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Abysmal Souls Chapter 1: Soul Eater


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"Let's do this," Susan said quietly. A quick slice of her electrified dagger made short work of the twine they had used to connect a few of the hastily constructed prison bars. She caught them as they fell and silently laid them down inside the cell. When she was finished she stepped out the hole and stood by the side of the doorway peeking out. "Uh... would you rather go out first? Or should I?"

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He gave it a moment before responding, "I should. You need to get your tome back, so you should focus on that while I try and find an escape route for us..." Oh god, this is gonna be painful for me, I just know it... With any luck, we'll find her tome and be able to get out quickly with little bloodshed. Maybe god will show mercy for once, just maybe. He thought to himself. Grant's expression was the worst as he stepped outside, his eyes adjusting to the brighter scenery.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Adrian couldn't help but chuckle a bit at Ormis's suggestion. Yeah, we could totally be stealthy with... five... And then, the idea hit him. "Ormis, I have an idea." He made his way back over to the shed, checking to see if everyone inside was asleep. Luckily, it seemed they were. "Alright, listen up." He went back over to Ormis, kneeling down next to him. "Alright, listen up. It's almost morning, and I don't think the rest of them are going to wake up anytime soon. Now, I can't go that far from Carrion, there, so..." He glanced back at the shack quickly, making sure no one was watching, or listening, "I need you to steal the book she has. Faye told me that the book was what was keeping me alive, so, if you can get that, then we can go without the rest of them. Unless you'd rather try going by yourself to save Susan and that emerald knight." Adrian knew that Ormis might consider doing just that, but he'd hoped the boy wasn't stupid enough to actually go through with it.

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The knight noticed a guard sleeping close to the entrance of the 'jail' they had been placed in, but the man seemed to be a deep sleeper and didn't wake. Wasting no time, Grant stabbed the man in the stomach as cleanly as possible, killing him in an instant and leaving no time for him to cry out in pain as he covered the man's mouth, then motioned for Susan to book it, giving her probably the angriest look he ever had. If either of them fucked this up, it was all over. Thinking on the go, Grant positioned the corpse's hands such that they were covering the wound, sitting as soundly as possible, tipping the man's helmet to cover his eyes as well. He knew where the exit was, but running a straight line there wouldn't work. Shit, what do i do what do I DO! His mind was in a maddening flurry right now, trying to work out a plan on the go. Even in this cold, he was working up a nervous sweat already. Thankfully, no guards were out at the moment in the immediate vicinity, but he could hear them walking about the place. Praying to any god he could think of at the moment, he went off towards the sounds of footprints, his feet in sync with the sounds so he'd be able to sneak up on him easily if at all...


She watched the man kill the guard, silently cursing his carelessness, but both had one thought in common at this point: there was no turning back and failure now means death. Quickly analyzing the places around her, she couldn't tell where they'd keep her tome, if at all. What if they just threw it out or something. Oh dammit... I'm not going to think like that, not now anyway. I just need to find it and ditch this place. Argh, where's Greg when we finally need him? She silently raged as she stealthily went off to the largest building, figuring she'd start there.

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Ormis nodded as he listened to Adrian's plan. Then his jaw dropped.

"You want me to try and steal that book? Are you crazy?"

He sighed.

"Oh well, it's not like we have any choice."

The boy snuck back in, making sure not to creak the floorboards or anything. When he reached the sleeping form of the witch, he hesitated. If she awoke and saw him, what would he say?

Lord, I'm going to regret this later. I know it.

He bent over and snatched the book without touching her. Having achieved his objective, he crept back outside silently, handing the book to Adrian.

"So now what? Don't tell me you're going to hold that book while you fight?"

