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Lord of Azure Flame Chapter 24: The Schism


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Yet another surprise. Nikita had flown right at the courier and his partner wyvern. The message sounded almost urgent, but more just plain harsh. With a glance at the hovering wyvern he was riding, Tas saw his own expression in wyvern form. (Looks like I translated that right... Those gestures and all that hissing... Man, Nikita sure is bossy.) Unfortunately there were no nonthreatening reprimands in Tas' wyvern vocabulary, so he simply shifted his weight and pressed his heels lightly into Namid's sides to signal a descend command. Namid moved somewhat slowly at first; he wasn't too keen on being near the giant bull. So, when he landed, he landed so that as many humans and wyverns were between himself and Tas and the large bull. It didn't really help his nerves much, but at least it was something.

Tas' mind was on Nikita. It was strange how her cooperating with their side was making him angry, though the primary emotion was pity. If Nikita ever reunited with her old rider...Tas didn't want to be around for it. It was just too heartbreaking a prospect. He also wondered how Irina would handle this. The courier found his eyes wandering to Kiev. He almost flinched at how oblivious he was. (That mind-warping guy... Does he know what he's just done? What damage will he do in the future? I'd better keep Namid as far away from him as possible if he bewitches wyverns like this...)

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Well now that that appears almost over, I guess it's time for us to prepare to leave. I should go find Helios... Charlotte thought, excusing herself from the table and going upstairs. She began to look around the rooms and found Helios talking to Dani. Well it was more like 'at' Dani as it had been after they had gotten her back.

"Oh good, you're both here. Helios, have you told Dani that we're about to leave? If you need to tell anyone that you're leaving, now would be the time," she said, staying in the doorway.

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As Irina departed to finish preparations for the trip to Zaftra, Damian moved to proceed with the rest of his business. He thought back to what Esphyr said.

'If things are over between us, then it makes what I'm about to do easier, I suppose... it looks like the three of us were not meant to be... I won't let the same thing happen with Aiya...'

Fingering the metal in his bag with a bit of nervousness, Damian wondered just how to best ready himself for his next course of action.

'She hasn't come to see me yet... it's for the best. If this can be the first thing I do for her on my return, it will have more meaning.'

Noting that it seemed to look like it would be a short while yet before departure, Damian darted off into the town to finish preparations.


Composing herself with a shake of the head and a sigh, Aiya began to take another step down the stairs, before a voice rang in her head.

"Captain Keirich. Come in, Captain."

Surprised by the sudden and unexpected voice, Aiya nearly stumbled, catching herself before tumbling down the stairway embarrassingly. Moving down to the bottom of the stairwell, she replied to the voice.

'This is Captain Keirich. What is your report?'

"Cancel any operations against the Septimian forces or Jace that you may be undergoing. The invasion has been called off, and an envoy to conduct peace talks should be sent to Burgosas shortly. Understood?"

'Loud and clear, Sir. Is there anything else?'

"No, that is all. Dismissed."

And with that, the voice promptly dissapeared from Aiya's mind, leaving her to her own peace.

"That's good... one less thing to worry about... one... big thing..." Aiya said with a sigh, inexplicably out loud.

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The general nodded, smiling a bit as Jasmine put in her own thoughts. He continued listening for a few more seconds before deciding to speak.

"While a takeover would certainly bring a measure of order to this Crimson Weapon group, the responsibilities that come with doing so are problematic. Namely, past incidents such as burning down that inn, and future incidents which cannot be avoided in a group of this size, could be blamed on me," he said bluntly. Plenty in Elyisima would take advantage of an accident like that, done supposedly in my name.

"Though I hold no true authority over these people, I do intend to impose indirect control over their actions...without being held accountable should they do something foolish and illegal again. All means to an end, simply," concluding his speech as the growling in the background grew louder.

More familiar with the cry of a bull wyvern than military jargon? She has indicated dislike of wyverns in the past, but this seems to run deeper. Conrad followed the two pegasus knights to the window, frowning somewhat. Her eyes are closed. "Do you recognize that bull?" General Jackson questioned, a slight edge creeping into his voice. Standing behind the two women he could see the wyvern attempting- and almost succeeding in his attack on the unguarded druid. The leader of the Ivanko Mercenaries looked up at his captain, who was quite literally falling apart.

