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Lord of Azure Flame Chapter 24: The Schism


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Luc Altair

So this, Luc looked over the impressive mercenary boss, was Ivanko himself? Certainly he had the stature to be him. Not that the whole conversation with various uses of his name didn't seal it. But most important was the no arms spy commet. That could only be Paul, what was he doing out? Was that contact part of his orders--Luc recalled the Paul-only message at the bottom of the report scroll--or the black-cloaked spy's own madcap plans? It was impossible to tell Paul's line of thought.

Princess Charlotte chose to take a seat next to Luc. He acknowledge her with a nod, not wanting to bring anymore concentration away from the other scene forming in front of him. It wasn't going well, the initial hostility between the confrontation was growing at a steady pace and no one wanted to stop it. Not without violence at any rate. Staying at this location would be impossible if a large fight broke out, and that was the very, very least of Luc's worries. He knew of how easy it was to get carried away in the heat of battle, if anyone fought, a predicted light blow could turn into a misstep and be fatal. This was no spar, both sides would be looking to hurt and incapacitate the other. Dammit, they couldn't afford this.

Before things could come to blows however, General Alex saw fit to arrive. She--so she was a woman but why wasn't she hiding it anymore? Did something happen? Did Luc already know this and forgot again? Cursed memory and all the difficult things he needed to remember. Her question was a simple report on the current situation facing them all. Princess Charlotte spoke before Luc, informing the General of some things. Luc filled in a bit more. "They've also returned Colonel Damian Kleine as well, their desire to take Irina with them is great enough for force, if needed."

If necessary turned true as a brawl between them broke out before the Count's very eyes. What madness! Irina was down in seconds and Isotov was sent flying out of the Inn. Such a monstrous difference in strength, but one that might be needed in the days ahead. Could he abandon those two to an unknown and pessemistic fate for an advantage later? But Isotov being one of the bearers, but Damian was also absent for a time--this was not easy. But if they were taking Isotov, Morgan would surely have raised against it. So weren't they? Just taking Irina was a fair trade for Ivanko's might further on, but would he help? Would Isotov sit still either way?

If someone else in the group stood against this, Luc would as well. But for now, Luc kept his gaze sharp, he would wait.

A Paul

Paul had gone back to the roof of the house he had forcibly taken away and was sitting on the edge waiting for the mercs or, whatever it was that one guy was that one with the bad hair problem, to arrive. They didn't see him, because he didn't want to be seen because he was a spy. He figured he'd just annoy them some more on their way back or out of town or whatever it was they were going. Oh yeah, those other things, the chicky heal-guy and the ugly-ass wyvern were here too. But they were unimportant.

Waiting was boring, so Paul started snacking on another apple. Just in time for the fire-jerk to be knocked out the Inn. "Wowwie!" Paul shouted. "Now that's a hit!" He laughed. Oh man, that'd like, break bone and stuff. The ugly-wyvern tried getting his own licks in on the half-dead flame poser but he limped out of the way. "Better heal'em up good man!" Paul shouted as the two staffers went over to him. "Wow, I mean, you probably weigh more than me too, I almost wonder if Ivanko could knock me outta the town hahahahaha!" Paul craned back his head and laughed.

"Man, this is getting the old assassin blood of mine boiling! Bring this fight outside whooooo!" Paul shouted. "I wanna see it, the beatdown, the breakdown, the crushing , stabbing, slashing, cutting, burning, hurting, pain, suffering, victory, lose!" Paul slide down from the roof. And laughed.


Fargo ignored everything, more content on eating than fighting.

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Tessa had followed in Irina's footsteps to the common room, but during the clash with Ixion, it became pretty clear that she really wasn't needed indoors at the moment, having nothing to chime in with and say for support. After a few moments of hesitation, feeling a little uncomfortable watching the argument unfold, she snuck around back to drink a glass of juice, putting the finishing touches on the morning meal she had rushed through earlier, enjoying the generally refreshing feeling it left after passing down her throat.

Ixion had then exited the inn, on account of bringing back the big man himself, and the general area was left in a sort of awkward, tense environment. Esphyr had pulled Damian away for a conversation, so Tessa had lost her chance at any further reunion for the moment, but muted concern still lingered at the back of her mind. She would have to figure out just how to proceed with that later...

Other subjects were more forefront for the moment; even though it had become clear that she had misinterpreted the situation about Kiev, it didn't seem like a bad idea to maybe go see how he was doing anyway, and then go to see Trevor after. Following through on this idea, the troubadour had headed outside, passing behind Prince Tristan and the monk while they were conversing, before making her way to where the wyvern had taken up a sort of residence, several yards beyond the stables. The area had actually become something of a little wyvern-town, with Krinkov resting in an alley nearby, and that new courier's wyvern had curled itself up and was engaged in performing the best boulder imitation it could muster. Kiev himself had been gazing at the stables, and Tessa got to wondering what he might be thinking, as this wasn't the first time the beast had seemed more than a little fascinated with the horses, at least that she could recall, but she gently lay a hand against one of his flanks and closed her eyes and concentrated.

Tessa would be the first to admit that she didn't know much, if anything, about wyvern biology, but the healer figured the basic principles ought to be similar to those she was familiar with. A brief check revealed that there weren't any visible external injuries, and for the moment his breathing was just fine, and his pulse was steady. It had been nothing but a misunderstanding on her part after all it seemed: something not heard quite right, or a bad assumption from hastily drawn conclusions. Smiling in the warmth of the morning sun, she let her own breathing fall in time, synchronized with Kiev's, and just stood there a moment, leaning in with a bit more of her weight and propping herself comfortably.

When the bulk she had been resting up against then suddenly shuffled backward without warning, it came as a surprise. Eyelids flicking open, she couldn't quite manage to save herself from falling on her ass, and a painful twinge from her tailbone ran along throughout her body, accompanied by a slight stinging from a scraped palm. Bringing her wits to bear, the cause for Kiev's sudden retreat became apparent, as a massive wvyern that looked vaguely familiar had come along, occupying a large section of the road where previously there had been none. While trying to recall just where she might have seen that before, further developments unfolded, with an airborne Isotov coming flying self-propelled out of the inn door, landing in a heap on his back only mere paces from the giant beast. Such unexpected encroachment must have triggered a defensive reflex and it snarled and attempted to bat at him, though the fire mage managed to extricate himself from the situation.

