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Battle Sprite Request


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Hey guys,

I wanted to ask for a couple of different sprite animations, the majority are horse units.

Mounted Units:

A Mounted Dark Magic unit, which would use staves as well. Custom staff would be cool, but isn't a big deal. (Tier 2)(Magic & Staves.)

A Mounted Anima unit which upgrades into a Mage Knight. (Tier 1) (Just Magic)

Another Mounted unit which upgrades into the said Dark unit. (Tier 1)(Just Magic)


One for the two mounted unit that I described earlier. (Tier 0)(Just Magic)

One as a staff using Trainee. (Tier 0) (Cleric/ Troubadour)(Just Staves.)

One as a light using Trainee. (Tier 0) (Monk/ Priest)(Just Magic)

One as a dark using Trainee. (Tier 0) (Shaman/ ?)(Just Magic)

Magic using:

I would ask for some class that can upgrade to a summoner.(Tier 1)(Just Magic)

I would ask for a class that can upgrade from a priest. I want him to have a wooden staff. (Tier 2)(Magic & Staves.)

That's it.

I wasn't sure whether to add descriptions, or to allow your imaginations to run wild. I also have some things that I thought would be cool if they looked like them, but I didn't want to use them because I didn't want the sprites to be the same. While I could sprite them myself, I don't want them to be just meh.

Nobody will probably do this anyway... :(

Edited by Bryan
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Yes, requesting things is allowed.

Nobody will probably do this anyway... :(

Hey, you're a pretty smart guy! Since you haven't really shown what these are for, or shown that you have a hack with extensive progress, I don't think anyone will do these, either. Especially when the list is so damn long.

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Especially when the list is so damn long.

At least you only need about ten frames per thing unlike weapon animations.

Hey Bryan, you're back! Are you reviving your magic only hack? That's what I'm assuming these are for...

No, I'm not reviving it.

I was just wanting them so that I could make a small hack and have some more magic classes. Nothing to big, I might release it though, if it turns out any good. :/

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At least you only need about ten frames per thing unlike weapon animations.

I was just wanting them so that I could make a small hack and have some more magic classes. Nothing to big, I might release it though, if it turns out any good. :/

Lolwut? The female mage animation's normal attack has more than 15 frames. And then there's the critical, and the dodge. And this is for a simple magic animation. You want mounted animations.

I still don't think you realize how long your list is. This is NINE animations, when you don't even have progress to show for the hack, nor a reason for anyone to want to do it, other than boredom (which will probably cause Sholes and Hithere to volunteer). I'd be willing to help if this thing had images of actual progress, but, if these are just for some small thing that you might not even release, it's pretty much a waste of everyone's time :/

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Lolwut? The female mage animation's normal attack has more than 15 frames. And then there's the critical, and the dodge. And this is for a simple magic animation. You want mounted animations.

I still don't think you realize how long your list is. This is NINE animations, when you don't even have progress to show for the hack, nor a reason for anyone to want to do it, other than boredom (which will probably cause Sholes and Hithere to volunteer). I'd be willing to help if this thing had images of actual progress, but, if these are just for some small thing that you might not even release, it's pretty much a waste of everyone's time :/

Okay, so it's not ten, but mages don't move that much. I don't need super flashy animations. Mages are still easier to sprite than normal attacking units. And I didn't think many people would help anyway. I'm working on them myself right now, but I figured if somebody was bored, someone might help. I really don't care. Besides, the animations would pretty much be the hack. I wasn't planning on a custom story or anything.

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Okay, so it's not ten, but mages don't move that much. I don't need super flashy animations. Mages are still easier to sprite than normal attacking units. And I didn't think many people would help anyway. I'm working on them myself right now, but I figured if somebody was bored, someone might help. I really don't care. Besides, the animations would pretty much be the hack. I wasn't planning on a custom story or anything.

It's still a lot more difficult to make a magic animation properly, than you're giving it credit. And, you've given me another reason to not want to help, which is just that this hack would be all about the animations. No story, no characters, no maps, just animations. Animations are nice, but, for a whole hack?

If you knew no one would want to help, why did you even make this topic?

