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Lord of Azure Flame Chapter 24: The Schism


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"Sure you did. Who?" Kelas was getting properly irritated now. "We are not engaged, we are not sleeping together, what happened yesterday and this morning were two unrelated, accidental events, and I do not appreciate you feeding rumors to my brother! Furthermore, while you are a healer, you're what, thirteen? For the gods' sake leave the explanations of what you clearly assumed we were doing to a responsible adult! I know those are in short supply around here, but seriously!"

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"Hmm..." the 13-year-old hummed, Kelas' words having little-to-no apparent effect, "Though I cannot recall who it was... Your claims are less than believable, given what I've seen." He stretched as little as he lazily continued, "You, at least, woke up with a hangover, implying that you drank things you ought have left alone. Then I see Isotov atop you in the hallway. With that and what I'd been told in mind, of course I would draw up that fantastic conclusion. Being the...friend...that I am, I thought Arrin would already know about something like that. You are his sister, after all and you are rarely seen without Isotov nearby. " Though most of what he relayed had been casually adressed, the word "friend" was isolated with a slight grimace and a tone that was almost doubting. Lifting his eyes to Kelas', Beau asked, "So, what I'd been told was a false assumption? You really do not love Isotov?"

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"That's neither the point nor your business, the point is stop telling my brother crap you don't know is true," Kelas replied, dodging the question. "Not your business what happened, not your business telling anyone what you think happened. This group's got enough gossip without you piping up, and Arrin barely wanted to talk to me until I set him straight on what you filled his head with. I don't appreciate that."

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Beau's flat frown shifted. The corners of his mouth slowly began to rise. "Interesting," he mentioned, "You practically told me 'I do love Isotov, but we aren't enagaged and it's embarassing for you to be telling people -- especially my brother -- about what our relationship is not yet, but may someday become.' Well, that is irrelivent right now. It is not directly my concern what you appreciate just as it is not directly your concern what I appreciate. I told your brother something I believed he should know, given the circumstances. Are you upset that I told him about biology he did not yet understand as well? I did tell him what I've already been taught, after all. Oh, perhaps you think that was something a family member should have done. Well, perhaps. Why, then, did you not tell him sooner?" This was becoming something of a fun game for Beau.

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Arriving at the bottom of the stairs, Heinz let go of Irina as soon as she seemed stable, eyes looking at the druid with a mixture of curiosity and wariness. Interesting. So he can dull pain as well as manipulate others' minds, eh? he wondered before glancing quickly at the courier's outburst. Heinz opened his mouth to speak, pausing when the question was initiated and answered a moment later. "Kalten?" he spoke out sharply. A battle at the Zaftran capital... Tuning in carefully to the ongoing conversation and miniature wyvern attack while his mind went over the possibilities.

So Ixion needs Irina for an attack on Zaftra, most likely with Ivanko's Mercenaries. Object control? That wyvern doesn't look light... No other force related to Zaftra big enough to attack the Imperial forces, but to attempt it would be suicide. "Enormous resources funneled into me"? "How exactly do you plan to invade that stronghold?" he asked softly, not expecting an answer. And Ivanko here as well to ensure she comes along.

Tas voiced Heinz's other question, although no response came. Relaxing slightly when Ixion left, the mercenary watched the Ivanko mercenaries and wyvern courier complete their transaction idly, resting one palm on the table's edge. The Crimson Sword wielder briefly entered and departed with the Lance wielder in tow. Glancing at their departing backs, Heinz shrugged to himself and sat down, figuring the business with the Zaftrans was more important.

To have worked so long single-mindedly for such a goal, and to have kept it a secret from Irina for so long.. "What a trick," he commented wryly to himself. And well played indeed, a small smirk on his face. Heinz looked behind him, hearing the fire mage's voice in the room. It crossed his mind that perhaps a word of comfort or two would have done the wyvern lord some good given her current situation, but there was no time left for such, as Ivanko and Ixion entered the inn.

