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One essay out of the way, just another one to go :/

Though I'll probably proofread and edit it over then next three weeks xD 1500word essay that's worth 40% of the semester probably means I've got to be a lot more concise then I have been xD

Either way, lunch now, might post again later, and hopefully after finding somewhere to stay for the night, I can do a timeskip. (I'll leave it to your creativity to find something people) and if you can't think of anything, just have Zwool find an abandoned shed/shack. Make use of all the time he's been aimlessly wandering around the woods xD

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Go check the SerenesForest Code of Conduct

If there's nothing in there about you not being allowed to post, I'm guessing you are allowed to post.... wait, there is something, sorry you can't post.







...... My bad, was something different, This threads pretty much become a common chat thread anyway, so feel free to post whatever you want. Though you're only allowed to post after you remove that burning helicopter out of the thread.

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Am I allowed to post here or something? Trent said something and I lost a bet and then he shot down my helichopper and now I'm here.

What's an airport?

Long story short, Nagafen = Oscar = my best friend, and I convinced him to join after much interrogation. So, that's the only reason he's asking if he can post here xD

Oscar, ignore Mao, go right ahead and post :3

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Name: Obelia

Gender: Female, 21 Years Old.

Class: Fighter

Affinity: Wind


IronBroadsword-1.gif?t=1302444171Iron Broadsword: A basic weapon that appears custom, yet isn't on par with specialised weapons such as the Regal Blade or even the Silver Sword. The Iron Broadsword exchanges some speed with a slightly hefty weight, yet has a slightly greater damage ratio then basic weapons such as the Iron Sword and Iron Blade. It isn't quite up to par with the Steel Blade, but can rival a Steel Sword for strength. A corresponding pattern of red jewels are imbedded, three of them, within the blades hilt and the design seems more custom then a typical iron weapon. This is in part due to the nature of Obelia wielding it. It is supposedly one of the few things that belongs to her father and was taken, possibly stolen from him, by her mother. The broken sides and odd angles appear to be from battles long since past. (Will try and sprite a better one another time. Apologies for the FE terminology, but hopefully gives a better reference).

Tool1.gifKnife: A basic equip knife, Obelia uses it rarely and carries it concealed in a strap on left arm along her gauntlet. She orients her arm usually to a lifted stance even when walking, or usually keeps her left hand in a guard position, even when calm, defensively across her breastplate. This is due to the nature of the strap holding her knife, which is held in a loose fashion so she can drop her arm and her knife will slip out, into her hand in a fluid motion. It however is a basic knife and nothing truly special exists about it as known. However, she doesn't mention how she came to possess it, nor why she constantly keeps it within her reach.

Stats: N/A

Appearance: Obelia.jpg?t=1302433743

Nation of Origin: Miyako, the village of Mune (northwest of Arashiyama).

Backstory: Obelia is born of a Myan Mother and an unknown Father, her mother's name simply Gami. At an early age, as per Miyako's way of life, she was raised solely by her mother, who had returned from somewhere not yet known to the now secluded away Obelia, her life destined to be one lived as a Myan female of normal rank. Yet at as she grew, from gurgling toddler to inquisitive young girl, her mother was put off by several questions she asked that seemed odd, for a Myan girl raised in the knowledge that she was her 'only parent'. She asked where she came from. And always, Gami would try and misdirect the question or deflect it, from saying truth of a sort; she was born from Gami herself, to simple, almost childish wordplay, such as she came from this village, Mune, which was her home. Nestled so deep within Miyako, it was odd that her daughters mind seemed to keep travelling outwards as she grew, soon a teen and still, the questions did not cease. She seemed to not get along so well with other girls her own age, but it wasn't from their lack of trying. She point blank refused to talk to some. The reason was something Obelia never said to her mother. She seemed to behave oddly around most girls her own age, yet get along very well with the younger girls, looking after the young newborns and children born of the villages expectant and returning mothers with a happy tinge to her, very solid in her skills keeping the young ones safe and happy most of all. She was quiet around other females her own age still though, asking her mother one day a question that turned her pale.

'Who is my father?' She asked. And Gami seemed to appear calm then, yet inside, she felt herself knot inside, however much she felt then that with the need to inform those women of Miyako how to reproduce as they grew, she had gathered that at some point her daughter would know. So Gami explained then. Of her father and of finding him when she was out in the world, feeling a want within her to hold new life, to feel someone cradled in her arms and her own. And she told her that her father, the one who was the other half of her genes, was at first, what appeared to be an honourable man, one who had promised her at the very least his care and attention, to give her what her heart desired. And not wanting her to leave, wanting her daughter to vanish from her for the rest of her days, she lied. She told her that her father had died, not long after the first week or two she knew that new life was within her. And it made her daughter cry, which hurt her heart. And unfortunately for her, did more then that.

Obelia has grown to an older age, one where she now leaves her home and to her mothers shock, to find her fathers grave, as she explained to her a few days before leaving. She will, with the sword her mother showed her, the one, final 'gift' her father supposedly left her, find out where he lays and pay her respects to her fallen father. She is determined by this goal and will focus on it with fierce reason. She knows, from her mothers talks with her, as they began after being told she had a father, his name. His name was Yuzu and he was from the country of 'Sapphire', to the east of Miyako through the territory of a vast empire called Astarte. Bearing armour given to her by her mother, she has spent the past eight years, training with the blade shown to her, the Iron Broadsword to defend herself from those who would use her for their own ambitions and 'other uses' that after being explained to her, makes her slightly more stony in her heart.

Her dreams are few and far between. She has only one true dream, the want to see her fathers grave a motivation rather then a true dream. She dreams of an ideal want, to see her mother and father, together and for one moment, at the very least. It haunts her, this odd idea that she could've had two people to grow up holding her with and as such, she reacts coldly around those who mention, talk or even acknowledge a regular growing up with both parents to take their hands. She is nervous around females and tries hard to maintain a cool outlook, yet if in close proximity to another around her own age, she quiets down and refuses to look them in the eye. The reason is something she refuses to explain and as of yet, gets along better with males due to the slight curiosity she has for males and others in general, almost cheerful around males. Yet again, however happy she is to meet new people, such as males her own age and younger females or older women, she gets nervous when men get into close proximity to her and usually backs off or gets slightly aggressive with those who get too close.

Her goal is simple. Reach her fathers grave by finding out where he lived within Sapphire, her mother having refused to say even with the most persistent of asking. Even with her daughters safety at risk, Gami hopes that if she cannot find the true spot where her father dwelled, not only may she give up and return home, but maybe something secret will be spared from her. Something that tears at Gami's heart each day, while her daughter begins to trudge from her home, sword at hand, a knife she has acquired along the way, walking to somewhere she believes is so very important to her hearts wish.

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Just for you?

OoC: She get's this guy:


And he uses Hyper Repair.

And I am so sorry for any side trolling resultant of this.

On a side side note, I know that's a joke. It involves shades.

Edited by NagafenOfIvalice
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Just for you?

OoC: She get's this guy:


And he uses Hyper Repair.

And I am so sorry for any side trolling resultant of this.

On a side side note, I know that's a joke. It involves shades.

He looks like a SWELL GUY.

I'd let my daughter date him. If she had a taser first.

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