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Not hearing the sound of an angered Carrion followed by balls of fire, Adrian assumed Ormis had succeeded in stealing the book, and seeing his figure leave the shack, book in hand, confirmed that. He gladly took the book, surprised by its weight, and then chuckled when Ormis mentioned it. "Well, maybe I can smack a soldier in the head with it, or something. It's surprisingly heavy." Faye wasn't coming out to bother him, either. He assumed she was still asleep, or at least that she wasn't awake. Maybe she doesn't sleep at all? Adrian shook his head; now wasn't the time for thoughts. "Alright, let's go." The sun had just came over the mountain as he spoke, shining him in the face with a dazzling ray of light. "We might get a the chance to sneak in; I doubt those soldiers would wake up this early." Adrian looked back over at the path they'd made coming toward the shack, and started following it, not waiting for Ormis to acknowledge him. If they made it back to where they had fought last night, they could follow the soldiers' tracks. It was still cold, so they still should be there, in the snow.

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The blood stains in her dreams remain haunting for a moment, a face smirking as her mothers image fades, slight cries echoing a tense consciousness. And with out much sound, her eyes snap open as the shadowy face fades from her mind, but cool beads drench her body, slightly gulping breaths wracking a dry throat. Of all the accursed things, she wonders, why is it your throat is dry when you sweat..? Not all the water should go from keeping your throat lubricated to exiting your skin from a foolish vision of the mind. Frivolities are what distract her though, from a sight that she had rarely seen in her head, yet had come once or twice, of the Smirking Man. She shudders once more and begins to sit up, quiet as she does so, her sleep not much but something. Yet as her head turns, she can only blink, seeing the woman with her hands empty of that odd tome she'd clutched to her body. Her eyes narrow for but a moment, remembering her cruel tone. And yet they soften only slightly, comforted by the fact if the woman had been truly cruel, she'd have taken advantage of her slumber. That, in her head, was the domain of true sadists and villains.

'Hff... No spices…' Her words are mumbled as well, but the absence of the spices smell that the boy evoked... bar that odd tinge of blood which had now only struck her mind, was absent. Her head swivels around and looks curiously across to the door. And slightly narrowing her eyes, she lightly taps the side of her sword.

I do abhor stealing, she wonders. And as her hand slips down, slowly taking the blade she cradles that now rests within a slightly worn scabbard of purple, she trudges quietly outside, seeing the two standng there. The boy of spice and death and the youth of thievery. And her eyes narrow.

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Ormis glanced over towards the hut to make sure that Carrion wasn't about to burn the forest down. Instead, he saw the hostile woman standing there glaring at them. His own eyes narrowed, his hand slowly moving towards his 2z4jm0h.jpg sword.

"Hey, Adrian? I think we might possibly have a situation here."

The boy stepped swiftly back into his favorite stance, holding his sword, still in its sheath. With any luck, he wouldn't have to draw it, lest he waste too much energy fighting this woman.

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Adrian stopped to see what, if anything, Ormis was talking about. "Come on, we can't wait for--" Stopping as soon as he eyes met with this new woman's form. He froze, not sure if he should run, or if he should try to reason with her. Holding Carrion's book probably didn't help his case. I know she's not very friendly with Carrion, from their spat earlier, but from that glare she's giving us... I don't think she's very happy with our stealing of the book. Trying to reason with her is all I've got. So, instead of listening to his gut, he turned towards her and chuckled a little. "So, uh, want to help us save our friends?" Yeah, smart, great job. You dumbass!

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'Do I want to save your friends?'

The echo comes with a tone of unmistakable annoyance, her eyes rolling ever so slightly. To offer an advancing swordswoman a grin and an attempt at banter is, albeit, slightly better then sexual slurs or various jibes at her to act like her gender, much how the first few fights had gone. Yet it is still a very thinly veiled attempt, she recognises, to avoid being stabbed by her sword. And at the moment, her armoured self advancing with a surprising ease through the snow, sword raising slowly to above her waist and turning to point the tip of the blade to the boys without much pretence at bartering, she answers him with a look of not anger, but an almost weariness. You see, to constantly live in a place where only women stay is frustrating. Because your refusal to believe men can resort to ways such as this is put to the test, every joke, insult, action against it like a sledgehammer to hope for the opposing sex. That is not to say she knows women are entirely selfless themselves, rather it us up to the individual, in her head, to prove themselves. But so far, these two, her voice speaking quietly, are not winning any favours.

'If you put the book down or hand it back to its owners, we'll talk. If not, I will make you drop it. Your choice, boys.'