"Captain Viveka, how do you know of Ivanko's bull wyvern?" he questioned, though he doubted his subordinate would reply in her condition. Pausing for a few seconds, the girl's lack of response confirmed his suspicions. Scowling to himself, Conrad strode down the stairs and out of the inn.

The Elyisiman general gave a curt nod to Ixion. "It seems you removed that link after it almost cost you your life. I request you remove the other from my sergeant as well," folding his arms across his chest calmly.


The horse neighed wildly, butting his head against the stall door when it became obvious there were wyverns right outside the stables. And not the ones he had been traveling with ever since that mercenary had decided Ralf was his mount. Judging from the sounds outside, they were hostile, horse-eating wyverns. Ralf struck at the door with his hooves, hoping he could perhaps free himself and run away to the markets for more apples before he was eaten. But inside the stables he was certainly safer... Ralf snorted, stomping at the ground anxiously.

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Without responding, Ixion simply raised his hand above his face, and made a ripping gesture once resulting in the same tiny sparkles of magic showing up in his hand before disappearing. Despite his calm, the druid looked exhausted somehow, and the tone in his voice was not without emotion as it usually was.

Ixion: Jasmine is severed as well now ... ... Be forewarned, that was an emergency method of severing. The two of them not being magic users won't be able to handle the energy once the links absorb into them. Don't let them wander about in their current conditions.


Upstairs in the room, Jasmine was still keeping Viveka upright, but then the both of them fell to the floor, Jasmine having lost her footing as well. She sat up looking to the window again and wondered what was going on outside. Then, she decided to drop her curiosity and just focus on Viveka, who despite the fall was still completely out of it.

Jasmine: Viv, please say ... something. Anything. What's wrong?

Viveka: It's still alive. It's like, the nightmares were real after all ...

Jasmine: (Oh what am I supposed to do? She's talking like she's going to die or something ... and I feel so weird right now that I can barely center myself. Huh, what the heck?!)

The pegasus knight couldn't believe her eyes as Viveka's body began to give off a feint glow, and she was soon fast asleep. The last tears she shed hadn't even run their course before her head came to rest gently on the floor.

Jasmine: C-Captain?

That One Person

Iso!Miranda: (And there goes the other link. All that mana is already going straight into their bodies. I almost want to go check it out but better to just wait til they leave and then go pester Shanice and its buddy over there~)

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"I don't think we do know where Helenos went..."

"Much better, thanks," Arrin replied with a smile, putting down his fork and only sparing the extra plate of bacon that had just been put out with the rest of the food the one glance. "I still don't know what to do... but I expect Morgan will be up and about shortly, and we'll definitely find out then. Did you want me to go get that book now?" he added, remembering Tessa's mumbling about it earlier.

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Everything went fairly smoothly overall. Having procured use of a small courtyard, Damian readied himself for what was to come... all he needed was someone to help him initiate it.

Scanning the area, Damian saw Heinz nearby, seemingly with nothing to do. Approaching the man, Damian called out to him.

"Hey Heinz. Are you busy at the moment? I could use your help with something quick."

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The Hunt, Renewed:

Doran's expression grew darker as Henry began elaborating on the circumstances that led to Sister Althea's untimely death. How very much like the valkyrie, to sacrifice herself for others' sake. Rest peacefully in the embrace of the Goddess, Sister. Placing one hand briefly on the bowed man's shoulder, the templar took a deep breath. "Brother Henry, do not blame yourself for the sins and crimes these heretics commit. No one, not even Grand Cleric himself predicted this- this massacre of life. The demonic taint must have corrupted the Crimson Weapon wielders and those accompanying them, if those of the cloth did indeed choose to fight against us," he said somberly.

The templar then straightened up, looking at the men and woman before him. "Stand up, Brother, so that no more will be struck down by an evil blade," his tone rising in fervor. "Stand, so that the demonic plague of the Crimson Weapons shall never defile the land again!" he cried out, eyes flashing.

