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Fire Emblem - Heart of Steel(Demo-out!)


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There are. People don't seek them out. They just keep creating limited lists, with each new list becoming more and more provincial, leaving out a mass of others, and including only hacks known by close proximity.

When people don't seek things out, but only record that's near them, they tend to miss out on... everything. The pinned binary thread is a pretty alright index, for the most part. There's a varied amount of information allocated throughout it.

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The binary index is a good one. For binary, anyhow. It doesn't include everything... nothing does. Aaand, hmm, maybe someone should split off these posts so we don't derail this guy's topic discussing how the FE Community can't get people to make a good hacking directory/hack list. XD

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Well, due to the recent criticism on everything I have done thus far. I have decided to gut it, and start anew.

However, I am looking for someone who can either

1) Sprite for me OR

2) Teach me how to sprite better

Also, I am looking for someone who can mentor me as well, answer random questions I have along with tune-up something that is not quite right.

I will be handling most of the work myself, but a little help would be quite beneficial.

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Why not just lift graphics from the hundreds of games that already exist--hell, half of them people wouldn't even recognize if you picked the right ones.

Because certain people who do notice would make it their personal campaign to expose and degrade the hack.

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People can do that about any aspect they want, and it's all legit. Lifting graphics, splicing, and making your own are all able to be criticized. So that's no reason :/

Wow, I agree with Celice. This is madness :E

butyeah, Fitz, do whatever you want with the mugs. Practice some more, lift some, splice moar; whatever works best for yah :F

Edited by seph1212
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If they bring up a vendetta purely for the sake of vendetta, there's no reason to pay attention to them. Now, if they have actual things worth noting (criticism), that's one thing. Bashing over nonsense things--there's an ignore feature on the forums.

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I'm getting better at spriting. They aren't amazing, but they aren't uber-distracting that playing the hack becomes impossible.

I finished two(2 main lords)



Not amazing, but the colors all look good, the face is spliced, so it isn't similar to others.



This one was tricky, It's Hector's class so I needed to use his body. I edited it the best I could.

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The shading in this general area for the second one:


looks pretty funky under his chin (on his neck) and on the trim.

Otherwise, yay, pretty good splices~ Nice and clean, even if they are a little simple, but clean is what you should be going for. You can make them more advanced later, if you want :3

Now, the thing that needs addressing on these are your frames, both for blinking and mouths. They both look blegh. And your half closed blinking frames look pretty meh.

I have a tut for blinking frames:


and you can use this if want to fix up those frames.

As for mouths, I just suggest you use the original mouth frames.

But, hey, you're improving :P

Be proud of that, at least.

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Congratulations, you've already surpassed my spriting ability. Good thing I'm not making the graphics for my hack.

And that's a pretty good tut, Seph, definitely helped me with the eyes half closed frames. I never realized it could be so simple as lowering some pixels and cleaning.

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And that's a pretty good tut, Seph, definitely helped me with the eyes half closed frames. I never realized it could be so simple as lowering some pixels and cleaning.

Ahaha, thanks XD

A lot of things in spriting are simpler than people think, it just takes an example, or some practice, to see them.

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Congratulations, you've already surpassed my spriting ability. Good thing I'm not making the graphics for my hack.

I think this pretty much summed up my reaction to those sprites.

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Yeah, I see what everyone is saying about his left eye, it does look off. I will look it over later.

However, I was bored this morning and had an idea to create an animation. To go along with my ideas that I had planned for later on.


This would be a swordsman. Nothing more than a soldier with a sword.

This is going with my idea of having 4 different kinds of solders. With different weapons of course. Lance and sword are already done.

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That looks pretty cool, just one thing, if you don't mind. The blur frames should be edited to match the new weapon as well, mainly the first frame in the 2nd row, the last frame in the first row, and the dodge frame. One good test is to put the actual weapon over the blur frame and see if they align, and if they do, then you're set.


As you can see their, the alignment isn't perfect, so depending on how good you want your sprite to be/how much of a perfectionist you have the time to be, you may or may not want to touch that up.

But in general I think it's a very nice sheet.

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Yes, I do see what you mean. I will look it over.

All 3 lords mugs are edited. Here they are:

jenn.png Jenn - Lyn's Class, needed to keep hairstyle the same for the class.

ryane.png Ryan - Hector's Class, same as before, fixed eyes and weird shading

scottm.png Scott - Eliwood's Class, also the same, just edited blinking frames

They go in order of age actually. They are all siblings as well.

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Jenn's eyes are too low, and her neck is thin. Some of her bangs seem to have been cut off, as well.

And I see no reason for why you would have to keep the front of the hair for Jenn the same, or ever the ponytail. You could change around both. If you want it to match the animation, all you'd need is a ponytail, not necessarily Lyn's.

Edited by seph1212
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