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Integrity Plays Thracia!


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11x isn't that bad! As long as you lead with someone who has 1-2 range, things will be dandy! A thief or a door key are important too! Do watch out for the boss though, he has your favourite siege tome!

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You can capture the boss of 11x without having to fight him, because he only has siege tomes.

I also wouldn't be so sure about sending 2-range units up that corridor. You already have to face 2 attacks per turn, and if you KO the enemy units, you'll have to face even more (unless they don't move; I've only warpskipped the chapter before).

Watch out for a massive group of enemy soldier reinforcements that appear late in the chapter approximately where Fred and Olwen start.

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That wasn't scary at all.

I forgot your last bit of advice, dondon. That pile of soldiers freaked the shit out of me :P

EDIT: And I think I'm gonna promote Ronan next chapter I deploy him. Whee!

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I also wouldn't be so sure about sending 2-range units up that corridor. You already have to face 2 attacks per turn, and if you KO the enemy units, you'll have to face even more (unless they don't move; I've only warpskipped the chapter before).

Watch out for a massive group of enemy soldier reinforcements that appear late in the chapter approximately where Fred and Olwen start.

Othin or Asvel are normally fine leading. Especially if Asvel's promoted. Karin's a nice bait since she dodges most enemies and magic barely tickles her. They generally try to target people who can't retaliate, which can work in your favour. Another solution was a heavily favourited Dashin (getting a speed ring, leg ring and Knight Proof), he's replaced Ronan as my archer!

The reinforcements are pretty late, you'll have to dilly dally quite a lot to get them coming. Fred can 1-round soldiers up close, it's a little tougher to do the same from range. Olwen can also get killed if the RNG's feeling mean. Make sure you save the kids too, you'll miss out on goodies if you don't!

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I had to dally for about a turn for the reinforcements to bite me in the ass.

What goodies do I get for saving the kids? :O

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In Chapter 12, you get some items from houses based on who you saved.

Peter (the boy) gets you a Silence Staff.

Sera (the girl on the right) gets you the Heim Scroll (+30% MAG)

Rosa (the girl in the center) gets you a Magic Ring but that house in particular has to be visited by Olwen. It's the house Mareeta appears from in C12 and if anyone else visits it, you're getting a Vulnerary.

EDIT: The best way to deal with C12 and C12x is simply Warp staff:

Warping a promoted Asvel to capture Salem on the first turn so he can't put anyone to sleep. It does however require that Asvel survives the enemy phase which might require a restart or 2.

In C12x, warp Lara to talk to Pahn and then have Pahn talk to Tina and you get a pretty calm chapter.

If you don't have Warp for these 2 chapters, you're just gonna have to bite the bullet and tackle it with Salem's Sleep staff and Tina's Thief staff screwing your inventory. Her thief staff is on the best items to fix with repair btw.

C12x also has a second Knight Proof if you wait until turn 25 for a Dancer reinforcement that comes with it near the chest with an Armorslayer. Just don't kill any Dancers for it to spawn.

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C12x also has a second Knight Proof if you wait until turn 25 for a Dancer reinforcement that comes with it near the chest with an Armorslayer. Just don't kill any Dancers for it to spawn.

5 turns later, another Dancer appears. This time with a Warp staff.

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Warping a promoted Asvel to capture Salem on the first turn so he can't put anyone to sleep. It does however require that Asvel survives the enemy phase which might require a restart or 2.

Fin is probably a better character to do this with, because Brave Lance gets multiple hits (and multiple chances at a crit) and he can run away from the gate after capturing Salem.

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Fin is probably a better character to do this with, because Brave Lance gets multiple hits (and multiple chances at a crit) and he can run away from the gate after capturing Salem.

Salem is so slow that Asvel is always going to double and therefore pull out a critical anyway. Just protect him from criticals with a scroll like Baldo or Fala and you're set.

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Fin is probably a better character to do this with, because Brave Lance gets multiple hits (and multiple chances at a crit) and he can run away from the gate after capturing Salem.

For the aftermath, yes. Asvel's the better one at capturing due to Graphcalibur's higher hit and inevitable crit on pursuit while Fin would probably see 40-50 hit rate with 10-15 crit per hit on his attempt.

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For the aftermath, yes. Asvel's the better one at capturing due to Graphcalibur's higher hit and inevitable crit on pursuit while Fin would probably see 40-50 hit rate with 10-15 crit per hit on his attempt.

There's also the defense bonus Salem gets :P.

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At least use Olwen. D:

What have we been fighting for? Child hunting and evil.

I just got her you asshole, I haven't had a chance to.

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For the aftermath, yes. Asvel's the better one at capturing due to Graphcalibur's higher hit and inevitable crit on pursuit while Fin would probably see 40-50 hit rate with 10-15 crit per hit on his attempt.

He had 82 hit and 24 crit while 4x'ing when I captured Salem on turn 2 in my SSS strat (It was a warpskip, so Leaf was nearby). He has a 45.2% chance of capturing already if he had hit all 4 attacks, and a crit was an OHKO, which meant that Fin had a 58.3% chance to capture by proccing a crit on any of his attacks. The end result is around a 77.1% chance of capture. Not as high as Asvel's chances, where all he has to do is crit on his second attack, but Fin doesn't have to deal with a group of bandits with halved stats, nor waste Grafcalibur uses on them. Asvel also can't rescue Leaf for a 2 turn clear (going by the averages; can't be bothered to check if it's possible for Integrity).

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Ah, there's my mistake, LCK plays a bigger role in accuracy than the usual LCK/2 = 1 ACC and I forgot to factor it in.

but Fin doesn't have to deal with a group of bandits with halved stats, nor waste Grafcalibur uses on them

Which is why I said

For the aftermath, yes

In response to you saying Fin is probably a better choice. Asvel only needs to survive 2 (1 if the first attacker has 4 AS and isn't hit by a crit or Continue) of the 3 nearby bandits (the 3rd won't reach him), get on the gate and use a Vulnerary. The loss of Graphcalibur uses isn't too much of a big deal on regular playthroughs since you can buy Wind tomes in this chapter and with maxed SKL, Asvel has 90% chance to crit on pursuit, Leaf support so it doesn't have to be maxed SKL.

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So somebody mentioned not killing any dancers in 12x; does that preempt capture? Like if I capture one and specifically don't let it go, it doesn't count as dead?

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Okay I killed today's recording because I need advice.

Talking to Pahn with Lara causes Pahn to be recruited and every enemy to leave the map, including Trewd who is apparently recruitable.

Pahn cannot talk to Tina, but he can steal her Thief staff so same shit.

Unfortunately, all the treasure as far as I can tell gets nicked well before I can be in place to get the thieves taking it except for the bottom-right Armorslayer. Needless to say, this pisses me way off so halp :(

EDIT: That last bit is only relevant if I recruit Pahn straight out. I think.

So how the flip do I get all the treasure and Trewd?

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One of the chapter 12x SSS strategies (the one that I used) has someone use a Torch and then has Salem use Sleep on Trewd on turn 2 (after recruiting Pahn on turn 1). I'm not sure if you can do that if you have no Torches available, though. I also don't know if recruiting Pahn prevents the turn 25 and 30 dancer reinforcements from appearing.

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Recruiting Pahn does not prevent them from appearing.

But yea, you need to sleep Trewd or just wait a couple turns before recruiting Pahn. I seem to remember having a Torch staff from somewhere at this point?

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