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Splices for my hack


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I know that's what I was getting at. It's kinda like Anna's eyebrows.

I suppose. FE7 mugs aren't always consistent anyways. Take Sonia's eyebrows for example.


I would imagine you would have to replace existing ones. Though, I don't think it would be too hard to do since you could just replace weapons/items that are unique to FE7. For example, you could take the rings, give them a staff icon and change their weapon type to staves. Though, I think the way those ring effects work is a bit wonky so I don't know if that would work in this case. Having said that I could also do PRF and S rank weapons, if you don't want to use what's already in FE7.

There are plenty of other things you could replace to, like emblem weapons for example or whatever.

Exceptions aren't always right~

And, the reason I used Priscilla as the example was because her hair is also red, so, using the same technique as they used on Prissy would make sense for a person with the same hair color :x

Then why would you ask me if I noticed any other changes if you wanted us to ignore the thing you changed the most in the first place? :(

As for icon insertion, if you extend the table you can insert your icons wherever you want, and then not have to overwrite any of the icons in the game. Extending the table's not THAT difficult, but, if you've never hacked before, I wouldn't suggest doing it right away.

And for the rings, making them into staves would be simple, but, they just wouldn't give your cleric staff rank. I believe (could be wrong) that the rings are a character ability that Ninian gets, so, if you change the ring's icons to staves, and give your cleric the ring ability, then they could use the rings like staves, just wouldn't get staff rank exp from them. Simple, no?

ALSO, since I'm getting to damn involved in the topic, iava, I can do some mugs for you if you'd like, but, if I were you, I'd stick to Maklo, since I have a nice long list of things I want to sprite, and, aside from a few facial features problems, Maklo's a really good spriter, and seems to be able to sprite things pretty quickly. If you do want a mug or two from me, though, just ask.

EDIT: Wow, this post turned out a lot longer than I'd expected xD

EDITEDIT: Maklo, I just realized, this entire argument was about an eyebrow xD

Let's just agree that there are always exceptions, instead of continuing hostilities, mkay? :3

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Exceptions aren't always right~

And, the reason I used Priscilla as the example was because her hair is also red, so, using the same technique as they used on Prissy would make sense for a person with the same hair color :x

Yeah, I guess I see your point.

Then why would you ask me if I noticed any other changes if you wanted us to ignore the thing you changed the most in the first place? :(

I was refering to some changes I made to the hair, like that part on her on her right that looked a bit flat. That and I changed some of the shading on her forehead. They were pretty small changes, so I guess it was no surprise that they weren't really noticable. Oh well, no harm done (I think).

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Hmm thanks. I probably won't attempt to expand it since I don't want to go messing with things that I don't fully understand yet, so I'll just have to replace icons. Hey what if I replaced stuff like the Emblem Sword? It's basically just an iron sword with more uses right? So turning it into something like a personal weapon for a character won't be that big a deal right?

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Hmm thanks. I probably won't attempt to expand it since I don't want to go messing with things that I don't fully understand yet, so I'll just have to replace icons. Hey what if I replaced stuff like the Emblem Sword? It's basically just an iron sword with more uses right? So turning it into something like a personal weapon for a character won't be that big a deal right?

Yeah, you can edit the item around however you want in Nightmare. You'll have to use GBAGE or TLP to insert a new icon, though.

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Yeah I've already successfully inserted an icon before thanks to a lovely tutorial video someone linked me to. Editing it in nightmare should be pretty simple, the only problem I've ever had with editing an item in nightmare is FE4's earth sword, I believe Shin-i-gami ran into the same problem with his Shin patch, it insists on starting with 10 uses at the start of the chapter if it has more than 10, so you have to repair it even if it was fully repaired at the end of the previous chapter. (Shin patch gives it 25 uses so its more usable then before but yeah, it gets pricey unless you make sure its at 10 or below when you end the chapter)

Hmm question is though, how to make good stats for a personal weapon but not make it too overpowered. I'm not so great at balancing stats so when I get around to actually making the characters stats and any custom weapon stats I will need some help so I don't break the game XD

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Good idea ^_^ XD though why is it that for some reason all the lord personal weapons are effective against cavalry and armor? I mean it is useful but is it like tradition or something?

Yeah, it's been that way since Marth's Rapier in FE1.

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Hmm question is though, how to make good stats for a personal weapon but not make it too overpowered. I'm not so great at balancing stats so when I get around to actually making the characters stats and any custom weapon stats I will need some help so I don't break the game XD

It's actually not too hard to do this, I could help you out with this. Beta testing is porbably the easiest way to do this, but another way is to simply take samples of character stats and put them up against each other. For example suppose you have a knight and you figure out his average stats at some level that he would most probably be at by some chapter. Then you compare his stats to, say, myrmidons from that chapter and you find that he's doubling them all with like 6 plus AS then maybe you got a problem XD.

My brother made me a bunch of excel documents that do these type of calculations (like hypothetical battles, averages stats and such), so using these would probably make testing a lot easier.

EDIT: God I type slow

@Seph1212: INORITE eyebrows FTW.

Though, I figured the point of the whole armor/horse slayer thing was in the interest of making main characters a bit better simply because they are the main character.

LOLFE1 marth though.

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Still a shameless recolor but I noticed how horrible his palette looked so I fixed it. -_- it's been a while since I looked at this one, it was embarrassingly bad he had fe8 colors and border with fe7 hair and just ugh... now he's got all FE7 colors.

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What do you want changed about your Saul recolor, besides it not being a recolor? I could probably get something done after a bit of playing around, but it would be much easier to know what you want done with it.

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Heh, maybe not. I might give it a try today. I think I have a pretty good idea. Though I may end up just posting a WIP if that's all I come up with today.

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Something to suggest, try using different hair colors, and see which one you like the best. More commons usually fit more like brown or blonde hair, but sometimes colors blue and red work. Also, it's not necessary to make the armor and hair colors the same, so long as you don't use more than 15 colors.

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Well originally it had the right one's hair on the left one's armor, but I didn't think they went well with each other so I made a copy and changed the hair on one and the armor on the other. Originally the only difference between the two was the trim.

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Okay did some experimenting with the palette and these are the results

Brunette w/ the green armor


The same but with green eyes instead of brown


Blond w/ the other armor


And finally a completely different palette altogether


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