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Event Assembler Questions Thread


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Same problem that had me stopped for weeks. The first person to start talking should be the last person loaded, eliminating the need for another 'Open' command. Also, keep an eye on the character limit.

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Umm, I know for a fact that load order doesn't make a difference. I change the load order all the time and nothing happens that's funky. All that does is save a couple seconds of typing.

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When it comes to editing a ROM with both EA and FEditor, I advise people to start with FEditor, do all of the editing with it, then find some space FEditor hasn't used yet and insert your events there. And when I say all, I mean all, you insert every portrait you are going to use in the hack, all the text and every animation to the ROM before you even load up EA. You can use EA and FEditor side-by-side, but that requires extra effort on the FEditor side of things and is beyond most peoples ability, IIRC. This is what you get from mixing automatic (FEditor) memory allocation with manual (EA).

Out of curiosity, are you assembling the events before or after FEA? Because I know if I don't first use FEA and then assemble events, things go funny. (Namely FEA reverts everything back to an earlier version). So you might try that first.

It's Nightmare that does that. EA only loads the ROM during assembly and disassembly an unloads immediately after the job is done, before it even reports the errors. SO if you just have EA waiting for you to do something with it, it won't cause the problem you are talking about.
Also, your text can just be Text(0x800). No need for the extra 0, EA will handle that (This probably doesn't matter but it's worth trying).
It doesn't matter. Edited by Nintenlord
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You can use EA and FEditor side-by-side, but that requires extra effort on the FEditor side of things and is beyond most peoples ability, IIRC. This is what you get from mixing automatic (FEditor) memory allocation with manual (EA).

The "extra effort" being using the "memory management" default screen, fixing checksums, keeping track of your "Manual" memory allocation and making it conform to FEditor's auto memory management AFTER fixing the checksum, etc.

As for what Nintenlord says, if you open a ROM in Nightmare OR in FEditor, and then Assemble in the Event Assembler, THEN you change something in one/both of the two previous programs, your Event Assembling would have "never happened" unless you click the Assemble button again. This is because the ROM loaded by Nightmare and FEditor is the ROM version that was loaded BEFORE you assembled any events.

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It's Nightmare that does that. EA only loads the ROM during assembly and disassembly an unloads immediately after the job is done, before it even reports the errors. SO if you just have EA waiting for you to do something with it, it won't cause the problem you are talking about.

That's odd, FEditor Adv (FEA, this may have caused some confusion sorry about that) does this to me as well but I just need to reassemble events to get what I want.

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Umm, I know for a fact that load order doesn't make a difference. I change the load order all the time and nothing happens that's funky. All that does is save a couple seconds of typing.

I'm just going by my recent experience. I couldn't even get to the first chapter until I fixed that. Might have to do with the amount of text you have at the pointer too.

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OK, this is an issue that just came up a few minutes ago, when Eliwood died. The game doesn't seem to be treating him as a lord. I have 0x20 in all of his unit loading data in both chapters, and I have it set for both his classes and his character data, and I even checked to make sure his death quote data was pointing to 0x65. It's also effecting my seize goal. He doesn't get a seize option, but any character can wait on the space to end the chapter. I thought I was done with questions finally, but I am glad this happened early so I could get it taken care of now.

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I thought disable tutorials got around that? How do I get around this then? Am I only going to be able to do up to chapter 10 with one lord, then have to switch to another?

(I'd prefer not to have to apply any patches at this point, though that may be my only option)

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All disable tutorials does is make it so you don't encounter tutorial events in your chapters (Like Sain obtaining an Iron Sword in ch1).

To enter another mode you'll have to use the ASMC code that triggers the Lyn Mode ending scroll. (You'll have to activate this in the previous chapter IIRC). For now, Lyn is your main lord.

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I'm getting an error message from Event Assembler that says that there is no code called TURN found. I don't know what that means.

