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FE10 mafia: GAME OVER


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Hey i'm new But I really want to play make me a sub?

The mod (JB) will have the final word on that. If you're interested in playing mafia, keep an eye out for sign-ups. You'll have to be quick, though!

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"Aaah! What are you... What did I ever do to you... No... Don't come any closer! Stop! NOOOOOO!"

The assailant calmly walked up to Micaiah and threw her against a wall before smashing her to death with a piece of frozen lamb.


Dear user,

Your character is Micaiah.

You are the Priestess of Dawn, and you are considered as the savior of Daein. All citizens of Daein will be looking up to you in this conflict, and you know you cannot disappoint them.

During the Night Phase, you may reply to your role PM with “Night X – USER… Promise me we’ll live through this.” If USER is attacked by anyone, you will cast Sacrifice on them, allowing them to survive their night attack. However, as Sacrifice drains a lot out of you and healing someone about to die will nearly kill you yourself, if your attempt at healing someone is successful and saves them from death, you will be unable to heal the next night.

You are allied with Daein. You win when you have achieved parity with Crimea and Begnion, and all other self-aligned characters have been removed from the game. Alternately, you win if you are still alive at the end of the game.

You all realise that Micaiah was actually male, and then realise only Psych could been as dumb as to pull off such an act.


"Hey! Sigrun! Over here!"

"What is it? I can't see anything... Agh!"

Sigrun collapsed off her pegasus and onto the floor, two arrows embedded into the back of her skull.


Dear user,

Your character is Sigrun.

You are the captain of the Holy Guard, and the bodyguard of the Apostle. You love the Apostle as much as your own country, and are determined to make sure that she will live through this conflict.

During the Night Phase you may reply to your role PM with “Night X – USER, the Holy Guards have arrived!” You and the Holy Guard will follow USER to see whom he visits, and if USER does not visit anyone you will continue to observe USER to see if anyone has followed him.

You are allied with Begnion. You win when you have achieved parity with Crimea and Daein, and all other self-aligned characters have been removed from the game. In addition, you also require Sanaki to be alive in order to win the game.

The blood pouring out of her head spells "gninworB nellecxE". In reverse.


"You know you're better than this."

"I... I can't... Aaaagh!"

Tibarn flew down and grabbed his target by the neck. He dropped his sword, and Tibarn threw him over the edge of the cliff, never to be found again.


Dear user,

Your character is ???.


You are allied with ???. You win when ???.

You all can at least make out the person as looking somewhat like Radiant Dragon.


"Absolutely pathetic. A commander of Begnion, and he can't even live up to this? Well... I'm done here." Tibarn flew away back to Phoenicis, now content to simply watch everything pan out right before his eyes.


Dear user,

Your character is Tibarn.

You are the King of Phoenicis, and you are one of the best fighters in all of Tellius. Phoenicis has gotten involved in this conflict, and as such you might as well do what you can to have a little fun.

During the Night Phase, you may reply to your role PM with “Night X – To wing, USER! Keep up with me if you can!” You will jump off a cliff and transform into your laguz form midway, allowing you to be safe. However, USER will be unable to keep aloft and will fall to his death. After USER’s horrible death you will steal his role PM away, not letting anyone else know what it was.

You know that there is a very strong commander of Begnion known as Zelgius in this conflict. If you can find him, he would prove to be a very strong opponent and actually provide a decent challenge for you.

You are allied with the Laguz Alliance. You win if you are still alive at the end of the game. Alternatively, you win if you are able to kill Zelgius.

Looking around, it becomes rather obvious that Tibarn was WoMC.

In other words, congrats to WoMC for winning FE10 mafia. He's not going to be playing any more part in this, so oh well.

It is now Day 2. Day 2 ends on 3 April (I'm too busy on the 2nd), 7pm, GMT +8.

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You also see this message posted on a wall in town.

"Furet Balcerzak

Jean-Marc 13thShadow

Ether Kay

Bizz Psych





It's only the end of Night 1 people, if this continues we'll be running out of subs"

Also, Kaoz seems to have been abducted. Oh well.

Edited by JBCWK
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Yeah... Why is it always me who gets screwed over in JB's games? It was fun while it lasted, though. Also:

"Absolutely pathetic. A commander of Begnion, and he can't even live up to this? Well... I'm done here."

You threw me off of a cliff. I'm good, but I'm not THAT good.

Edited by Radiant Dragon
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On that note...

"Aaah! What are you... What did I ever do to you... No... Don't come any closer! Stop! NOOOOOO!"

The assailant calmly walked up to Micaiah and threw her against a wall before smashing her to death with a piece of frozen lamb.

You are now imaginging Ilyana with a slasher smile using pieces of frozen meat to beat Micaiah to death with.

And then eating the evidence.

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Oh yeah and according to JB only two people super abused WHOIS and then told their teams or something.

Personally I think those two should either be killed or have their roles altered so it's impossible for them to win(ie. "You are allied with ???. You win when you have achieved parity with ??? and ??? all other self-aligned characters have been removed from the game. In addition, you also require Zelgius to be alive in order to win the game." because yes irony).

Though I already know their teammates will say "lolno" because they are all assholes benefitting from blatant cheating and I hate each and everyone one of them.


(Kidding by the way I only hate the two that cheated.)

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Oh yeah and according to JB only two people super abused WHOIS and then told their teams or something.

Well, we know one of them was Weapons. And just because I hate cheaters I'm going to say this, even though I'm dead: the other is (most likely) Crimean. It's not Begnion or Daein.

Edited by Radiant Dragon
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Well, we know one of them was Weapons. And just because I hate cheaters I'm going to say this, even though I'm dead: the other is (most likely) Crimean. It's not Begnion or Daein.

JB said WoMC didn't cheat. Maybe another Laguz Alliance member, but not WoMC himself.

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JB said WoMC didn't cheat. Maybe another Laguz Alliance member, but not WoMC himself.

Sure he'd say he didn't cheat. Considering that it wasn't hard to figure out the only player in Daein and Begnion's channels was Zelgius.

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I actually don't get why posting at night is allowed. It's night, you're asleep, or you're busy with your secret stuff that people try to WHOIS. =/

Why wouldn't it be allowed? There's nothing to be lost by discussion at night, and it keeps the game from dragging during the Night Phases.

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The assailant calmly walked up to Micaiah and threw her against a wall before smashing her to death with a piece of frozen lamb.

You are now imaginging Ilyana with a slasher smile using pieces of frozen meat to beat Micaiah to death with.

And then eating the evidence.

She tried to impose food tax. Something had to be done.

Edited by Snike
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