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Lord of Azure Flame Chapter 24: The Schism


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"....Yeah. You're right. Never mind then. Guess I'll see you guys around. Good luck with whatever you're doing," said Alf, relaxing his grip on Reika a little as she seemed to calm down a little. She wasn't struggling at all anymore it seemed, which was a good sign.

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So she has learned something. Interesting...and unexpected. Morgan thought to herself as Esphyr walked away. She noticed Charlotte and her fellow Jerdonians coming down the stairs, everyone Morgan expected to go, sans Helios.

"Tell me, where is Helios? We still have matters to discuss," Morgan said, stopping in front of the group at the bottom of the stairs.

"I don't know, I haven't seen him for a while," Charlotte said shrugging, a somewhat true statement depending on one's definition of a while.

Morgan nodded and decided to go up the stairs to search for Helios herself. He's probably in one of these rooms, I should convince him that he does not need to go, unless he has already figured this out for himself.

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"Right... I suppose." Helios was unconvinced. His horse was a devil on four legs, he was sure of it. He wouldn't be surprised if it had been secretly giving that little terror of Arrin's lessons, making it ultimately responsible for the recent incident.

"Say... Tristan. Do you think you could maybe pop in, check the common room, signal if the coast is clear or something? I'd hate to have gone out the window only to be caught by Morgan when I walk past the door on my way to the stables." He frowned thinking about just how embarrassing something like that would have turned out to be.

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"All right. I can give you a thumbs up if I don't see Morggan in the common room," Tristan offered. On his way to the entrance to the common room, he ran into Charlotte, Elle, and Derek who he waved hello to before looking in the common room. No one in there seemed to look like a dark haired shamaness, so he looked back towards Helios and gave him a thumbs up.

Morgan went up the stairs. She noticed Alf was holding Reika, but decided that she did not really care what they were up to at the moment. She went to the room where she remembered Isotov and Helios had been staying for the night. Were they planning this, to leave at the same time? Both were probably easily persuaded by Miranda for her own plans, whatever they are. She reminds me so much of...ugh never mind I have more important things to think about. She knocked on the door...no answer. She knocked again more loudly...still no answer.

Morgan turned the handle and opened the door. She quickly noticed that the window was open and her natural reaction was to look outside it. Down below she saw a certain green-haired wind sage, which caused her to make a distinctly unamused expression at him. This was followed by only one word, spoken loudly and clearly out the window.


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Helios was feeling pretty good when he got the OK signal from the prince and had started walking toward the stables. That short-lived feeling completely evaporated when a call of "Idiot," clearly floated down from above and behind him.

"Shiiiiiit," left the wind sage's mouth as he'd turned back to confirm. It had been mission impossible after all. At least he could count on Morgan not immediately dropping down after him, but that was small comfort. Turning back around he picked up his pace. Passing Tristan he saw the rest of the crew and waved frantically trying to convey a sense of urgency in the simplest manner possible, which absolutely precluded any sort of words at this point.

Ducking into the stables, he dashed to his horse's stall, and undid the latch. Shaking a finger at the horse he told it "Behave," but this command went entirely unheeded, as it stepped forward and bit his hand, causing a flurry of unintelligible cursing. Apparently the hellspawn was satisfied by this, and didn't put up any further fuss while being prepared for departure, though.

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Tristan saw Helios wave his arms frantically, but couldn't really interpret the meaning. Maybe he had hurt himself jumping out the window? But he seemed all right, so Tristan really had no idea. Charlotte was similarly confused.

Morgan saw Helios run away and duck into the stables and sighed. She walked briskly back down the stairs, calling out loudly as she went "Attention everyone. Helios is attempting to leave the group via the stables and is probably going to get himself killed. Let us save him from his own stupidity," she said, making good time as she passed by Alferis and Reika once more on her way down the stairs.

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Kelas managed a small smile this time, and let Tessa stay there for a moment longer. "I'm all right, Tessa, really," she said. "Just going to miss people, that's all." She turned to return the hug for a moment, then moved away. "I doubt Morgan'll be in any kind of good mood anytime soon, not that she ever is, but you both might want to start packing up your things-- I suspect we'll be getting on the road fairly soon," she stated, getting up to leave.