Jumping to her feet and quickly brushing herself off, she moved towards Isotov, but was beaten to him by Stephanie and a man she'd never seen before. Confident the other healer would take care of whatever needed doing, she turned her attention back to the gargantuan beast. It was clearly still in a state of agitation, and continued to make aggressive posturing. Trying to remember back to how she had handled things with Ulfhrahn when Aiya had been shot down and the two had crashed, weeks ago, Tessa settled on trying to maintain a balance between assertive and submissive behavior. Keeping her head low and avoiding eye contact, she spoke in a steady voice with a confident tone to it while advancing a few careful steps.

"I know that might have made you uncomfortable, but it sure seems Isotov didn't enjoy it either. Just... calm down, back off, and let him alone."

The sound of angry voices from behind her tempted her to look back, but she wanted to make sure the situation here was under control first.

Edited by Balcerzak
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Something Different

Kiev hadn't been sure why Tessa was paying attention to him all of a sudden, but he wasn't going to complain. The little wyverns had been getting all of the love and attention lately so he was happy he wasn't completely forgotten. His appreciation was put on hold when his father showed up however.

While Stephanie and O'Donnel healed the fractures they discovered in Iso's ribcage, Victor stared down the small human female making noise at him. Not that it was incomprehensible noise, many of the words he easily recognized, but to him it was still just noise. Then, to keep to his standards, he took a step toward her snarling, the sound drawing the other wyverns' attention right to him. Krinkov rose up in shock, and Kiev couldn't help but lean in Tessa's direction fearing for her safety. He knew his father would like nothing better than an opportunity to divide the small dog summoner into as many pieces as possible before Ivanko returned, and as scared and rightfully so as he was ... he ... wasn't going to let that happen. He made sure to stay within a few feet of her from that point onward, trembling all the while.

O'Donnel took one look at the situation unfolding near them and made a simple comment.

O'Donnel: Oh dear.

Stephanie: What is it? *gasp* Oh dear.

Iso followed suit at first.

Iso: Oh crap. T-Tes-argh, this hurts. Tessa, keep your distance! Victor's a savage! He hates humans with a passion! First chance he gets, he'll ... h-just get back ...

Stephanie: Iso stop moving!

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Part of a Crowd

Well this was getting interesting. Reika had watched the entire spectacle with Ivanko, Irnia, and Ixion from beginning to end and upon learning that the Ivanko Mercenaries planned a rebellion to overthrow their king, Reika's respect for them suddenly grew.

I mean, who doesn't want to get rid of tyrannical douchebags? I can certainly understand that given...well....that. Of course that'll mean they'll be in charge if they win and considering who they are and what I've seen of them, they're probably going to be just as bad, possibly worse than the old ruler. But hey, I don't live in Zaftra myself so it's not my concern.

Things got ugly when Irina and Ivanko began to fight, Irina getting slammed down easily, not bothering to use any weapons.

Idiot. In a situation like that, if you have to fight, use a knife, use a lance, use anything better than your fists. Not that you should've been fighting him to begin with. You knew he was out of your league, so you were going to Zaftra anyway. It's called picking your battles and you would've ended up in a better shape.

Then Iso charged in and also tried to punch Ivanko in the face, apparently learning from the inn burning incident before that using fire magic in a wooden building was a very bad idea. It didn't take long for Ivanko to literally kick him out the door.

Is he dumber than his sister? You're attacking a man who easily downed a wyvern rider physically stronger than you in seconds and you're charging at him with your fists? What an asshole. Wish I could get out of the group that easily.

Deciding to take a peek out the door, she was surprised to find Tessa right near an aggressive bull wyvern. It was snarling and heading towards her.

Oh....shit.....I'm going to lose a sparring partner and someone who's willing to heal me. Dammit woman, get out of the way! I just had breakfast and I don't want to see someone get massacred by a wyvern this early.

"I can't watch," said Reika without realizing it, covering her eyes and turning her head away from what would surely be a gruesome spectacle.

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Tessa was having considerably less success pacifying this bull than she'd hoped for. Letting out a particularly loud growl as it continued forward, she couldn't help but flinch, probably ruining her attempt to display a facade of strength to the beast. Backpedaling several steps she gazed up, and found that she was still uncomfortably close to the exceedingly toothy grin of the giant wyvern, and she saw what seemed to be feral malice when she accidentally caught its gaze.

"Why didn't that work," she mumbled to herself, "Maybe it's testing me, and I just need to keep it up?" she wondered. Voices calling out from behind her dispelled that notion quickly though. Shouting past some coughs Isotov had called out that the beast, Victor, was savage, and she finally remembered where she'd come across it before. Victor was the name of Ivanko's wyvern, Isotov's uncle's, and at the dragon's graveyard, it had leapt at Kiev and started mauling the younger wyvern. She'd been occupied with other things at the time, in the wake of the fight with the creatures guarding the place prior to his arrival, so hadn't caught the event from start to finish, but having seen the wounds and the aftermath Victor had left was enough.

If she got caught up in that...

Sis was always telling her she needed to be more careful, less reckless, and there was simply no denying it in this instance. Scrabbling back several more yards, she called out the obvious question, "If it's so wild and untrained, why is it in the middle of a populated area! This is bad..."

Edited by Balcerzak
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OOC: Assuming Sadie left the room after Arrin asked her.

"What's wrong? I look funny or something?" Kelas asked, slightly alarmed, as Sadie passed her on her way out. Had Miranda done something to her that she hadn't noticed...? She didn't think just knocking could have startled Arrin that badly, and it didn't look like he'd been doing anything that would make him nervous about getting caught.

"N-nothing!" Arrin was desperately trying to unhear what Beau had told him, but it wasn't working, and every second Kelas stayed in the room was making him more uncomfortable.

"Something's the matter, clearly," Kelas replied, closing the door and sitting down on the bed across from the table where Arrin had been working. "You okay? You're not sick are you?" She got up and crossed the room to put a hand on Arrin's forehead for a moment, trying to check his temperature. She was surprised when he flinched away.

"I'm fine!" Arrin insisted. He didn't want to think about where Beau implied Kelas' hands might have been, but the information was coming up unbidden anyway. Maybe he should just get this over with... "AllrightfineI'lltellyouwhathappened," he said hurriedly, getting a confused frown from Kelas. "Er... Beau was telling me things and..."

He proceeded to repeat Beau's assumptions about Kelas, followed by a brief summary of what Beau had told him after-- he assumed that Kelas would at least realize the discomfort of talking about the subject.

Kelas' face went steadily redder as Arrin's explanation went on, and her dismay was apparent. When Arrin broke off, she buried her forehead in her hands for a moment, trying to think up an adequate response. "...Where the hell did Beau come up with that?!" she finally managed to splutter.


