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Wii successor at E3, "Significantly More Powerful Than PS3"

Don Draper

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The rumors continue to flow. This one sounds really out there, but it's also a very interesting concept. It basically says that the rumored screen on the controller will use new haptic technology, which will allow the screen to immitate various textures when touched. So you could touch the screen on your controller and feel the fur of your nintendog, or you could wipe away what feels like real dust off an artifact. It could be a very immersive experience (and likely very gross, since I'm sure some developers would be absolutely giddy to create games where you have to touch a brain or something). At least this idea sounds strange enough to be something Nintendo would do, even if it does seem a bit outlandish.

I must say, though, that the Nintendo Feel is virtually the worst name I've heard for the system. I would rather it be the Nintendo Cafe than the Feel. Feel just sounds absurd, even if it is the system's highlight feature.

Edited by Ragnell
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Same thing said about the absurdity of the Nintendo "Wii" Oh wellz

I actually wouldn't put this past Nintendo, the feely-touchy bit, but at the same time, it's easy for anyone and everyone to pop up saying Nintendo's going to try whatever it is people think comes after touch-screen and point-immersion features.

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Same thing said about the absurdity of the Nintendo "Wii" Oh wellz

I actually wouldn't put this past Nintendo, the feely-touchy bit, but at the same time, it's easy for anyone and everyone to pop up saying Nintendo's going to try whatever it is people think comes after touch-screen and point-immersion features.

Exactly, there's yet to be one legitimate source in any of these rumors. Also, a controller with a high-tech, touch-compatible, haptic screen would likely be laughably expensive. And Nintendo doesn't ever sell for a loss.

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"with sources saying it will have a built-in screen."

Kind of sounds like a drag-in-process, having to look at the TV AND the controller now. But, I'm not from the future, so I can't decide on this right away, all I can say is I am excite, seemingly weird controller or not.

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  • 2 weeks later...
With the E3 2011 gaming conference only a month away, excitement is really building up around the next-generation Nintendo console. Dubbed as both the “Wii2″ and “Project Cafe,” the new console remains mysterious except for some details leaked late last month, a confirmed revamp for preview at E3, and a recently leaked video. However, today, an insider source has confirmed that the game controller for the new console will feature a camera.

The Nintendo Wii2 has been rumored to feature 1080p HD display, capable of multiplayer screens that are streamed to each player’s game controller. The TV can even be completely turned off in these instances. The controller is rumored to have a 6.2-inch touchscreen display along with standard button layout and possibly a stylus.

The insider source confirmed most of the features rumored for the game controller, but could not confirm speculation that the controller would essentially be an Nintendo 3DS.

“The functions are the same,” the source said. “It is a standard wireless controller added with a front-facing camera and touch screen. That sounds far too much like a 3DS to me. But I can’t confirm this, Nintendo is being very cautious about the details.”

But knowing what we know now about the Nintendo 3DS DRM, we know to be cautious with that game controller camera. Nonetheless, the various methods of game play and augmented reality possibilities to come with the integration of a camera, are quite intriguing. Are you excited about the next-gen Wii?

Such mad vibes of those GameCube games which tried to use the GBA connection for an actual purpose... Which was novel, but annoying. Four Swords was a pain to play sometimes D:

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More supposedly leaked info. If this stuff is true, tears will be shed and pants will be crapped at E3. This sounds like one heck of a system. And this "leak" does explain how they'll keep controller prices down. You'd just buy the screen and controller separately, and they would attach together if you had both. An elegant solution, and something I could see Nintendo doing based on the fact that lately they've been completely enamored with peripherals. The online sounds great, but then again that sounds the most suspect of anything here, since it would be odd for the 3DS to have friend codes, yet the Cafe wouldn't.

Whatever. Two more days.

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Lately? Their entire existence as a videogame company has been littered with little gadgets and doo-dads getting added on and remaining pretty much useless XD Every one of their systems has at least one major gimmick addon.