"I guess we can give her the book once we're on the road?" Arrin suggested as Kelas left the room. It only took a moment to pack up his things (he hadn't gotten much out other than books, and he'd already packed up the clean and mended laundry), so he was left to wait and see what Tessa wanted to do.


Kelas wasn't sure if Miranda was gone yet, but she was getting sick of this. Reaching her own room, she knocked sharply on the door. "Are you still there?" she asked, waiting a moment for a reply. None came. Cautiously she opened the door: nobody was there. Shaking her head, she packed up her things. She paused, seeing that the torn red jacket she'd been borrowing had been left behind... after a moment's hesitation, she folded that up and packed it up as well. It wasn't really useful as a jacket anymore given the rips (that brought on a fresh wave of worrying) but she didn't think she ought to leave it behind. She folded it up and packed it. After her things had been packed, she left them in the room and headed downstairs to see what was going on.

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Satan was now saddled up and good to go. Helios led the black warhorse out of the stables, and was a bit disappointed when he saw that there'd been no particular hurry on the part of the others. Swinging into the saddle, albeit clumsily, the panic had died down enough to allow him to be somewhat articulate on the situation.

"I uh... well, it looks like some people weren't as okay with me heading off after all. So, it may have been better if I hadn't tried to reason with them, but... I have to get a bit of a headstart, maybe things'll be better with a little distance. I'll wait for you outside the western gate."


Tessa's hug with the nomad archer held for a decent length, before the woman replied again. Kelas even sounded more convincing this time, and the troubadour could understand. Missing people can be... hard, yes. "They'll be back before you know it," she added after the hug had ended, and Kelas had stood up from the corner of the bed, backing off. "And yeah, I guess it can't hurt to pack up... See you again in a bit," she added, smiling, hoping it would be infectious enough.

When the archer had left the room, Tessa swung her legs out from under her, and kicked the back and forth a bit at the edge of the bed, thinking. Maybe the timing just wasn't right after all, waiting a little bit longer, well there's no real harm in that at all is there? It's not like she'd misplace it, no she knew to take better care of things than that. Arrin was suggesting perhaps to give the present while they were on the road but, "I'm not sure about that," she replied. "It feels more the sort of thing to do when we're settled down, at least somewhat. Either in the morning, or in the evening, I suppose even at a break for lunch or something. Do you know what I mean."

She looked over at the mage, as she finished and saw that he was repacking his things. It actually looked like he'd already had everything taken care of before breakfast, now that she noticed, and it was only her selfish request that had disturbed and undid it, as only a few other book, probably because they'd been packed on top of the one intended for Morgan, had been brought out. There was a small tightening in her chest at this, perhaps from guilt.

Pushing herself up lightly off the bed, Tessa stood and stretched a bit. "Well, I suppose I should go back to my room and pack too then. But first..." she flitted across the smooth floor over to where Arrin was waiting, put her hands on his shoulders, leaned forward on her toes, and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek, before lowering down to end things in a hug. "Thank you again for everything. You're always offering me help, looking after me if I'm in trouble, or even when I'm not, and going out of your way to make me happy. And it does."

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There were multiple things Arrin wished to express as Tessa got closer-- of course I want you to be happy, or I'm glad that I make you happy, or various others, but as her lips brushed his cheek, most coherent thought simply vanished, and all he managed to say was "Muh..."

His face had gone a ridiculous shade of red through its usual tan, but he didn't realize it. As Tessa then moved to hug him, he automatically hugged back, letting go when she pulled away slightly. He stumbled back to sit down on the edge of the bed as she left the room.

His thoughts for the moment were only so much random noise and exclamation points, but after some time-- it might have been years, but was more likely, a few minutes, they became a bit more coherent, if repetitive. "Tessa kissed me," he mumbled eventually. He was smiling by now.

He'd completely forgotten whatever it was he was up to, so he just stayed sitting there for a bit. He felt warm, and a bit fuzzy. Today might turn out to be a good day after all.


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A piercing scream broke the young archer's ears and prompted him to cover his head as best he could. This meant laying his forehead upon the rough wood of the table and draping his upper arms and hands over his ears as best he could. It was good for blocking out sound and just about everything else that the head needed protection from. Unfortunatly this left him completely ignorant of anything going on around him. Hopefully whoever was screaming like that couldn't do it forever.