He stood up, doubting he would be of much use but little inclined to sit at present time. Equal footing. Heinz observed quietly, keeping his arms loose and relaxed at his side. Ivanko moves quite fast in that armor, keeping the rest of his face expressionless as both the wyvern lord and her brother were downed in short order.

The thief blinked once. How cruel, he thought dryly. He has a lesson to impart, and apparently the fire mage isn't as important as his sister either, seeing the bull wyvern take a swat at the man. Lucky miss, frowning as he noticed another figure running into the scene.... and just as quickly running away, Kiev attempting to help. "This won't end well," he muttered, before Ivanko and Ixion stepped in to remedy the issue. His tomahawk? Seems like that was a routine, almost. Certainly prepared to take on the emperor, riding that thing. The nomad came rushing downstairs, but Heinz held back, waiting for Ivanko to step back and reluctant to crowd the spot Irina had fallen.

A woman entered the room; Heinz vaguely recognized her from the ball, despite not either knowing or remembering her name. The priestess did her work while Heinz let his eyes roam over the cracks in the floor, listening quietly. His words echo my own claims when I took on this job. It seems they ring true. How ironic, he mulled. "So this is the Zaftran way," he commented, the words covered by Tas's protests. "Kindness does not teach everything," he replied bluntly. "In war, power and skill will always rule. They will come back if they want to." And Isotov too apparently, although Morgan won't let him go without a fight. And Tas wants to help, eh? Since Kiev can be ridden by anyone.

"Good luck and don't get yourselves killed," he said, smiling slightly. Like the luck of the draw. Heinz had his own ties to the group- namely that he was hired with his own fair share of adventure and other more pertinent aims to complete. Snorting silently at the fire mage and the nomad's affection, the thief tapped his fingers aimlessly. Didn't know they had gotten quite that far. Wondering what to do now that the discussion was resolved, the mercenary watched the thunder mage interrupt the Halton colonel and the healer humoredly.

Looking blankly at the door Heinz shrugged. He had been inside the inn since helping Irina down the stairs, and those marks were on the outwards facing portion of the door. Reika maybe? Or that strange man from earlier. Figuring it was about time to stop sitting around and find something better to do Heinz looked around for the nearest exit besides the front door of the inn, keeping his grin at Morgan's reaction to Levski hidden as he walked away.

Edited by the_whistler
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"Not what I said at all!" Kelas snapped. "That's your problem, you hear one thing and make up a ridiculous story to go along with! And then tell people! Unless someone's gonna get hurt over it, people's business is theirs to share, you don't go blabbing it all over to people! Or do they not teach you noble lot about privacy?!"

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Getting Things

Iso should have known he wouldn't be lucky enough to make it all the way back to the room without being bothered by somebody about something. Of course, Helios didn't wait around for Iso's reply, and so the fire sage didn't bother making one.

Iso: (Just assume whatever the hell you want, just like everyone else. You'd think at least one person around here might consider the POSSIBILITY that ... oh screw this. I'm just going to hurry up and get my things.)

He made it back to the room, no other interruptions. He grabbed his new jacket and put it on, and then grabbed the bag containing his fire tome and other traveling essentials before exiting the room. He closed the door behind him, looking up and down the hallway as he did so.

Iso: (I feel like I'm never going to see this place again. It's just an inn so that makes perfect sense, but it's bothering me right now. Heh, I guess this place feels a bit like our H.Q.. Oh well.)

Shoving those strange thoughts aside, he headed for the stairs breathing deeply to calm his nerves.

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With one final crypic reply―molest? As in to pester and interfere with reaching one's goals? That doesn't even... surely there's context missing―Reika had spat and wandered off, to be caustic and abusive elsewhere no doubt. Tessa found herself hoping the girl would take her advice, and maybe if they could sit down and get a good heart-to-heart going that she could find out what was troubling her, and get her to, if not be more agreeable, at least be less contrary.