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Lately? Their entire existence as a videogame company has been littered with little gadgets and doo-dads getting added on and remaining pretty much useless XD Every one of their systems has at least one major gimmick addon.

I suppose you're right. The powerglove, R.O.B., the GCN-GBA connector...

The list is pretty extensive, even outside of Wii stuff. I didn't really think about it.

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More supposedly leaked info. If this stuff is true, tears will be shed and pants will be crapped at E3. This sounds like one heck of a system. And this "leak" does explain how they'll keep controller prices down. You'd just buy the screen and controller separately, and they would attach together if you had both. An elegant solution, and something I could see Nintendo doing based on the fact that lately they've been completely enamored with peripherals. The online sounds great, but then again that sounds the most suspect of anything here, since it would be odd for the 3DS to have friend codes, yet the Cafe wouldn't.

Whatever. Two more days.

This one is fake I can tell you. Gamefreak regularly says they have no interest in making a console game (going by their lack of involvement with Stadium, this isn't a new choice either).

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Lately? Their entire existence as a videogame company has been littered with little gadgets and doo-dads getting added on and remaining pretty much useless XD Every one of their systems has at least one major gimmick addon.

This is not a particularly unique aspect of gaming...Sony had the pocketstation and eye-toy, and does anyone remember Sega's "blast processing?" LOL.

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See! Told ya!

It was pretty obvious that it was fake, due to the "too good to be true" nature of it, but I thought the detachable screen was a good, reasonable explanation of how the controller could work, given price problems.

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I doubt that. It's mostly there for that backward compatibility. Nintendo's explanation of their use is probably just to show that they're able to be used... but on a new system, most people don't try and use the old stuff. They exclusively try to whore out the new. Nintendo pretty much did the same thing with the Wii, showing GameCube controllers to not be left in the dust, and saying there is the option to still have them used. As we can tell, that didn't do jack for the controllers being implemented in many games.

The Wiimotes are still around for the emulation/running of the Wii games. Sure, they can be stacked on for the Wii-U, but if the trend tips towards the new peripheral, that's where the concentration's going to slip, naturally. And since most developers are going to say, New Wii-U systems will not likely be coming with Wiimotes, and also that, We want to pursue the thing that's going to make us money, which means exploring the new novelty over the old... Wiimotes on the Wii-U are most likely going to remain just an accessory for backwards play. That is, unless Nintendo actually pushes the use of Wiimotes.

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I doubt that. It's mostly there for that backward compatibility. Nintendo's explanation of their use is probably just to show that they're able to be used... but on a new system, most people don't try and use the old stuff. They exclusively try to whore out the new. Nintendo pretty much did the same thing with the Wii, showing GameCube controllers to not be left in the dust, and saying there is the option to still have them used. As we can tell, that didn't do jack for the controllers being implemented in many games.

The Wiimotes are still around for the emulation/running of the Wii games. Sure, they can be stacked on for the Wii-U, but if the trend tips towards the new peripheral, that's where the concentration's going to slip, naturally. And since most developers are going to say, New Wii-U systems will not likely be coming with Wiimotes, and also that, We want to pursue the thing that's going to make us money, which means exploring the new novelty over the old... Wiimotes on the Wii-U are most likely going to remain just an accessory for backwards play. That is, unless Nintendo actually pushes the use of Wiimotes.

The difference is that the Wiimote can function basically the same as a Gamecube controller. I don't want to swing that thing around my living room. I doubt many games could get away with requiring many of those (probably) very expensive controllers, either. After all, they have an HD touchscreen and are capable of playing more demanding games than a Wii and apparently a PS3/360.

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I'm not sure about the PS3/360... the hardware seems to suggest it, but Nintendo, during their conference, showed most of their footage not from the Wii-U, but from PS3/360 builds. Reggie confirmed this during an interview, saying something like, "It's basically the same."