Luc Altair

As the Captain waited nearby, he noticed Helios rushing inside the stables. The running bit clued Luc unto the fact that he was trying to sneak away, and not doing it very well. He led his mount away and Luc watched him converse with Prince Tristan.

A Fargo

Fargo ignored that Morgan woman's shoutings as he finished off the last of his meal. "Whew, now that hit the spot, again and again!" He rubbed his full belly and leaned back in his chair. "My compliments to the cook!"

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After leaving Arrin's room―the boy had gone all quiet and modest after the little bit of praise and gratitude she'd given him, which was kind of endearing actually―Tessa heard a cry as she was passing through the halls. It was a bit of a crowd but looking in on it she saw that Reika had started some trouble, but it seemed to be controlled, so she didn't interfere any further, instead packing up her things like she had intended too.

When Morgan's calling out came then, some little while later, she was actually prepared to depart, and slinging her bag over her shoulder she checked to make sure the room was empty, grabbing some things that the shaman had left behind, before dashing out, following her down the stairs. "Helios is doing WHAT?" she asked, keeping pace as they moved toward the exit.


Following his informing the rest of those headed to Jerdon of the details and destination, Helios was off, riding down the street away from the inn.

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When Morgan called out to the party members in the inn, Viveka and Jasmine barely caught it.

Viveka: Helios is going with them?

Jasmine: Why are they taking one of the wielders with them?

Viveka: Who knows. Definitely his choice though. She certainly seems upset about that though ... hmm.

Jasmine: Helios has a horse and the mercenaries are gone. She's not going to catch them.

Viveka: ... eh, let's help her out.

Jasmine: B-but, you don't even like Morgan.

Viveka: Jasmine, we've got more than enough people in this party that we aren't on good terms with. Morgan really doesn't need to be on that list just because she's annoying. Come on ...

The woman made for the door already being fully suited up and Jasmine followed. They caught up to Morgan in no time, who was being flanked by Tessa.

Viveka: So if we heard that right, Helios is darting off with Derek and Charlotte? I don't think you'll catch them on foot.

Jasmine took that as her cue and rushed outside to try and get to the stables as fast as she could. The second she emerged from the front door, Helios went bolting on by on his horse!

Jasmine: HEY WAIT!!! HELIOOOOOOS!!! Holy crap!

She didn't waste anymore time and rushed to the stables. When she released Illiam, she went over to release Susann too to buy Viveka some prep time. Unfortunately, Susann had her own goals and went charging out of the stall and almost knocking Jasmine down in the process. She trotted up to Bellerophon and stood there for a moment. Jasmine was becoming more and more annoyed with each little event.

Jasmine: ... nothing's ever simple is it?

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"Helios is going with Charlotte and her company to Jerdon. If he does not get himself killed in the revolution, the chances of a demon ambush are too high to take this risk. We should get mounted quickly and try to overtake him," Morgan spoke quickly to Tessa, while hustling over to the stables. Making her way over to Francis, she released him and attempted to get on. Unfortunately, Susann's sudden departure spooked the gelding, which made getting on rather difficult. Eventually though, she managed to saddle up and head down the road, though not at an especially fast speed.

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Just when the others left, Morgan called out that Helios was attempting to run off and asked the group to save him from getting himself killed. Upon hearing this, Reika couldn't help but laugh at the thought.

Alf couldn't help but smile a little not only at the comment, but also at the fact that Reika was appearing to be much calmer. Probably calm enough that he could let her go without fear of her attacking him or the Jerdon people.

"Ok Reika. Sorry about that," said Alf, letting go of Reika's wrists and getting off her. Reika sat up, rubbing her wrists to get some of the circulation back. She winced as she felt at her nose, for Derek's gauntlet had broken and mangled it. Quickly taking a vulnerary, Reika applied onto the wound and while it healed somewhat quickly, that area was still caked with blood.

"...I'm really sorry about what happened Reika," said Alf as the two headed into the room where Dani was. "But Reika, you should've known better. Threatening somebody like that with a knife...they're barely tolerating you already and when you threatened Derek's sister, you just made a worse enemy out of everyone. I know the others are going to be informed about this."

"Tell me something I don't know," Reika replied.