"That first bit, that's all storytelling! I know he's your friend but I don't appreciate him filling your head with lies!"

"Which part of it wasn't true?" Arrin asked, hoping that he'd be able to put some of the most uncomfortable information out of his mind by virtue of it being false.

"The whole story about me," Kelas replied, still bright red. "I'm not-- we were-- are--" she corrected; Arrin couldn't know what was going on there yet, that people were leaving-- "no more than friends. Where the hell did he get that we were engaged--?! that's the most ridiculous thing I've heard all day... but yeah, someone was making shit up, whether it was Beau or whoever he heard it from. I'll have to talk to him..." She shuddered; that was going to be awkward.

"There was no sleeping in the same room or... er... hallway, then?" Arrin couldn't make himself properly refer to the incidents, but he needed confirmation.

"Er... yeah, those happened, but not at all like Beau told you," Kelas admitted, staring determinedly into space. "I guess you were out in the barn with Tessa for all the singing, but someone switched up the drinks at my table, and, well, I can't really hold alcohol. I got drunk enough that I couldn't really walk straight, so Isotov helped me upstairs and I... er... I'm not entirely sure how, but I managed to knock him over and fell asleep with my head on his shoulder," she continued, volume dropping in embarrassment toward the end. "But nothing happened, see," she was quick to add. "As for the hall, that was an unfortunate accident, and neither of us enjoyed it; someone-- one of the cleaning staff--" she lied to cover her story, "decided he was in the wrong room right as I was about to come back in, and pushed him out. Only reason we weren't up when Tobe and Beau went by was falling kinda hurts, and we'd both got the air knocked out of our lungs from it." Her face was still bright red, but eventually that would recede... probably.

Arrin was infinitely more inclined to believe Kelas' explanation; it was much better for his peace of mind. "Ah. That sounds awkward, and painful," he replied. "Er... the other part, was he lying?"

"No, the little explanation of canoodling's accurate, but don't worry, it'll be less horrifying in a while if people don't keep telling you lies about people doing it," Kelas replied with a sigh. "I... er... well, I was under the impression you knew that stuff already, most people have found out by your age, but... if you got any questions I guess you could ask me, but if that's too awkward... damn, there's nobody in this group that's both a healer and a responsible adult," she muttered. "All I can really say is, once you decide it's not so disturbing, remember that there are risks involved that you probably don't want to take until you're able and willing to take care of a kid. Definitely too early now, in other words."

Arrin mumbled something incomprehensible that might have been about thinking it would always be disturbing. "Er... this is why you were asking me about Tessa a while ago?" The question was out before he could recoil from the awkwardness.

"Yeah," Kelas replied. "I didn't realize you didn't really know what I meant at first, and then I figured I'd need to work out how to properly explain things first. I'm not too worried about you two now; I reckon you're not gonna do anything stupid. Just be careful, all right? No getting closer than you two were the other night, all snuggled up against the cold," she told him. At this point she was half teasing; it made things less awkward for her, anyway.

Arrin blushed, though not as magnificently as Kelas had when he'd explained Beau's story. "H-how did you know I--"

"It was obvious before you even realized you liked her so much, Arrin," Kelas told him, managing to give him a bit of a smile despite the trials she'd gone through this morning. "You two go all right together, I think, and I'm glad you've got friends too. Well, except for one anyway... unless you got other questions, I might have to track down Beau now to ask him what hat he's pullin' these lies out of."

"No questions," Arrin replied quickly. Kelas had been right; removing the story about her made Beau's other information a bit easier to handle, and now he was mostly just embarrassed.

"All right, then," Kelas replied, getting up. So long as Beau wasn't downstairs, she'd be able to give him a proper talking-to...

As she neared the door, she heard a crash and some shouting. She didn't need too many guesses to work out who it was. Another crash and shouting outside; she headed to Arrin's window to see what was happening. Isotov was outside, and he clearly hadn't walked there. "Hold that thought," she muttered, and exited. "Stay here," she added, sticking her head back into the room. "Don't go downstairs." She left, heading not to find Beau but to go snap at Miranda some more.

"I think you might be busted, they just chucked him outside," she said without prelude, shutting the door behind her. "Want to give me a reason I shouldn't go help him?"


Confused, Arrin looked out the window. He had absolutely no idea what was going on, but he saw Tessa outside, as well as a vaguely familiar healer, an unfamiliar mage, Isotov, and most glaringly, a giant wyvern that he thought he might have seen once before. There was shouting and arguing, and it looked like Isotov might be injured. The wyvern looked to be a menace... Arrin wasn't too sure about Tessa's safety, but he knew that going out there was likely a bad idea, and he hoped that wasn't what Kelas was about to do. He might be able to hit the wyvern from here with a spell if it did anything... he opened the window and leaned out a little to watch for what would happen next.

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Tas was stunned. Irina had been subdued so quickly and Iso was thrown out the door... At first he assumed Iso was in less danger than Irina but when he saw what was beyond the open door on his way towards Irina, he staggered a little. "Th-that..." he managed to stutter, staring in horror at the bull wyvern just outside, "... Th-that..." He knew full well how dangerous bull wyverns were. He'd been instructed time and time again never to go near one, especially in the wild. Even though this one likely had a rider, he certainly had a wild look in his eye...and was encrouching upon one of the group's members.

"Whose wyvern is that?!" he suddenly asked, loud enough to get the attention of whoever's the bull might have been. The courier was unable to tear his eyes away from the scene. (Incrediable... He's so terrifying, but... It's still amazing to see one like this so closely...)

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Inside the Inn

When Kelas came back to the room, Miranda was still wearing Iso's appearance, and was sitting on the edge of the bed with her legs crossed and arms supporting her as she leaned back. She may have looked like Iso, but she wasn't doing any other imitations until she had to. Looking over to Kelas, she responded plainly.

Iso!Miranda: I wouldn't worry just yet. Iso and Irina just got pretty badly injured just now, but Irina went down first so I don't think Iso was found out ... as long as he's injured, we're good. If it was me taking those licks I'd be back up in half a second. I think Irina might be making a fuss over all of this though. I warned Ixion that he was pushing too hard, but the man doesn't think emotion factors into any of this. Honestly, he needs to learn that just because irrationality doesn't have a place in a situation doesn't mean it won't end up there. Anyway, you can go down there if you want ... but why do you want to? Are you going to take what I said to heart? Maybe not waste precious moments moping around? Sleep together a bit more before he goes off to war?~

The demoness' conversation went from one topic to another, and her serious tone changed to a playful one just as quickly.