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'If you put the book down or hand it back to its owners, we'll talk. If not, I will make you drop it. Your choice, boys.'

Yeah, that's not going to happen. And I don't think I'm going to be reasoning with you, either. He dropped his smile, and straightened out his tone to be more serious. "Sorry, can't do that lady. If I leave this book here, I can't leave. My soul's kind of tied to it, and I'm not waiting for the witch to wake up. Our friends from our merc group are being held by some soldiers at least a mile away, and if we wait any longer, they might not be alive when we get there. Ormis, have fun with her!" No longer needing to sound serious, Adrian gave a cocky smile to the woman, and Ormis, before turning and bolting along the tracks they'd made previously, book in hand. Sorry, Ormis, but there's no way I'm going to convince her, so you'll have to act as a distraction for a bit. Let's just hope you can last long enough for me to get to Susan and the emerald guy.

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Ormis was about ready to turn and leave when Adrian bolted. He sighed.

Of course he leaves me to deal with the psychotic murderer. Just my luck.

"Look, lady. I've kind of got some friends waiting for me over there. I don't really care what kind of moral training you've done or whatever, you're not going to stop me."

In one swift motion, he threw off the sheath to his 2z4jm0h.jpg sword, taking a defensive stance. His only hope was to either stall her long enough for Adrian to get Emerald and Susan out, or to take her out fast enough that Ormis could go help Adrian out. He went for the former, stepping back just enough to block the passage that Adrian had taken.

I could run for it, but there's no way I could do that and still have enough energy to fight. Ugh...

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Her eyebrows rise slightly and she sighs once more at that. Well, these people are proving as pleasant as most others she's met so far. True, to their credit they haven't killed her or tried to rape her, that's a plus. However, their refusals to either take a moment to explain was, she'd gathered, a flaw on her part as how she'd approached them was in a way that seemed very hostile. She set her sword's tip in the snow and glanced to the boy with a slightly hard stare, a small intake of her own breath at the need to explain what she was about to. She does not like the idea of trying to concede anything to this lot. Yet now, she is not advancing, rather standing and speaking as calm as she can to the defensive boy.

'Explain yourself. If you explain fully and well enough... I will distract the lady in the cabin. IF.' Her voice is harsh at the word if, a mirror of her own mothers scolding tone. '..If your reason is truly to save your friends. Go on, boy, I'm listening.'

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Any other day, Ormis would have just taken his chances and attacked, or at least spend some time trading insults. Today, though, he'd already watched half of his mercenary group get kidnapped at once, watched someone else die (maybe) without being able to do anything about it and basically had a hell of a time. He certainly didn't want to start the new day off with fighting. Though before he told her anything...

"Who are you to be making demands, anyway? From what I can see, you threatened US first. Now you want me to explain myself to you? What a joke."

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'If I'm joking,' she answers, her voice taking a cool tone with him, eyes just as frosty as her words 'then this is a very poor joke indeed. No punch line, no attempt at humour at all. No, I demand an answer from you as I have no wish to aid thieves, plunderers, marauders, murderers and those who hold a corruption deeply etched into their hearts. So tell me your intentions and do not lie, for if you do? I may believe you. And I may walk away not knowing a lie has been told.' Her eyes narrow though and she grips her blades handle rather tightly. Without much hesitation, she pets the end of the sword as if a sleeping wolf, waiting for the attack and yet held back by touch alone.

'If you lie and I find out I've been lied too, you'll find when it comes to vengeance against the corrupt is something I excel in. So explain. My name is Obelia. Your own?'

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"Hmph. I'm not the one who asked you. Actually, I'd prefer if you were to just leave and not trouble me again. Again, you threatened us first."

Ormis picked up his sheath, holding it in his left hand to be used as some form of protection against that blade of hers. His own 2z4jm0h.jpg sword was pointed at the woman's feet, ready to strike at any moment. His eyes narrowed to slits.

'If you lie and I find out I've been lied too, you'll find when it comes to vengeance against the corrupt is something I excel in. So explain. My name is Obelia. Your own?'

"Ormis. Now, I really don't have time for this. I could explain, but it would take too long and my friends are either dead or dying in some prison camp somewhere. I'd ask that you trust me but I'm sure there's no hope for that."