In other news though, the cause for Arrin's currently less-than-personable status was revealed to be just simple hunger. An easy enough fix! Smiling a little sheepishly she replied, "Well, I already did grab a small bit of toast and such, but it was kind of hurried and distracted due to some misunderstandings involving... you know the whole affair. I could maybe have a tiny bit of eggs or something while you're eating yours."

Edited by Balcerzak
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Gladly Arrin nodded and started towards the other room, where breakfast was being served. "Rather a lot of excitement this morning," he remarked, loading up a plate with food and waiting for Tessa to get some before heading for a table. "Do you know where we're going next?" he asked between bites. He didn't much like the prospect of going after Helenos again, but it seemed like the only way they really could go if they were going to keep on track...

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Petros burrowed underground for most of the night towards Worthington. He enjoyed it under the surface, none of that pesky sunlight or annoying humans. The worst thing about the world above though, were those accursed flying creatures...birds he seemed to recall some human referring to them as. They would always defecate on him, perhaps mistaking him for a common rock.

Eventually, he popped out of the ground in a woods nearby Worthington, next to a wolf. The wolf's aura was familiar, but it was also...coming from the town? Petros looked in the direction of the wolf and scowled. "Are there somehow two of you now? Don't tell me your odd infatuation with meatbags has somehow produced...offspring. That would be very unseemly," Petros said, looking down at the creature.

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Rock and Wolf

As what seemed to be a rock popped up out of the ground near it, the wolf looked at it curiously. It was aware the thing was coming, but had gotten distracted by the very thing it mentioned upon arrival. Opening its canine jaws, the words of a humanoid came forth, irritated as always.

Wolfice: That presence over there is a part of me. The druid used half of my heart and some raw materials to create it. He put the mind of a woman I killed into that body, and now she's more dangerous, cocky, and powerful than ever. You can call her Miranda ... or crazy psycho bitch for short. So what are you doing here?

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It was morning now, and the thunder sage was gazing once more out the window. This time, in amazement at the gigantic wyvern that was resting outside. How did they grow so big? Her thoughts were interrupted by a knocking at the door, and a voice belonging to Helios came from the other side of it, seemingly checking on her existence. Slowly, Elle walked over to the door, opened it, and looked at the wind sage standing before her.

"...Yes?" she asked, cautiously. "... Is there something going on? There are a number of giant wyverns outside."

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"I've been taught a number of things. One of the most important subjects of which is social conduct," the young noble replied, becoming somewhat bored with her reaction, "Also, I am not as loose-lipped as you may believe. I saw you and Isotov in the hallway while I was visiting with Arrin. Curious as to the thud and shouts, I investigated. The speculations began to piece together in my mind as I returned. He asked me what had humored me and I answered, seeing as I thought he already knew of your and Isotov's supposed courtship. When I found he did not know not only that but also the mechanics of human reproduction as well as various terms and names, I decided to enlighten him as any helpful friend would. Now since you apparently already spoke with him, correcting any misconceptions I had unwittingly planted, I suppose there is no need for me to do the same. He is the only one I decided to speak about your relationship with. No harm has been done in the end. Isn't that the case, Ms. Kelas?" With his concluding question, Beau's studious eyes shifted to Kelas' face again, waiting on her reply.

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Hungry Like the Wolf

"Isn't 'crazy psycho bitch' longer than simply saying Miranda? Anyway, I went to look for the Grand Cleric on Ruby's advice...he was already gone," Petros responded simply to the demon wolf.

"If this Miranda has half of your heart, that would make her a demon-one of us. We should bring her into the fold quickly, we do not want another Helenos on our hands," Petros said, turning to look upon the village.