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It's still a lot more difficult to make a magic animation properly, than you're giving it credit. And, you've given me another reason to not want to help, which is just that this hack would be all about the animations. No story, no characters, no maps, just animations. Animations are nice, but, for a whole hack?

If you knew no one would want to help, why did you even make this topic?

I'm working on them myself right now, but I figured if somebody was bored, someone might help.

I don't know why you are going on about this. Queen_Ellinca wanted a staff using Falcoknight, and you didn't go on to her about it like you're going on to be about it. It's just something I want. :/

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I don't know why you are going on about this. Queen_Ellinca wanted a staff using Falcoknight, and you didn't go on to her about it like you're going on to be about it. It's just something I want. :/

There was already a staff falcoknight animation premade and free for everyone to use :/

And, I think you're silly, showing up after not really having interacted with the forum and then asking for nine seperate animations for a hack that you yourself said might be bad, and might not be released.

If you can't see the silliness in that, then... well, I'm just gonna laugh xD

And after spriting there's scripting the animation. That takes even more time.

OH MAN, I TOTALLY forgot about this part! xD

Scripting animations, getting the timing down right, sticking in sound effects; this can take hooooouuuuuuurs.

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This is the amount of work necessary to make the Valkyrie animation. Yeah, there's not that many frames compared to, say, Myrmidon, looks simple, right? but anyone who's experienced in this field will tell you otherwise.

A normal portrait, assuming high quality, takes 3-5 hours to make.

A "simple" animation could take 2-3 times that amount of time to make. Essentially, you're asking someone to use 6-15 hours of their time to actually make something. There's not that many spriters that can animate to start, and you're asking them to make you something that may not even get released.

And after spriting there's scripting the animation. That takes even more time.

Show us some promise first before giving us a long list of things to do. We don't mind doing work for something that has evidence to potentially become good, but right now, you're not showing us any sign if those 6-15 hours of work are actually gonna be put to good use.

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This is the amount of work necessary to make the Valkyrie animation. Yeah, there's not that many frames compared to, say, Myrmidon, looks simple, right? but anyone who's experienced in this field will tell you otherwise.

A normal portrait, assuming high quality, takes 3-5 hours to make.

A "simple" animation could take 2-3 times that amount of time to make. Essentially, you're asking someone to use 6-15 hours of their time to actually make something. There's not that many spriters that can animate to start, and you're asking them to make you something that may not even get released.

And after spriting there's scripting the animation. That takes even more time.

Show us some promise first before giving us a long list of things to do. We don't mind doing work for something that has evidence to potentially become good, but right now, you're not showing us any sign if those 6-15 hours of work are actually gonna be put to good use.

Most of that is flash that I really don't need. I pretty much just want the first two frames. I don't need the orb charging. Sure, it's cool, but I don't need it. Serra's animation is 12 frames total. Seven for the staff, five to dodge. That's really all I am looking for here.

And Seph, I used to log on 24/7. I'm not just someone who just registered yesterday and this is my first topic. I've been here for almost two years. The whole blow up with you made me leave. I wanted to take some time off and cool down. Then what happens, I make a thread and you are the first person to post. :/

On a side note, anyone know of a "veily" thing that can go around someones waist? I want it for my staff trainee. I only know of one BWDYeti made, but I don't want to use that.

Edit: First frame of my trainee staff user? StaffTrainee.png I need to move the veil over a tad. :/

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Most of that is flash that I really don't need. I pretty much just want the first two frames. I don't need the orb charging. Sure, it's cool, but I don't need it. Serra's animation is 12 frames total. Seven for the staff, five to dodge. That's really all I am looking for here.

And Seph, I used to log on 24/7. I'm not just someone who just registered yesterday and this is my first topic. I've been here for almost two years. The whole blow up with you made me leave. I wanted to take some time off and cool down. Then what happens, I make a thread and you are the first person to post. :/

On a side note, anyone know of a "veily" thing that can go around someones waist? I want it for my staff trainee. I only know of one BWDYeti made, but I don't want to use that.