It took several moments for Doran to calm down again and speak at a reasonable level. "I understand if you all wish to grieve longer, and choose not to participate in this mission. But your experience dealing with this infernal.... group may prove to be invaluable," addressing the girl and the swordsman. "As for you, Xaver" he spoke, turning to the side. "If you can provide adequate demonstration of your abilities, I would be more than willing to have you along," looking expectantly at the mage.

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"The Commander wouldn't have wanted us to spend too long grieving anyway. She would want us to serve the Goddess's will and complete our mission. As for demonstrating my abilities..." Xaver paused a bit and focused his mind on his wind tome, causing a small whirlwind to appear. The wind buffeted several small rocks, which broke into even smaller pebbles at the force of the gale until eventually there was nothing but dust. The gale stopped and Xaver looked up at the newcomer "Sufficient, Brother Doran?"

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Helios, in fact, knew of the mercenaries, and related, however briefly, that they had some business here, which was quite noisy, according to him. The thunder sage was about to inquire further, but just then, the healer - Charlotte, was it? - came in, asking Helios whether or not he had informed Elle -she continued to be referred to as Dani, which was perplexing- of the departure, which he hadn't, as this was news to her.

"...Where exactly are we going...?", the woman asked, backing away from the door to allow the bishop room to enter.


Doran was... Henry could sense an anger coming from him, but it was unlike the anger he had felt in the battle. It was fury, a righteous one at that. The templar was clearly intending to avenge the Commander, but there was more than that. He wanted to defeat the Crimsons' to save everyone else. The resolve was incredible and inspiring. A man to trust. He straightened up, guilt banished for the time being.

"I will go," the swordsman said, looking in Doran's general direction. "Those weapons need to be destroyed, at all costs, and it must be my duty to assure that."

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The general simply nodded. "Thank you, Ixion," before turning towards Ivanko. "Do you require all hands available for a journey of some sort, even Isotov as a wielder? I've been upstairs for some time now, and missed out on whatever racket was going on in the inn. I assume it has something to do with you and the wyverns you've brought, but the details haven't been explained."


The thief walked around somewhat aimlessly, grass beneath his feet, having found his way out of the inn through one of the other conveniently located doors nearby the kitchen. Munching on an apple in an isolated courtyard, Heinz threw away the core, watching a bird startle off a branch into flight when a voice called out to him.

Turning around, Heinz recognized the Halton colonel. "Not particularly. What do you need help with?" he asked. Don't think he would usually bother approaching me, but I suppose it's been awhile. Wonder if that treatment of Ixion's helped Damian with his weapon control?


The druid observed silently until the wind disintegrated the rocks into dust. "Certainly," he replied to Xaver. "Move with caution and don't act rashly on the battlefield- at least try not to." I may do so myself actually, if not careful. "Follow what you have been taught by the Templars, and be prepared to expect anything but a willing surrender," he cautioned.

"Thank you, Henry, for your support. As for you miss, recruiting will take awhile, if their group numbers over a score. Make your decision when you are ready, I won't deny the mission is dangerous," Doran shrugged. I will not die without bringing down their number.

"Branches to visit, cities to travel to," Doran muttered to himself. "We are looking for strong and dedicated people willing to fight, possibly die for this cause. I would prefer a party composed entirely of Templars, but there may not be that many volunteers," biting his lip and pulling out a map from his cloak.

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This guy seems like he knows what he's talking about, but he still can't replace the Commander. Not to me anyway... Xaver thought to himself. "Most of the horses didn't come back from the battle, but Blitz should still be in the stables. He's seen more action than most of us I wager," Xaver offered to the other Reformists.


"We're going to Jerdon Dani, we're going back home," Charlotte said, coming up to the mage and giving her a smile that was approximately happy. "Do..do you remember anything more about who you used to be? Maybe going back will help..." Charlotte said, starting to frown a little.

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In The Vicinity of Victor

Ivanko: Being a wielder Iso was optional, but Irina's mandatory. If you must know, the Zaftran royal bloodline has run its course, and we're going to remove them from power once and for all. Once that's over and done with, we can focus on dealing with this demon threat so we can rebuild our country.

