel gets it. Usually he'll support Cormag for some more power.

Gleipnir...never gets used because of the failure of Knoll and Ewan. It rots in supply.

Nidhogg usually goes to Neimi but has been used in Innes' hands before. I even once had a Ranger!Gerik use it.

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Usually I do:

Audhulma joshua

Garm Ross

Vidofnir Tana

Excaliber Lute

Glepnist Artur is fun via glitch, but most people don't like that so Ewan

Ivaldi Artur if I don't feel like s in dark magic, if I do then L'Arachel

Latona Natasha

Nidhogg Gerik

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I tend to wait until the last chapter to use the Sacred Twins, but...

Audhulma - Joshua

Vidofnir - Uhhh...

Garm - Gerik

Nidhogg - Neimi

Excalibur - Lute or L'Arachel

Ivaldi - Natasha or L'Arachel

Gleipnir - lol dark S rank tomes

Latona - An S rank in staves is pretty useless IMHO.

Edited by Metal King Slime
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I prefer to have Seth S swords, personally.

This accounting for that I did a Sethsolo (EirHM), and Audulma saved his ass on the gorgon chapter. Those things hit hard. Base Eirika did not help.

Audhulma also has 3 more mt, and helps with lategame bosses. Like Lyon. Audhulma smacks that bitch like no tomorrow. Vidofnir is weaker and doesn't help with Mdef.

But this is coming from Sethsolo run, so I fed him whatever statboosters I had anyway where he had 23+3 DEF from dragging around base Eiri for the entire game.

All other units don't really exist for me, otherwise. Well, Joshua and Gerik does sometimes because I like them, but that's it. Might hand Audhulma to Josh and grind the hell outta Gerik's axe rank via Devil Axe for that if I do use them.

Usually so. Those minor differences CAN make a bit of a difference though. Vido.'s +5 Def saved Seth's ass in my Eirika Seth solo while DEFENDIN TEH POPE playing chapter 19. That also means Eirika has an extra Audhulma to use.

Or you can clear it in three turns if you give Seth the C15 Swiftsole before the reinforcements come. This is when Audulma-smacking Riev comes in handy. I don't feel like pulling up stats off hand, though.

Edited by Luminescent Blade
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Audhulma goes to Gerik.

Vidofnir goes to whichever GK needs it most.

Garm usually goes to Garcia, who I make a Hero along with Ross and Gerik.

Nidhogg goes to Innes.

Excalibur is Saleh's.

Gleipnir...is there anyone who can even GET to S-rank Dark? Knoll doesn't count because he can't fight. Ewan isn't a unit.

I've forgotten what Latona does.

What are a Light rank? Seriously, if I train Artur he goes Sage. It's worse, but I prefer Sages.

Edited by Furetchen
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Latona is one of the Rausten Sacred Twins, a staff that functions like FE6's Holy Maiden, being able to heal all allies to full health and also removing status effects from all of them. Oh and... the S-Light tome in the game is Ivaldi.

Let's see...

Audhulma = Kyle, obviously... The glaring RES weakness!

Vidofnir = Seth, make the enemies TINK on you!

Nidhogg = Neimi, no contest...

Gleipnir = Either I shoot myself in the foot with Ewan, or play an unlucky gamble with Knoll

Excalibur = Lute, nuff said

Ivaldi = Artur, I'll be going Sage!Artur since Ivaldi neutralizes the Slayer ability which is not what I want on a Bishop

Garm = Heh... I'm torn between Ross and Gerik, I'll choose my poison!

Latona = L'Arachel, cause of the MOV and the staff utility

Edited by Frostbite
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This is usually how I dispense my sacred twins:

Audhulma: I normally stick it on Hat, him being the prince of Jehanna and all. That and his res sucks.

Vidofnir: I usually give it to fugly, as her def is substantially worse than Cornmug's(Tana is looking at 13def at 20/10). That and Gil wants Garm more.

Garm: While Ross is a beast with it, I mostly give it to Bojangles. It's not like he can double non-slug enemies without it. lol30spdgrowth.

Nidhogg: Crybaby. She's the only one besides lolInnes who can use the thing. And no, Ranger!Gerik is not the answer. It never was and will never be.

Excalibur: Lute. I'm not a big fan of prepromotes(which counts Saleh out), and I don't feel like tower abusing Ewan or L'arachael(and who the hell makes Ewan a mage when shaman is superior?)

Ivaldi: Eh. Natasha has basically sole claim to it, as Boulder and Artur can go fuck themselves, and babying grossly underleveled units is not worth it in FE8.

Gleipnir: Dark magic sucks giant donkey dick in FE8, though I'll give it to Ewan if I ever get around to tower abusing him(which is never in an efficient playthrough.) And no, I'm not using Knoll unless I want a summoner, which I seldom need because Gilliam exists.

Latona: LOLWUT?!

Edited by DA125
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I just wrapped up yet another FE8 PT in which I actually used all of the Sacred Weapons. Here was the breakdown:

Obviously the twincest got their respective weapons. Eirika had A Seth/B Ephraim and Ephraim had A Tana/B Eirika.

Audhulma went, basically by default, to Swordmaster!Joshua, who had A Gerik/B Natasha.

Excalibur went to my AMAZING Sage!Lute, who critted the DK after two pokes of Vidofnir. She had A Vanessa/B Knoll.

Gleipnir went to Druid!Knoll. This is the FIRST time I ever used him and got...decent results. He was responsible for defeating Lyon. Somehow he doubled him and got a crit on the second attack with GleipI'mgonnaslowyouthefuckdownnir. B Duessel/B Lute.

Garm was going to go to Duessel but I gave it to Hero!Gerik who capped STR and had A Joshua/B Tethys going for him, aka full crit over Duessel's almost full attack with A Cormag/B Knoll.

Vidofnir went, once again by default, to Falconknight!Vanessa, who had A Lute/B Moulder.

Nidhogg went to Sniper!Neimi who had A Colm/B Gilliam.

Ivaldi went to Valkyrie!Natasha with A Franz/B Joshua supports.

Latona went to Sage!Moulder who had A Gilliam/B Lute.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Depends on who I'm using in a particular playthrough. My fliers tend to have dibs on Vidofnir, and sword-locked units get Audhulma, while whatever's left over will go to my mounted units and such. There's really no competition for the other weapons. ewan gets gleipnir

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Audhulma - Joshua

Vidofnir - Tana

Garm - Duessel

Nidhogg - Gerik

Excalibur - Lute

Ivaldi - Artur

Gleipinir - Ewan

Latona - L'Arachel

Sieglinde - Eirika

Siegmund - Ephraim

Yeah, I'm probably the only one here who gives Nidhogg to Gerik instead of Neimi.

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