Outside the Inn

As Tessa began moving away from Victor, Kiev kept pace. He was happy with her decision to put some distance between herself and his father. That made his self appointed role of guardian much easier. Victor however was beginning to see his chance at a mini slaughter slipping away and kept pace with the two of them. His snarls grew louder and louder as he prepared to swat Kiev aside and tear the little blonde one apart. As the bull approached Tessa and Kiev, Stephanie cringed at the thoughts racing through her head. She wanted to do something to help them but she didn't have any authority over that beast. Suddenly a thought came to her that propelled her forward.

Before Victor was ready to smack Kiev out of the way like a rag doll, Stephanie appeared in front of them and held out her arms trying to block his path. The look on her face was a mix of authoritative anger and fear. A drop of sweat ran down her face as she stared down the bull who's entertainment she had just budded in on.

Stephanie: V-v-v-ictor ... stop. Right now. (Well ... this is it. I'm dead. Off to the Goddess I go. Someone tell Ivan I'm sorry.)

Standard Procedure

When Tas spoke up about the wyvern, Ivanko needed only glance over his shoulder before standing up. He kept his back to the door as he reached for his tomahawk.

Ivanko: Ixion.

Ixion: Right.

The Druid uncrossed his arms in preparation for something and held out his right hand from his cloak aiming it toward Ivanko. Suddenly and with lightning speed, Ivanko threw his tomahawk from behind and right out the door! It came speeding by between Victor and Stephanie getting Victor's full attention and causing Stephanie to freeze in surprise. The flying axe suddenly began to rise higher into the air and instead of crashing into the wall of the building across from the inn, it pulled up and flew off into the sky above their heads!

Victor snarled stepping back. He knew what this was, that sharp thing that could cut through anything. He bitterly backed off giving Tessa and Stephanie a threatening look. Ivanko's females ... they were everywhere it seemed.

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Luc Altair

No one came to their defense. With all the emotional outbursts the group had displayed over his short time with them he thought for sure someone would have stood up.

A Paul

"C'mon, c'mon splat splat boooo!" Paul jeered at the sight outside the Inn. Why was no one dying? The ugly wyvern was too damn unstable to let that happen! "You're all such a bore! With all this looking out for one another, c'mon, let the big ugly bastard get his murder-spree on!" And then a tomahawk went flying by. "OH YEAH! Now there's some action, hot damn I was beginning to think... aw man, no one got hit? What a load of crap. Do you people want to live or something? Jerks, ruining my fun like that. Oh well, least I know I can dodge such a crappy-aimed throw." Paul began eating an apple while standing up. Maybe, if he hoped and dreamed and truly wished! Someone would be hurt.

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Namid was a boulder. Boulder~


That certainly was a sight Tas hadn't expected to see. (He just...threw that axe...and it...) He'd never seen an axe move through the air like that. Apparently, the bull wyvern belonged to Ivanko. Of course he did. Who else could keep a wyvern that feral under control? Well, the courier didn't want to think about that too much more and it looked like Isotov was being tended to. That left the one he was originally heading for who still had yet to get up: Irina.

"Are you okay?" Tas asked, filled with concern as he hurriedly arrived and kneeled at Irina's side, "Can you move? Do you need help getting up?"

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Sneaking a quick peek, Reika saw Tessa move out of the way and breathed a sigh of relief. It wasn't that she cared about Tessa. It was just that she was useful to her at the moment and would rather not see a useful person die. Besides, it was creepier seeing a person Tessa's age get shredded by that wyvern than the random person who replaced her. Of course that situation was settled by Ivanko throwing a tomahawk at the wyvern.

"You know I have to wonder. Why on earth would these people bring a wyvern like that into a highly populated area? Either they're asshats, they're morons, or they're both."

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Kelas turned on her heel and swiftly shut the door behind her, not dignifying Miranda's taunt with an answer. However, some of the information had been legitimate. If the ruse was still intact, she wasn't sure it would be wise to go out there... she could certainly act sufficiently surprised, given the current state of things, but she wasn't sure how Isotov would react. She needed more information before she could even really go downstairs. Quickly she returned to Arrin's room, and found him leaning out the window, watching. She looked to the ground: a thrown weapon, probably Ivanko's, had at least driven Victor back, and Stephanie had done her job; nobody was in mortal danger now, she thought. "Don't attack, that brute'd probably try and knock the wall in on us," she advised Arrin.

"Is Tessa going to be all right?" Arrin asked, still worried even though Victor had backed off.

"So long as they keep Victor away, nobody down there's actually hostile," Kelas replied. "That said, I don't want you going downstairs yet. I'm guessing based on where people are that Ivanko and Ixion are having quite the argument with people, and I don't want you getting caught up in that."


"If you want, I'll go try and get Tessa to come back inside, would you be all right with that?"

"I guess..." Arrin didn't especially want Kelas in the middle of the argument, too, but he knew she would definitely prevent him from going outside. "Be careful, all right?"

"Of course." Kelas turned and left, pausing at the top of the stairs.

What was she doing? Could she really go down there and not give anything away? Certainly she could control her urge to punch Ivanko or Ixion in the stomach for their ill-treatment of her friends; she didn't want to be the next one thrown to Victor's feet. But could she extricate Tessa from the mess, and see Isotov again without either of them giving anything away?

Given the situation, she had to try, she thought. It would be worse for Tessa if she continued to witness the argument, too; maybe she could convince her to go visit with Arrin for a bit. Gritting her teeth, she hurried down the stairs, sparing a glance to make sure Irina was all right (she wasn't, but not so badly hurt that Kelas was willing to risk the same to get her out of there), and outside. "Tessa, get inside!" she called. "Don't get involved with this, it's not something you-- we-- need to get into," she added, belatedly trying to deny her own involvement. "If you stay out here you might get hurt!"

Quickly she thought about context... theoretically, she shouldn't know about any of the plot, other than the fact that Ivanko and Ixion were here and mauling people about; from their viewpoint, she wouldn't know whether it were Miranda or Isotov outside... yes, she could most likely afford to let her concern show. She wasn't sure if she could count on him acting surprised as Miranda ought to be, though... she'd have to do something at least moderately out of character. Well... she didn't want to use an idea that had pretty much come from Miranda, but nothing else was coming up...

"Gods, are you all right? I just got up, and suddenly that lot are here, I've got no idea what's going on," she lied, hurrying over. She didn't want to add in a hug while he was still possibly hurt, so she just put her hands on his shoulders instead. This was such a bad idea...