"They want you dead Reika, and they want any excuse they can find. And I'll do my best to protect you but you're not making it easy at all. How am I supposed to do my job when you're making it so difficult?"

"Don't push your luck. You should be thanking me. What I could've found out might've saved all your worthless asses and I was the only one with enough guts to try to pry it out of her. They're all so stupid! They're too busy trying to screw each other to save their own damn lives!"

"Reika..." Alf began gently, trying to calm down the increasingly agitated woman.

"This has to be some sort of elaborate suicide ritual that magic wielding bitch is making us do. There's no way any of us can defeat all these demons she wants us to defeat. There's no goddamn way she should expect us to be able to kill that winged, ugly, hulking freak, let alone the Lord. What is it with these people that they'd willingly fight stuff they goddamn know is out of their league?"

"Please Reika..."

"And you're not any better than them either. You're such a hypocrite, always talking about goodness and hugging puppies and whatever and you stick to a person like me. Or you say that you'll always stick by me and then you had me pinned to the ground there," Reika raged, her tone growing a lot more resentful. Alf could tell he damaged her pride doing that to the others and that she was definitely still hurt over it. "You would've let them beat me up."

"No I wouldn't have. But Reika...you need to know you can't threaten people with knives like that. It's the wrong thing to do and I get your intentions and I know we're going to need the info Dani has but you need to be moral."

"I wasn't going to kill her."

"I know...I know Reika. But Dani's a good person and there could've been another way. I just wish...I just want to be there to make sure you don't do anything that crosses a line. There's definitely good in you Reika. I've seen a little bit of it and if you want to survive here, you need to show it more and cut out all the violent crap you pull. This is all so you won't die and I don't want you to die because I...love you.

" :/: "

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Francis was not entirely sure what was going on; he recognized the woman who was trying to ride him, but he didn't know her very well. She seemed to be in some sort of hurry and he certainly didn't want to disappoint, but she seemed to have forgotten a saddle and bridle so he couldn't go too fast for fear of her falling off (and with her bouncing around on his back, so, it hurt a bit, too.) Still, he dutifully loped towards... wherever they were going.


Kelas wasn't entirely inclined to help Morgan herd strays back to the group; for one, she couldn't quite make herself that worried about Helios, and for another thing, she had no idea whether his reasons for leaving were legitimate or not. She watched out the door as Morgan hurried away, getting up with a curse when she saw that Morgan was resorting to horse theft again. She still wasn't sure if she was going to help bring Helios back or not, but she was damn well going to see to it that Morgan didn't run Francis into a ditch or something. She got out Amari and took off without bothering with tack; given Francis' pace it wouldn't take too long to catch up.

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Nothing's ever simple

As Helios had ridden past, it seemed a rather mess of activity was brewing up. One of the pegasus knights had shouted out for him to stop: why were they even getting themselves involved... He never messed with their business. Ignoring her, he'd pressed on, making at least somewhat reasonable progress until a fork in the road was reached. The left branch led to the gate he was right to get, but the right branch led to the markets. His horse was steadfastly refusing to turn left, and instead just stood there as if rooted to the ground.

Cursing Satan, he dismounted, looped the reins about one of his hands for better leverage, and tried to tug the stubborn animal in the proper direction. After a couple futile attempts he turned to check just how much ground he was losing to his pursuit. Morgan was coming along, uncertainly yet determinedly atop Francis and Tessa was right alongside her. Further back he saw... oh crap Kelas too? He'd never be able to outrace her. Panicking a little he started to consider his options, there was no more time to-

All of a sudden there was a lurch he wasn't expecting from behind him, and he was yanked about harshly and unexpectedly, losing his footing and being dragged a short while before managing somehow against odds to push himself upwards, in sort of a stumbling run alongside. His wrist... didn't feel like it was quite alright. Not at all. Having reins tangled up about it and being unprepared for full power of an irritable animal bolting away with you did not a good combination make. Wincing he tried to get the warhorse to slow down so he could get back in the saddle proper, having no intention of being dragged the whole way to anywhere. He barely had the presence of mind to notice they were at least heading in the right direction.

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Tristan gave Susann a curious look. "Hullo Susann. Did you break loose of your pen or something?" he asked her. Bellerophon didn't really know what was going on either, but he was glad to see her and be out of his pen. Perhaps one day, her human and his human would decide to fly Susann and himself together. That would be glorious!

