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Super Thracia hack released


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It doesn't work with the translation. If you have the right Japanese ROM, just leaving the patch on the same folder and giving it the same filename (ex. thracia.smc and thracia.ips) should be enough.

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It doesn't work with the translation. If you have the right Japanese ROM, just leaving the patch on the same folder and giving it the same filename (ex. thracia.smc and thracia.ips) should be enough.


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It worked. I'm really satisfied by this hack. You got any advices? Cause I would'nt like to reach a dead wall. I just know about halvan and dagda going to hell, then the berserk issue and... that's it.

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  • 9 months later...

Hello guys, i have a question about this mod. I reached the chapter 13 where I must protect the castle against Ares.

I want to know if I can kill him ? I saw I can recruit him later but the timing is very short and I have no choice to shoot him down. And I definitively can't surround him and wait that everyone escape.

Thank you.

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