Arrin watched out the window, waiting for Tessa to turn and head inside. Kelas had spoke to her, but then continued over to Isotov... he was somewhat dubious on Kelas' statement about just being friends, though he was happy to believe the rest of her explanation, for his sanity's sake. Still... had she convinced Tessa? What was she doing? "Tessa, come inside!" he called, hoping it might help.

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Whoally crap, Iso got some air there! Probably deserved it...

He would've gone on about it, but Gluebag seemed to have other ideas, mainly running in fear from Victor, right into the stables it seemed. Rather than be pulled along for the ride he hopped off before Mr. bag could get some real speed going, stumbling a bit before he could catch his balance.

Suddenly, an axe flew by Iso... Damn, it couldn't have been just a bit shorter? Please? Ugh... And then some magic trick happened which only made Altion smirk a bit as the wyvern backed off.

And then Kelas appeared.

And went straight to Iso.

Holding him.

Why?! Why him?! Why does she do this to me?! Am I really not good enough?! I-is it looks? Is it something I do? God DAMMIT!

This was too much for him, maybe even the last straw. Altion, unable to suppress a death glare at Iso walked off to the stable to try and calm Gluebag down again, to no avail since he himself couldn't be considered calm in the slightest. After mulling it over for a few very long moments, his thoughts culminated on one thing.


"It is something I'm doing. Isn't it..." He muttered to no one in particular, the realization striking him hard, almost unable to accept it. It was right there, plain as day. Life isn't some fairytale, like in the books I read. Life is... living. Fluid, changing, ebbing and flowing. I was a fool to go on this long like that... Agh! I'm insane, I really am...

The man almost cried right there, but he had to control himself, he didn't want to show any more weakness to the group.

Just leave it all behind, just start over. That's my one true option here, isn't it? Life isn't a story with a happy ending set in stone, life is chaotic, but arguably good... I just have to shape it. I have to do this if I want to claim to truly be alive. I shouldn't have expected her to just fall into my lap, hell if that could happen at this point... but who knows what lies ahead in the future?

Feeling much, much calmer than before, he was able to actually calm the horse down for once. All by himself. Altion smiled at this, a sign of things to come, maybe. He just had to let the past go.

Edited by SlaveBlade
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It had been more than a little distressing to Tessa that despite ceding ground, Victor was still not appeased, and continued his relentless assault, snapping, growling, and snarling as he lumbered forward after her retreating figure. She caught Kiev out of the corner of her eye; the young wyvern was also moving, maintaining almost a fixed distance. There wasn't really time to ponder what the implications of that were, however, as she needed to maintain her focus. If she were to trip and fall now... well, her imagination raced and quickly filled in several unpleasant scenarios related to the consequences of that possibility. She briefly considered turning, and making a full-on sprint, but at this point to expose her back and take her eyes off the bull seemed to be nothing more than an invitation to disaster. The unsurety of how much further was left to the... relative... safety of the inn, was indeed worrisome, though.

That decision meant that when she saw Victor's muscles tensed for a coming pounce, the feeling of dread that washed over her was palpable. Stephanie then interposing herself brought about a total upheaval of emotions, and her heart felt like it stopped beating. The flash of relief was only instantaneous, being supplanted by a swirl of confusion. What was she thinking? Why would she do that? This is similar to something I've done previously, isn't it? Is this what people felt when I stood in front of Gornald? Tessa locked up, and stopped retreating. There was no way she could let someone else take upon themselves a destiny she'd forged herself. As she tried to muster the resolve to step back forward, stand beside the other cleric, a sheen whistling sound cut the air next to her, as a spinning tomahawk flew expertly past.

As if on cue, Victor raged further, but the snarling this time had taken a different tone, and the beast retreated, annoyed yet somehow subdued. The threat dissipated, she took a few uneven steps back forward, placing a hand on the other priestess's shoulder, in silent thanks. A moment later she collected her voice and simply asked, "...Isotov?" Somehow the circumstances had played out for the best, and they'd kept the wyvern from mauling him, but he had seemed in a bad way, and she wasn't sure just what his condition was.

Before a reply was forthcoming, Kelas burst out of the inn, in full protective mode, trying to herd her back to safety. The whole 'we shouldn't get involved' message was a bit confusing though. Something was threatening, and members of the group were arguing, and they shouldn't be concerned and trying to do what they could? The didn't sit right with her, and it didn't sound like Kelas... Maybe she was just distraught? Yes... that could be, as the nomad went next to the fire mage, worrying over him.

When Arrin's voice came down from the upper window, it began to fully sink in just how many people might have been watching her less-than-successful misadventures just then, and as the fear of what might have happened continued to drain away, a sort of nervous embarrassment filled its place and she ran her fingers through her hair absently. Okay... enough...

"All right. Everyone inside then. If it's too dangerous for me, don't you go staying out here either, Kelas," Tessa left her position near Stephanie, and gently grabbed the back of Kelas's tunic, pulling her back to the inn as well. Addresing the other two, she added, "Stephanie... Stephanie's friend? You were helping Isotov just now, you should know where he's injured and can move him more safely than we can. Please continue to care for him, and bring him inside too."

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Back to the Inn

With Victor steadily backing of, Kiev began to calm down a little. He wouldn't have to be worried about being mauled for awhile. Nonetheless he hovered near Tessa until she started closing in on the inn again. Once he knew she was going back inside where neither he nor his father could follow, he felt his temporary duties were over and let her go.

Iso: I'll live ...

Iso's reply was strained from the pain, but he was probably right. If the injury was going to be the end of him, he certainly would have keeled over by now. His injuries aside, he was wondering how Kelas herself was doing, having to play along couldn't be easy. Iso carefully rose up to his feet, and with some help from O'Donnel, he managed to begin heading back toward the inn.

O'Donnel: Now when we return, you aren't going to attack the man again, are you? Frankly I don't see the point in having your injury healed if it's the only thing keeping you from retaliating against Ivanko.

Iso: I'm not going to-

O'Donnel: I assume you "weren't going to" the first time, either. I heard that crash in the inn, and I'm certain it wasn't you getting floored ...

Iso: It was Irina.

O'Donnel: Hmm ...

Stephanie: LOOK OUT!!!

Iso and O'Donnel glanced back at Stephanie who was calling out to them immediately realized why. The tomahawk had returned and was flying down toward the inn at a wide swoop. It was threatening to cut at least one of them down, but neither of them had any time to get down. It was coming in far too swiftly. It drew very close to the two, so close that they could both feel the distorted air and magical energy around it brushing up against their faces, but fortunately not so close as to make physical contact, the latter of which would have killed either of them. Having been guided past all of its possible victims without drawing blood, the axe flew straight back into the inn, and slowed just enough for Ivanko to catch and place it back at his side. Having done his part, Ixion let his guiding hand down and began to relax again.