Morgan's ride was bumpy and altogether too slow, though Helios appeared slowed down by some sort of animal malfunction. There appeared to be a few more people on the chase now, which was good. "I just want to talk, Helios though if you continue this nonsense I will be forced to commit violence against your mount. Cease and desist im-immediately," she said, stuggling to clearly admonish Helios while attempting to ride.

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Jasmine had done all she was willing to do regarding Susann. She clearly got what she wanted, so it was time for her to try and catch up with the others. She got Illiam tacked and saddled in a hurry but was careful to do it right so she wouldn't pay for it during their flight. Next she quickly led Illiam out of the stables and mounted him. Illiam was wondering where they were going, and without Susann and her rider no less. The two took off from the entrance and flew high enough to spot Helios in the distance.

Jasmine: Hmm ... he could have made more progress by now. The others have almost caught up to him.

She flew closer to get a better look and realized Helios wasn't even in the saddle anymore. Flying up alongside but still at a short distance from him and his horse, she called out to him.

Jasmine: Helios! What the heck are you doing?! I guess you're not very horse savy but that's not how you ride! Listen! Use your arms and haul yourself up the reins! Don't worry about getting on in the saddle until you've got a good enough grip to get one of your feet into a stirrup, okay?! (This isn't going to work. You don't pick up recoveries like this in just one try. I need to get this horse to slow down somehow.

Viv and Sunny

Susann nickered happily and stood by Bellerophon while Tristan spoke to her. Viveka arrived shortly to a curious sight. People were getting mounts ready.

Viveka: Tristan, are you going after Helios too? That's a few too many people isn't it?

She noticed Susann was out of her stall and hovering around Bellerophon like a captured moon.

Viveka: Now I'm wondering if I should go help Jasmine, or if you guys have it under control ....

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Rolling her eyes, Kelas kneed Amari forward, quickly overtaking Helios and cutting him off, halting in front of him to force his horse to stop. "Morgan, you didn't need to steal a horse, you could've just walked and found him a little ways further up the road," she called irritably. "Mind, if the horse had wanted to keep going he might not have an arm, but something tells me you wouldn't have cared about that. What's the grand high fuss about that requires stealing horses, anyway?" She didn't plan on staying for the argument; as soon as Morgan dismounted she'd take Francis and head back to finish packing.

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Morgan managed to slow Francis to a stop (not very difficult, as Francis was not moving very quickly) and dismounted.

"'Tis not theft if one plans to return what they took," she said simply to Kelas, walking up to Helios's stopped horse and beginning to rant. "You could have seriously injured yourself you know, jumping from high distances easily could have crippled you for life. And this getaway attempt could have made you lose an arm. I have no idea what thoughts were running through your mind, but you are not breaking off from the rest of the Wielders Helios. We are stuck together, whether you like it or not.


"No, I was going to go to Jerdon with Charlotte and the others. I don't really know what Helios's problems with this Morgan person are anyway; I'm just going because people said it was the best idea," Tristan responded to Viveka.

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Viveka and Susann

Viveka: ... oh. You're leaving too. (Friends ... allies ... all dwindling.)

Susann became a bit worried. She thought the woman would be happy to be near the father of her child but now she seemed sad. Were they leaving? Was he still going to take the magnificent one away from her even after Viv showed up? Susann wanted to grab Tristan by the arm and hold him there long enough for Viv to talk him into staying, but he was the magnificent one's human, and she didn't want to offend him in any way. Now she just felt powerless.

Jasmine and Illiam

Kelas had tried what Jasmine was planning before she got the chance, so there wasn't anything more she could do but observe and report back to Viv on what she missed when she arrived. She landed but stayed mounted for the moment in case something else happened.

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"Sure. Tell me the same if you'd, say, steered him into a ditch, or something similar. Tell me the same if someone had taken something of yours. Oh, and give me my horse back," Kelas replied, dismounting to catch hold of Francis' halter. "Leave what's not yours out of your mad attempts to keep everyone following you." Not feeling like arguing, she turned back towards the inn.

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Morgan's threat of violence against his horse was actually a somewhat welcome proposition. Helios was starting to consider something similar. Failing straight-up attacking the horse, severing the reins dragging him along with a well placed blast... There wasn't any of the time for focus, though, and he'd have to conjure Hellsety...

