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Lord of Azure Flame Chapter 24: The Schism


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The reminder of the presence of the horses wasn't exactly welcome but Tas swallowed his nerves as well as he could. "Yeah. The giant bull wyvern out there belongs to Ivanko. He'd some here to take Lev, Isotov and Irina to Zaftra for a revolution," the courier explained, "There are other mercenaries here to finish the transaction for the eggs and hatchlings I've been taking care of. It was a sucsessful exchange and I managed to get four-thousand nine-hundred gold from the sale and now the eggs and hatchlings are fully under their care." Now that the report was over, Tas had to adress why he'd sought out the prince in the first place, "My next destination is in Halton so I'm going to be leaving with Ivanko's Mercenaries soon. They'll be warping close to Halton, after all. And besides that, this is going to be a tough experience for Irina and we are friends, so I thought I should be there."

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It seemed to Tessa that Damian had dodged the issue, but given the explanation it sounded like it wasn't really an important topic to understand after all.

"Hmmm, well... don't let her barbs and needles get you down. For every person grumbling about your return there's bound to be at least one that is rejoicing over it." She leaned back in for another hug, adding softly "I don't know if my talking to her would help... but maybe I'll try."

Arrin's voice calling out, in somewhat of a flat tone, brought her attention to the fact that he was now downstairs, clearly having followed down from where he'd previously called out the window.

Pulling back, she spun to address him and answered, "Yes, yes. Quite alright. And look! Damian's back," she tugged on one of the lancer's arms in kind of a visual demonstration of that rather obvious fact, a happy smile across her face. It was replaced by a bit of a downcast expression when she continued, "I don't know if you've heard yet, but it looks like just when we got everyone back together, Irina's going to be leaving us, though..."

Edited by Balcerzak
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"Up to Jerdon, sir," Derek replied,as he secured the saddlebags. "I was told that the Wielders were to return back south. The Princess needs to return to her kingdom as soon as possible, and I'm fairly certain General Alex wants to get you out of danger, milord."

Just then, two things happened: First, there was a commotion coming from the inn, and Isotov went sailing past the stables. People flying through doors was generally not a good thing, but before he could investigate, Ann spooked and reared, forcing the cavalier to divert his attention back to his horse, for the time being.

The wyverns didn't help his attempt to calm the mare, and by the time she was under control, the Prince had struck up a conversation with Tas, the wyvern breeder. The Jerdonian caught wind of the revolt, and paused. So that's why the mercenaries are here, he thought, but said nothing.


The Comet unconsciously flinched when she heard Princess Charlotte's summary. Father had tried to do the exact same thing with Jerdon, and considering the recent coup, he was probably intending to do the same with Septimus. It just wasn't like him... With difficulty, the general brushed that thought away as she heard about the return of Kleine and more on how necessary Irina was to Ivanko's plans. Then, out of the blue the violence started, with the mercenary commander easily mopping the floor with the rider and her brother. Wow. What disregard for their lives, especially considering their supposed importance. The wyvern lord then further cemented his dominance by ordering, successfully, Irina to grab her things and come with them. The whole thing seemed like a drama, but there was nothing to be done, Alex bitterly realized, as the commander's tomahawk left and returned to his hands. Ivanko had to be almost as strong as Father, and Father could probably defeat most of the group single-handedly. Dammit, why were things always out of her control?

The discussion soon turned to the arrangements for a wyvern rider, and then came to a sudden halt when the nomad woman entered the room and kissed Isotov, who had just returned from outside. Well. It seemed the drama ended with that public display of affection, and Lev rose to start the goodbyes. Ivanko left the room, and it looked like that was that.

"Another revolution... It looks like divine right means nothing, these days," Jace's daughter commented dismally.

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Arrin nodded, trying to look happy that Damian had returned. It wasn't news to him, anyway. "Yes, Kelas told me about that... Welcome back," he told the soldier, and turned back to Tessa. "Is the arguing about done, then?" he asked hopefully. He'd realized that he was getting pretty hungry now, but didn't want to stick around for breakfast if there was going to be more shouting and throwing things.


Kelas was left to sit by herself as Arrin went to check on Tessa, and she was entirely unsure of what to do. She'd have to get around to dissecting what kind of stupidity she'd got herself into regarding Isotov at some point, but she wasn't sure that now was quite the time-- the relevant wounds had just been dealt, after all. She didn't want to let her guilt sneak up on her again like it had earlier, and reduce her to hiding in Amari's stall. Maybe she could distract herself... where were they going next? They couldn't take on Helenos again so soon, not after the near-defeat they'd just had and after losing people... and while it wasn't as bad as in Elyisima, a fair number of people were trying to kill them here... and it was also a warzone. Then there was the shadow-walker, no doubt sent for the Crimson weapons... what could they do? It was a deeply troubling question, and she couldn't go back downstairs, couldn't talk to Morgan even if it didn't involve going downstairs... she set about pacing the perimeter of Arrin's room, wondering where they could possibly go.

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Revolution in the air? There certainly have been a lot lately and about time too. Finally time people finally show the stuffed shirts who's boss. Of course most of the people leading these revolutions are dicks so if they do win, it's not going to be much better. But eh...well at least there's some attempt at getting rid of those worthless authorities that are in charge now Reika reflected as she heard Alex lament the revolutions going on.

"Yes yes. Tell the naive girl here that the person denouncing your polygamous ways is full of shit so you can molest later easier. A nice fuck you too," said Reika to Damian.

Edited by Dark Sage
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"Yes. Welcome, Brother Doran," Henry said, to the newly-arrived templar. "As for the battle, though my eyes are not as utile as those of another, I remember counting their number at just over a score. They only had seven of the weapons, and, shockingly enough, four of them were servants to the Goddess. Why would our brothers and sisters fight against us? Regardless, when I had let my guard down, I was defeated, but Commander Althea, may She rest in Peace, bought us precious time by fighting the dozen that had still been able to fight. She nearly brought them all down, too. Forgive me. Had I been a bit more skilled, she'd have lived to be here today." The templar hung his head, ashamed of his weakness.