Back to Business

Kneeling back over Irina, Ivanko looked her over again. She tried to answer Tas but couldn't get out so much as a moan. All she did manage was making eye contact for a brief moment before Ivanko continued.

Ivanko: Now listen; you attacked me because it was the only choice you had, but you couldn't defeat me because you aren't strong enough to. Everything that prevents you from achieving what you want will boil down to that. This was just another challenge you couldn't overcome, and my being too strong and experienced is just unnecessary context. The real problem, is that you, Irina, aren't applying yourself.

Before going on, he waved Stephanie over, who had just entered the inn with the others. As she came over, she was surprised to see the cracks in the floor coming out from where Irina was lying. It wasn't the first time she had seen Irina injured this badly, but without her armor on, it seemed so much more gruesome. The lack of blood didn't make it any easier to look at for the Priestess as she began her healing. Once she was finished, Irina finally managed to speak as she sat up.

Irina: W-what do ... what do you mean, I'm not applying myself ...?

Ivanko: You're not much of a warrior, though you've obviously got the talent for it. That's not all bad. One Xenia is enough for me, thanks. Still, I sent you to find the crimson weapons because it's what you needed. Finding your brother in the process was just a bonus.

Irina: (What I needed?)

Ivanko: Getting involved with those weapons, it's a guarantee of battle and hardship, something you weren't going to get nearly as much of as a trainee mercenary. Being with these people put you in overwhelming danger, but that's exactly what you needed to go through and experience. Every time your enemy fails to take your life, you get stronger, and if you go through this process again and again, eventually ... one day, even I won't be able to stand between you and the things you want to achieve.

Irina: So you stuck me with them so I would get stronger ...?

Ivanko: As much as I care about you, being over protective is not an option. For all their efforts, guardians can shield children from others, but these children may just as soon bring about their own demise. The best way to protect a child is to arm them with the tools to safeguard their own lives, and their own goals. Zaftrans have always done this through intense fighting and constant conflict, and you're too old to be minimizing those kinds of encounters. The demons may finally be back on the rise again, and there's never been an opportunity like this in your lifetime. The war with the demons created some of the strongest warriors you'll ever come across, and you've got a brief period in which you can become one. Because of this, I've kept you out in the field, and in some of the most dangerous situations available.

Irina: If you want me to fight demons ... then why do you want me to go with you to Zaftra?

Ivanko: Because ... you need that just as much. We won't always be slaying demons, Irina. If we win, as the dust settles people are going to realize that the only ones left are human beings. You need just as much if not more experience with them, and Zaftra will try you to the breaking point. When this is over, demons won't be standing in your way, only humans will, so I want you there with us, fighting them. This issue with the demons is brief, and I want you to make the most of it, but this period with the Zaftrans is even more brief, and I won't have you miss it out of misunderstanding.

Irina: A once in a life time opportunity ... for me to go around killing my own countrymen?

Ivanko: War and violence isn't pretty, but nothing you'll be getting out of with a simple protest, so deal with it. The fact of the matter is, you may not like it, but it's the only way to your freedom. Violence is the way of this world, and it's through strength of arms and mind that anyone achieves anything. You don't have wealth or status others do, so no one's going to do your fighting for you. You aren't a princess with loyal guards at your beck and call, so it's up to you and you alone.

Irina: You make it ... sound so wrong.

Ivanko: Well let me summarize it for you then, so you can focus on what really matters here. As long as you aren't strong enough to brush me and my wishes aside, you will always be under my thumb .. and I mean ALWAYS.

The injured wyvern lord went completely silent having been pricked in the heart by what he told her. It wasn't what she thought it had been.

Irina: I thought ... I thought you just wanted to lock me up in a castle for the rest of my life.

Ivanko: I considered that; even Zaftran royals are trained to fight. What's important here is that if I do decide to do something you don't like, there's not much you can do about it, now is there?

Her reply to that was simply hanging her head low.

Ivanko: Fight with us. For your sake.

Iso: For her sake?! She might die out there!

Ivanko: True, but what's the difference? You think that just because she's not in a war zone she's any safer with this group? You think she's any safer with you, a crimson weapon wielder? Someone who attracts demons to himself constantly? I let her travel with you because it's dangerous, not because of your little sibling bond.

Not having anything resembling a comeback, Iso scowled a bit. Irina went silent again contemplating what Ivanko had said while he argued with Iso. Lev had been writing down a few things for most of the argument and past a note on to Makar, who read and then pocketed it before nodding silently to Lev.

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"That just might be the most ridiculous parenting policy I've ever heard," Tas voiced, remaining where he was, though seething at what Ivanko had been telling Irina. "The best things you can do for someone you're raising is to teach him or her valuse that will help him or her in his or her life. Teach him or her to be a good, kind person... Show him or her that he or she is loved and appreciated, encouraging him or her in his or her intersts! Protecting him or her from thigns that would harm him or her because he or she is better for it! You don't even care if she dies?! What sort of a guardian are you?! If Irina doesn't want to go off to war, then she shouldn't have to go! You say that you're doing this for her, but where's the evidence?! You don't care about what she wants or cares about, you just want annother asset for yourself!" the courier yelled at Ivanko, not caring about his close proximity nor the difference in power. He didn't move from Irina's side and he kept his gaze locked on Ivanko. Tas' own voice echoed in his mind. ("I protect those under my charge." Yes... This is something I have to stand up for, even though I won't fight him.)

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"I'll be in in a minute, Tessa, go ahead," Kelas reassured. As it became apparent that everyone was coming inside, she followed, dropping into the background. It seemed like Isotov had not dropped the act because of her, so she didn't do anything to try and ensure that he'd keep it up; she wasn't worried about that... yet. As he and Irina started up the argument again, she fell in behind them, staying far enough to hopefully avoid attracting suspension, but close enough that if either of them tried another self-destructive attack, she could try to stop them. She'd had to keep her mouth shut in the face of infuriation before; she'd just have to do so again. She contented herself with shooting Ivanko and Ixion a smoldering look while the argument continued and the extent of their callousness proved itself.


Arrin sighed with relief as he saw Tessa, then Kelas turn back towards the inn. He knew Kelas had said not to come downstairs, but she hadn't forbidden him from leaving the room... he headed to the top of the stairs to wait for Tessa, listening to the shouting from below and wondering what on earth was going on.