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Putting together only a very small amount of supplementary breakfast, Tessa followed Arrin to one of the tables. The atmosphere in the common room seemed to have returned to its normal levels, now that the mercenaries had vacated, and the other habitants were feeling more at ease. Conversing between mouthfuls, the mage had turned to discuss the travel plans. The troubadour actually was a bit in the dark on this matter herself, and she regretted not having awakened before Morgan this morning, she would have liked to have asked about that, and other issues.

"Well... I don't know that I really have an information that you don't already, to tell the truth. I mean, we both took the day off yesterday, and had a splendid time with Beau, I still need to get that book so I can give it to Morgan proper later, don't I, and things have just been a mess and confusion so far this morning. I should expect we're going to try to dash out of Septimus, too much unrest here, but in which direction? Your guess is as good as mine. Back to Halton maybe? Though that's kind of the opposite way of where we'd been heading while tracking down Helenos... I doubt we'd be so easily welcomed back to Elysimia..." She frowned and stabbed repeatedly with her fork at a clump of scrambled egg that was tenaciously holding together while she was airing out random musings, not really paying attention to her meal.


"Ahhhh... good morning," Helios breathed out nervously as Elle had answered the door. "How are you doing..." he had started to ask, but she seemed to be in fine enough form, and was asking some questions of her own. As she directed the conversation to the wyverns, he nodded and replied, "Yes... that. Well, a company of mercenaries have arrived. Doing business with that courier, and I guess a few other items on their agenda. The negotiations downstairs got a little noisy, so I left before I heard just what exactly was decided on. I don't know just how much of a concern it will be, to tell the truth..."

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"And I suppose I'm to believe you're not going to do it again?" Kelas shook her head. "If I find you going and telling any other lies about me to anyone later, I'm going to be sore displeased." She turned on her heel and headed back down the hall, turning the corner. She stopped short, seeing Isotov up ahead. She didn't think that Miranda would have left the room yet, so that ought to be the real one... but she didn't think she ought to delay him any. "I'm sorry," she said quietly, and turned away, about to head back the way she'd come.


"Elyisima is right out, I think, as is Zaftra given circumstances, I'd hope... I suppose there's also Jerdon, but really it doesn't seem like we can leave right away if we're going to take down Helenos," Arrin replied worriedly. "Unless Morgan's planning on going after the Lord first instead... but that doesn't seem like a good idea, given that we can't seem to beat Helenos yet... hm..." Despite the conversation, he still somehow managed to finish off his plate of food, and contemplate getting a bit more.

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(I don't see how she thought I wasn't intending on using what social weaponry I learn if pressed. She's quite arrogant, it seems, thinking she can attempt a threat like that against me. Hm. I'll let this go for now. She's probably just ignorant, seeing me only as a child rather than for my superior bloodline. She would do well not to attempt anything rash against me. Being ignorant and being Arrin's sister can only protect you so much, Ms. Kelas.) Beau's cold, annoyed glare focussed on the corner the nomad rounded for a moment longer before returning to Raemond's tome. (Ahh, a cloud has gone over the sun... Pity. Well, it will move in time, unless an entire bank of them has set in.)

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"Well, do we even know where Helenos went to after... that mess the other day? I thought we only just found her this time because of a few lucky leads, but aside from that shadow walker your sister was talking about, we're currently dry on new ones, aren't we?" The troubadour was a bit confused, maybe she'd missed something, that certainly wouldn't be beyond consideration. "I guess, times like this make me glad I'm not in charge..."

Seeing that the mage had finished everything on his plate, she stopped playing around with the last bit of egg on her plate and then asked, "So, you're done right? Feeling a little better now or have any ideas on what to do until everything's sorted?"

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Shouting was coming from the common room for a little while. From outside, Esphyr could hear the wyverns. Her breath caught for a moment before she continued, tennitively, writing her letter. There certainly was a lot to cover for the months she'd been away from home...or... How long had it been? Half a year since her last visit? (I'll have to see them in-person when all this is over.) Looking over her writing, she deemed it accurate and readable. And so she placed the three-page-long letter into the envelope and poured some of the wax onto it to seal it shut. Setting the candle back down, she wrote the proper adress so the post would know where to take it. Then it was ready.