Before he could, a combination of other factors ended up rendering the situation null. Jasmine had pulled up aerially, and was trying to give pointers. It's not like he hadn't been trying to do everything she was suggesting, it just was much easier said than done. The flying horse right alongside them though attracted Satan's attention a bit, and he slowed and nickered a greeting of sorts, being actually on decent enough terms with most of the other animals. Kelas and Amari seized the opportunity to head them off, and with nowhere left to go the horse's little adventure was at an end. Swinging his head back to look at his hapless rider he gave a little snort of satisfaction.

As for Helios, well, he was simply relieved that things were over. Caught wasn't the optimal situation, but he was breathing too hard from exerting himself trying not to get dragged to death to care, and the nomad woman wasn't actually bothering with him, turning her attention instead to the shaman, giving him some time to breath. Jasmine had landed nearby and seemed content to just observe. Was it really only Morgan that would a problem? Unlikely... everyone had come together and coordinated...

He had barely collected himself when the ranting began. She was all kinds of displeased with him. Offering up a defense that wasn't going to sway her no matter what anyways, he almost wondered why he bothered. "The window wasn't that high and it was more a controlled drop than a jump... And I wouldn't have had to do either that or this mad race through the streets if you weren't so hell-bent on keeping me contained. I could have just calmly ridden along with everyone else headed that way be noooo, that was simply not at option. The fact of the matter is you don't really─OWWW!"

His angry retort was suddenly cut off abruptly, as waves of pain rippled their way up his arm. After the initial shock his wrist had been delightfully numb, and he actually hadn't felt a thing at all. Perhaps some sort of defense mechanism. Why now all of a sudden? A glance to the side revealed a head of yellow hair with a feather ornament, belonging to the young girl who seemed to be fixing him up. He supposed he should be grateful, but at the moment his entire world was pain. Hissing sharply an indrawn breath he gritted himself for anything more.

"Helios... Morgan's right," the soft voice by his side intoned, "Oh and hold still this might hurt a bit."

Now she warns me! he thought bitterly. Still, Tessa had finished extricating his hand from its tangle in the reins, and was currently applying some healing magic or other to it. The girl had the best intentions, sure, but she could certainly work on her manner of delivery.

The healer seemed oblivious to this though, and continued with her own style of reprimand. "This is why you make sure to never do what you just did with your horse there. I don't care if you were feeling pressured, or confined, or whatever your situation is, you always have to be careful and mindful. Rushing into things does nobody any good. Did you really have to absolutely be gone immediately? Sis's right, you could have been seriously injured. I just don't understand."

Warmth of healing magic seeped into accompanying her words. Helios was grateful for that, but it didn't change the reality of the situation. Stubbornly he answered back, "Look, all of you, whatever. I said this earlier, most weren't around, and I don't really want to repeat myself, but I'm going to help Charlotte. You may have stopped me now, but really do you think you can do it every time? This would have been the best opportunity, going with the whole group of them. Would you have preferred if I'd just slipped away by myself to catch up later? Of course not! I tried to be reasonable, talk it over with you, Morgan. But you just don't listen. You never listen."

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Morgan heard Kelas do some sort of grumbling about horses or somesuch. It did not seem very important and Morgan did not particularly care. "There is nothing to listen to. Your duty as a Crimson Weapon wielder overrides anything else and I forbid you from getting killed until I say so."

Morgan sighed and put her hand to her forehead. "Though you are right that I may not be able to stop you forever. Let me offer a compromise. Let us all accompany you to Jerdon. I have no interest in political revolutions, but at least we can stop you from getting yourself killed," she said, crossing her arms.


"Err...yeah. I wasn't really sure if I should say goodbye to anyone or not, I haven't been with this group very long," Tristan said, scratching his head.

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Viveka and Susann

Viveka: Well ... I'd appreciate a goodbye at least. I consider you a friend and we might not meet again. You're royalty after all.

Jasmine and Illiam

They were going with the princess? This was big news, and Jasmine wanted to go tell Conrad and Viveka right away, but she needed to confirm it first. Having Illiam trot over to Morgan, she leaned her way a bit to ask.

Jasmine: Are you serious? We're going to go with them to Jerdon?

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