What had started out as a normal morning for the innkeeper had quickly gone sour. The usual breakfast guests and hung-over lodgers looking for tea had been eclipsed by the appearance of a group of mercenaries. Their leader's behavior was shocking and disrupted, and the innkeeper was quite inclined to go give them a piece of his mind... the sight of one of his guests being thrown out the front door was a point of conflict, though: he was duty-bound to look out for paying guests, but he wouldn't stand a chance against the armored hulk of a man, or the shadow lurking next to him... or the hulking brute of a wyvern they'd parked in his front yard. Perhaps there was a solution somewhere... he looked towards the lower-ranking mercenaries. If things got much worse, he'd ask one of them to talk to their leader about compensating for the inevitable loss of business this spectacle was going to result in.

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A few parts of what Tas said had stuck out to Ivanko, and he immediately addressed them.

Ivanko: I don't think you would hold to a statement like that if you understood Zaftran values. Those same helpful teachings you're going on about are what she's being taught right now. You don't have to agree with my methods or our culture, but don't forget, that she's a Zaftran. Warfare is in our blood.

Standing up in front of the two, he continued.

Ivanko: It may seem harsh to someone who's job is protecting hatchlings, but forcing her to do what she doesn't want to is how I've chosen to make my point. My point is simple. The single greatest threat to any person is their own weakness. Not the world around them. What people really need protection from, is their own weakness, not just bandits or demons.

He then glanced over at Lev who was conveniently tuned out.

Ivanko: He knows.

Unfortunately Lev couldn't quite tune out that part, and grimaced ever so slightly.

Ivanko: As much as you disagree with what I'm forcing her into, you can't seem to do anything about it but complain and yell, am I right? It's not because I'm "too strong". I'm just a man. It's because the both of you are too weak to get your way. You don't have the gold to buy her out of this situation, you don't have an army to threaten me with, you've got nothing I want bad enough to compromise, and you don't have the physical capability to stop me from doing it without having her off herself right here. You understand that, don't you? Well even if you don't, Irina will come to understand it. That's why we're here. If you want evidence, open your eyes.

Ixion: (All of this is fairly familiar. Similar to some of the teachings I underwent as a child, though far more ... heartfelt ... warm ... personal. So Ivanko is planning to spark Irina's interest in greater strength, so that she can do whatever it is she wants in this life .... I didn't originally agree with bringing her along to this battle but now I'm beginning to. This must be why he didn't mind her becoming a crimson weapon wielder when Shanice first appeared as well. You can't force someone to want something unless you create the need for it. Since Isotov is a wielder and not her, the danger isn't directly aimed at her, and she only needs so much effort to continue on like this. If she wants to surpass Ivanko however ... she'll need more ... much more. That means, she's ... doing exactly what he wants her to do ... resisting. I misinterpreted the situation. Fighting demons isn't enough for the results he wants ... so Ivanko's making himself the obstacle instead, something she has to overcome or submit to entirely. This could accomplish the goal or break her.)

Ivanko: Irina, I know you've got no interest in becoming a royal locked away in a castle for the rest of your days, but it's one of the options. Now I want you to get your things ready so we can head out. If you insist on staying one more time I'm just gonna bop you over the head, have Levski go get your things ready, and tie you to a saddle for the trip, alright?

Irina: ... ... ... I ... (What do I do now?)

Ivanko: ... Ixion's not telling you. I'm telling you.

He knelt down offering his hand with a smile she would have never expected to see. Despite the feelings going around, she took the hand and he helped her to her feet. Then looking down, she asked him a question as quietly as she could manage without whispering.

Irina: If I go ... do I have to stay in Zaftra? Can't I come back and help them?

Ivanko: Dunno. Haven't made my final decision on that just yet, but you should know full well that keeping you locked up is not what I'm about here. In all honesty it's all but a waste of time.

Irina: Then why do it?

Ivanko: It doesn't do me any good personally, but I will put you through it if that's what it takes in the end. Obviously you wouldn't be seeing Iso for quite awhile either.

Irina: (So he's ... only doing this so I'll want to become strong enough to do what I want, without having to worry about what anyone else? Can't he just make me train harder?)

Iso: I'm going too. You're not separating us just like that.

Ivanko: You really should stay here, you know. You've actually got a job to do.

Iso: I'm going.

Ivanko: ... don't expect any special treatment. You're life's in your own hands as far as I'm concerned. It's been that way for ten years already. No point in changing stances now.

Iso: Good, I'd rather be shot than accept help from you anyway.

Ivanko: Careful, it may just come to that. Either way she won't be seeing you for awhile if I decide to keep her there. You'll have to go back to do your job, remember?

Iso: Like hell I do! My job is protecting my sister.

Ivanko looked down at the place Irina had been slammed down, and then to Irina who was still in a great deal of pain, and then back to Iso.

Ivanko: Yeah, well great work so far ... but seriously, I'm just going to send you back to them if you fight me on this. Best thing you can do is just hope I choose to let her come back ... which I might. Not making any promises though. I want results.


Ivanko: (You know, I really wish this was the real Iso. He needs this kind of thing as much as Irina. He's stubborn but with a little luck, I could probably get similar results with him. That would be nice.)

Irina: Results? Why can't you just make me train harder? Why go through all of this?

Ivanko: I can make you fight til your arms fall off, but that's not going to make you want it.

Irina: (Then it's ... about me wanting it as well as becoming stronger? But I already do. How much more can I want something like that?! What can I do to show him that I already want to become a stronger fighter? The way things are now, he wouldn't believe me. So how do I prove it ...?)

As she thought about it, she began going back over the conversation to try and figure out just what Ivanko was expecting of her. The more she thought about the battle in Zaftra, the more she began to wonder if that had anything to do with her proving her desire to grow. He had already mentioned that the battle was in fact a brief opportunity for her to gain valuable experience despite the overwhelming danger.

Irina: (Maybe that's it. I'm passing up a chance to get stronger and my only real reason for doing it is because I'm completely furious with Ixion right now. That's kind of a dead giveaway that my priorities are elsewhere, isn't it? That must be it. No wonder he wouldn't believe me if I said anything.)


Breaking here because A: I had to rewrite this about three times forcing my way past writer's block and B: It was getting too long for my tastes.