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Luc Altair

If they were expecting some reaction to the knives Paul and punctured the door with they wouldn't get it from Luc. Defacing a door was so far down on the list of priorities and so insignificant an action from Paul it didn't matter.

A Paul

"Did I drop it already?" There was nothing. "Well damn, can't say I like that. Oh well, back to the waiting game it seems, or something."

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"Inspiring, hmm? I have not heard that term ever used to describe me before. I will take it as a compliment. You seem to have your priorities in order at least, your survival is more important than the success of your mission," Morgan replied to Lev.


Charlotte sighed in response to Alex. "No, I suppose it really doesn't, at least not to many people. Perhaps all these unfortunate events are some sort of test by the Goddess, to prove that we are faithful and worthy to rule,"


Derek mentioned something about Alex wanting him to accompany Charlotte to Jerdon for his own protection Well if she thinks it's best, I suppose that's what I should do... Derek then left to tend to his horse. Tas then began to explain things to Tristan, though Tristan only knew some of the names mentioned which made the whole thing a bit confusing.

"That is quite the sum of money Tas, congratulations! Though I hope you say when you plan to support Irina in this...revolution thingy, you mean more morally than literally. Revolutions tend to be rather bloody affairs from what I've seen," the prince replied to Tas with a look of concern, his hands still trying to calm the pegasus down.

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Lev: Yeah, it's a compliment, heheh. (I've got a feeling she's going to be hearing a lot of new things about herself from me at this rate.)

Ixion: And the courier wonders why I would dare question his loyalty? His priority should be to put down as many enemies as he is able, not survive at all cost. That objective is mine as well. Removing Denisov from power is more important than any of us.

Lev: Eh, trust me, I'm not gonna have to die for us to accomplish that~

Ixion: ... someone you care about might. I'd find it interesting to see how well your priorities hold up then ... well this place is clearly exhausted of my presence, so I'll be keeping a close eye on Victor from outside. Finish telling the druidess what she wants to hear and then meet us outside once you're ready.

With that, Ixion turned to leave the common room, and left. Lev still in his seat crossed his arms giving the door a bit of a glare. Ixion wasn't there anymore and now the room was beginning to almost go back to normal. Lev looked Morgan in the eyes again, but could only shrug this time. He didn't have much else to say, nothing was coming to mind at least ... not after that.


Ivanko made his way through the hallway wondering which one Irina was using. His first guess placed him at a locked door, which given Irina's emotional state, wasn't too far fetched.

Ivanko: Irina. You in there?

Iso!Miranda: (Ivanko?!) Uhhh ... hmm.

Ivanko waited a moment ready to ask again if the door didn't open. Before that a parchment slipped out of the room from under the door which Ivanko noticed at his feet. He knelt down to pick up the note and read it.

Two doors down.

Sincerely, Isotov.

Ivanko: ... huh? ... ohhh right. (The succubus.)

He slipped the note back under the door and then made his way over said two doors and knocked again.

Ivanko: Irina. You in here?

The door opened quietly and Irina was standing at the door about half dressed. She hadn't put her armor on yet, only her coat and greaves were donned.

Irina: Yes, sir?

Ivanko: I need to speak with you in private for a moment.

That certainly didn't need more explaining or instruction, and so she opened the door letting him enter and then shut it behind him. He gestured for her to continue and she sat on the edge of the bed to begin putting on her chest plate as he spoke.

Ivanko: Just between the two of us ... how do you feel about all of this? Not just reclaiming Zaftra, but everything relating to that? Be honest.

Irina: I don't know. The way it's been explained so far ... it seems like it's probably for the best. But ... but everything you've done to make it happen is so ... completely wrong. You just push Iso and I around like we don't even matter. It makes me so mad. What's worse is that you let Ixion do whatever he wants no matter what. You never question anything he does, you never yell at him or make him stop, you just let him abuse and hurt anyone who gets in his way. It's like he's the only thing in the world that matters to you and everyone else is second or nothing at all. But I don't understand why. We're your family not him ... or at least ... that's how I thought it was supposed to be. I thought that if it really came down to it, you would prove that you really love us. Now I'm being dragged off to fight on the front lines .. and it's for my own good, and if worse comes to worst I'll spend my life in Zaftra, away from my friends, and probably my brother too. Truth be told ... I feel scorned. I feel like even the gods are allied against me and my brother's the only person I can count on, yet neither of us are strong enough to do anything. Everything is ... a mess. I ... just ... I just ... hate this! All of it!

She had finished securing her chest plate by the time she raised her voice and quickly covered her face from her uncle. Time and time again she had been told not to cry, and she had even undergone some painful training to keep herself from doing so when badly wounded, but she needed at least her arm to hold back. Ivanko had knelt down right in front of her to listen to her along the way, and that made her fight even harder to keep the tears from flowing, as well as keep her expression hidden.

Irina: I mean ... it wasn't like this before Iso left. When mom and dad were still alive, we were all getting along well enough, and even Ixion wasn't threatening us. We lived in Redwood fortress together and it was peaceful, and I was happy. And now you're all telling me that happy life was just a stepping stone on the way to overthrowing a royal family. It wasn't a stepping stone to me, it's what I wanted. The demons weren't the only ones who took away what I cared about. They just killed my parents. After that, you and Ixion took care of the rest. Now he's running around doing whatever he wants, Iso's always being abused, and now even I'm being trampled over now that you two are so close to this invasion. I can't help but feel that Iso's actually right, that we're not a family and that I'm just a tool.

Ivanko kept a slightly melancholy expression on his face as she went on.

Ivanko: ... I understand. Thanks. I just wanted to hear how all of this was affecting you.

He began standing up which prompted her to look up from her arm and almost reach out to the man.

Irina: T-that's it?

Ivanko: Did you have more to say?

Irina: No ... I just thought ... I thought you had something important to tell me.

Ivanko: Something that would justify all of this, and make us a family full of love, care, and understanding again? Nah. That's not one of the tricks I keep up my sleeve for situations like this. That's not that I don't have something to say, but there's no use saying it if you don't want to hear it ....

Irina: ... w-what is it?

If she was willing to listen, then he would at least tell her what he wanted to say. He knelt back down where he'd been originally and looked her right in the eyes. She could barely maintain eye contact and found herself looking away to try to wipe her eyes, but his gaze never wavered.

