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FE10 mafia: GAME OVER


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Only a man like Paperblade could have thought of such a retarded way to send in his action.

"Save USER from the boundless abyss of death!" was the best thing about my role

Edited by Paperblade
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You are married to Elincia, Queen of Crimea, and you are her loyal retainer.

Geoffrey was apparently a laguz in disguise.

Reeeaal subtle, JB. >_>

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also, requesting to be an informed observer. I'm hearing talk of a shitstorm, so I wanna have a look-see.

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Actually, here's an idea.


##Vote: Alive players

If noone's going to talk, you all might as well lose.

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Levail... I died for your sins...

Levail heard the voice of the man he most adored and began clawing his throat out

RD, apparently, you're the Saviour of SF Mafia.

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Levail is Judas.

Zelgius is the Saviour.

Which means Tibarn, AKA Weapons, is Pilate.

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Um I so didn't sell him out. I didnt even know he was Zelgius before he died

This might be referring to the fact that you chose the path least likely to victory, from what I've heard from Haze.

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Ummm yeah that one :dry:

RD still didn't die because of my sins...

You betrayed the Cause, sir. Treason is Treason. Off to the Ninth Circle with you.

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