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Adrian hadn't stopped once he started running, and, to his own surprise, wasn't tired at all. What else does this body have in store for me...? He found the clearing where they had met the soldiers quite easily, since it was still stained with the blood of his old body, a few bones sitting around. Alright, the soldiers' footprints should be around here... Ah! Smiling, he started on their path, hoping he could get there in time, and hoping that Ormis was still alive. Ormis wasn't terrible in a fight, but that woman... she seemed extremely powerful herself. Adrian shook his head. Ormis will be fine; stop worrying! Gotta focus on Susan and that emerald guy.

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She listens with an almost tired stare and glancing to the boy, over his own narrowed expression, his slit like eyes. She listened for a moment, as long as she could really manage at this point. Time or not, she doesn't feel exactly in the most listened to position at this moment, fingers slightly tightening on her pommel. Yet soon after, hearing his demand and his want to save friends who may be dead, her guilt is wounded and begins to throb, eyes looking aside for a moment.

'...Go then. Save your friends. You owe me, little boy.'

She is swayed easily, by the thought of someone’s cared for ones being killed or dying in their own blood. And as she heads back to the cabin and almost lethargic, she twitches as her mouth slips closed. If the boy had lied, then she would find him. Because to her, to lie about loved ones in any form is what will most likely get her blade delving into your stomach, brushing back through the snow to seemingly sleep in the cabin again.

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Ormis grinned. He'd been hoping for something like this, but he wasn't sure it'd come so easily. He sheathed his sword, spun on one heel, and ran, following Adrian's footprints. Once he reached the old clearing, he bent over, to take a breather. From what it looked like, Adrian had somehow ran all the way without stopping.

Geez... What, does dying give you superpowers?

He straightened, then took a minute to find his cloak, or what remained of it. Picking up the little bit of fabric that was soaked with snow and ripped, he put it on, ignoring the cold. Then he ran after the footprints, a little slower this time. He wouldn't catch up to Adrian, he was sure, but he'd definitely find the prison... assuming it was a prison and not an execution ground.

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Adrian started breathing heavily, his new body's stamina finally starting to give out on him, but he luckily had come across the encampment, or at least he thought, of the soldiers that had taken Susan and the knight. "Alright... Time to wait for Ormis to show up... At least, IF he shows up." His worry for Ormis had come back, since he didn't know the outcome of Ormis's fight against that woman. The sun was up, and the soldiers would soon be up as well. If Ormis was going to show up, now would be the time.

Adrian began to relax against a tree, waiting for Ormis, when he caught movement out of the corner of his eye. The silhouette shot to what appeared to be the largest building in the camp, and he couldn't make out who it was before they got to the door. Do I wait, or do I follow that person? There's always the chance that it's Susan or the knight, but... that chance is slim. He was standing now, hiding himself behind the tree. There was no more movement amidst the camp, and Adrian was getting impatient. I know this is a stupid idea, but hey, let's do it. He slowly moved his way into the camp, making sure to move in the shadows, or hide behind anything he could, as he headed for the building he'd seen the figure head for.

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She stirred in her sleep, groaning as she tossed and turned. Another vision of her past crept into her mind, of her brother. Of his death, again by her accidental hands. She panicked as she did back then, attempting to help him with powers uncontrollable by her hands leading to his incineration. Again, there was nothing she could do for him, she simply stared in disbelief as his body began to turn to cinder at her hands, tears streaming down her cheeks as she wailed.

The witch awoke in a cold sweat, catching her breath. Her eyes were welling up slightly, but she quickly rubbed them dry, cursing silently at everything. Here eyes dart around the cabin, wondering if anyone saw or heard her cry. Of course, no one saw her to her satisfaction, but that came with the realization that she was alone in the cabin, save for the mystery sword-woman. She had some mixed feelings about this, but ultimately she didn't care for the most part. The kid can't get very far without the book, and the other one isn't my concern whatsoever, though it was amusing watching him try so hard and yet fail so much... She thought as she absentmindedly put her hand where her book used to be. A confused look came over her face as she couldn't seem to find the book, and then the realization hit her. She had a small smile creep over her as she covered her mouth to stop the laughter from waking up the other woman.