In The Vicinity of Doran

Kamilla: We should ... honor her memory by completing her mission. As sad as this is, I can't just sit back and mope around. I'll help however I can ... sir.

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As Heinz replied that he was, in fact, unoccupied, Damian smiled slightly.

"Oh, it's nothing much. I was just hoping you could find Aiya and point her to that courtyard for me. Don't tell her I sent you." Damian replied, answering Heinz' inquiry of what it was he wanted him to do.

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Charlotte had come along, and informed Helios that the business with Ivanko's mercenaries seemed to have cleared up, and it was probably time for them to make their move as well. Dani/Elle still seemed a little detached and confused, but for the most part willing to follow along, though curious and questioning as always.

"Ahhh... well, I hadn't quite got around to that part yet, actually," the sage answered the princesses query on whether he'd told her that they were about to head off, and maybe separately from the group at that. "But yes, the goal is to return to Jerdon, and get the proper queen back in power. You... used to live there as well, and maybe a return will help things out for you," he also confirmed Charlotte's response to the thunder sage's latest question.

To the healer directly, he answered a bit more reservedly, "I'm not sure how effective it may be, but there's no point leaving without at least trying to convince the others. So I suppose I pretty much have to talk to Morgan, even if I can guess her response at this point, don't I? Unless you think leaving unannounced would really be for the best." The last bit was purely rhetorical, and it plainly showed on his face he didn't believe in it. Departing like a thief in the night certainly had its time and its place, but now seemed to be neither.

"Alright, then. I suppose I'll let you help... Elle, and finish packing things up, while I go drop the mortarshell on Morgan." Finishing with a crooked smile he added, "Wish me luck," before turning and heading off.

Tracking down the druid didn't prove too difficult, she was still in the common area having just seen Lev off. Simple and direct ought to be the best... when dealing with her, hadn't it? Coldly and bluntly he laid out the news without prelude. "I don't know where the rest of you are going after this, but I'm going to go help Charlotte and her friends to retake Jerdon. Tell me you think I'm an idiot, if you must, but that won't change anything. If you plan to stop me, you're going to have to use force."


"Actually, that's a great idea," Tessa replied when Arrin caught the hint she'd laid previously, about picking up the book intended for Morgan. The troubadour was excited, the actual giving was the best part of gifts, and she was hoping that the reaction would be good. This new gift would actually go well with the earlier one she'd given too, now that she thought of it. The black and vermillion bookmark could certainly find a home in the new tome. Just thinking about it brought a smile to her face.

"You don't mind if I tag along and follow you to your room while you're fetching it, do you?"

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Morgan was surprised to see Helios approach her, but quickly laid out a response. "There would be little reason to call you an idiot at this point, you seem to have already reasoned this out for yourself. Yet you are for some reason deciding to involve yourself in some sort of inheritance dispute regardless. Need I remind you how necessary the Crimson Weapons are in defeating the Lord of Azure Flame? As a Crimson Weapon wielder, your duty is to deal with the demons, not political matters. We have already spent too much time and energy dealing with civil wars and the like, sending Wielders off to deal with internal power struggles is not something I can condone. A fight between us would accomplish nothing Helios, just cease this line of thought and focus on the mission at hand. If Charlotte and her guards wish to take back Jerdon, that is their business, not yours," Morgan said to Helios, giving him an irritated glare.

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End of Nap Time

Sleep fell over Alf quickly...and then it left awhile after. Yawning a bit, Alf decided to get up out of bed.

Wait. Why did I take a nap in the first place? That wasn't even much of a nap anyway. In fact, what am I even doing here? I should be trying to get things done or see how the others are. This is no time to be napping.

"Well I must say. That was the shortest nap I've ever seen," Sadie giggled a little.

"Why? How long did I sleep?"

"About 5 to 10 minutes."

"I...wow...I didn't even think that was possible," said Alf, getting out of his room peering around for a bit before going down the halls.

"Wonder who else is in their rooms," Alf mused to himself, opening doors at random, finding nobody. Eventually though, he opened a door to another room, but saw Viveka and that pegasus knight who wasn't around in there.

