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My First Hack


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^_^ Sweet! Thanks again ^_^ I'm going to work on some maps, and see if I can fix the tile spam issue... Anyone good with mountains and water tiles? I have trouble getting those to match up right... well I guess practice would be the best way to improve that.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Map Inserted successfully in a clean rom!!! Many many thanks to Claude_C_Kenny!! Still need to insert it into the hack but just really really really happy with this as its the first time I ever got this to work.


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^_^ thank you. Hopefully I'll get better at making more complex mugs, but at the moment these are about the best I can do... XD yeah the Vaida one looks really weird and looking at her I think she has serious shading issues... XP

Oh I made this one a few days ago for a monk: monk-1.png

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Since my browser locked up when I tried to upload the prologue video here is a beta patch for you guys... I'm wondering if the prologue is too hard and what not... stats have not been changed yet, they will be in later patches but for now you have to deal with Lyn's stats as a fem merc for Isabel XD her strength sucks royally, and Serra's stats for Ayame. If you continue to chapter 1 Kent and Sain's portraits have been replaced as well as their descriptions but other than that the chapter is unchanged and poor Ayame is going to vanish into the void XD. I do have partial event data for chapter one but it is not inserted as yet into the rom because I ran into an issue where Ember's portrait got scrambled badly. I keep backups though so hopefully this won't be too big of a roadblock. The plot isn't much to write home about yet, I am working on it though. XD I still need to get the village to close after you visit it though XD. The houses are not visitable at the moment, the village is.

EDIT: And before I forget the Female Merc sprite is thanks to Dr. Sholes whose name I hope I spelled right.

Double Edit: Isabel's strength in the pic on the first page was from the rom that had the portrait scramble issue, it wasn't changed in the one used to make this patch so Lyn's base + fem merc base at level 1 = 3 strength... XD really pathetic. This will be changed later on when I get around to making everyone's stats.

Prologue Only Beta Patch

Edited by iavasechui
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The prologue is pretty hard mostly because of low defense for the main character and she doesn't hit the enemy easily I suggest you add defense and skill and make it so the healer can us light magic. Also are you going to use the bandits I made?

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The prologue is pretty hard mostly because of low defense for the main character and she doesn't hit the enemy easily I suggest you add defense and skill and make it so the healer can us light magic. Also are you going to use the bandits I made?

I don't suggest healer with light magic, just because there is no point in it. The prologue wasn't too hard, I just had to keep going back to the village gate to make strategic moves for placing Ayame.

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Yes I will be using your bandits, um XD any chance of blinking or talking frames for them though? Or who did you splice their faces from so I can cheat and use those blinking and talking frames. I've only ever made blinking frames before for Ayame (since her face is from FE6) and Alexis (the Fir/Lalum/Amelia splice), so while I think I can at least make halfway decent blinking frames, I've never actually made my own talking frames before, usually I just cheat and use the ones from the face I spliced XD Since I do want to be able to eventually make splices look more unique I do need to learn how to make them though... is there a good tutorial for talking frames?

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Oh did the angelic robe in the village help? I didn't want to give out a stat boost this early but in test runs I got wiped out so bad that I stuck that in the village and took away the boss's vulnerary because he took to long to kill.

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  • 5 months later...

Seeing as how the demo link is dead and I finally got youtube to upload it here is the prologue. Anything seen in the prologue is subject to change, in fact now that I actually have an idea of where I want the plot to go every thing in it most likely will.

For those of you who have played the demo, yes I changed the map and the dialogue a bit.

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XD That would be because Isabel's strength sucks, I'm going to fix this don't worry XD Its just she's using Lyn's default combined with female merc default... Also has anyone made a female merc map animation that I can use? While I'm glad a default exists it kinda sucks ^_^;

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XD That would be because Isabel's strength sucks, I'm going to fix this don't worry XD Its just she's using Lyn's default combined with female merc default... Also has anyone made a female merc map animation that I can use? While I'm glad a default exists it kinda sucks ^_^;

one actully does exist on one of the pinned ROM related topics.

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