Ivanko: When I was little, a bit younger than you actually, I used to live in Zaftra. It was actually a pretty tough place to grow up. It tests the strong, rewards those who persevere to the end, and kills the stupid. I was a decent fighter before I realized it was expected of me, and sooner or later I was going to end up in the army. I just knew it. The war with the demons however made things ... well let's just say it changed how I look at things. When Zaftra was hit, I lost ... a lot. Only my brother and I were left out of all the people we knew at the time. Even my girlfriend was killed.

Irina: Y-you had-

Ivanko: Iso's not the only one who can't seem to keep people he cares about alive. Anyway, the loss was more than enough to spur me onward. I needed to become strong enough to put down demons and keep the people I love from being slaughtered like animals. I entered service to not only turn myself into a titan but kill as many demons as I possibly could. Every dead demon was one less thing that could go wrong. By the end of the war I was a Lieutenant in the remnants of the Zaftran army. It was great to see so many slain by our hands. But once it was all over, I turned back to gaze at my homeland. There was damn near nothing left. Try as we might, the emperor wouldn't send enough aid to begin rebuilding the country. What was left of Kalten was simply fortified. That palace holds enough supplies and resources to get a tenth of the entire country back on its feet with enough to spare, but Denisov won't yield.

Irina: W-why no-t ...?

Ivanko: Because he feels he's doing what is right, for Zaftra. Maybe I'll ask him what he thinks that is when we finally meet face to face. My brother and I eventually became ambassadors for our people. We couldn't get through to our emperor. He did send a little aid, but it did nothing but delay the inevitable. We had to leave our country behind. By that time I was strong enough to handle mercenary work like it was nothing. My brother and I had a plan to help the refugees scattered about. We were soldiers, and damn good ones, but now we needed a different role. We began a mercenary company hoping to build up a reputation that would eventually give us the gold we needed to save what was left. Everything kind of fell into place from there. Our reputation soared and we were able to charge people as much as we needed just shy of robbing them. All at the guarantee that we would get the job done. We were able to gather up quite a few refugees in the early years, and we founded the colonies with our bases constructed at the center. Redwood, New Kalten, and Irvinheim, the fruits of our initial efforts to help our people. Redwood was the closest to Kalten, so it became the headquarters of the entire organization.

Irina: I remember ... some of this. You told me some of this before.

Ivanko: Right. After we were set up, and while the townships were still being built, we went to Zaftra, my brother and I. We had a way to protect the refugees, and Zaftran culture in the form of these three cities, but we still wanted to get to the root of the problem. Our homeland was still in ruins. The emperor sent messages to us back and forth, because we couldn't be trusted to enter the palace. Envoys traveled back and forth from the palace in the sky, to the ruins of Kalten below ... the ruins we spent an entire week trudging through waiting for replies. The more we pushed for him to allot the manpower and forces to begin reconstructing our nation, the more adamant he became. He did promise that one day he would begin expansion again and rebuild the nation, but he said it might not be for this generation.

Irina: That wasn't good enough?

Ivanko: My brother was devastated. He'd wasted months convincing me that the emperor would aid us and that's where it led us. From that moment on I swore that I would overthrow him. I didn't want to become an emperor myself. I would give the title and rank to my brother if need be, but I would take up the mantle myself if I could just ensure the people would have their home back. When we returned to Redwood, to deliver the news ... it was terrible. The people were so infuriated, they almost turned on us. We promised them we would convince the emperor to give them a real home again, but we couldn't keep that promise. The idea of building up our company to the point that we could relocate to Zaftra and rebuild from within had been floating around in everyone's minds until Denisov informed us that since we lacked lordship, we had no right to establish any settlements, and though we considered setting ourselves up as lords to begin the process, we saw signs that we were going to be taken over the moment we set ourselves up. My brother wanted to believe that even if we were ousted from power, Denisov would at least look after what we had built, but I wouldn't believe it. There were still towns and settlements in Zaftra as it was, and the leaders of those settlements weren't getting more than chicken feed from Kalten.

I couldn't take that chance. I couldn't let these people fall under Denisov's rule. That's when my brother and I parted ways in strategy once and for all. He spent over a year making pleas with the emperor, but I began training and recruiting those that could fight. Some of our original members, including my brother, knew what I was planning from the beginning. Those that came after found out individually. Breaking news of a rebellion to warriors is a delicate process, and it had to be handled with care. It took years, and it wasn't until recently that even ninety percent of the organization knew what their purpose was. The IM was founded to rebuild Zaftra, but it didn't start off as a liberation force. It became one when Denisov did everything in his power to keep us at bay. It wasn't until Ixion came along that we even had a chance. I don't care what Denisov's reason are, but the time is now, and I will remove him.

Irina: Is that why you treat him better than the rest of us? Because he's the only chance you have of liberating the country?

Ivanko: Does it matter? We don't speak of it much, but he is my adopted son after all.

Irina: I'm your niece and by comparison I'm just a tool, another lance to wield at your enemies.

Ivanko: You're not a tool to me. The difference between you and Ixion is that his training is finished. Yours isn't. You're my niece. You're just not acting like my niece ought to yet.

Irina: What?

Ivanko: Irina, I didn't want you to train with nothing but overthrowing the emperor in your heart. Restoring Zaftra is my goal, my mission, my life's work. When this is over, it's up to me to keep that dream alive. It's not for you, it's for my brother and I, and for the Zaftran people. I want you to go your own way, and find your own reason for being here, and then I want you to go through whatever it takes to make that goal worth anything. I kept the truth from you, your father kept the truth from you, so it wouldn't be a part of you growing up. Up until recently that was the intent, but once it became time for the operation to begin, keeping it from you was only necessary until it was too late for you to run away with Isotov, like we knew you would. I can't let you run from this.

Irina: If it's got nothing to do with me, and you don't want it to, then why are you bringing me along for the mission? It doesn't make sense!