The mercenary stood and blew out the candle before walking to the door and quietly leaving her room. She had a letter to deliver since they were near a town and she hadn't had to pay much for the parachment and ink she'd requested from one of the inn's staff. Now she walked through the common room, letter in-hand. (I don't know how much longer we'll be near a town. I'd better take this opportunity.) As she walked, she took no heed of any around her, making a point to ignore Damian. She was serious about it this time. It was over.

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Reunion From Hell and The Severance

She had heard enough to not be able to just stand around wondering. Viveka carefully made her way toward the window, with Jasmine's concern filled gaze not leaving her for a moment. She closed her eyes not wanting to see until she was ready. Her last step to place herself in front of the window took the longest. She moved the curtains with her hands spreading them to either side and then opened her eyes. Looking down at the streets in front of the inn, she saw Ixion pacing around outside, and dangerously close to him was a wyvern. The look on her face, sheer terror.


A stream of tears began flowing down her face as she began taking steps from the window.

Viveka: It's ... still alive ....

Outside, Ixion had just happened to glance at the inn and noticed that one of the windows was uncovered, and up there he spotted Viveka looking down at him and Victor. The feelings she was experiencing for that brief moment, Ixion could feel them too, and it forced him to turn and face Victor, who shot him a look as well.

Ixion: That's ... unfortunate ... (So this is ... true fear ... ... it's almost ... uncontrollable!) ... urgh ....

Victor saw the look in Ixion's eyes as they looked at each other. Ixion appeared almost as frightened as the girl in the window. The girl in the window ... that was the same one Ivanko had prevented him from killing some time ago, and she was still as scared and pathetic as ever. If not for that building and Ivanko being nearby he might do something quickly to finish her off. Regardless though, Ixion had shown him a weakness he never expected to see from the druid and took the opportunity to attack! The only way he could score a hit at his current position would be to use his tail, and with that he quickly swung for the druid hoping to send him flying, or if he was heavy enough, break him in two, or behead him. Ixion realized what the wyvern was trying in time and rose his had to erect a barrier. The tail smashed into the barrier shattering it and forcing Ixion into a standing slide across several meters of dirt. He remained standing but felt much of the force behind the hit and began panting.

Ixion: (That was close. Being linked to that woman is more dangerous than I expected. Victor drags out the strongest feelings that woman possesses, and they're traveling over the link directly to me. I'm aborting the original plan. I'll sever the link from my end instead of hers. I'd prefer not to waste that much energy on her, but at this point, it's a better option than waiting for her to calm down ... that just isn't going to happen at this point.)

Irina and Ivanko rushed over to Ixion's side, Ivanko to investigate, and Irina just following her instincts.

Ivanko: What happened?!

Before answering, Ixion made a gripping motion with his hand, and ripped downward as if tearing something from his hair. For a split second a few sparkles of visible energy appeared bursting out from his palm and vanishing afterward. Ixion kept his gaze at the ground, and breathed deeply, trying to rid himself of the feelings that crossed over.

Ixion: Unstable influx of emotions from Viveka. Victor thought I was open ...

Ivanko turned around and looked up at the window. Viveka was barely in view, but she could still see what was happening outside. Her and Ivanko's eyes met. Ivanko knew how she must have felt. He once received a letter from her giving thanks for killing Victor. It was her false assumption, but for some reason he couldn't bring himself to correct her. To him it seemed like fate was torturing the poor girl. Why would he have ever had to tell her that his mount was the one that terrorized her family and murdered her brother? What were the odds of them running into each other again? Apparently too high. The only reason she hadn't learned of Victor sooner was because the wyvern was wearing a suit of battle armor identical to Ivanko's during his last meeting with the group. Victor would don the same armor for the upcoming battle, but it wasn't time to fit him with it yet, and that alone seemed to be the cause of all this.