"Oh hi there. Um....well I hope I'm not interrupting anything," said Alf, seeing Viveka apparently asleep and that pegasus knight who was always with her right by her.

Edited by Dark Sage
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Brigadier General Borodin had spent a large amount of the night in the library, poring over literature on the magical fabrication of creatures. She'd hardly noticed the library attendants trading off from helping her, and it had been quite late when she'd returned to her quarters after ordering the current one to leave her materials as they'd been.

It had taken rather a long time, but she was still not satisfied with the amount of information she'd obtained. Synthesizing life was one of the newer arts, it seemed, and generally condemned on various grounds; the books she'd been through had not listed much in the way of success, but it was clear that Ivanko's sorcerer had; it was simply a question of what, and most likely how big. An artificial dragon could likely do some damage, but not enough; she suspected whatever it was, it was more imaginative than that. One thing she did take away from the books: whatever the revolutionaries cooked up, palace mages would not likely be able to unravel it. It looked like when they struck, she might be more inclined to take their side.

She would be even more inclined to do so if she had further support, though, and so morning found her striding down the hall before the sun had risen-- this far north, and this late in the year, dawn came too late to be an acceptable wake-up time. Of the nine other generals she shared guard of the palace with, she suspected a few were not there because of their competence; it was these suspected ones she ought to talk to, she thought, so that she might buy their support, and thus the men they commanded. Sharply she knocked on the door of the first target's offices.


A stirring of wings; Mana shifted under her disguise and blinked in the late morning sun. She was in her office again... right, she was supposed to be reporting on Ixion's work to the higher circle of faculty...

She sent a terse message to her secretary to summon the board that ran TISME while she was gone. She didn't trust any of them with much, but she did trust them all to be late; they were all wrapped up in their work, and would take a while to respond. She had time for a quick flight... Without even brushing a paper off her desk, she took off from the center of the room, rocketing up through her skylight, and out over the grounds.


With a sigh Kelas returned to Arrin's room, sitting down on the edge of the bed, resolutely avoiding glancing out the window and dropping her face into her hands. She supposed that if she was going to have to panic over things she probably ought to think through them now, because nobody, not even Arrin's pest of a younger friend, seemed to be able to shut up about them.

She'd been putting this off all morning, alternating between fits of embarrassment and just wanting to enjoy being held while it lasted. The latter... was the problem, really. She couldn't really deny that she'd gotten too close.

"<Gods, I'm an idiot...>" she muttered. Not only had she failed to keep her distance in general, but... she was realizing that she might have even started to fall for her best friend. She'd grown to trust Isotov, gotten used to his always being there... and she'd wanted to stay close earlier, even knowing what a bad idea it was, she had to admit that... certainly there was enough there that it really hurt to see him go, she'd known that earlier anyway.

She really didn't have any idea how to react to any of it.

She'd never even really considered the possibility of, well, anything like that... it had just never seemed like an option, for multiple reasons...

"<...what the hell...>" she muttered, shutting her eyes tight. As she'd predicted, it was panic time.


"Not at all, that's fine," Arrin replied, clearing away his dishes and heading for the stairs as Tessa followed along. The book was on the desk next to his teacher's notes; it was easily retrieved. "Are you all right?" he asked Kelas, who was sitting there looking somewhat miserable, or... something, he wasn't sure what her expression was supposed to mean. He got a mute nod in reply; he assumed she was just upset over her friends leaving. He couldn't blame her, he supposed; she and Isotov seemed to be inseparable anymore. "Okay, I got it," he told Tessa, carefully picking up the heavy tome. "Do you know where she is?" he asked, turning to leave; they probably ought to let Kelas get some peace, since it seemed she hadn't had much all morning.

The stables

Amari could not pretend to not be afraid of the beast that lurked outside. She could smell its predator's stench, and hear its movements; it was huge, and she guessed it might be the same one that had nearly killed Kelas before. She'd tried to keep order anyway, shrilling a command to the disturbed pegasus across the aisle and to the rest of her herd to stop panicking, but she'd long since resigned herself to the fact that they weren't going to listen, and just put her head down and hoped that the thing would go away soon, shaking slightly. It wasn't a supernatural predator... just an abnormally large natural one, and there wasn't really much she could do about it. Running was right out if there was a chance it might go after Kelas, anyway.