Ivanko: My goals don't concern you, but this mission does, because it is only in a place like this that you can truly wake yourself up. You are going to be fighting for your life for hours on end, and if you screw up, you will die. I want that to be clear in your mind, Irina. This is hell itself we're going into. The heart of Zaftran culture, the revival of our restorative process. It is through hell and hardship that we grow stronger, through warfare and torment that our weaknesses are eliminated. You grew up in the safety of Redwood, and as a result ... you don't know who you are. You suffer from the same condition many Zaftran children do, but it's not just that ...

Irina: I don't understand ....

Ivanko: Irina, let me ask you a question. What do you want? What do you really want? Do you even know?

Irina: I ... I want to be happy again. Like I was growing up. But with mom and dad gone ... that's not possible.

Ivanko: Of course not. That dream was stomped flat because demons killed your parents, as they did mine. At this rate they're going to kill your brother too ... if Zaftra doesn't see to it first. And of course there's nothing you can do about this. You're barely good enough to keep yourself alive, let alone others.

Irina: N-no ...

Ivanko: Well, you can probably still be happy at the very least. You just need to find another means to do so. The thing is ... even if you do find another way to be happy ... there's almost nothing stopping someone else from taking it away from you. Zaftra's going to show you that by trying to take away your very life, the only means by which you can achieve anything in this world. You've fought for your life already, many times in fact, but you haven't fought on this scale before, where more than half of the warriors you see in the sky are out to kill you, when there are thousands of them, when every time you survive an attack, you wonder which direction you should be focusing on next, and which enemy is ready to cut you down.

Irina: ... heh.

She let her arm down and the tears finally began to run down her face. She supposed there was no point in trying to hide anymore. She was scared, and depressed.

Irina: If Zaftra won't kill me, it'll make me stronger ... right?

Ivanko: Mmm, that's not all. If Zaftra doesn't kill you, then you might wake up and realize that there's a fire burning in your heart, and that it longs for not just happiness, but the strength to bring it about and protect it. If you find that longing, that zeal, then I've got no reason to keep you in Zaftra after the battle. I won't have to go that far because you'll take care of the rest yourself.

Irina: Really?

Ivanko: Yes, the trouble is I know it's not there yet. That determination isn't there yet. When it finally emerges, I'll let you spread your wings and leave the nest. Then I won't have to worry that I let my brother's only daughter go out into the world unprepared, heheh. Neither Aleks nor Natasha would forgive me for that one.

Irina: What about Iso?

Ivanko: Iso's already wide awake ... surprisingly. If you want to know what determination should look like, look no further than your own brother. As for why I treat him the way I do ... well ... he wavers, quite often in fact. He needs enough opposition in his life to push him to the next level. If things get too easy for him at the power level he's at now ... his dreams will be taken from him in a heartbeat and he'll have no one but himself to blame. Better he have to deal with Ixion's hatred, and the demons now, before he acquires anything or anyone else he wants to protect.

Irina: So you're saying that he's determined, but still too weak to do anything about his problems?

Ivanko: Yeah. That's not obvious? His teacher died because he was determined but not strong enough. His recent girlfriend died because he was determined but not strong enough. His latest girlfriend's probably going to die at this rate too-

Irina: Latest? Wha-wait-no, don't say that! Nothing's written in stone!

Ivanko: I'm just saying. That's another reason I want you to come along with us. Even if you gain that fire, that "determination" to accomplish what you want ... you still need every ounce of combat experience you can get. You won't get a bigger taste of it even while fighting to deal with the demon king, I can guarantee that. So forget about Ixion, this isn't about him. You're coming for your sake, alright? If you don't want to see his face ever again after this or something, that's just fine. (I'll just have'em wear a hood if he's nearby if we keep you in Zaftra.)

Irina: A-alright. I'll ... do my best.

Ivanko: Just try and stay alive. You're not there to kill as many people as you can. That's everyone else's job. Yours is to just keep yourself alive, so you can live on.

Irina: I need to keep Iso alive as well. He's ... a big part of my own plan.

Ivanko: Plan?

Irina: And Lev ... and you too.

Ivanko: And me? What plan?

Irina: My plan to keep the people I care about alive. That's the only way I'll be happy.

Ivanko: ... hmm.

The mercenary leader put a hand on his chin pondering what his niece had just told him. He certainly wasn't expecting her to have plans of her own already, not even a simple one like that, though it was rather obvious that it was her intention all along and she had simply labeled it such. Still, that by itself had Ivanko grinning a bit. If she had something to lose, then she had much to gain by being faced with a true challenge, and only the country of her origin would provide such a challenge. He didn't expect anyone else to agree, nor did he care. All he wanted was for his niece to want her dream bad enough to chase after it with the determination her brother sometimes had. And he wanted her to become a strong enough woman to be able to do it, not just want it.

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"Enough of the unnecessary antagonism, Reika," Arrin said warningly. Her invective seemed to be directed against Damian primarily, but there was enough perceived slander of Tessa in there, and it seemed to be upsetting Tessa enough, that he wasn't going to allow that. His stomach growled; he didn't want to be arguing now, but he could wait to eat if he had to. "You're not helping anyone, though I doubt that was even your goal. Go away."

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A small fit of bashfulness took hold as Tas humbley shied away a little at the prince's praise. "Well, I'm trying to think of it just as a number rather than a sum, even though that's just what it is. Thank you, though. It did take some haggling." The courier continued as his self-conciousness died down some, "A lot of it's going to likely go towards buying land and facilities once I meet up with my father. If he got good pay for his portion of the eggs and hatchlings, then we might be able to get a couple wyverns and stock up on supplies, too. We already have two wyverns we have to take care of, so that's a start. It's going to take some time and effort, but we should eventually be able to get the new ranch to be as successful as the last one."

When Tristan adressed his flying with the Ivanko Mercenaries, Tas hurriedly clarified, "Oh not at all! I can't fight near well enough to actually particiapate." Returning to his casual tone, he continued, "I'm just going to be a moral support, to watch over any wyverns not perticipating and in order to get to Halton faster. That's where my father went, so I'm going to go looking for him there. From the sounds of things, it seems like we'll be flying in opposite directions. I assume I can find you in Jerdon or Septimus by the time all this has settled, then? I don't plan on never seeing you again."

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"Well, good for you Tas. Things seem to be looking up for you, you have money and both you and your father are still alive," I wish I could say with certainty that my father is alive... Tristan thought to himself, before shaking his head to clear the thought out of his mind.

