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Ghostclown's Wares


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Heeeeeeey, so, I thought I'd bring in some of my random work for some criticism. Ranges for mugs, to battle sprites, to drawings (occasionally), to weapon icons... Yeah, going for a sort of jack-of-all-trades-master-of-none kind of thing, haha. Here's a couple of the most recent things I've uploaded into Photobucket:


My first entry into the Lalum / Fir / Lyn splice content; wasn't overly happy with it.


Replaced it with this one, but, it didn't receive any votes, so yeah. sad.gif


My entry into the splice anything competition. I lost track of who all I put into this - among the many included are Roland, Miledy, Zeiss, Darin, Dozla and Oujay.


The Snakehead, a lance I entered into the weapons icon competition.


My first ever foray into mapping! It took me over an hour... I dunno if I'm doing something wrong, but Mappy just doesn't seem to agree with me.


I know this forum is for sprites rather than art, but I can't justify making a topic in the art section if I'm only showing the one drawing for the time being. This is a piece illustrating a project I envisioned for a while (went from planned fan game form, to novel form, to nothing form - for now, anyway). I think its pretty spiffy.

So, yeah. Hopefully there will be more to come. Let me know what you think!

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Okay, icon time because that's the only thing I know how to critique semi-properly. I wasn't gonna critique it, but it's 11:30 and I'm bored.


So here we have your lance, blown up by a factor of four, between two sizes of what I would do (not necessarily better, but it fits in with my crit).

(Ugh, I hate this background color. Fairly jarring from the green that I prefer.)

Green: What kind of spear tip is that? It looks blocky and dull and just... not-pointy. Notice that in my version I went for a more streamlined tip as to cut down on the blockyness.

Blue: This is more of a personal thing than anything else, but from what I've seen most lances use the dark purple shade on the upper left side of the weapon, not the brown.

In general: You didn't really use enough bright colors, and it looks fairly dull. I know the competition was meant to make a C-rank, it doesn't really look... fancy enough.

Regarding the colors, there's no real way to make an icon shiny without lots and lots of experimentation. Try using as many bright colors as you can, and try to make it shine. Go look at Astra's icons to see what I mean. All of his icons have this like... glow to them.

Regarding the dullness, I don't know how much you want to get into that, so I'll leave it for another time. Just remember that there are several types of spearheads, some of which look more fancy than others.

Edited by Camtech075
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I'd just like to point out that the map is has the wrong dimensions to be inserted in an FE game if that's what you meant by it doesn't like you. 15x10 is the smallest and you have 10x26. Every FE map must be at least 15 tiles wide and 10 tiles tall. If its just for fun, ignore this comment. :P

The map is interesting, but I see a lot of shading problems and other various issues. I don't have time to red-line stuff now, but if you'd like me to do it later I'd be glad to.

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I'd just like to point out that the map is has the wrong dimensions to be inserted in an FE game if that's what you meant by it doesn't like you. 15x10 is the smallest and you have 10x26. Every FE map must be at least 15 tiles wide and 10 tiles tall. If its just for fun, ignore this comment. :P

The map is interesting, but I see a lot of shading problems and other various issues. I don't have time to red-line stuff now, but if you'd like me to do it later I'd be glad to.

Haha yeah, it was just for fun. Mainly just trying to get a handle on Mappy. When you do have time to critique, though, I'd be more then happy to hear you out.

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I don't get the hate. I think this is pretty cool. The red tip is a tongue, right? I found that a really nice little addition. :D

dragon age + fe? You are amazing at life good sir because this is awesome. This is made from win.

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I told you that this one was better than the latter, lol.

Meh, I just didn't think it looked polished enough.

And thanks for the kind words about the art, yo. :)

Anyways, onto business. My brother came home from university tonight, and I saw that he was rocking the 5 o'clock shadow. First I got jealous, but then I got inspired; I aptly decided to throw some shadow onto a couple mugs I made in the passed few days.