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Luc Altair

Things were settled, this useless charade would soon be out of mind. So the question was, what now? Should he send the current observation report out? Deal with Paul? Try and start some form of planning session with everyone? Or even take Fargo and Paul and head back to Directus. Or wait until further things played out.

A Paul

"Fi-nal-ly~" Paul sang as the big hulking form of Ivanko returned. "There you are, felt like I was waiting for weeks!" Paul bounded over to the big man and useless rabble around. "Orders are I'm too bloody you a bit before you leave. Don't worry, I won't embarrass you too badly in front of all your lovely subordinates~" Two knives dropped from Paul's cloak and he gripped them both. "Boo!"

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So far the exchange had proceeded just as smoothly as as anticipated. Well, actually that wasn't fair... for the moment the conversation was still being conducted in civil terms, and he hadn't been knocked to the floor yet, so despite the expected refusal, perhaps...

Standing his ground, Helios elaborated, "Sure Morgan, as you say, for the endgame confrontation with the Lord, we're probably all required. But for his minions, or even Helenos? Just think back, and tell me exactly how often I, or any other single Wielder even, was the necessary element to win any of our confrontations. And when, exactly, was the last time all of the Crimsons were still standing when the dust had settled. I'm not doing anything special here, but I am Prince Tora, and there may be some unique aid my position could allow me to lend to Jerdon, something that nobody else could do. And if they succeed, then there may yet be hope for what I need to do for my homeland too. You're not the only one with ambitions, you know."

OOC: Tessa later, I had this mostly done last night before falling asleep, and only have a bit of time now.

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"The Wielders are not necessary for every battle," Morgan conceded. "However, if you get yourself killed or lose your weapon permanently, there will not be any Helios for a final confrontation. As a Crimson Weapon wielder, you must learn to put the destruction of the Lord of Azure Flame over all your other ambitions. Yes, many of us have been knocked unconscious, severed, and nearly died thus far, but we are all still alive. Well...Rayton is likely dead, but that only happened after he was seperated. Together we can help each to survive, on our own we are destined to perish," Morgan expounded to Helios, putting her hands on her hips.

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"An attack on the Zaftran capital? You are committed to this course then, and I acknowledge the value of bringing along a few heirs, but bringing Isotov into this seems unnecessary," turning towards the sage.

"Accompanying your sister is a noble gesture, but you should not be going given the likelihood of death. Irina is more than capable of taking care of herself, judging from previous battles," Conrad stated. A Crimson Fire wielder is not so easily replaceable, yet no one protests. Perhaps I missed something of relevance while upstairs.

The general spared a glance to observe the strange figure issuing some sort of threat before looking back at Isotov.


"If Blitz accepts another rider, maybe he should be brought along. Good idea," he said, unrolling the map out on the ground. "And thank you too miss, I'm sure your abilities, whatever they are, will be of use." What is her name anyway?

"I think it would be best if we split up to recruit. Most of the major cities and Reformist branches are marked here. Pick a place to travel to, we meet back here in Ursibus after a week. I will start at the Augustine branch, where I was previously stationed," pointing to a spot on the map.


The mercenary raised his eyes. "Sure," he replied, walking back to the inn by the same route he had navigated earlier. Probably inside here somewhere, Heinz thought, slinking about. The wind mage wants to help Jerdon? Ignores his own country in favor of aiding another, the thief smirked wryly, spying the person he had been sent for near the stairs.

Walking fowards, he inquired. "Are you busy at the moment? There is something you should see," Heinz explained vaguely, motioning for Aiya to follow him.

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Ixion: Believe me when I say I don't agree with Isotov tagging along either, but if it gains Irina's cooperation, then so be it.

Iso: (Just keep on lying you son of a bitch ... just keep on lying.)

Irina kept silent trying to ignore the conversation for the moment, though she was concerned with the robed man quickly approaching them. When Conrad turned to him, Iso crossed his arms and looked away slightly.