"I don't really know where I'll be to be honest. Last week I thought I'd spend the rest of my life in the palace, now I'm here. It is hard to know what the future holds, though I'll probably be in Jerdon or Septimus. I'll be happy to see you again Tas, you did save my life after all, even though you didn't have to," he said, giving Tas a smile.

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Arrin was a bit... taciturn, this morning, his questions and his replies seemed to be quite short. This aroused a bit of curiosity and intrigue in Tessa. Reika, however, obviously had not yet finished with her piece of mind, and continued her tirade. Her friend had chimed up in her defense, but she couldn't just leave it at that. Putting a hand on his shoulder in thanks, she turned and spoke up to the thief herself as well.

"Reika, I don't know what your problem is, and why you can't just be civil for once. If you're afraid people are out to get you, and that was why you tried pushing me away earlier... well, I thought you'd started to move past that. But this! This isn't helping anything. Just... no. I don't know what you're trying to say here, and now certainly isn't the time. But... if you're willing to talk, and be civil, then find me later and we'll see if we can't figure out just what the problem is."

That unpleasantness out of the way, she addressed Arrin's previous concern, and gave her assessment of the situation with the mercenaries.

"The... well, I don't even know if you could call it an argument. It was really lopsided, more like... a lecture. But yeah, I think everything else should be fine, and we'll be able to move out without a hitch soon. Are you... tired or something though?"

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"You were so hospitable to Namid and me that I had to make sure you were getting away safely. When I saw you and your pegasus falling I just flew," Tas somewhat-shyly dismissed the action before adressing the prince's former points, "Well, I'll just check Septimus and Jerdon first and if you're somewhere else, a little flying around wouldn't hurt me. As for Burgosas, I hope you can return there soon." (Well..that seems to be that.) So, with that, Tas extended his hand with an encouraging smile to the prince. "Good luck in Jerdon."

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Yesterday ...

My time here with Ixion has been time poorly spent indeed. Though I would consider him a potential threat to, and possibly even danger, the Institute, it is unlikely that he will be capable of successful mobilization against our main building without internal aid.

With a soft sigh, Mana looked down at the words she had just written into the makeshift diary. She could feel the pressure of her fingers, urging her to continue writing with the quill pen she held. There was so much more she could say, so much more she felt she should say. Positive things, such as complimenting the skills he had demonstrated in control over his Chimeras. Negative things, such as his overconfidence in his own abilities. Yet, with a pained raise of her finger, she lifted the pen from paper and closed the diary and quietly stashed it away in a hidden place.

She had left Ixion and the others behind, if only for a moment, so that she could finish this report. Yet now that it was done, she was feeling oddly heavy about it. She had to turn it in, that was beyond negotiation regardless of which side she sided with, but it was the oral report she would need to give along with that verbal that would determine where she fell.

"Why does everything need to be so damned cloak and dagger?" she muttered as she got up. She needed to find and meet with Ixion. With one quick glance back at the hidden tome, she was off to find the man.

Meanwhile just outside the main building, Ixion crossed his arms while Miranda looked over a small trinket she had seemingly acquired just recently.

Miranda: You sure this will help me?

Ixion: You ought to learn to suppress your power to avoid detection but since you aren't used to this kind of power yet, this will have to do. I already told you how to operate it, so you should be fine from here.

Miranda: Alright, thanks a lot. I'd better go see what Feny is up to.

Ixion: Indeed.

The woman strolled off leaving Ixion by the front door. As he ventured inside he came across Mana.

Ixion: (How fortuitous.) Well I regret to inform you that we've exhausted our time. I suspect that doesn't concern you too much though. Still, tomorrow morning I and many others are leaving and you too need to decide where you'll be going. Guests won't be welcome in this fortress after today. Not for quite some time.

With a smooth step, Mana came up alongside of Ixion. Though she faced the opposite way of him, standing shoulder to shoulder, she was still far enough back to see his face. One of her wings unfounded and stretched out, the tip coming close to his cheek.

"It never did concern me Ixion. I've lived with my weakness all my life, and I will continue to live with it long into the time when this world is naught but a empty cradle, devoid of all other life, assuming all goes well."

Ixion: If that's what you choose, so be it, though I have to wonder why you would bother snooping around here at all. My treatment of Damian's condition, research into the crimson weapons Gae-Borg and Proxima, the chimeras?

Ixion didn't turn to face her and simply remained standing right where he was.

A thin smile crept across Mana's face. That question was an ideal one for him to ask, though also one she could not answer directly. "I can't say. I can't say, but you already know. Rather, you don't realize you do, and you don't, but you can figure it out with ease."

Ixion: If you leave it to me to figure out then so be it. I hope it was worth the effort in the end. Back to my previous question though. What are you going to do now?

"I don't know myself. It all depends on one key facet." The tip of her wing flicked out to brush his cheek. "We both know where I will return to next. The one thing that neither of us know as of right now is what I will do once I get there. I can see six outcomes falling into place easily enough. I'm sure I could find more if I wanted to take less obvious routes; or if I could just tell you the truth upfront. Unfortunately, if I were to say it, there would be problems. Not just for me, but for you as well. Which is why I can't say anything until I am sure of what I will be doing. I'm sure you understand; no?"

Mana's feet slid across the floor, turning and twisting as she came up behind Ixion, her arms resting mere inches above his shoulders as she mimiced Miranda's tone of voice. "It's like being alone with her, I would wager."

Ixion raised an eyebrow as he glanced at her.

Ixion: ... whom are you referring to?

"Miranda." replied Mana, the tone of disappointment heavy in her voice.

By that point the dark druid had given up on tryiing to interpret simple cues and body language; something he admittedly had little experience dealing with, and decided to request a more direct conversation.

Ixion: Be frank. What are you on about, Mana?