On the left is Hector shortly after FE7's end, based on a piece I wrote about how he met Lilina's mother, an original character named Allie. When Lyn took her leave of Lycia, Hector was heartbroken. He felt empty, and while he masked it beneath his tough exterior, he became distant of his fellows as well as his duties as Marquess. He began to go back to the arena he frequented in his youth, going so far as to offer a hearty sum to anyone who could defeat him. He yearned to feel something; be it from pain or not. Warriors from across Lycia flocked to Ostia for the opportunity to challenge Lord Hector, but he defeated defeated every last one of them. Then, one day, he was confronted by a beautiful sage. When their battle begun, Hector saw her three much younger and malnourished looking siblings cheering her on from the audience. For the first time since Lyn's departure, Hector felt something. He let the woman defeat him, and personally went to her home to present her winnings. The rest is history.

On the right is Hector a couple years after the epilogue, but before FE6. I was bored.


Here's one I've been working on for the past couple of days. One of my friends asked me if I'd be interested in helping him with some mugs and story ideas for a hack he was considering that revolved around Alphard, Lucius' father, and the events leading up to his death at Renault's hands.

He also asked me to make a younger version of Renault, and a human version of Kishuna. They're still WIP's.

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Meh, I just didn't think it looked polished enough.

A big part of art is design. You can have a portrait look virtually flawless, but have

a complete lack of soul in it's design. All you need is love~

I like the design on the first entry better, my point.

On the portrait of lucius' pops, His strap things don't go with his body. Why do they slope up?

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I'm not sure what you mean about Lucius' father. The straps are meant to go like this:


The sloping up is natural. The purpose of the straps is to hold his swords, like in this image. As far as I know, that's a standard over-the-shoulder strap design. huh.gif

Also, based on critique from Celice, I fixed up my entry into the splice anything competition.


I think its mucho improved. Agree/disagree?

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Finished a couple more mugs:


Kishuna in non-morph form. I went for a sort of raggedy mage look.


My splice of Eliwood, Hector, and Lyn. Tried to make something a bit more original then my previous competition entries.

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On the second splice, I first have to say that I kinda like the color scheme. It reminded me of Ranger!Ike when I first glanced at it.

Palette aside, that body is really small. Added to that, the spaulders seem to be facing in one direction while the actual body (as seen by the direction of the collar, etc.) seems to be facing a different direction. I'd push the left should "back" (i.e. up) and adjust the angle that stuff is showing at to fix the issue.

Secondly, I do believe that the neck is just a tad too long. Also, I feel that having the head point that way seems to make the mug look a tad off, since it's going in the opposite direction of the body. However, this may just be a side effect of the spaulder and neck issues, so I would hold off on tweaking this until those are tended to.

Kishuna is interesting, though it doesn't really remind me of him much at all. (Even with the fact that it's pre-Magic Seal... It could honestly be any random mage-like character.)

Edited by Lord Glenn
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The designs of your splices are pretty amazing. Technically they are kind of messy though. With your latest competition entry the hair sticking out of his head are a little iffy. At least imo. The nose/eye/mouth area all look awkward. It might be how the eyepatch makes the bridge of the nose look unnaturally straight. The left(opv) eye might also be too far left. Also theres something on his neck under his right(our pov) ear. I can't tell if it is supposed to be there or not or really what its supposed to be. Thats all the critiquing I'll do I guess...I'm probably completely wrong on most of it.

I really do love the concept of it though. And the colors.

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Thanks for the awesome critique, everyone. :D


Tried to take everyone's suggestions into consideration. The body and face are widened, the spaulders were removed altogether, the neck was shortened, his visible eye was adjusted, the bridge of the nose was made more angular and the cape was edited to wrap around the mug more effectively.

Kishuna is interesting, though it doesn't really remind me of him much at all. (Even with the fact that it's pre-Magic Seal... It could honestly be any random mage-like character.)

I changed his outfit a bit, to better match Kishuna's colors.


Bonus hooded version for your viewing pleasure. His likeness to the morph form is much more evident from under the cloak.

Edit: Forget about the two above versions; I am much happier with how this one turned out:


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