Iso: I'm the only one here that she can trust not to stab her in the back, threaten her, deceive her on a whim, or force her into confrontations out of some sick sense of Zaftran pride. I'm not leaving her alone with these ... people.

Ivanko glanced over at Paul as he returned and glared a bit at what the man had to say. Ixion also turned his attention to Paul, though he didn't lose sight of Conrad just yet. Apparently the foot wielder was there for violence.

Ivanko: Take your best shot.

Ixion: Whoever gave you those orders is insane. (Though I'm coming to suspect he's simply an unstable veteran with no leash or master of any kind. Would any sane person send this ... thing to try and repurpose us to their anti-demon cause?) I'm also fully against this, Ivanko. We've wasted enough time here already, haven't we? (Who in the world does he answer to? Septimians? Haltonians? Elyisimians? ... Torans? I'm going to have to go with Septimians for the time being due to a few factors.)

Ivanko: I'm not in the mood for this either, Ixion, but I'd rather deal with it now rather than later.

Ixion: Do you intend to still give ear or aid to whoever he answers to?

Ivanko: Are you kidding me? Of course not. If they really wanted us to help out with the demons, they sure as hell wouldn't have sent this guy. They're just messing with us. Or he's just messing with us. Either way, doesn't matter.

Ixion: ... I suppose I have no other issues then, so long as we can just be on our way in a moment or two.

Irina: Well I do!

Ivanko and Ixion's attention shot straight to Irina. Even Iso had to lay down his gesture made at Conrad for a moment.

Irina: I don't know who you are, but you can't just come around threatening people like that and expect no one else to get involved. I'm not going to let you hurt my uncle.

Iso: (Dammit. That means I have to get involved too ...)

Lev: (Dammit. That means I have to get involved too ...)

Kiev: (Dammit. That means I have to get involved too ...)

Nikita: (Dammit. That means I have to get involved too ...)

Ixion: (Unfortunate.) Irina, Ivanko doesn't need your help, here. Surely you already understand that.

Irina: That's not the point, Ixion. When family is threatened, you don't just stand back and watch. You stand by them, even if it's redundant.

Ixion: (She says that as if I won't be stepping in myself if that spy comes even close to drawing blood. It may be a hindrance though. If he attacks Irina, we might have to fully engage, and I intend to avoid a battle here at high cost.) If you insist on getting in the way, then we need to forgo any kind of combat and simply leave now.

Irina: We should just leave, but if he's going to attack my uncle, then I'm fighting too.

Stephanie: ... (Oh dear ... this is looking rather bad. I'd better prepare the warp now just in case we need to go quickly. That's what Ixion would want, right?)

Viveka's Room

The last thing Jasmine saw or heard was Alferis coming through the door. She was surprised he hadn't knocked, but those thoughts vanished as the her eyes closed and her head dropped to the floor. All she could manage was a mere utterance.

Jasmine: Whaddyyyou waaaan- ... ... ....


Just a couple of things to note in case people don't know:

Viveka and Jasmine are on the floor fully dressed.

Neither one have any semblance of falling asleep normally as opposed to just being sleep staff'd or knocked out.

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As Heinz agreed, Damian gave him a quick thank you, though he wasn't sure if the the man heard him or not, as he did not acknowledge it.

'Either way, I should get moving. It shouldn't be long now...' Damian reminded himself, readying himself in the courtyard.


As Heinz appeared, ending Aiya's thoughts about the report, he motioned for her to follow him. Taking a step after the lithe man, she noticed Damian was not in the main room of the inn.

'That's odd... I wonder where he could be...' Aiya wondered to herself, before following Heinz, her previous plan dropped for the moment, since she didn't know where Damian was to enact it.

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"Huh? Oh nothing. I was just curious on who was in," said Alf, kneeling by Viveka.

"Is she ok? I dunno if it's normal for you but most people don't just lie on the ground like that unless something's wrong. Do you want me to get a healer or a bucket of water or something? Pegasus knight sidekick? Are you o-...nuts you too?" said Alf, realizing she was just unconscious and not trying to get him to go away.

Edited by Dark Sage
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