"Upstairs, in my room, is a small report. It's hidden away, and I doubt you will be capable of finding it fast enough to prevent me from escaping with it. In of itself, the report is fairly neutral. It simply says that you are a overconfident, but powerful, druid who likes to experiment with Chimeras. The council at TISME will find it interesting, but I know their pasts well enough to know that they will see a kindred spirit and not a threat. Most likely they will leave you alone, maybe take a quick visit down to the dungeons to experiment on their own before giving up due to their lack of experience. That would be if they read the report by itself. However, there will be an oral part, given by none other than me. I can easily sway them six different ways, some good for certain parties, and some bad. I haven't decided which way to swing it yet. It would be easy to make them think you weak and not a threat, and also easy to make them think you a sever threat that needs extinguishing right away. However, neither of those goals helps me as much as I would like."

Ixion: Hmm. Report to them whatever you wish. If they want to come and find me I'll deal with them in Zaftra. Oh and, please don't mistake this for overconfidence.

"Oh. I have no doubts about what will happen Ixion. I happen to have my own stake in all of this though. TISME is exactly what it says on the tin. A Institute for the Study of Magical Elements. It respects one thing, power. That is how you progress through the circles. Not knowledge, or wisdom, but power. They will sacrifice anything to get it. I've already been 'sacrificed' if you catch my drift. I want this to end though. I want TISME to become a humane magic school, freed from the sins of its past. I don't want to be a headmaster. I want to be a grandmother. That is why I came, to see if you could help me realize my dream."

Ixion: I doubt that I am the kind of person who could assist you with something like this, not while confined by morals, restrictions or anything of that nature. I may draw the line on experimentation and violence at a certain point, but beyond that I see little difference between myself and them save for our methods of teaching, execution, ultimate goals and resources at our disposal.

He crossed his arms as he turned to face her directly.

Ixion: But you are difficult to understand. What do you plan to do about these people? This is clearly going to boil down to you versus them if you're serious about changing TISME. Though I would advise you not to ignore whatever allies can still be gained from within TISME itself. It's entirely implausible that the entire organization is like this.

"It's the small things that matter. Schoolbooks that portray older methods in less negative lights, the addition of staves into our magic curriculum... magic users who were skilled in both magic and the blade, acceptance tests more focused on control over magic than on how much blasting power they can muster. It results in a slow and steady shift in the mindset of the students away from power and towards skill and utility. Give it a generation, and I can change it some more. Two generations, and I can change it even more. However, it is a slow process. That was why I came, and I found potential. Howard is dumb, but he can be taught. A wise minotaur. A mage of equal power, capable of hiding away. I don't believe you are much different from them, and that is my hope, that they will see a common mind, or a rival of equal power."

Ixion: Subtle change is fine ... when it works, but consider the goings on in that time. While you work to correct TISME, time marches on and those who crave power will take steps of their own. I doubt the intelligence of any being who doesn't take steps to secure their ideals for the future and so if they don't have 'successors' I would be ... surprised. If that were the case then your indirect approach is good enough, if not, then this could drag on for generations.

Ixion: As for me, what do you hope to gain by them acknowledging me as anything more than a studious magician? Again I ask that you simply be frank with me here.

"A target. A threat. A person whom is strong enough to make them willing to risk giving up some of their own power to try and fight it off; possibly even tilt their own hands. And TISME does have other issues that have slowed down my changes. The war against the Lord of so few years ago and the re-establishment of life being prime among them."

Ixion: I see. Well I have no immediate issues with becoming a target of theirs. Tell them what you will and use it to whatever ends you hope to achieve.

Mana smiled happily. She wasn't a chess or puppetmaster, just someone who knew to hide her own goals well, yet here she was playing the backscene. "If you do not care, then you may become a hunted target, hiding out as powerful foes seek to end you, escaping only by the timely intervention of me. A dragon... no... A demon to be hunted, but pulled on strings he does not wish attached. I am offering you a chance to escape from that."

Ixion: Being hunted is just another aspect of life. To what degree and the strength of the foe is note worthy but nothing that should induce fear; rather it should encourage higher methods of thinking toward a desired outcome. That is my field of expertise and I'll be sticking to it regardless of whether or not I'm being sought by these ... people. If you lack confidence in my ability to survive, that is fine, but please don't let it affect your final decision because my survival shouldn't concern you in the first place.

"But it does." said Mana, pulling away from Ixion. "I am not a cruel and heartless monster of a woman. I do not wish to send any man to a death that he does not deserve. Or have I given you that impression?"

Ixion: Being the indirect cause of my troubles isn't something you should be bothered by ... though I suppose it's only natural that you are. As I said though, do what you will. I will adapt accordingly as I always have.

"My trouble, I will adapt, do as you will. You are a horribly self-focused man Ixion. That will be your downfall. Your pride will eventually get the better of you."

Ixion: This coming from the woman who's generally standing in the way of her own goals. Mana, I have no need to focus on others besides myself unless it serves a purpose. It generally doesn't.

"I already figured that much out about you. It's part of the reason why you focused so much on Damian and ignored the many other things about you that you could have found out more about. He suited your purpose more."

Ixion: Damian came to receive help and possibly treatment. You came for reasons that made my original intentions for bringing you along almost pointless. Damian having come for what was originally intended took priority. If we had more time, I might have invested more in investigating you, but for now there's nothing to be done.

With a tender motion, Mana pulled away from Ixion. "Too bad. I did kind of enjoy it here. Reminded me too much of the freedom I used to have, will one day have again. Not having to wear a stuffy robe, getting to work with some people who didn't think that they were more powerful than the Goddess, being able to be a kid for the first time in about two hundred years."

Ixion: If that is how you feel then perhaps you should reconsider my proposal from before. There isn't anymore time now currently, but after all is said and done I don't expect there to be any pressing matters. However, if you insist that your condition is something we can't atleast alter favorably, never mind curing ... then you have little other reason to see me.

"Maybe if this was a hundred and fifty years ago; but I digress. From the time I was a small child I've been confined and restricted. Spending another hundred years changing TISME about so that people similar to you won't hold power is nothing. Then, I'll likely be booted out from the headmaster position. Incompetence or something else; I don't care. I'll be free to spend the time until the Lord returns again just flying about. Maybe I will slip away and come to visit. I'm not afraid of you, and even if you can't modify it, 'checking up to ensure that the dangerous man who might be able to hurt TISME if he ever got his stuff together' is a better excuse than 'screw you guys, I'm stressed out and you people have the collective intelligence of a heard of magical gorilla's. You follow me after all'."