Still sounds like you're not giving this whole animation thing enough credit for how hard it actually is :P

My point was that you haven't been on recently, and then expect people to just run back to you and help without even trying to interact before hand :E And if THAT'S all it takes for you to leave, one argument with me, then, I don't think you'll last long here xD

And don't think you're special. I'm not posting here because it's your topic. I'm posting here because a member who has not recently been interacting with the forums made a topic with a large list of wants for a hack that has no progress shown on it, who also doesn't know if the hack will be good, or if the hack will be released at all.

I really could care less if it was you or any other member making the topic, hahaha :P

As for a veil, uh... Can't think of one off of the top of my head. You might be able to make one messing around with the cape on the female mage/sage.

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Making even one frame takes a minimum of 30 minutes if you want to get it right, unless you're really pro or something.

And then you have to consider how the body moves, and how the sprite will flow. The flashy stuff? Is actually not that bad compared to what you need to do for the base. It's not just considering frames separately, but how they will flow individually.

And you ignored Trent's point on how scripting can take hours, since timing is a bitch.

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Good luck making it actually look good, and good luck scripting it :P


It doesn't look to bad. :/ I was going to make the hair into a ponytail.

I kind of failed. After I made all of the frames, one by one, I noticed that Serra's animation is just a mirror, with only three frames. Faiiiiil. :/ I will be changing the colors though.

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It doesn't look to bad. :/ I was going to make the hair into a ponytail.

I kind of failed. After I made all of the frames, one by one, I noticed that Serra's animation is just a mirror, with only three frames. Faiiiiil. :/

Having her arm go from at her waist to straight down looks weird 7bd68de045883ae6b06c88cc82c62d04.png, and her head is one pixel too far back. At least, the empty space between her head and her arm on the right (OPV) makes it look like that.

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Having her arm go from at her waist to straight down looks weird 7bd68de045883ae6b06c88cc82c62d04.png, and her head is one pixel too far back. At least, the empty space between her head and her arm on the right (OPV) makes it look like that.

Fixed. Thanks for your input. :)

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Hey Bryan, you're back! Are you reviving your magic only hack? That's what I'm assuming these are for...

If he wants these for what I think he does, it's not for a magic army hack, per se.

OH MAN, I TOTALLY forgot about this part! xD

Scripting animations, getting the timing down right, sticking in sound effects; this can take hooooouuuuuuurs.


Scripting can take maybe half an hour at most if you know what sound effects you want. I know Astra takes forever, but it's not nearly as bad as you're making it sound. Positioning in the frames is probably the hardest part.

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Scripting can take maybe half an hour at most if you know what sound effects you want. I know Astra takes forever, but it's not nearly as bad as you're making it sound. Positioning in the frames is probably the hardest part.

Lies, it can take at least an hour to get the timing down properly for the animation, especially if it's custom and you don't have an already existing animation to go off of :U

Though, I will agree that positioning is a BITCH.


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Lies, it can take at least an hour to get the timing down properly for the animation, especially if it's custom and you don't have an already existing animation to go off of :U

Timing just takes some practice. Once you get an idea of how long a frame is, it gets slightly easier. I'll agree that the first few can take forever and a bag of chips, but once you get the hang of it the only real hard part is figuring out where to put what sound effect.

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Timing just takes some practice. Once you get an idea of how long a frame is, it gets slightly easier. I'll agree that the first few can take forever and a bag of chips, but once you get the hang of it the only real hard part is figuring out where to put what sound effect.

Yeah, I see and can concede to that point *has only done one animation*


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"Hey, it's been about four months since the last reply, and I doubt that you have done anything further, as I have not really either.

I don't know if you know, but BWDYeti is making a FE game using RPGMakerXP. After it is done, he will be releasing all of the tools so that anyone can make their own games using his frame. This means that it will be easily customizable, and will have no space requirements. So, we could upload hundreds of spells without worrying about space, and be able to replace everything a lot easier. Are you up for waiting?

If so, we should work on planning. We should plan out the story line, classes, etc... So that by the time we get to being able to program, we can just program."

*whistles nonchalantly*

BACK ON TO ZE TOPIC, if this really is for FEXP, and you REALLY do have a good plan in mind for it, then I might help, because it could have potential. I'd have to see the plot first, though.

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