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Tas' anger began to subside somewhat. What Ivanko was saying made sense from a Zaftran prospective and that smile he gave her... Maybe Ivanko really was caring about her, just in a completely forign way. (I still don't agree with this. "Now you're just being foolish. Swallow that pride; it bites.") "So long as it's her choice, I don't care where she goes," the courier managed to relent, "Seeing as you won't have her riding Kiev, I assume it'd be acceptable if I flew him over to you? As I said before to Ixion, though, I'd need a map. I've never been this far north. Also, I could watch him even after arrival if your war is still being fought, keeping him, my own wyvern -- Namid -- and myself out of the fighting. Of course, I'm not only asking you, Mr. Ivanko." He turned his attention to Irina, "This largely depends on what Irina decides. I won't fly anyone's wyvern anywhere without his or her rider's permission." (He's right. This is the most I can do. But I'll do what I can. Maybe Irina will become strong enough to defeat this guy someday. Otherwise, I could offer other forms of aid, perhaps. I can't outmuscle him, I can'y buy him out...but outsmarting, maybe. That combained with outflying. Not right away, of course, but maybe sometime I could sneak them away... All I'd have to worry about is that bull. Good thing I know as much about wyverns as I do, but... If I try anything like that, it'd have to be perfect. Though Ivanko may be willing to accept something like that as just a challenge, his wyvern...is just plain feral. What the heck am I scheming?! Okay, why did I yell at someone that powerful in the first place? Oh goodness... I need to think before I act a bit more than I do... Okay, stay calm. If he wanted you dead, you'd have been dead a long time ago. Be rational. Okay...)

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Return To Sender

For some reason, a knife came flying at him and stuck into his wing. The pitch made Victor swing his head around to investigate. Seeing the knife he immediately pulled it out with his teeth. He then pulled his head back and then chucked th knife back at where it came from.

She Who Has Ears, Let Her Hear

The conversation with Conrad was still going on, but Viveka couldn't help but notice all the noise, however, it wasn't the people yelling that had her attention. It was the rumblings of a very large animal that she heard. Jasmine was the first to speak up about it though.

Jasmine: It sounds like there's arguing going on down there. I keep hearing growling from somewhere too.

Viveka: It's a wyvern. A bull wyvern.

Jasmine: You sure?

Viveka: I'm more familiar with that sound than military jargon.

It wasn't showing on her face, but the falcon knight was terrified. Those sounds dragged her back into the moment when her brother died and she was cornered by that red eyed monster.


Ivanko: You want to fly Kiev up to Zaftra? Why go through the trouble? If I'm satisfied with how Irina handles things I may let her come back.

Iso: She's coming back no matter what.

Ivanko: Oh I'm sorry, I wasn't listening. Did you say something, Iso?

Iso: >_> (I don't care what I have to do. I'm not letting him keep her there and separate us. I'll find a way ... somehow.)

Ivanko: <_< (Contradict me all you want, but go any farther than that and I'll knock you on your ass. Again.)

Irina: Wait, why are we even talking about this? If you're willing to take Iso, you should be fine with taking Kiev too.

Ixion: That was more to lighten the stress on Stephanie and O'Donnel-

Irina: The wyvern breeders aren't going back with us, so that's taking out four wyverns and four people. There's plenty of room for Iso and Kiev, SO CUT THE CRAP! I know this is just you worried about me trying to fight with Kiev instead of Nikita.

Ixion: I don't think you can be trusted to agree to flying with Nikita unless Kiev isn't available, yes, but warping a group our size around was a strain on Stephanie at the very least.

Irina: You don't trust me? You're not my favorite person right now either, Ixion. I'll fly with Nikita if my uncle is just going to force me to anyway. I'm not a liar like you so you don't have to worry about that.

Ivanko: I don't care which wyvern you use. Ixion was only worried about you.

Ixion: (I ... preferred it when she was under the impression that she didn't have a choice.) Irina. Use Nikita for this, to better your chances of surviving, and if your own survival isn't important to you, then at least do it for Kiev's sake. If one of you falls in this battle, so will the other.

Irina: So you would have me sacrifice Nikita instead of Kiev if it came down to it? That's just evil and heartless!

Ixion: Nikita is the superior wyvern and I would far prefer her to survive than Kiev, but as I said, her chances are better than Kiev's and since your life actually matters, she's the logical choice here.

Irina didn't have any words for that. She only had a look of complete disgust on her face.

Ixion: There's no right way to say something like that to a wyvern enthusiast so I don't bother trying. You already know that what I'm telling you is the truth. No matter how much you care about Kiev, he's inferior to Nikita in every way. You may as well keep him out of this, and ride with Nikita instead. You survive, Kiev survives. Everyone wins.

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A Paul

"Wonder, how many I can stick in him before, oooooo!" Paul watched the wyvern try and fling the knife back. It kinda missed since it was a wyvern throwing with its teeth, but still! "Oh man, that was soooo cool! But power can only get you so far, at least until you get to the plateau of power where you can override all others. You're not there with me yet sparky boy, but in another hundred years you just might be good enough to scratch at my corpse." Paul laughed. "Almost wish I had Emperium with me. Then this would be good times. I would be screaming something like you having HUGE GUTS and maybe RIP AND TEAR and stuff along that line. Maybe even some weird gibberish about radiation. Do you know what radiation is wyvern? I don't, but I think I'm going to invent it sometime in the future, possibly as some sort of byproduct of something. Like how pure awesome is a byproduct of everything I do. Like our little exchange right there, we should go into business together, the amazing knife-throwing wyvern and the super-amazing PauL! So whaddya say, even let you bloodlet a whole damn lot, I know I want to."

Paul looked around all-shift like because he was a spy. "So, if I take care of that Ivenko fella would you become my wyvern eh?"

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"So, it sounds like Kiev is going to Zaftra by your own means. Is that right? I'd like some clarification, if you wouldn't mind," Tas mentioned. (It sounds like they're going to be using magic for their transportation. I want to go but should I just fly myself or ask to come? This is going to be hard on Irina, so she could use as many friends around as she can get...)

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There were wyverns around. Krinkov, in his spot, Kiev right near the Inn, Nikita lying unconscious just outside the door, but safely off to the side and out of the way, the four wyverns of the mercenaries by the stables, Stratos sitting on a building nearby keeping a close eye on Paul, Victor, also eying the yapping human from the middle of the road, and a boulder ...

Yes there were wyverns everwhere.


Irina: Well yeah. I'm not going to leave him behind just because Ixion's ... Ixion.

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"So, if I have this right...Zaftra's the northernmost country bordering Septimus, Jerdon and Halton, right? Right now we're in Septiums, near Jerdon, so Halton's a long, eastward flight. That isn't a problem, but I'd be flying prallel to the Zaftran border. Where you'll be... Is it close to Halton?" asked the courier, trying to figure out the geography in his mind's eye.

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