Ixion: I'm not certain what makes you suspect I have something against TISME.

"Doesn't matter if you do or don't. TISME is powerful, and powerful people like to swing that power to crush others. Heck; you could be a complete and utter pacifist who gives candy to small children and builds farms; but as long as you possess a degree of power that could even remotely pose a threat, TISME will want someone to keep an eye on you. I must admit, I don't find the idea wholly wrong either. Too many unschooled mages blow themselves up trying to learn magic from crazy old men hidden away in the forests."

Ixion: Well then I suppose TISME is free to waste its resources at its own discretion. Knowing my long term plans I can only see them acting as you say as paranoid and shortsighted.

"Your long term plans that involve making giant chimera's capable of burrowing under entire cities to force truces?"

Ixion: I have no intention of forcing any truces.

"Oh? You are not going to engage in a diplomatic interaction with the intention of a truce only to have at least one of the leaders offer up a surrender that you did not expect to happen?"

Ixion: If by "diplomatic interaction" you mean harsh words accompanied with violence then most likely. Zaftrans do not truly surrender in my experience. They either win their battles, fall back temporarily, or go down fighting.

"Threats are a form of diplomacy, though not a very good one, and you are interacting with someone. Therefore, it is a diplomatic interaction." Mana backed away with a smile. "Even if you don't do it, that is what I will be telling the rest of the eights, cause it is true. Now, I believe this conversation has run its course for now."

Mana's wings burst forth in their full splendor, fanning wide as she moved towards the nearest window. With a quick motion of her hand, a second, small and ghostly burst of magic in the shape of her own hand flipped the latch. "I will see you soon Ixion. Of that I am sure."

As Ixion thought back on that discussion, he looked around to make sure things were still relatively normal. Victor was eying the building across the street, Stratos was looking in that direction as well from a rooftop she had taken for herself, Nikita was still unconscious right next to the entrance, and all the other wyverns were near the stables or disguised as rocks.

Ixion: (She really does need help, but there isn't anything I can do about it unless she volunteers ... and doesn't fool around. I don't see that happening so I suppose that's just a lost cause. Maybe it's time I start to consider the future. I haven't dwelt past this operation much, and I haven't truly considered what I would do next to further my training. The road ahead seems a bit foggy all of a sudden.)

Fullmetal Wyvern Lord

Once Irina was finished suiting up, she stood from the bed and faced her uncle, who was also standing, and roughtly a foot taller at that. She now had a helmet on, but the visor was still up.

Ivanko: Ready to go?

She nodded and turned to grab the bag she had placed her old armor into. The two headed for the door and Ivanko shut it behind him. Irina gained a lead as Ivanko slowed down. She had reached the stairs by the time he came to a stop, just in front of the locked door. Leaning over a bit, he spoke softly.

Ivanko: ... thanks.

On the other side of the door, the disguised Miranda leaned up against the door with her ear placed gently on its surface. She simply nodded at his statement with a close eyed grin. When Irina made it downstairs, she didn't scan the room, but instead kept her eyes on the door. Ivanko wasn't far behind either.

Ivanko: Makar, pay for the flooring, will ya.

He nodded, as Lev stood up from his chair.

Lev: So we're ready then?

Ivanko: About ready, yeah.

Irina: Let's get this over with.

Irina put down her visor obscuring her eyes, kept her head lower than normal, and made for the door. Lev noticed the mixed expression she had before she hid her face. Now he couldn't help but wonder what Ivanko had talked with her about. Iso too was surprised to see his sister like that but he remembered that he wasn't completely powerless at the moment. He was going with them. He gave the only look he could manage at the staircase. A sorrowful thanks for Miranda's scheme. It afforded him a chance to do something at least. He wasn't ready yet though, he had to get his bag and his coat. He ran up the stairs to get them and made it a point to hurry back just in case Ixion thought to leave him behind anyway. He wasn't sure how much of a fuss Irina would put up in his defense after the look he saw on her face. It was almost as if she wanted to go.

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Helios had finished packing up everything, and was now ready to move out whenever was needed. From the general sounds of things, it was quieting down in the common room as well, but he should do one or two other things real quick before returning. Heading out of the room, he nearly ran Isotov who was on his own way into their room. Shooting the fellow mage a glare of icy daggers, he said simply, "Make sure to warn me next time you and any lady friend decide to have... private correspondence. I'd rather avoid running into that. You were lucky I wasn't a few minutes earlier this morning..."

Still annoyed and not caring for a reply, he left down the hall, in the direction of Elle's room. It was time to check up on her, and make sure she was doing alright, see whether she had yet remembered anything perhaps, and just to in general make sure she would be ready to move on with the group when the time came. Resting briefly before the door, trying to quell the butterflies in his stomach―still effects from last night's drinking of course, what else could possibly be the cause―he then knocked gently on the door and called out. "...Elle?"

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Mid-step, Kelas stumbled, remembering that there was something she could do. It wouldn't solve the problem of where the group was, it wouldn't really take her mind off things, but it would fix some misconceptions... muttering, she turned and headed out the door. She didn't know where Beau had gone, but it shouldn't be too hard to find him, provided he hadn't gone downstairs.


"Er... hungry," Arrin replied, stomach growling again to emphasize. "I hadn't had breakfast yet, but if people were still throwing things I was ready to do without... since it seems to be over, though, have you eaten? We could get some food..."


Far away, present time

Calms and storms, updrafts, downdrafts... wherever the tailwind took her... at lower altitudes, she barely had to worry about birds, she could see the disturbances in the air, but she was too high for birds now...

Something ugly suddenly registered, a jangling chord in the middle of the symphony of the winds. Her wings tipped up, and she stalled for a moment, hands contorting into claws, collecting magic up to tear at the enemy. She shook her head, trying to clear it... she was high enough up that the threat below could almost be ignored. Frantically Mana pulled up, trying to ascend back to a level where she couldn't sense the disgusting thing below.