Here's my text file:

//Made by markyjoe1990 of Youtube

//Modified by Nintenlord


#include EAstdlib.event


ORG 0xD80000


POIN Turn_events

POIN Character_events

POIN Location_events

POIN Misc_events

POIN BallistaData BallistaData

POIN Bad Bad Bad Bad

POIN Good Good Good Good

POIN Opening_event Ending_event




UNIT Lyn_t LynLord 0x00 Level(13,Ally,False) [1,23] [1,23] [Thunder,Lightning,Vulnerary] [0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00]

UNIT Empty












LOU1 Good




MNCH 0x??







MESSAGE Events end at offset currentOffset

//The map for this chapter is at offset: ????????

Edited by WINgull
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Try this:


EDIT: derp on my side, try this new one.

Edited by Krad
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Thanks Krad. It worked. I've edited my text file in my post to match it for my next roadblock.

Now I've got some problems with valid numbers.

One says that Opening_event is not a valid number. The second is that 0x?? is not a valid number.

What is a valid number, and now do I fix these two problems?

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Simple fixes: for the first error, you have to understand that Opening_event and Opening_Event are different things for the assembler. Spelling is very important. The second error is in the Ending_event, where you have MNCH 0x??. 0x?? isn't a number, so that causes an error.

Here it is, fixed:

//Made by markyjoe1990 of Youtube
//Modified by Nintenlord

#include EAstdlib.event


ORG 0xD80000

POIN Turn_events
POIN Character_events
POIN Location_events
POIN Misc_events
POIN BallistaData BallistaData
POIN Bad Bad Bad Bad
POIN Good Good Good Good
POIN Opening_event Ending_event


UNIT Lyn_t LynLord 0x00 Level(13,Ally,False) [1,23] [1,23] [Thunder,Lightning,Vulnerary] [0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00]
UNIT Empty





LOU1 Good

//MNCH 0x??


MESSAGE Events end at offset currentOffset
//The map for this chapter is at offset: ????????

Once you've decided what the next chapter will be, you have to remove the // next to the MNCH code, and change the 0x?? to an actual value.

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Once again, thanks Krad. It's mostly working now.

My final problem, now that my events have loaded, I get a black screen. I see info, like the goal, and Lyn's Chibi Portrait. But everything else is blacked out. What happened?

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OK, here might be a tricky question. Since the game thinks i'm playing lyn's mode, I can change all of her data to Eliwood. If I don't trigger lyn's ending with the code, her mode should never end, right? Then, could I trigger the main games ending instead of lyns ending, bypassing the whole tutorial deal. Thinking right, or completely off the mark? Or you're completely confused with what I just said?

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Once again, thanks Krad. It's mostly working now.

My final problem, now that my events have loaded, I get a black screen. I see info, like the goal, and Lyn's Chibi Portrait. But everything else is blacked out. What happened?

Are you loading to map, and not black?

Since in your event file you're just loading a unit, you should go into NM and change the option to load to map.

OK, here might be a tricky question. Since the game thinks i'm playing lyn's mode, I can change all of her data to Eliwood. If I don't trigger lyn's ending with the code, her mode should never end, right? Then, could I trigger the main games ending instead of lyns ending, bypassing the whole tutorial deal. Thinking right, or completely off the mark? Or you're completely confused with what I just said?

Simple as can get:

>First chapter (Prologue)

>Have Lyn ending ASMC code stuff in the events

>Edit the lyn mode ending stuff with Blazer's NM Module

>Eliwood mode.

And her mode does not end unless you use the lyn ending thing.

Modes are not determined by chapters, but by...well modes.

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Once again, thanks Krad. It's mostly working now.

My final problem, now that my events have loaded, I get a black screen. I see info, like the goal, and Lyn's Chibi Portrait. But everything else is blacked out. What happened?

Two things you can do to fix this.

A) Go into the chapter data editor and check "fade to map" instead of "fade to black".

B) Add the code "OOBB" at the very beginning of your Opening_event.

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