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Round 29 SF Splicing Competition


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Basic rules:

  • No mass Customing, you may custom a bit to make your mug look good/making it work, such as working on shading a bit, but try not to go overboard.
  • You can use any color palette, you aren't chained to FE colors, go ahead and recolor to your hearts content.
  • You have to use at least 1 piece of each mug, that shouldn't be too hard.
  • You may use only the set given, no other mugs.
  • 16 color limit, don't go crazy with your colors. >_> 15 on your mug +1 for background. This might be a bit of trouble for some, so I'll be a bit lenient with this rule. I just don't want to see mugs with like 50 colors with rainbows.
  • The winner will be determined by voting, if there is a tie, the poll will be edited to include only the ties, and revoted upon.
  • FOR VOTING YOU MAY NOT VOTE FOR YOURSELF, it is dishonorable to yourself.
  • Hosts may enter contests
  • Only 1 mug per member
  • Winner of the contest will choose the next set, but seriously, don't be a jerk and choose a set with all different body sizes/things that won't fit, choose things that would be an interesting set

Deadline: March 21st

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I think ya missed the point of the contest a bit. It's not a bad sprite, but its supposed to be a splice. Like, a really heavy splice.

Awesome, sprite though. I'd vote for it if it gets accepted.

EDIT: ninja'd kind of

Edited by Maklo
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It's a splice. He explained it in his gallery, asking if he should enter it.

MK, I think you should explain how it's a splice, otherwise people will QQ about how much better it is about how they can't recognize it.

@iavasechui: If you're seriously confused about that, you should have been here when Waqwaq and Vamp participated. They would have blown your mind.

Edited by seph1212
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Actually, I read that post right after making mine in this topic.

Though, I gotta say I'm really curious as to which parts belong to who.

The hair/fur parts belong to Fir and Lyn I assume kinda obvious. The eyes are Lyn's maybe? And I guess he used one of them one as a base for the whole body. Just some guesses. Lalum's my guess

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A'ight, so how I made my entry (I'm assuming OPV in this process):


-The bald part is part of Lyn's hair, reshaded.

-The chin structure is combined from Fir's (which is stretched a tad) and Lyn's.

-The nose is Fir's nose, reshaded a skin tone darker, and Lyn's nose combined.

-The eyes are Lyn's, shrunk.

-The eyebrows are a combo of Lyn's and Fir's, then fixed up.

-The ear is also a Lyn-Fir combo.

-The tattoo is the red design on Lyn's clothing.

-The mouth is Lalum's, stretched and recolored.


-Most of the hair is the left portion of Fir's hair. Part of her ponytail is also used.

-Lalum contributed the piece of hair that points nearly straight up.

-The furthest back strand was from Lyn.

BODY, Neck and Chest:

-Most of the neck is Lyn's, stretched out.

-Fir's neck became the left side of the neck.

-The muscle definition is a piece of Lyn's hair (For the left side) and Fir's hair (For the right)

-The clavicles are Lalum's, stretched a length.

BODY, Arms:

-The shoulder armor's trim is pieces of the trim on Lyn and Fir's clothing.

-Most of the shading on the armor are several bits and pieces of shading from the three mugs, fitted as necessary.

-The fur tuft on the strap is hair from all three of them.

-The strap itself is made predominantly from Lalum's shirt-straps, with Lyn's shirt-clip added on.

-The bare arm is also Lyn's head, shrunk down and reshaded.

Dat's how I did it.

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Oh MK, you and your weird splices. :P

Anyway heres mine. Yeah i wanted to enter cuz the set is kinda nice.


Sacaen Chun Li?

Ooh she kind of reminds me of my very first splice, though that was Fir, Lalum, and Amelia.

alexisversion2.png(^_^; this was my very first splice ever)

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