Ivanko: ... damn.

Viveka backed away from the window, unable to look anymore. It was all there. The beast that tore her brother apart in front of her, now wearing a saddle, the man who used her like a tool for his own purposes, now with a familiar yet undeserved helping hand upon his shoulder, and the man they both answered to. Ivanko, now tending to both. Each step backwards from the window was more staggered than the last, and Jasmine had to step in to keep her Captain from collapsing on the floor.

Jasmine: Viv! What's wrong?! What's still alive?! Come on, don't space out on me! Viiiv!! (What on earth did she see out there?!)


Iso was about to head down the stairs, but the sound of a familiar voice prompted a pause. As he looked back over his shoulder, he saw Kelas heading back the other way. He wanted to turn back and say something, anything, but what? Nothing came to mind before she was too far away for him to say anything without raising his voice loud enough for others to hear, and he hung his head silently cursing himself for the hesitation.

Iso: (I'll just ... I'll just say something when I get back ... I won't feel so awful by then if all goes well.)

Returning his attention to the bottom of the staircase, he made his way downstairs, and began heading for the door. Lev wanted to be the last one out though, so he took his time, allowing the fire sage to leave the building first.

The Other Tov

Sitting up with her back against the closed and still very much locked door, Miranda grimaced at Iso's response. It was easy to tell from where they were, what was and wasn't going on.

Iso!Miranda: (Dammit ... what happened to the student I used to teach? Is he that worn down? Oh for crying out loud ... why are you acting like this?! Iiiidiiiooooot!)

Demons in the Woods

Wolfice: She's almost not worth recruiting. She may have half of my heart, but she was a renegade even among her own kind when she was a human and she loved picking on demons like us. What we should do is get that other half of my heart back and leave her to decompose in the dirt. With my full power back, challenging them for the crimson weapons will be much less of a suicide mission. Things are hard enough without Megae around.

A thought suddenly occurred.

Wolfice: The grand cleric? What do we want with that human? Our targets are the crimson weapons.

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Ignoring Reika's continued musings, activity seemed to be increasing and shifting. Tessa had departed to eat with Arrin, and some sense of normalcy had been achieved. That is, until Victor lashed out at Ixion, sending the druid back several meters and smashing through his barrier.

"That bull is still wild, huh? I know you didn't have much intentions of training him, but I guess thinking he might mellow out eventually now that you can stop him in his tracks, Ivanko... guess it was wishful thinking." Damian said with a sigh, approaching the Zaftrans. Ixion seemed to not be any worse for wear, now that he had apparently cut his link with Viveka.

"Those things can even transfer emotion? Seems there is more to them than I thought there was." Damian continued, noticing Irina had returned as well, and was at the scene, seemingly more calm than before.

'I suppose now is as good a time as any.' Damian noted to himself, before turning to his employee... well, former employee was a better term, he supposed.

"Irina... with this business starting, you won't be under my employ any more..." Damian said, placing a friendly hand on her shoulder.

"It was nice working with you. I don't know what the future holds for you... but I hope someday we can fight side by side again... but for now, all that is left is to see you off." Damian said to her, releasing his light grip on her and moving his hand down to the bag of gold on his belt.

"Well, and there is this. Your final pay, Irina." Damian finished, handing her the bag after detaching it from his belt, the distinct sound of gold coins chiming from the bag as it moved, and as the fairly heavy weight found itself changing hands from Damian to Irina.

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"Whoa!" At all the comotion on the ground, Namid halted his gliding, instead hovering above the earthbound excitement. Tas, too, was looking downward at the goings-on. (That bull is definately feral...)


Esphyr froze momentarily at the sight before her from where she was just inside the inn's door. Swallowing her nerves and stepping outside, she looked away. Victor was distracted, so she could sneak off into town to deliver her letter, walking carefully beside the inn's wall.

