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FFtF Internment Camp

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Put your back into it! Those Barracks need to be built soon, lest you all freeze to death sleeping out in the cold! The General watches over us all in the name of the Revolution and the People, even a bunch of traitors like you lot. You all disgust me, you know—you all had a chance to be part of our great endeavor, but you choose to be tools of the Capitalist order, and spat in the face of progress. But, the revolution is magnanimous. If you work hard here to redeem yourselves, perhaps you may day be reintegrated into society as good Proletarians. I hardly think such things, however—I have seen it in all your eyes, you are all just unrepentant Cosmopolitans, traitors to the very depths of your “souls”. I see only pride, pride that will never realize the glory of the common struggle. You all were so content, with full pots and a roof over your profile, you never once considered what sort of price other paid to buy your “comfortable” lifestyle. Bah, without your staff to protect you, you all are not so mighty now.

Now hurry up and grab that crossbeam!

Edited by Le Communard
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Will my picking up that crossbeam directly contribute to an increase in the importing and selling of Haze brand merchandise?

Quiet Bourgeois dog! Your disgusting consumerism has no place in the Peoples future! You live only at the sufferance of the General, so don't test his patience, because you have already tested mine...

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I'll do it for two packets of dairylea dunkers and a kitkat chunky, Soon I shall be ready to sell dairy produce on the black market

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Quiet Bourgeois dog! Your disgusting consumerism has no place in the Peoples future! You live only at the sufferance of the General, so don't test his patience, because you have already tested mine...

Well I never! I was just trying to create business oportunities and employment positions for the people!

However if this is how it's going to be, then this I believe means war, comrade.

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I'll do it for two packets of dairylea dunkers and a kitkat chunky, Soon I shall be ready to sell dairy produce on the black market

Comrade Comissar! We have apprehended this man who was attempting to operate a den of Capitalist sedition! Take him out back? Of course, Comrade! All Hail the Revolution and the General!




Well I never! I was just trying to create business oportunities and employment positions for the people!

However if this is how it's going to be, then this I believe means war, comrade.

...and we've captured his accomplice as well.

Edited by Le Communard
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Comrade Comissar! We have apprehended this man who was attempting to operate a den of Capitalist sedition! Take him out back? Of course, Comrade! All Hail the Revolution and the General!



You haven't seen the last of my dairy-ing escapades

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You haven't seen the last of my dairy-ing escapades

Ridiculous! You have already been... redacted.

Now, everyone of you other louts hurry back to work!

Edited by Le Communard
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You called for reinforcements?

Citizen, you have been found guilty of possession of Level 3 Terrible Puns. This way, please.

THIS is the enemy bioweapon? Udderly unbulleivable right?

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