... right

Well, I forget who, but the estimates for the Wii-U seem to be at around $250 at the moment. $350 maybe (USD)


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One controller per system

The crap? Who would want to use a Wiimote on a new system? I mean, the two controllers don't even have the same buttons available. I thought the whole point of the new controller was to move away from the more unconventional Wiimote and its lack of buttons. I want dual-analog dang it, and not just for one controller. How are people going to do something like a split screen shooter? Or even a split screen racer? We aren't seriously going to have to kill each other for the new controller, are we? Either they need to promote the Classic Controller as the main controller other than the Wiipad, or this whole "one Wiipad per system" thing needs to die. Now.

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I don't see how that will work. Given the amount of physical abuse that some gamers inflict on their game discs, controllers, consoles, etc. (and, that's not even taking into account accidental damage, like something falling off of a table and cracking/breaking upon impact), Nintendo is going to have to sell these things some how, because replacements will undoubtedly be an issue. And, if they end up forcing the consumer to either sit and wait to send their broken controller in for a replacement and get a new one shipped back or to straight up buy a new Wii U just to get a new controller, they're going to end up with more than a large number of pissed off gamers; I imagine that their stockholders won't be happy about the consumer outrage either.

EDIT - And, if they were going to sell them for the purpose of replacements, outside of hardware limitations (maybe the Wii U can only stream from the console to one controller? (Stupid, but entirely plausible.)), I don't see why one wouldn't be able to get and use more of them.

Edited by Lord Glenn
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I'm guessing that stream is exactly the reason why it's one Wii-U controller limited. If it's gonna be a dynamic, 1:1 (well, close enough) interaction of video and sound and button input, tacking on another three of them may be too much for the Wii-U to handle as it is.

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I'm guessing that stream is exactly the reason why it's one Wii-U controller limited. If it's gonna be a dynamic, 1:1 (well, close enough) interaction of video and sound and button input, tacking on another three of them may be too much for the Wii-U to handle as it is.

Even so, the Wiimote lacks almost all the buttons that the Wiipad has, so how are developers supposed to port multiplayer games when the controls are so different for every single player. The only solution I can think of is to promote the Classic Controller Pro, and possibly make one that can function without being attached to a Wiimote. But then there's the concern about things like play-making in sports games. One player would be forced to make plays on the screen where the other player could see them, eliminating the entire advantage of the Wiipad in the first place.

I get that technically it's probably hard to stream to four controllers at once, but then again that's the whole point of the system. Almost all of the system's potential is killed if it can only stream to one controller and three out of four players don't get dual analog or a reasonable amount of buttons.

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One controller per system

The crap? Who would want to use a Wiimote on a new system? I mean, the two controllers don't even have the same buttons available. I thought the whole point of the new controller was to move away from the more unconventional Wiimote and its lack of buttons. I want dual-analog dang it, and not just for one controller. How are people going to do something like a split screen shooter? Or even a split screen racer? We aren't seriously going to have to kill each other for the new controller, are we? Either they need to promote the Classic Controller as the main controller other than the Wiipad, or this whole "one Wiipad per system" thing needs to die. Now.

I don't see how that will work. Given the amount of physical abuse that some gamers inflict on their game discs, controllers, consoles, etc. (and, that's not even taking into account accidental damage, like something falling off of a table and cracking/breaking upon impact), Nintendo is going to have to sell these things some how, because replacements will undoubtedly be an issue. And, if they end up forcing the consumer to either sit and wait to send their broken controller in for a replacement and get a new one shipped back or to straight up buy a new Wii U just to get a new controller, they're going to end up with more than a large number of pissed off gamers; I imagine that their stockholders won't be happy about the consumer outrage either.

EDIT - And, if they were going to sell them for the purpose of replacements, outside of hardware limitations (maybe the Wii U can only stream from the console to one controller? (Stupid, but entirely plausible.)), I don't see why one wouldn't be able to get and use more of them.

True. I thought about some of these things after I made the post. I'm now actually surprised I was right.

Edited by Rewjeo
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