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Ivanko could only sigh in response, while Ixion quickly regained his composure.

Ixion: It doesn't happen ordinarily. It takes very strong emotions to cause any kind of involuntary transfer to occur. Viveka may be an officer, but she has incredibly strong feelings, ones associated with Victor. It wouldn't be a stretch to assess that she is defined by those feelings.

Ivanko: Victor killed her brother right in front of her before I caught him. Almost got her too. She couldn't have joined the military too long after that if she's already a captain. So ... nough said.

Victor noticed that his name was coming up quite a lot. He didn't really mind become the subject of babbling but he did mind having so much attention that there was no one around stupid enough to let their guard down anymore. Just as well, with those strange weapons Ivanko carried, there was no way he was going to get any free kills today anyway.

Irina nodded accepting her final payment from Damian. Barely able to keep her head up, she cleared her throat, and replied, trying to keep her voice somewhat professional.

Irina: Thank you for hiring me, Damian. It was great working with you, and I too hope that we can fight together again. Someday soon.

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A Paul

Paul was passing the time throwing knives closer and closer to the big ugly one in an attempt to aggravate it because of the elevating scores of boredom. The only real thing he could think of to relieve it was wholesale slaughter, but that was just soooooo five minutes ago. Now it was all about subtle manipulation through the rigors of combat. Juuuuuuuuust needed to wait until Ivanko waddled back outside and it would be go time!

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A Farewell

Lev bid Morgan a fond farewell, and Iso barely managed one as well before they left the inn. Makar saw to the repair bills for the flooring immediately, running off to speak with the innkeeper as soon as the door had shut. Outside, Stephanie and O'Donnel readied themselves. Warping was no easy task without years of experience which neither of them had. Working together lightened the burden considerably though. Ivanko was still thinking about Viveka by the time they'd arrived. The look on her face ... he hadn't forgotten the last time he saw it. Irina had gone over to check on Nikita after finishing her conversation with Damian, and she was surprised by what she knew about the wyvern already. Of course, Ixion had done something to her. When Nikita woke up, the two stared at each other for almost a minute. Irina didn't know what to say to Nikita, and Nikita just wanted to know what was causing her friend so much pain. She didn't have to see Irina's eyes to know she wasn't feeling well.

Ivanko: (Bad way to leave things but it can't be helped right now.) Gather up your mounts.

Ixion: Stratos!

Irina: Come on. Let's go, Nikita.

Nikita followed Irina over to Ivanko and the others. Irina then called out to Kiev, who came trotting over so oblivious to the severity of the situation that Irina nearly broke down seeing him. Her shoulders jerked up a bit and she looked right down at the dirt at her feet. Kiev and Nikita tilted their heads at the girl.

Irina: (Just focus! Don't think about anything that happened! Forget about Ixion and what he just forced me to do ... just forget ...)

As Iso and Lev made their way over, Lev gestured at Krinkov to get up and come over. The wyvern wasn't weighed down with stuff, but wasn't in a hurry to get going regardless. His father was right over there. Iso arrived beside his sister with the same worried face as before.

Iso: Are you alright?

Irina: ....

Ivanko: Irina, if you're friend's coming signal'em to get down here.

Irina: Kiev can you go get Tas ... wait.

Irina froze, and so did Nikita. Irina felt weird asking Kiev to do that in the manner that she had. Nikita was wondering why she was asking Kiev to do something she herself was normally assigned to do. Fetch jobs weren't very fun, but she loved her friend enough to do it if desired. So why was she asking the youngster? Irina glanced over at Nikita almost wondering the same thing.

Irina: Uh ... Nikita?

That was her cue! She didn't wait for Irina to finish and just took off on the spot kicking up lots of dust. She flew up to Tas and started hissing at him and Namid. Her message was the same over and over again <"Come down!">

Irina: Everything's mixed up now ... My memories of Kiev, and ... of Nikita ... oh no ....

Iso: Wha ...?

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