She was looking at the ground like a human again. Where was she? Flat, blasted land stretched out below her. A quick glance around showed only two marks on the surface of the desert; raptor vision zoomed in, and she identified them. No wonder she'd been brought out of her reverie; this was all too near where the demon king himself had been buried. She'd gotten lost... well, not lost physically; she knew where she was, but lost her humanity in the wind again. She could have been back to her office from the mercenary base in a matter of hours, but she'd let the winds take her where they would, and been carried far to the east of her original target, continuing further south than she'd meant to... High up where she couldn't feel the presence of whatever demon was lurking in the desert, it was almost a temptation to continue, heading to lands past the desert... she'd been there, once, maybe, before the war... had she? She couldn't remember. She kept forgetting things lately... like herself, this was happening more and more, start a quick flight and end up leagues away from where she had meant to go...

It took more effort than it should to turn herself around, pointing away from where the wind would have taken her, and back towards the institute. By the time she reached her office, a few hours later, she was drained; she dropped in through the skylight that had been left open for her, barely remembered to pull up the disguise that kept the human mages from working out who and what she was, and collapsed on the couch, falling into a fitful sleep within seconds. She didn't remember why there was a couch, either, but this sort of thing seemed as good a reason as any.

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Tas would have hesitated longer, but he saw Ixion and his fellow wyvern riders walk into view of the stables' doorway. Seeing as the stables were prallel to the inn, they must have exited a little before they'd come into view. Frowning at how little time he had before everyone left, he mentioned to the prince, "I'm sorry, but I have to go now. I still have to make sure Namid's harness doesn't have anything that need replacing. I should check his shoulder, too..." He'd looked down in his rapid review of his pre-flight checkup before returning his attention to Tristan. "Well, good luck in Jerdon," he repeated the farewell with a bit of a smile and a wave before turning around and hurrying to Namid, who was still trying to hide in plain sight.

Placing a hand on the wyvern, he quietly encouraged Namid to uncurl. "Namid, we're taking off soon. ... Oh, come on, Namid, it's m-- wha!!" The mountain wyvern had poked his head out from under his wing, grabbed on to Tas' jerkin with his teeth and pulled the courier into hiding under the wing both wyvern head and courier were now hidden under. Tas sighed. "There's nothing to worry about, Namid. I need to check your rigging to make sure nothing needs any last-minute replacements. You don't want a strap to snap mid-flight, do you?" The mountain wyvern whined a little. Tas knew what he was afraid of, and rightly so. "I understand, Namid. I know there's a giant, vicious, bull plains-dweller nearby. But his rider is also nearby and we're going with them. We'll be safe as long as his rider's around," Tas reasoned.

Reluctantly, Namid began to uncurl, revealing the courier who now had the room to stand up again and begin the pre-flight inspection. He was quite impressed that none of the leather was worn to the point of needing a replacement, especially since they'd come from the southeastern border of Septimus. (Well, I suppose I did replace a lot of the leather early on... And I still have quite a few scraps if I have to replace them in Zaftra. The buckles, bolts and rings are in good condition, too.) The observations went through the courier's head as he checked and tugged on the harness and extra straps for keeping everything in-place. By now Namid was on his legs, stratching his wings somewhat with his head high and his tail behind him. This gave Tas maximum visability of the harness, after all. It also let Namid stretch, which felt good after being curled up and grounded for so long.

"Okay, now lets see how stiff you are," Tas mentioned as he climbed into the saddle and gave the command for the mountain wyvern to take flight. Namid shot into the air, climbing high quickly, letting the uo-and-down of his wings reduce the stiffness in his freshly-recovered shoulder. A couple barrel rolls later and the stiffness was gone altogether. Namid also felt much more relaxed now that he was in the air again with Tas. The ground was for resting when your wings got tired and for eating and drinking casually. Good riddance. Tas himself also felt more relaxed. Besides at the ranch, the sky was the only place he was used to. (I wonder what Zaftran skies are like...)


Beau had managed to find a hallway that seemed not to be used too often. It was quiet here and had a window letting the sunlight in. It was a good place to read the shine tome. And so, that was where he was: seated with his back to the wall under the window, maximizing on the light that was coming in. He felt much calmer about the day's events in such a warm, tranquil, secluded location and simply allowed himself to enjoy the tome's information.

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Kelas' search continued; she turned around at the top of the stairs and headed back down the hall, turning the corner back towards Arrin's room and passing it. Rounding another corner, she finally spied her diminutive target: Beau was seated under one of the windows, reading. She stopped directly in front of him, crossing her arms irritably. "So," she began. "I hear you've been filling my brother's head with lies, then? Did someone tell you all that garbage or did you make it up yourself?"

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Beau only glanced up to see who was adressing him before returning his eyes blindly to the pages before him, preferring to keep his gaze rested there rather than on the one who had interrupted him. "I do not recall lying to anyone about you or anyone else today," was his simple, flat reply. His tranquility had been ruined. For some reason, that upset him more than it usually would have. Beau reasoned it was likely because he'd been reading and that had been interrupted, though Arrin's distrust in him could have had a residual sting.

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"What the hell was that story about me and Isotov and canoodling, then? You seriously believe that? Who the hell told you that?!" Kelas doubted Beau was actually convinced of whatever he'd said, but if he was going to deny it, well, she'd just have a bit more work talking sense into him. "I mean, Aiya was joking plenty earlier, but even she didn't bother making up a story about being engaged or whatever. Seriously..."

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"Feh. Don't come crying to me if he molests you," Reika glared, spitting at the soldier before turning away and heading back upstairs.

Right. I never got around to pumping that Dani girl into getting me the info I need. I need to do that pretty soon. If I can just find the room and avoid people who'll give me shit.

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Beau arched an eyebrow at one of the words. "...I'm afraid I am not quite familliar with the word 'canoodling.' Care to clarify?"

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"Oh, dodging the question, are we? You told my brother that not only were my friend and I were both drunk last night, AND sleeping together, but also that we were engaged," Kelas replied shortly. "I can see where you got the first bit, and the second bit because it's the assumption everyone's been making, but where the hell'd you get that last?"

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"You mean you and Isotov aren't engaged? Odd. Hmmm.... I couldn't say who told me, but I heard from someone who'd been travelling with you that you were..." Beau replied somewhat absently, letting his gaze lazily shift down the hall.

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