She got herself up, surprisingly awake due to her discoveries, and went off after Adrian. "He has no idea about what that book can do, does he?" she asked rhetorically of no one.


He stepped as quietly as he could, but the closer he got to the guard, the more on edge he became. His footwork got sloppy, and he alerted the guard's presence. Acting fast, he went right at the guard, getting a powerful hit to the man's back before he could react, but that was all the notice the guard needed to make a loud enough noise. He yelled in pain loudly, anyone nearby would hear it with no problems whatsoever. Grant managed a fatal blow to the man, but he alerted the whole camp. Well, I had a good run, I'd say. Time to make it worthwhile... I'll see you soon, Andy. He resigned himself to his fate and steeled his body for the coming battle, however one sided it would be, he would be taking as many down with him as he could. Hopefully Susan is able to hide run away once she gets her book. Gods protect her.

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Ormis walked out of the forest calmly. The boy closed his eyes, steeling himself. He was just about to try and sneak around and gauge how many soldiers there were when a loud cry rang loudly through the air.

I guess that means that Emerald is more resourceful than I thought, or that Adrian beat me here.

He grinned, throwing the sheath off his sword so that it caught the sunlight. Angling it so that it shone directly at the encampment. Drawing in a breath, he ran forward with only a moment's hesitation. He shouted, trying to draw as much attention towards himself as possible. Ormis was confident enough in his own abilities that he could defend himself long enough for Emerald and Susan to break free. If not... well, he'd almost died against Scarlet earlier anyway.

Sure enough, about twelve soldiers all came out, sabres drawn. Ormis' heart sank. That was more than he'd expected.

Oh well, he chided himself, too late now.

He charged, but stopped before he was in range of the closest soldier. When the man swung, Ormis leaped backwards, then ran in the other direction, trying to lead them away. There was no way he could beat them all by his lonesome, but he could probably taunt them enough to keep the attention on himself.

I just hope they don't have an archer or anything.

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Adrian was almost at the building, when a scream rang out among the camp. He almost fell over, catching himself on a wall, before trying to find out what just happened. His eyes darted around until he noticed Ormis charging into a group of soldiers, and his jaw dropped. What are you doing you moron?! Before he could scream at him to run... Ormis actually did, dragging the soldiers along with him. Alright, that idiot's gotten me some more time. Maybe I can find a weapon or something to-- and then it hit him, and he felt like an idiot for it. He reached his hand into his bag, and pulled out his ladle. It wasn't a sword, but it was still tough metal, and getting hit in the face with it would hurt. "Alright... Ormis seemed fine. Time to find Susan or the knight."

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The door was locked. It wasn’t like she didn’t expect it, but it was nonetheless annoying. She was trying to decide between hazarding breaking in and looking somewhere else instead when she heard footsteps behind her. She immediately froze, and then carefully turned her head towards the sound. Out of the corner of her eye she could make out a figure just as they jumped behind a nearby building. Was that a soldier trying to sneak up on her? She needed her tome now, dammit!

Panicking and losing any attempt at stealth, she began trying to pick the lock with her dagger. A few moments later she heard a click and kicked the door open. Inside was a storage room, by the looks of things, and in the middle of the room was a table. At the table were three guards playing cards. All their eyes turned from their game to the now open door. Susan stood there, frozen to the spot.

“…Well, shit.”

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Adrian turned another corner, only to jump back behind it when he noticed someone at the door of the building he'd been heading to. He'd noticed their lock picking, and they'd seemed to have noticed him, as the noise of whatever lock they were picking became louder. He peeked around the corner, trying to get a better look at who was there, but they were wearing a cloak... that looked extremely familiar. Wait, that's my cloak. That means... Before he could act, the door was kicked open, and the figure stood there as three annoyed guards stared back. Alright, time to be the hero. He jumped out from behind the corner, and took a stance in front of the figure, holding his ladle out at the soldiers. A quick glance back confirmed his suspicions, and he smiled. "Sorry it took so long for me to get here, Susan." Yeah, look at you, trying to act cool whilst wielding a freaking LADLE.

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